Jesus Mateo: Sebastian

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Jesus mateo

Vianey: 911, How may I help you?

Jesica :Hello. there’s been an accident ….my sister fell from the stairs
Vianey: What's your name?
Jesica : jessica
Vianey: OK, Can you give me your address?
Jesica :4030 Geoffrey Street,
Vianey : Ok. Stay calm. We're sending an ambulance right away.There is someone else with you.
Jesica :no…. my parents did not go to the movies ... don´t answer my calls
Vianey: No problem, now….. you are going to take her pulse
Jesica : yes….i feel it, I think his leg is injured…. there is blood
Vianey: is she awake?
Jesica: no……She passed out.
Vianey: don´t worry, we already send an ambulance just wait
Doctor: What are your symptoms?
paramedic: patient the 25 year old…. apparent leg fracture...
doctor: Are you allergic to any medications?
paramedic: The family does not yet give information
patient : all of my body aches …… I can’t move my leg
hij@:I think she´s allergic to antibiotics
doctor: Where does it hurt?
patient: It hurts here(señala la pierna)….my leg
doctor: Can I have a look?(mira la pierna)
Patience: yes, I feel dizzy
doctor: I'm going to examine you.
Paramedic: Your temperature's a little high
Patience: I've got a sore throat .
hij@: what does he have? Is he going to be ok?
Doctor: she is ok……
Paramedic: she will be alright……Are you on any sort of medication?
Patience: I am on medication to flu
Doctor: We're going to take an x-ray of your leg
Paramedic. You will have to remain in the hospital for multiple days
Patience: I could call my parents ... they do not know I'm here
Paramedi: do not worry your sister will do

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