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Apreciado tutor y compañeras, buenas noches.

Me permito entregar mi aporte : Paragraph three and four: Explain what the guests have
to do, should, should, should or better; Carrying, using,

Or any other specification for the party. (Use at least 10 verbs for modal verbs and
underline them)

To make the party a success, it is necessary to take into account the following

- Once the guests have received the invitation card, the first thing to do is to confirm
their attendance, because if they do not, we would have to pay for

the food plates that were left over.

- Guests should call to confirm a week before; but if they do not, the best thing would
be for one of the members of the group

to distribute the contacts and call them for more security. Each guest should carry the
card to avoid inconvenient.

-The guests, must present themselves in elegant dress: Men can wear white shirt, tie
and suit. Women can wear long suits of

different colors if they wish or of a single color.

-It is very important that they dress in this way, as the occasion warrants it, otherwise
they could be confused with other people.

Young guests should not dress in any way, but honor the birthday boy, following this

-Another important thing to keep in mind is to anticipate and bring umbrellas, as it

might rain and that would cause a bit of annoyance to the guests.

Personally I would like us to bring black umbrellas, but if not possible, other colors.

-The trio who was hired may not come to the party, since a member of the group is
hospitalized; Therefore, I would like

Yovana, take care of the music the moment you enter the teacher.

- To the teacher's family, it would be impossible to stay until the end, since they travel
at dawn;

that is why it is important to hire the driver to take you to the hotel.
- Children should be in the kids club area

-We should evaluate the activity for a next occasion

- Finally, the hosts, we have to be united. The teacher will be happy to see how much
we appreciate.

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