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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Caitlin Pang PSMT Name: Mrs. Andrea Gray-

Lesson Plan Fact Family Names Lesson Plan Topic: Math/ Fact Families
Date: November 29, 2017 Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 1 School Site: Schorr

1. State Standard(s):
1.OA.B.4 Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. For example, subtract 10-8
by finding the number that makes 10 when added to 8.
1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within
10 (using the relationship between addition and subtraction).
1.OA.D.8 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating
three whole numbers.

2. Teaching Model(s): Direct Instruction, Group Discussion, Student Self-Evaluation, Indirect


3. Objective(s):
SWBAT create two addition and two subtraction sentences using only three given numbers.
SWBAT identify the consonants, vowels, and the total number of letters in their name and create
a number bond, two addition sentences, and two subtraction sentences.

4. Materials and Technology Resources

 Chart Paper / Anchor Chart
 Fidget Spinner Worksheet in Sheet Protectors / White Board
 Expo Pens
 Elmo
 Fact Family Name Activity
 Crayons (At least two different colors)

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement (10 minutes): SW start the lesson on their sit spots. TW ask the
question “What do we know about fact families?” TW ask S to turn to their PB&J partners
and discuss what they know. TW review over the concepts of fact families, going over the
anchor chart that mentor teacher already made. SW transition back to their tables counting
back from 10. SW be asked to have an expo pen and TW hand out fidget spinner
worksheet. TW explain that the fidget spinner is just like a number bond. TW give three
numbers of a fact family and ask students to write four number sentences. TW ask students
to clean up the Fidget Spinner worksheet and leave it on the top corner of their desk for the
teacher to collect. TW ask students to put Expo pens away.
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences (10 minutes): TW explain the Fact
Family First Name Worksheet. TW ask students if they know what consonants and vowels
are. TW ask for examples of letters that are consonants and letters that are vowels. TW
explain that they are going to write a fact family using the consonants and vowels in their
first name. Before writing, TW ask students to look at their name tag, and count how many
consonants and vowels that they have in their name. TW ask students to pick two different
crayon colors to write in the consonants and vowels of their name. TW model her own
name on the white board. SW then finish the worksheet by writing a number bond and the
four number sentences. TW give students 3 – 5 minutes to complete this section, if students
finish early, they can start drawing themselves in the box provided.
c. Closure (5 minutes): TW ask one helper from each table group to collect papers and hand
them to the teacher. TW transition students back to their sit spots with music. TW review
over what we did today in regards to fact families and say that fact families are important to
know because it will help us solve future math problems.
d. Extension: To deepen the content further, I could ask students how they figured out their
number sentences on the fidget spinner worksheets. I could also ask the students to explain
how they got their numbers for their fact family first names.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners: In regards to

management, I will have my more easily distracted students in front of me so that I can keep an
eye on them. For the entire class, if students finish their Fact Family Name early, they can go
ahead and draw/color themselves. If students finish writing their names/drawing themselves,
they can go to ST Math or math boxes.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative: TW check for understanding by asking students for number sentences from
the fidget spinner worksheet. TW also check for understanding walking around the classroom,
looking at the students’ fact family names.
b. Summative: TW collect Fact Family First Name worksheet and analyze student’s
progress with fact families.

8. Homework Assignment: SW reflect on the fact family activities from today and connect it to
what they’ve learned earlier in the week. They will use what has been learned today and earlier
in the week for tomorrow’s continuous lesson on fact families.

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths: The students really enjoyed creating fact family number sentences with the
fidget spinners. I was able to get their engaged attention during this section. My teacher was
also impressed with this segment, and continued to use the fidget spinner fact family worksheet
for the rest of that week. When we did the fact family first name activity, after the students
realized that their own first name became a fact family, they were blown away, with comments
such as “Whoa! That’s so cool!” Overall, I think this was the most engaged lesson that I’ve seen
from this group of students, and I think it was largely due to me bringing in their interests and
combining it with the concept of fact families.
b. Concerns: My students were listening and following to the directions I gave for the
worksheets, but they did not listen to my directions when I said that they should not be
conversing with each other during the Fact Family Name activity. It was an interesting
experience because they were doing all the work correctly, but they just wouldn’t stop chatting
with each other. For a future lesson, I need to educate myself on different strategies that I could
use, if I ever have this situation again. I also think that I should be more comfortable with
waiting for silence before continuing instruction.
c. Insights: Something that happened during the lesson that I didn’t expect was running out
of time. I just finished my instructions and the students were able to have around 5ish minutes to
complete the worksheet and then they had to go to a different class. I’ll definitely need to work
on my pacing for future lessons. When I reviewed the lesson with my mentor, she told me that I
needed to work on projecting my voice, which is something I’ll work on for next semester.
Fact Family All About Me!

Total Letters




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