Introduction To PHilippines History

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Introduction to PHilippine History


3. 3. • We live in the Philippines, our native land. • The people to this country are called “Filipinos”. • Now, in order to know a country
well, we study its history because history is the story of a country and its people.
4. 4. Three Important Parts About Knowing A Country’s History: 3. GOD 2. LAND 1. PEOPLE
5. 5. The name “Philippines” • Early Chinese traders who visited Mindoro called our nation “Ma-yi”, meaning Land of gold. •
“Maniolas”- name given by Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek mapmaker, in his ancient map. • “Archipelago of St. Lazarus”- name
given by Magellan to our nation in 1521. • “Felipinas”- a Spanish explorer named Ruy Lopez de Villalobos gave this name in
honor of King Philip II.
6. 6. “Pearl of the Orient Seas” • Popular nickname for the Philippines. • This was romantic name given to our country by two
famous writers; »Fr. Juan J. Delgado in 1751 »Dr. Jose Rizal
8. 8. Geography of the Philippines •Location •Shape and size •Neighboring countries and surrounding bodies of water •Terrain and
Points •Other Facts
9. 9. - Located in Southeastern Asia - Archipelago (large group of islands) made up of 7,107 islands - Part of aWestern Pacific arc
system that is characterized by active volcanoes . Geographic Coordinates: 13 00 N, 122 00 E Capital City: Manila
10. 10. Shape •Elongated •Archipelago Area •115,830 square miles Coastline •22,549 miles Length •1,851 km (1,150 mi) SSE-NNW
Width •1,062 km (660 mi) ENE-WSW
11. 11. Neighboring Countries
12. 12. Surrounding Bodies of Water North- Luzon Strait West- South China Sea East- Philippine Sea South- Celebes Sea
13. 13. Terrain and Points -mostly mountainous -all islands are prone to earthquakes Lowest Point- Philippine Sea Highest Point-
Mount Apo (9,691 feet)
14. 14. • Climate – Hot and Dry – March to May – Rainy – June to October – Cool – November to February – Temperature :
78A0F/25A0C to 90A0F/32A0C ;humidity 77%
15. 15. • Three Group of Islands:
16. 16. Eleven main Islands 1. Luzon 2. Mindanao 3. Samar 4. Negros 5. Palawan 6. Panay 7. Mindoro 8. Leyte 9. Cebu 10.Bohol
17. 17. REGIONS OF THE PHILIPPINES • I -ILOCOS Region • Major City: San Fernando City • II -Cagayan valley • Major City:
Tuguegarao City • III -CENTRAL Luzon • Major City: San Fernando City • IV-A (calabarzon) • Major City: Calamba City • IV-B
(Mimaropa) • Major City: Calapan City • V -Bicol Region • Major City: Legaspi City NCR-NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION Major
18. 18. REGIONS OF THE PHILIPPINES • VI -western visayas • Major City: IloIlo City • VII -CENTRAL VISAYAS • Major City: Cebu
City • VIII -EASTERN Visayas • Major City: Tacloban City
19. 19. REGIONS OF THE PHILIPPINES • IX -western mindanao (Zamboanga Peninsula) • Major City: Pagadian City • X -
NORTHERN MINDANAO • Major City: Cagayan De Oro City • XI -SOUTHERN MINDANAO (Davao region) • Major City: Davao
City XII - central Mindanao (soccksargen) • Major City: Koronadal City • XIII - Caraga region • Major City: Butuan City • ARMM-
autonomous region of muslim mindanao • Major City: Cotabato City
20. 20. • The Philippines has a varied topography. It has a coastline of 18, 411 km. • Many islands have extensive coral reefs that
attract tourists from everywhere. • The larger islands have rugged, mountainous interiors, mostly ranges running north to south.
21. 21. Four major Lowland Areas: jpg
22. 22. Three major Mountain Ranges: uploads/2012/07/Agta_2898_1185.jpg Cordilleras_Mountains-20000000005797788-500x375.jpg https://encrypted-
tbn1. 7kWDfGRmQ
23. 23. • There are about 221 volcanoes, 21 are active. • The Philippines lies on the volatile Pacific “Ring of Fire” and most of the
highest mountains are volcanic in origin. Two(2) Active Volcanoes
24. 24. Philippine
25. 25. The population of the Philippines has been steadily growing for many years. In 2014, it is the 12th most populated country
in the world, between Mexico andEthiopia, and continues to grow at a rate of 1.89% per year.
26. 26.
27. 27. • Languages – 2 official languages: English and Filipino – 8 major dialects :
28. 28. Twenty largest linguistic groups: • 1. VISAYANS (34, 662, 000) – Cebuano – Hiligaynon – Waray – Masbateňo – Capiznon
– Aklanon – Surigaonon – Kinaray-A
29. 29. Twenty largest linguistic groups: 2. TAGALOG (13, 928, 000) 3.
ILOCANO (9, 527, 000) dang%20porters).JPG
30. 30. Twenty largest linguistic groups: 4. BICOLANO (5, 659, 000) • Central Bicolano • Albay Bicolano 5. MORO ( 4, 475, 000) •
Malay • Maranao • Maguindanao • Tausug
31. 31. Twenty largest linguistic groups: 6. KAPAMPANGAN (2, 667, 000)
VoIKG87pHas/Um5fzSNG6xI/AAAAAAAAJV0/DgpyLCgFpGg/s1600/DSC01399.JP G
content/uploads/nanung-kabugukan-600-600x360.jpg 7. PANGASINENSE (1, 637, 000) http://www.timorleste-
32. 32. Twenty largest linguistic groups: 8. CHINESE FILIPINO (992, 000)
new-year07.jpg 9. IBANAG (703, 000)
33. 33.  Religion •83 % Catholics • 5 % Muslim • 12 % smaller Christian dominations and Buddhist
34. 34. • 3rd largest English speaking country in the world • Democratic Government * Executive Branch - Headed by Chief of Staff
(President) and V.President - Cabinet * Legislative Branch - Senate - House of Representatives * Judicial Branch - Supreme
35. 35. • Natural Resources- Timber, Petroleum, Cobalt • Oil is not a natural resource. • 72nd largest country in the world • Officially
called the Republic of Philippines • Slightly larger than Arizona


2. 2. LOCATION AND CLIMATE  The country is situated in the southeast portion of Asian continent. Three large water forms
bound it. South china sea on the north and west, philippine sea on the east, and calibes sea on the south.  It consisting of 7107
islands and islets, with a total area of approximately 300000 The largest of these islands are luzon, mindano, palawan,
samar, negros, panay, and mindoro.  These islands encompassing the country are divided into three main groups:  Luzon is
in the north  Visayas is in the centre of archipelago  Mindano in the south
3. 3.  The north most point of the country is ‘Yami Isle’. And the south most point is ‘Saluag Isle’.  The archipelagic nature of the
country affected the country’s history during the spanish regime.  Its climate is tropical, because the country is nearest to the
equator.  It is affected by southwest monsoon winds from may to october and northeast monsoon winds from november to
february.  The country has two main seasons:  Wet  Dry  The dry season begins in december and ends in may. The rest
of the year is rainy or wet.
4. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS  The country consist of 79 provinces to facilitate governance and decision making.  The
country was divided into national capital region, 13 administrative regions and 2 autonomous regions.  There are different
regions in the country together with the provinces under these administrative divisions.  The metro manila is the political,
economic and cultural center of the country.  The national government, the mass media, and the top performing schools,
colleges and universities are situated here.
5. 5. PHYSICAL FEATURES  :MOUNTAIN RANGES  The surface of the land is basically rugged or mountainous from visayas
to luzon.  Four distinct mountain ranges found in the island of mindano namely; surigao range, butuan range, central western
range, and western range.  Mt.Apo, the highest mountain in the country, is found in Mindano.  VALCANOS AND
EARTHQUAKES: Numerous valcanos are found in luzon visayas and mindano. There are 402 volcanos throughout the
archipelago.out of these
6. 6. 22 are active, 27 are potentially active and 353 are inactive. Mt. Albay with its perfect cone, is the most active and popular
volcano.  RIVER AND COASTLINE: The river system of the country are extensive. The Rio Grande de Cagayan is the longest
river in the philippines. The Denip and Aqbaca rivers are considered the head waters of this river, flowing into the pristine
rainofrest. The Rio Grande de Pampanga is the second largest river in the philippines. The coastline of the copuntry is quite
irregular, which extends to 10850 statute miles. All the big and small islands in the country have natural harbours.
7. 7. NATURAL RESOURCES  FLORA AND FAUNA :  It has a variety of flora and fauna found in its mangroves, coral reefs,
pine and rain forests, volcanic crates and lakes.  It ranks 23rd among the plant species in the world and 7th in the Asia. 
There are about 170000 species of animals in the country. And the country has one of the richest collection of coral reefs in the
world.  MINERAL RESOURCES :  Deposits of gold, silver, chromic, copper, lead , nickel and manganese are available in
commercial quantities.
8. 8.  It is the second largest country in the producer of gold in Asia.the country’s dominant metallic resource is copper, while
limestone is its leading non- metallic resource.  THEORIES OF THE FILIPPINO PEOPLE:  Wave migration theory (Otley
Beyer-1947), his theory is based on the people in philippines how they migrate from other parts.  Landa Jocanos theory
(Jocano-1975), he asserted that the country developed from within the country and not part of the southeast part of the
environment.  Solheims theory (Wilhelm solheim II-1981), in this theory how the ancient people populated in the philippines.
9. 9. THE FILIPPINO PEOPLE  Christian filipinos comprise 85% of the total population in the country. They have extremely
diverse lifestyles. Christianity differs from region to region. Christian filippinos are the most visible to the rest of the world. 
Muslim filipinos inhibit southern part of the country. they belong to the various cultural communities in mindano and sulu. Quran
is the holy book of Islam and Shari’ah is the holy law of Islam.  Indigenous filipinos comprise of 9% of the country’s population.
Their inaccessibility in the highlands and their steadfastness in preserving their traditional way of life.  Chinese filipinos
constitute an important minority. 50% of Chinese Filipino reside in Manila, with other large population in Cebu and Davao city.
Many chineese filipino have benn convwerted to christianity and have been integrated in our society
10. 10. Population  The country’s population as of 2007 is 88.5 million with an annual growth rate of 2.36%.  The majority of the
people reside in Luzon and the rest are either living Mindanao or the Visayan islands.  Southern Tagalog, national capital
region and central Luzon are the three top ranking regions in terms of population size.  The fastest growing region however in
terms of population size is the autonomous region of muslim mindanao  With regard to population density, the NCR is
considered the most densely populated with 15617 people per square kilometre of land.  However Cavite and Razal are also
the most densely populated.
11. 11. Filipino traits and values  Warm, friendly and intimate people: The particular trait enables us to easily adjust to other
nationalities. Filipinos preserve them being intimate with their friends and acquaintances.  Caring and sharing people: Owing
to the fact that our people have the ability to understand the feelings and concerns of others, our country has been perceived as
essentially caring and sharing.  Family centered people: The Filipinos considers his family better to the achievement of personal
happiness and well being. For a Filipino the family is a support system that provides them and the other family members not
only with financial but also emotional security in trouble and stressful times.  Highly spiritual people: Filipinos believe that there
is a god governing the world and the destiny of its people as a consequence of theis philosophy, we have become stoic and
brave in the face of problematic cricumstances.
12. 12.  Amor-propio : It means self esteem or self love. Because of this trait , a Filipino refuses to swallow his pride. For instance,
when insulted by a friend, you can expect a Filipino not to accept any help offered to him by that friend who insulted him. 
Pakikisama: This trait is very important to a Filipino. Pakikisama is ease in getting along with our fellows for the purpose of
maintaining good and harmonious relationships both within and outside our homes.  Pagsasarili: For filipinos, pagsasarili is the
ardent desire to be a person in our own right. It is manifested to get a good education, earn modest income, improve our
economic status.  Sensitivity to personal affront: The filipino avoids personal afforant or the feeling of hiya. Hiya is a feeling of
anxiety, fear of being exposed, fear of abandonment.  Cleanliness: we are generally clean people; they try to maintain the
cleanliness of their homes and surroundings.they have the tendancy to disregard rules on cleanliness when we visit puplic
13. 13.  Hospitality: they receive their visitors warmly and make them feel that they are in their own home. They offer them the best
of what we have and make them feel comfortable while they are with us.  Fatalism: filipinos are generally fatalitic. They believe
that what happens to us is due to their fateor destiny. This fatalistic outlook in life is often manifested in our expression Bahana
la.  Individualism: the filipino is also individualistic. It seems not to be concerned with the welfare of others.  Regionalism:
they are also highly religionalistic people. They tend to be loyal to the region where we belong. This religionalistic attitude is very
much prevalent during election time.
14. 14. REGIONAL DIVERSITIES  Regional differences exist among the filipino people owing to variation in economic conditions
and geographical locations.  For them,they have to spend their hard earned money wisely, considering that they live in an area
where thae soil is rough barren and rockey.  The tagalogs in luzon are the opposite of the ilocanos. They are neither frugal nor
extravagant.they feel that they are superior to filipinos.  The ilocanos who are willing to leave their place in search of fortune,
the tagalogs would prefer to be with their family in their province home.  South of the country are the muslims.they are often
regarded as fiercest lovers of freedom.  Their adherence to the islamic way of living has led them to resist incursions into their
15. 15. ECONOMY  Owing to the tropical climate, heavy rainfall and naturally fertile soil, the country is predominantly agricultural.
various crops are also grown throughout the country depending on regional differences in temperature and soil.  Fishing is a
common occupation in coastal areas. The principal source of fishes are laguna lake, lanao lake and lake naujan.  Coffee and
coconuts are grown in southern luzon. Citrus fruits, pine apple grapes and banana cultivated in the davao and northern mindano.
 Manufacturing is concentrated in metropolitan Manila but there has been a considerable industrial growth in cebu, negros and
mindano in recent years.  The main imports are electronics and telecommunications equipment and plywood. Its chief trading
partners are the united states and japan.
16. 16. LANGUAGES  There are more than 100 languages and dialects spoken in the philippines. The major regional languages
in the country are: Tagalog, cebuano, Ilocano, Bikol. However the national language is filipino.  The regional languages are
the auxiliary official language in the different regions of the country. Today English is still the predominant language of instruction
in both secondary and tertiary schools.  As a result, our country has become the third largest english speaking country in the
world.  The linguistic diversity of the philippines can be gleaned from the prevalence of regionalism.  For many filipinos,
loyalAty and identity are first and foremost in the region to which they belong.

1. History of the Philippines

2. 2. Why Philippines is considered a unique nation?There are four reasons:• Religion - Filipinos are predominantly Christians•
Political Historya. Philippines is the first Republic in Asia, being the first to achieve independence by revolution and establish a
Republic led by General Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898 – 1901.
3. 3. b. The first Southeast Asian Nation to secure independence by voluntary decolonization of a colonial power after the second
World War in 1946.c. It led the world in waging a “People Power Revolution to oust a dictator by peaceful and prayerful means
in 1986”.
4. 4. • Cultural HeritageWe are assimilated of four heritages, to wit:a. Indigenous Asiab. The Europeanc. Latind. American heritage
Geographically, Philippines especially Filipinos are by race and culture a harmonious blend of the East and the West.• Natural
Resources – Philippines is one of the richest counties of the world.
5. 5. Why Philippines is considered as the Melting Pot of People and Culture?• Our country occupies a good geographical position•
It is the crossroads of the world’s culture and races.• It is the meeting place of all aviation, shipping, and trade routes in the
6. 6. Importance of Philippine Location:• Philippines serve as a bridge between the culture of the East and the West.• It lies as a
crossroads of international air and sea routes• It looms as a bastion of democracy in an area where dictators and communism
hold sway over Asian nation.• It is the citadel of Christianity between the largely Christian West and largely Non- Christian East.
7. 7. Land area of the Philippines:• Philippines is an archipelago of 7,100 islands with a total land area of 115,707 sq. m. or 299,681• In terms of the land area, Philippines is almost as large as Italy, larger than New Zealand, twice as big as Greece and
very much larger than Britain.
8. 8. Land area of the Philippines:• Luzon – Philippines largest island with a total land area of 40, 814 sq. m., which is bigger than
Hungary and Portugal.• Mindanao – Second largest island, with total area of 38,906 sq. m., which is bigger than Austria.• Visayas
– 3rd largest island with a total land area of 36, 087 sq. m.
9. 9. Physical Features:• Highest mountain – Mt. Apo (9,600 ft. High in Mindanao)• Lowest Spot – Philippine Deep, situated off the
Pacific coast of the archipelago with 37, 782 ft. deep, lower than the Marianas Deep with only 35,640 ft. Deep.• San Juanico
Strait – the narrowest strait in the world between Samar and Leyte.• Manila Bay – one of the finest harbors in the Asian World,
with the historic Corregidor Island standing guard as its entrance.
10. 10. Physical Features:Cont.• Central Plain in Luzon – largest plain in Central Luzon, famously known as the “Rice granary of the
Philippines”.• Cagayan Valley – also in Luzon, is the Asia’s greatest tobacco producing region.• Cagayan River – longest river
in the Philippines where tobacco is being drained.• Laguna de Bay – largest lake in the country.
11. 11. Filipino Image:• As Filipino, during the Third Republican Era (1946-72), Philippines had the freest press in Asia, the best
schools and colleges, and the most progressive business environment in the region.• During the Commonwealth Period under
President Manuel L. Quezon, the Filipino is not inferior to any man of any race; his physical, intellectual, and moral qualities are
as excellent as those proudest stocks of mankind.
12. 12. Filipino Image:A Nation of many Languages:• Filipinos are known for their talent in languages. This is exemplified by Dr.
Jose Rizal, who knew 22 languages.• Philippines have 55 languages, and 147 dialects according to the findings of the Summer
Institute of Linguistics of the University of North Dakota, headed by Dr. Richard S. Pittman.• From the previous study of Dr. H.
Otley Beyer in the year 1916, he listed only 43 major languages and 87 dialects.
13. 13. Filipino Image:• Filipinos are the only English and Spanish speaking nation in Asia.• Filipinos are the most literate Nation in
Southeast Asia.• Women in the Philippines enjoy the greatest freedom and highest status among women in Asia; economically,
politically, and socially – considered equal with men.
14. 14. Names given for Philippines: Long before the coming of Magellan, Philippines was already known to the early Chinese
traders and geographers. Various records and artifacts antedate Sino- Philippines contacts to 3rd Century A.D., they gave the
names for Philippines as:• “Ma-yi” – appears in Sung Dynasty sources in 982 A.D.
15. 15. Names given for Philippines:• Chau-Ju-Kua, a Chinese trader Official gave a detailed account of his trip to various islands
in the Philippines in the year 1225, wherein he called the country as – Ma-i.• Another Pre-Hispanic Sino Writer, Wang-Ta- Yuan
in 1349, who wrote his travels to “ Ma- i”, “Mintolang” (Mindanao), “Malilu” (Manila); “Sulu and Pishoye”(Visayas).Ma-i = is
generally accepted to refer to the island of Mindoro in Luzon, because of its gold and proximity to the mainland China.
16. 16. Names given for Philippines: The official name “Filipinas” wasgiven to the archipelago in 1543 bythe ill-starred Spanish
explorer RuyLopez de Villalobos, in honor ofPrince Felipe (Philip) of Asturias, wholater became King Philip II, thegreatest King
of Spain.
17. 17. Names given for Philippines:The name first appeared in the raremap published at Venice in 1554 byGiovanni Battista
Ramusio, an ItalianGeographer in the most popularcollection of early travels andvoyages at the time.
18. 18. Names given for Philippines:• Until it was later Anglicized to “Philippine Islands” during the American Colonial regime, and
then to the name of “Republic of the Philippines” after the decolonization in 1946.
19. 19. Other Names given for Philippines:a. Gems of the Eastb. Treasure Islands of the Pacificc. Isles of Feard. Isles of Hopee.
Orphans of the Pacificf. Land of the Morningg. Pearl of the Orient
20. 20. Origin of the Filipinos:1. The Friar – Historians Ideas• The ancestors of the Filipinos sprang out of the soil like wild plants.•
They were created by the sun.• They were produced from the base metals by the magic act of ancient alchemists (herbalists).2.
Myths and Legends
21. 21. Origin of the Filipinos:3. The “Dawn Man” and the “Migration Theory”• The cave-man, “dawn-Man” type who was similar to
the Java Man, Peking Man, and other Asian homo Sapiens of 250,000 years ago – this is the theory of H. Otley Beyer.• The
aboriginal pygmy group, or the Negritos, who came between 25,000 and 30,000 years ago.
22. 22. Origin of the Filipinos:• The Sea-faring tool-using Indonesian group, who came about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago.• The Sea-
faring more civilized Malays who brought the Iron Age culture and introduced new industries like iron metal smiting, pottery-
making, cloth- weaving by loom, and jewelry making.4. Core Population Theory:• According to this theory, people of the
prehistoric Southeast Asia belonged to the same racial unit.
23. 23. Origin of the Philippines:1. The idea of the theologians during the Spanish era, such as:• Fr. Colin, Fr. Sta. Ines and Fr.
Delgado – advancing the Theological View that Philippines is part of God’s creation.2. Legends and Myths
24. 24. Origin of the Philippines:3. Scientific Theories, that Philippines is:• Part of the lost continent (lost pacific called as Lemuria or
Mu)• Volcanic Origin (Dr. Bailey Willis, a geologist – who maintained the theory that Philippines is a volcanic origin).• Land-
bridge theory
25. 25. History of the Philippines• The history of the Philippines is believed to have begun with the arrival of the first humans via land
bridges at least 30,000 years ago. The first recorded visit from the West is the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan on Homonhon
Island, southeast of Samar on March 16, 1521.
26. 26. Prior to Magellans arrival, there were Negritotribes who roamed the isles but they were latersupplanted by Austronesians.
These groupsthen stratified into: hunter-gatherer tribes,warrior-societies, petty plutocracies andmaritime oriented harbor
principalities whicheventually grew into kingdoms, rajahnates,principalities, confederations and sultanates.States such as the
Indianized Rajahnate ofButuan and Cebu, the dynasty of Tondo, theaugust kingdoms of Maysapan and Maynila,
theConfederation of Madyaas, the sinifiedCountry of Mai, as well as the MuslimSultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao.
27. 27. These small states flourished from asearly as the 10th century AD, despitethese kingdoms attaining complexpolitical and
social orders, as well asenjoying trade with areas now calledChina, India, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam,and Indonesia, none
encompassed thewhole archipelago which was to becomethe unified Philippines of the twentiethcentury. The remainder of
thesettlements was independent Barangaysallied with one of the larger nations.
28. 28. * Spanish colonization andsettlement began with the arrival ofMiguel López de Legazpis expedition in1565 who established
the first permanentsettlement of San Miguel on the island ofCebu. The expedition continuednorthward reaching the bay of Manila
onthe island of Luzon in 1571, where theyestablished a new town and thus began anera of Spanish colonization that lasted
formore than three centuries.
29. 29. Spanish rule achieved the political unification ofalmost the whole archipelago, that previouslyhad been composed by
independent kingdomsand communities, pushing back south theadvancing Islamic forces and creating the firstdraft of the nation
that was to be known as thePhilippines. Spain also introduced Christianity,the code of law, the oldest Universities and thefirst
public education system in Asia, thewestern European version of printing, theGregorian calendar and invested heavily on allkinds
of modern infrastructures, such as trainnetworks and modern bridges.
30. 30. • The Philippine Revolution against Spain began in April 1896, but it was largely unsuccessful until it received support from
the United States, culminating two years later with a proclamation of independence and the establishment of the First Philippine
Republic. However, the Treaty of Paris, at the end of the Spanish– American War, transferred control of the Philippines to the
United States. This agreement was not recognized by the Philippine Government which, on June 2, 1899, proclaimed a
Declaration of War against the United States.
31. 31. • The Philippine-American War which ensued resulted in massive casualties. Philippine president Emilio Aguinaldo was
captured in 1901 and the U.S. government declared the conflict officially over in 1902. The Filipino leaders, for the most part,
accepted that the Americans had won, but hostilities continued and only began to decline in 1913, leaving a total number of
casualties on the Filipino side of more than one million dead, many of them
32. 32. • U.S. colonial rule of the Philippines started in 1905 with very limited local rule. Partial autonomy (commonwealth status)
was granted in 1935, preparatory to a planned full independence from the United States in 1946. Preparation for a fully sovereign
state was interrupted by the Japanese occupation of the islands during World War II.
33. 33. With a promising economy in the 1950sand 1960s, the Philippines in the late1960s and early 1970s saw a rise ofstudent
activism and civil unrest againstthe corrupt dictatorship of PresidentFerdinand Marcos who declaredmartial law in 1972.
34. 34. Because of close ties between United States andPresident Marcos, the U.S. governmentcontinued to support Marcos even
though hisadministration was well-known for massivecorruption and extensive human rights abuse.The peaceful and
bloodlessPeople Power Revolution of 1986, however,brought about the ousting of Marcos and areturn to democracy for the
country. The periodsince then, however, has been marked bypolitical instability and hampered economicproductivity.
35. 35. Prehistory• The earliest archeological evidence for man in the archipelago is the 40,000-year-old Tabon Man of Palawan
and the Angono Petroglyphs in Rizal, both of whom appear to suggest the presence of human settlement prior to the arrival of
the Negritos and Austronesian speaking people.
36. 36. Prehistory• The Negritos were early settlers but their appearance in the Philippines has not been reliably dated. and they
were followed by speakers of the Malayo-Polynesian languages, a branch of the Austronesian languages, who began to arrive
in successive waves beginning about 4000 B.C.E, displacing the earlier arrivals.
37. 37. • By 1000 B.C. the inhabitants of the Philippine archipelago had developed into four distinct kinds of peoples: tribal groups,
such as the Aetas, Hanunoo, Ilongots and the Mangyan who depended on hunter-gathering and were concentrated in forests;
warrior societies, such as the Isneg and Kalingas who practiced social ranking and ritualized warfare and roamed the plains; the
petty plutocracy of the Ifugao Cordillera Highlanders, who occupied the mountain ranges of Luzon; and the harbor principalities
of the estuarine civilizations that grew along rivers and seashores while participating in trans-island maritime trade.
38. 38. • Around 300–700 C.E. the seafaring peoples of the islands traveling in balangays began to trade with the Indianized
kingdoms in the Malay Archipelago and the nearby East Asian principalities, adopting influences from both Buddhism and
39. 39. Spanish Settlement and Rule (1565- 1898)• Early Spanish expeditions• Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the PhilippinesIn 1521.
Parts of the Philippine Islands were known to Europeans before the 1521 Spanish expedition around the world led by
Portuguese-born Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who was not the first Europeans in the Philippines. Magellan landed on
the island called Homonhon, claiming the islands he saw for Spain, and naming them Islas de San Lázaro. He established
friendly relations with some of the local leaders especially with Rajah Humabon and converted some of them to Roman
40. 40. • In the Philippines, they explored many islands including the island of Mactan. However, Magellan was killed in a battle he
led there against the ruling datu Lapu-Lapu.• Over the next several decades, other Spanish expeditions were dispatched to the
islands. In 1543, Ruy López de Villalobos led an expedition to the islands and gave the name Las Islas Filipinas (after Philip II
of Spain) to the islands of Samar and Leyte. The name was extended to the entire archipelago in the twentieth century.
41. 41. Spanish settlement Colonization began when Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi, arrived from Mexico in 1565 and
formed the first European settlements in Cebu. In 1571, the Spanish occupied the kingdoms of Maynila and Tondo and
established Manila as the capital of the Spanish East Indies. Spanish power was further consolidated after Miguel López de
Legazpis conquest of the Confederation of Madya-as, his subjugation of Rajah Tupas the King of Cebu and Juan de Salcedos
ransacking of the Chinese warlord Limahongs pirate kingdom in Pangasinan .
42. 42. This grab for power eventually culminatedwith the mass murder and exile of theroyal families of the Dynasty of Tondo andthe
Kingdom of Maynila when theTondo Conspiracy of 1587-1588 failed inwhich a planned grand alliance with theJapanese admiral
Gayo, Butuans last rajahand Bruneis Sultan Bolkieh, would haverestored the old aristocracy. Its failureresulted in the hanging
of Agustín de Legazpi(great grandson of Miguel Lopez de Legazpiand the initiator of the plot) and theexecution of Magat Salamat
(the crown-prince of Tondo).
43. 43. In the following years, the colony wasgoverned as a territory of theViceroyalty of New Spain, centered inMexico, from 1565
to 1821 and administereddirectly from Spain from 1821 to 1898.Subsequently, the Aztec and Mayanmercenaries López de
Legazpi brought withhim eventually settled in Mexico, Pampangawhere traces of Aztec and Mayan influencecan still be proven
by the many chicoplantations in the area (chico is a fruitindigenous only to Mexico) and also by thename of the province itself.
44. 44. The fragmented nature of the islands made iteasy for Spanish colonization. The Spanishthen attempted to bring political
unificationto the Philippine archipelago via theconquest of the various states but they wereunable to subjugate the sultanates
ofMindanao and the tribes and highlandplutocracy of the Ifugao of Northern Luzon.The Spanish introduced elements ofwestern
civilization such as the code of law,western printing and the Gregorian calendaralongside new food resources such as
maize,pineapple and chocolate from Latin America.
45. 45. From 1565 to 1821, the Philippines was governedfrom Mexico City via the Royal Audiencia ofManila, before it was
administered directly fromMadrid after the Mexican revolution. TheManila Galleons which linked Manila to Acapulcotraveled
once or twice a year between the 16thand 19th centuries. The Spanish military fought offvarious indigenous revolts and several
externalcolonial challenges, especially from the British,Chinese pirates, Dutch, and Portuguese.Roman Catholic missionaries
converted most ofthe lowland inhabitants to Christianity andfounded schools, universities, and hospitals. In1863 a Spanish
decree introduced education,establishing public schooling in Spanish.
46. 46. In 1781, Governor-General José Basco y Vargasestablished theEconomic Society of the Friends of the Country .
ThePhilippines was administered from theViceroyalty of New Spain until the grant ofindependence to Mexico in 1821
necessitated thedirect rule from Spain of the Philippines from thatyear. Developments in and out of the country helpedto bring
new ideas to the Philippines including theideals of the French and American Revolutions. In1863, Queen Isabella of Spain
decreed theestablishment of a public school system in Spanish,leading to increasing numbers of educated Filipinos.The opening
of the Suez Canal in 1869 cut traveltime to Spain. Both of these events prompted therise of the ilustrados, an enlightened class
ofCreoles and Indios, since many young Filipinos wereable to study in Europe. The first official census in the Philippines
wascarried out in 1878. The countrys population as ofDecember 31, 1877 was recorded at 5,567,685persons.
47. 47. Enlightened by the Propaganda Movement tothe injustices of the Spanish colonialgovernment and the "frailocracy",
theilustrados originally clamored for adequaterepresentation to the Spanish Cortes andlater for independence. José Rizal, the
mostcelebrated intellectual and radical illustradoof the era, wrote the novels "Noli Me Tangere", and "El filibusterismo", which
greatlyinspired the movement for independence. TheKatipunan, a secret society whose primarypurpose was that of overthrowing
Spanishrule in the Philippines, was founded byAndrés Bonifacio who became its Supremo(leader).
48. 48. The Philippine Revolution began in 1896. Rizal waswrongly accused of implication in the outbreak of therevolution and
executed for treason in 1896. TheKatipunan in Cavite split into two groups, Magdiwang,led by Mariano Álvarez (a relative of
Bonifacios bymarriage), and Magdalo, led by Emilio Aguinaldo.Leadership conflicts between Bonifacio and Aguinaldoculminated
in the execution or assassination of theformer by the latters soldiers. Aguinaldo agreed to atruce with the Pact of Biak-na-Bato
and Aguinaldo andhis fellow revolutionaries were exiled to Hong Kong. Notall the revolutionary generals complied with
theagreement. One, General Francisco Makabulos,established a Central Executive Committee to serve asthe interim
government until a more suitable one wascreated. Armed conflicts resumed, this time coming fromalmost every province in
Spanish-governed Philippines.
49. 49. • In 1898, as conflicts continued in the Philippines, the USS Maine, having been sent to Cuba because of U.S. concerns for
the safety of its citizens during an ongoing Cuban revolution, exploded and sank in Havana harbor. This event precipitated the
Spanish–American War. After Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish squadron at Manila, the U.S. invited Aguinaldo
to return to the Philippines, which he did on May 19, 1898, in the hope he would rally Filipinos against the Spanish colonial
government. By the time U.S. land forces had arrived, the Filipinos had taken control of the entire island of Luzon, except for the
walled city of Intramuros. On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines in Kawit, Cavite,
establishing the First Philippine Republic under Asias first democratic constitution.
50. 50. • A German squadron arrived in Manila and engaged in maneuvers which Dewey seeing this as obstruction of his blockade,
offered war — after which the Germans backed down. The German Emperor expected an American defeat, with Spain left in a
sufficiently weak position for the revolutionaries to capture Manila—leaving the Philippines ripe for German picking.
51. 51. • In the Battle of Manila, the United States captured the city from the Spanish. This battle marked an end of Filipino-American
collaboration, as Filipino forces were prevented from entering the captured city of Manila, an action deeply resented by the
Filipinos. Spain and the United States sent commissioners to Paris to draw up the terms of the Treaty of Paris which ended the
Spanish–American War. The Filipino representative, Felipe Agoncillo, was excluded from sessions as the revolutionary
government was not recognized by the family of nations. Although there was substantial domestic opposition, the United States
decided to annex the Philippines.
52. 52. • In addition to Guam and Puerto Rico, Spain was forced in the negotiations to hand over the Philippines to the U.S. in
exchange for US$20,000,000.00. U.S. President McKinley justified the annexation of the Philippines by saying that it was "... a
gift from the gods" and that since "they were unfit for self-government, ... there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all,
and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them", in spite of the Philippines having been already
Christianized by the Spanish over the course of several centuries.• The first Philippine Republic resisted the U.S. occupation,
resulting in the Philippine-American War (1899–1913).
53. 53. • American period (1898–1946) Filipinos initially saw their relationship with the United States as that of two nations joined in
a common struggle against Spain. However, the United States later distanced itself from the interests of the Filipino insurgents.
Aguinaldo was unhappy that the United States would not commit to paper a statement of support for Philippine independence.
Relations deteriorated and tensions heightened as it became clear that the Americans were in the islands to stay.
54. 54. • Philippine-American War Hostilities broke out on February 4, 1899, after two American privates on patrol killed three Filipino
soldiers in San Juan, a Manila suburb. This incident sparked the Philippine-American War, which would cost far more money
and took far more lives than the Spanish–American War. Some 126,000 American soldiers would be committed to the conflict;
4,234 Americans died, as did 16,000 Filipino soldiers who were part of a nationwide guerrilla movement of indeterminate
numbers.• At least one million Filipinos lost their lives as a direct result of the war, with as many as 200,000 who died as a result
of the cholera epidemic at the wars end. Atrocities were committed by both sides.
55. 55. • The poorly-equipped Filipino troops were easily overpowered by American troops in open combat, but they were formidable
opponents in guerrilla warfare. Malolos, the revolutionary capital, was captured on March 31, 1899. Aguinaldo and his
government escaped however, establishing a new capital at San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. On June 5, 1899, Antonio Luna, Aguinaldos
most capable military commander, was killed by Aguinaldos guards in an apparent assassination while visiting Cabanatuan,
Nueva Ecija to meet with Aguinaldo. Gregorio del Pilar, another key general, was killed on December 2, 1899 in the Battle of
Tirad Pass. With his best commanders dead and his troops suffering continued defeats as American forces pushed into northern
Luzon, Aguinaldo dissolved the regular army in November 1899 and ordered the establishment of decentralized guerrilla
commands in each of several military zones. The general population, caught between Americans and rebels, suffered
56. 56. • Aguinaldo was captured at Palanan, Isabela on March 23, 1901 and was brought to Manila. Convinced of the futility of
further resistance, he swore allegiance to the United States and issued a proclamation calling on his compatriots to lay down
their arms, officially bringing an end to the war. However, sporadic insurgent resistance continued in various parts of the
Philippines, especially in the Muslim south, until 1913.
57. 57. • In 1900, President McKinley sent the Taft Commission, to the Philippines, with a mandate to legislate laws and re-engineer
the political system. On July 1, 1901, William Howard Taft, the head of the commission, was inaugurated as Civil Governor, with
limited executive powers. The authority of the Military Governor was continued in those areas where the insurrection persisted.
The Taft Commission passed laws to set up the fundamentals of the new government, including a judicial system, civil service,
and local government. A Philippine Constabulary was organized to deal with the remnants of the insurgent movement and
gradually assume the responsibilities of the United States Army.
58. 58. • Insular Government (1902-1935)• Flag of the United States, 1896-1908. The Philippine Organic Act (1902) was a
constitution for the Insular Government, so called because Philippine civil administration was under the authority of the U.S.
Bureau of Insular Affairs. This government saw its mission as one of tutelage, preparing the Philippines for eventual
independence. On July 4, 1902 the office of Military Governor was abolished and full executive power passed from Adna Chaffee,
the last military governor, to Taft, who became the first U.S. Governor-General of the Philippines.
59. 59. • United States policies towards the Philippines shifted with changing administrations. During the early years of territorial
administration, the Americans were reluctant to delegate authority to the Filipinos, but an elected Philippine Assembly was
inaugurated in 1907, as the lower house of a bicameral legislature, with the appointive Philippine Commission becoming the
upper house. When Woodrow Wilson became U.S. President in 1913, a new policy was adopted to put into motion a process
that would gradually lead to Philippine independence. The Jones Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1916 to serve as the new
organic law in the Philippines, promised eventual independence and instituted an elected Philippine senate.
60. 60. • In socio-economic terms, the Philippines made solid progress in this period. In 1895, foreign trade amounted to 62 million
pesos, 13% of which was with the United States. By 1920, it had increased to 601 million pesos, 66% of which was with the
United States. A health care system was established which, by 1930, reduced the mortality rate from all causes, including various
tropical diseases, to a level similar to that of the United States itself.
61. 61. • Slavery, piracy and headhunting were all suppressed, but not extinguished. An educational system was established which,
among other subjects, provided English as a lingua francaso that the islands 170 linguistic groups could communicate with one
another and the outside world. While prior to the coming of the Americans, Spanish was spoken by some segments of Philippine
society, the language was unpopular. At the end of the Spanish era, less than ten percent of the Christianized population was
fully literate in the language and those who spoke it were limited to the urban centers and the elite.
62. 62. • The 1920s saw alternating periods of cooperation and confrontation with American governors-general, depending on how
intent the incumbent was on exercising his powers vis- à-vis the Philippine legislature. Members to the elected legislature lobbied
for immediate and complete independence from the United States. Several independence missions were sent to Washington,
D.C. A civil service was formed and was gradually taken over by Filipinos, who had effectively gained control by 1918.
63. 63. • Philippine politics during the American territorial era was dominated by the Nacionalista Party, which was founded in 1907.
Although the partys platform called for "immediate independence", their policy toward the Americans was highly accommodating.
Within the political establishment, the call for independence was spearheaded by Manuel L. Quezon, who served continuously
as Senate president from 1916 until 1935.
64. 64. • Frank Murphy was the last Governor-General of the Philippines (1933–35), and the first U.S. High Commissioner of the
Philippines (1935–36). The change in form was more than symbolic: it was intended as a manifestation of the transition to
65. 65. Commonwealth• The Great Depression in the early thirties hastened the progress of The Philippines towards independence.
In the United States it was mainly the sugar industry and labour unions that had a stake in loosening the U.S. ties to The
Philippines since they could not compete with the Philippine cheap sugar (and other commodities) which could freely enter the
U.S. market. Therefore, they agitated in favor of granting independence to the Philippines so that its cheap products and labour
could be shut out of the United States. In 1933, the United States Congress passed the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act as a Philippine
Independence Act over President Herbert Hoovers veto.
66. 66. • Though the bill had been drafted with the aid of a commission from the Philippines, it was opposed by Philippine Senate
President Manuel L. Quezon, partially because of provisions leaving the United States in control of naval bases. Under his
influence, the Philippine legislature rejected the bill. The following year, a revised act known as the Tydings-McDuffie Act was
finally passed.
67. 67. • The act provided for the establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines with a ten-year period of peaceful transition
to full independence. The commonwealth would have its own constitution and be self-governing, though foreign policy would be
the responsibility of the United States, and certain legislation required approval of the United States president.
68. 68. • A constitution was framed and approved by Franklin D. Roosevelt in March 1935. On May 14, 1935, a Filipino government
was formed on the basis of principles similar to the U.S. Constitution. The commonwealth was established in 1935, electing
Manuel L. Quezon as the president and featuring a very strong executive, a unicameral National Assembly , and a Supreme
Court composed entirely of Filipinos for the first time since 1901.
69. 69. World War II and Japanese occupation• Japan launched a surprise attack on the Clark Air Base in Pampanga, Philippines
on December 8, 1941, just ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Aerial bombardment was followed by landings of ground
troops on Luzon. The defending Philippine and United States troops were under the command of General Douglas MacArthur.
Under the pressure of superior numbers, the defending forces withdrew to the Bataan Peninsula and to the island of Corregidor
70. 70. • On January 2, 1942, General MacArthur declared the capital city, Manila, an open city to prevent its destruction. The
Philippine defense continued until the final surrender of United States-Philippine forces on the Bataan Peninsula in April 1942
and on Corregidor in May of the same year. Most of the 80,000 prisoners of war captured by the Japanese at Bataan were
forced to undertake the infamous Bataan Death March to a prison camp 105 kilometers to the north. It is estimated that about
10,000 Filipinos and 1,200 Americans died before reaching their destination.
71. 71. • President Quezon and Osmeña had accompanied the troops to Corregidor and later left for the United States, where they
set up a government in exile. MacArthur was ordered to Australia, where he started to plan for a return to the Philippines.
72. 72. The Japanese military authorities immediatelybegan organizing a new government structurein the Philippines and
established thePhilippine Executive Commission. They initiallyorganized a Council of State, through whichthey directed civil
affairs until October 1943,when they declared the Philippines anindependent republic. The Japanese-sponsoredrepublic headed
by President José P. Laurelproved to be unpopular.
73. 73. Japanese occupation of the Philippineswas opposed by large-scaleunderground and guerrilla activity.The Philippine Army,
as well asremnants of theU.S. Army Forces Far East, continuedto fight the Japanese in a guerrilla warand was considered an
auxiliary unitof the United States Army.
74. 74. Their effectiveness was such that by theend of the war, Japan controlled onlytwelve of the forty-eight provinces. Oneelement
of resistance in the Central Luzonarea was furnished by the Hukbalahap(Filipino: "Hukbong Bayan Laban sa mgaHapon")
("Peoples Army Against theJapanese"), which armed some 30,000people and extended their control overmuch of Luzon.
75. 75. The occupation of the Philippines by Japanended at the end of the war. The Americanarmy had been fighting the so-
calledPhilippines Campaign since October 1944,when it started with MacArthursSixth United States Army landing on
Leyte.Landings in other parts of the country hadfollowed, and the Allies with the PhilippineCommonwealth troops pushed toward
Manila.However, fighting continued until Japans formalsurrender on 2 September 1945.
76. 76. The Philippines suffered great loss oflife and tremendous physicaldestruction by the time the war wasover. An estimated 1
million Filipinoshad been killed, a large portionduring the final months of the war,and Manila was extensively damaged.
77. 77. Independent Philippines and the Third Republic (1946–1972)• Administration of Manuel Roxas (1946-1948) Elections were
held in April 1946, with Manuel Roxas becoming the first president of the independent Republic of the Philippines. The United
States ceded its sovereignty over the Philippines on July 4, 1946, as scheduled. However, the Philippine economy remained
highly dependent on United States markets – more dependent, according to United States high commissioner Paul McNutt, than
any single U.S. state was dependent on the rest of the country.
78. 78. The Philippine Trade Act, passed as aprecondition for receiving war rehabilitationgrants from the United States, exacerbated
thedependency with provisions further tying theeconomies of the two countries. A militaryassistance pact was signed in 1947
grantingthe United States a 99-year lease ondesignated military bases in the country (thelease was later reduced to 25 years
79. 79. • Administration of Elpidio Quirino (1948-1953) The Roxas administration granted general amnesty to those who had
collaborated with the Japanese in World War II, except for those who had committed violent crimes. Roxas died suddenly of a
heart attack in April 1948, and the vice president, Elpidio Quirino, was elevated to the presidency. He ran for president in his
own right in 1949, defeating Jose P. Laurel and winning a four-year term.
80. 80. World War II had left the Philippinesdemoralized and severely damaged. The taskof reconstruction was complicated by
theactivities of the Communist-supportedHukbalahap guerrillas (known as "Huks"), whohad evolved into a violent resistance
forceagainst the new Philippine government.Government policy towards the Huksalternated between gestures of negotiation
andharsh suppression.
81. 81. Secretary of Defense Ramon Magsaysayinitiated a campaign to defeat theinsurgents militarily and at the same timewin
popular support for the government.The Huk movement had waned in theearly 1950s, finally ending with theunconditional
surrender of Huk leaderLuis Taruc in May 1954.
82. 82. • Administration of Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957) Supported by the United States, Magsaysay was elected president in
1953 on a populist platform. He promised sweeping economic reform, and made progress in land reform by promoting the
resettlement of poor people in the Catholic north into traditionally Muslim areas.
83. 83. • Though this relieved population pressure in the north, it heightened religious hostilities. Nevertheless, he was extremely
popular with the common people, and his death in an airplane crash in March 1957 dealt a serious blow to national morale.
84. 84. • Administration of Carlos P. Garcia (1957- 1961)Carlos P. Garcia succeeded to the presidency after Magsaysays death,
and was elected to a four-year term in the election of November that same year. His administration emphasized the nationalist
theme of "Filipino first", arguing that the Filipino people should be given the chances to improve the countrys economy.
85. 85. • Garcia successfully negotiated for the United States relinquishment of large military land reservations. However, his
administration lost popularity on issues of government corruption as his term advanced.
86. 86. • Administration of Diosdado Macapagal (1961-1965)Diosdado Macapagal was elected president in the 1961 election,
defeating Garcias re-election bid. Macapagals foreign policy sought closer relations with neighboring Asian nations, particularly
Malaya (later Malaysia) and Indonesia. Negotiations with the United States over base rights led to anti-American sentiment.
Notably, the celebration of Independence Day was changed from July 4 to June 12, to honor the day that Emilio Aguinaldo
declared independence from Spain in 1898.
87. 87. • Marcos era and martial law (1965–1986) Macapagal ran for re-election in 1965, but was defeated by his former party-mate,
Senate President Ferdinand Marcos, who had switched to the Nacionalista Party. Early in his presidency, Marcos initiated
ambitious public works projects and intensified tax collection which brought the country economic prosperity throughout the
88. 88. • His administration built more roads (including a substantial portion of the Pan-Philippine Highway) than all his predecessors
combined, and more schools than any previous administration. Marcos was re- elected president in 1969, becoming the first
president of the independent Philippines to achieve a second term.
89. 89. The Philippine Legislature was corruptand impotent. Opponents of Marcosblocked the necessary legislation toimplement his
ambitious plans.Because of this, optimism faded earlyin his second term and economicgrowth slowed. Crime and
civildisobedience increased. TheCommunist Party of the Philippinesformed the New Peoples Army.
90. 90. The Moro National Liberation Frontcontinued to fight for an independentMuslim nation in Mindanao. Anexplosion during the
proclamationrally of the senatorial slate of theLiberal Party on August 21, 1971prompted Marcos to suspend thewrit of habeas
corpus, which herestored on January 11, 1972 afterpublic protests.
91. 91. • Martial law Amidst the rising wave of lawlessness and the threat of a Communist insurgency, Marcos declared martial law
on September 21, 1972 by virtue of Proclamation No. 1081. Marcos, ruling by decree, curtailed press freedom and other civil
liberties, closed down Congress and media establishments, and ordered the arrest of opposition leaders and militant activists,
including his staunchest critics senators Benigno Aquino, Jr., Jovito Salonga and Jose Diokno.
92. 92. • The declaration of martial law was initially well received, given the social turmoil the Philippines was experiencing. Crime
rates plunged dramatically after a curfew was implemented. Many political opponents were forced to go into exile.• A
constitutional convention, which had been called for in 1970 to replace the colonial 1935 Constitution, continued the work of
framing a new constitution after the declaration of martial law. The new constitution went into effect in early 1973, changing the
form of government from presidential to parliamentary and allowing Marcos to stay in power beyond 1973.
93. 93. Marcos claimed that martial law was theprelude to creating a "New Society" based onnew social and political values. The
economyduring the 1970s was robust, with budgetaryand trade surpluses. TheGross National Product rose from P55 billion
in1972 to P193 billion in 1980. Tourism rose,contributing to the economys growth.However, Marcos, his cronies and his
wife,Imelda Romualdez-Marcos, wilfully engaged inrampant corruption.
94. 94. • Fourth Republic Appeasing the Roman Catholic Church, Marcos officially lifted martial law on January 17, 1981. However,
he retained much of the governments power for arrest and detention. Corruption and nepotism as well as civil unrest contributed
to a serious decline in economic growth and development under Marcos, whose health declined due to lupus.
95. 95. • The political opposition boycotted the 1981 presidential elections, which pitted Marcos against retired general Alejo Santos.
Marcos won by a margin of over 16 million votes, which constitutionally allowed him to have another six-year term. Finance
Minister Cesar Virata was elected as Prime Minister by the Batasang Pambansa.
96. 96. • In 1983, opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr. was assassinated at the Manila International Airport upon his return to the
Philippines after a long period of exile. This coalesced popular dissatisfaction with Marcos and began a succession of events,
including pressure from the United States, that culminated in a snap presidential election in February 1986. The opposition
united under Aquinos widow, Corazon Aquino.
97. 97. • The official election canvasser, the Commission on Elections (Comelec), declared Marcos the winner of the election.
However, there was a large discrepancy between the Comelec results and that of Namfrel, an accredited poll watcher. The
allegedly fraudulent result was rejected by Corazon Aquino and her supporters.
98. 98. • International observers, including a U.S. delegation, denounced the official results. Gen. Fidel Ramos and Defense Minister
Juan Ponce Enrile withdrew their support for Marcos. A peaceful civilian-military uprising, now popularly called the People Power
Revolution, forced Marcos into exile and installed Corazon Aquino as president on
99. 99. Fifth Republic (1986–present) • Administration of Corazon C. Aquino (1986- 1992) Corazon Aquino immediately formed a
revolutionary government to normalize the situation, and provided for a transitional " Freedom Constitution". A new permanent
constitution was ratified and enacted in February 1987.
100. 100. The constitution crippledpresidential power to declaremartial law, proposed thecreation of autonomous regions inthe
Cordilleras andMuslim Mindanao, and restoredthe presidential form ofgovernment and the bicameralCongress.
101. 101. Progress was made in revitalizingdemocratic institutions and respectfor civil liberties, but Aquinosadministration was also
viewed asweak and fractious, and a return tofull political stability and economicdevelopment was hampered byseveral attempted
coups staged bydisaffected members of thePhilippine military.
102. 102. Economic growth was additionallyhampered by a series of naturaldisasters, including the 1991 eruptionof Mount Pinatubo
that left 700 deadand 200,000 homeless. During theAquino presidency, Manila witnessedsix unsuccessful coup attempts,
themost serious occurring in December1989.
103. 103. In 1991, the Philippine Senaterejected a treaty that would haveallowed a 10-year extension of theU.S. military bases in the
country. TheUnited States turned overClark Air Base in Pampanga to thegovernment in November, andSubic Bay Naval Base
in Zambales inDecember 1992, ending almost acentury of U.S. military presence in
104. 104. • Administration of Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998) In the 1992 elections, Defense Secretary Fidel V. Ramos, endorsed by
Aquino, won the presidency with just 23.6% of the vote in a field of seven candidates. Early in his administration, Ramos declared
"national reconciliation" his highest priority and worked at building a coalition to overcome the divisiveness of the Aquino years.
105. 105. • He legalized the Communist Party and laid the groundwork for talks with communist insurgents, Muslim separatists, and
military rebels, attempting to convince them to cease their armed activities against the government. In June 1994, Ramos signed
into law a general conditional amnesty covering all rebel groups, and Philippine military and police personnel accused of crimes
committed while fighting the insurgents.
106. 106. • In October 1995, the government signed an agreement bringing the military insurgency to an end. A peace agreement
with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a major separatist group fighting for an independent homeland in Mindanao,
was signed in 1996, ending the 24-year
107. 107. • However, an MNLF splinter group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front continued the armed struggle for an Islamic state.
Efforts by Ramos supporters to gain passage of an amendment that would allow him to run for a second term were met with
large-scale protests, leading Ramos to declare he would not seek re-election.
108. 108. • Administration of Joseph Estrada (1998-2001)• Joseph Estrada, a former movie actor who had served as Ramos vice
president, was elected president by a landslide victory in 1998. His election campaign pledged to help the poor and develop the
countrys agricultural sector
109. 109. • He enjoyed widespread popularity, particularly among the poor. Estrada assumed office amid the Asian Financial Crisis.
The economy did, however, recover from a low -0.6% growth in 1998 to a moderate growth of 3.4% by 1999. Like his predecessor
there was a similar attempt to change the 1987 constitution. The process is termed as CONCORD or Constitutional Correction
for Development.
110. 110. • Unlike Charter change under Ramos and Arroyo the CONCORD proposal, according to its proponents, would only amend
the restrictive economic provisions of the constitution that is considered as impeding the entry of more foreign investments in
the Philippines. However it was not successful in amending the constitution.
111. 111. • In March 21, 2000 President Estrada declared an "all-out-war" against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) after the
worsening secessionist movement in Midanao The government later captured 46 MILF camps including the MILFs headquarters,
Camp Abubakar. In October 2000, however, Estrada was accused of having accepted millions of pesos in payoffs from illegal
gambling businesses.
112. 112. • He was impeached by the House of Representatives, but his impeachment trial in the Senate broke down when the senate
voted to block examination of the presidents bank records. In response, massive street protests erupted demanding Estradas
resignation. Faced with street protests, cabinet resignations, and a withdrawal of support from the armed forces, Estrada was
forced from office on January 20, 2001.
113. 113. • Administration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (2001-2010) Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (the daughter of the late
President Diosdado Macapagal) was sworn in as Estradas successor on the day of his departure. Her accession to power was
further legitimized by the mid-term congressional and local elections held four months later, when her coalition won an
overwhelming victory.
114. 114. • Arroyos initial term in office was marked by fractious coalition politics as well as a military mutiny in Manila in July 2003
that led her to declare a month-long nationwide state of rebellion.• Arroyo had declared in December 2002 that she would not
run in the May 2004 presidential election, but she reversed herself in October 2003 and decided to join the race.
115. 115. • She was re-elected and sworn in for her own six-year term as president on June 30, 2004. In 2005, a tape of a wiretapped
conversation surfaced bearing the voice of Arroyo apparently asking an election official if her margin of victory could be
maintained. The tape sparked protests calling for Arroyos resignation.
116. 116. • Arroyo admitted to inappropriately speaking to an election official, but denied allegations of fraud and refused to step
down. Attempts to impeach the president failed later that year.• Arroyo unsuccessfully attempted a controversial plan for an
overhaul of the constitution to transform the present presidential-bicameral republic into a federal parliamentary-unicameral form
of government.
117. 117. 1899 (Malolos Constitution – Emilio Aguinaldo)• The President of the Council, Apolinario Mabini.• Preamble We, the
Representatives of the Filipino people, lawfully covened, in order to establish justice, provide for common defense, promote the
general welfare, and insure the benefits of liberty, imploring the aid of the Sovereign Legislator of the Universe for the attainment
of these ends, have voted, decreed, and sanctioned the following.
118. 118. 1935 – (Commonwealth Period)• The 1935 Constitution was ratified on May 14, 1935. Preamble The Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in order to establish a government that shall embody their ideals, conserve and develop
the patrimony of the nation, promote the general welfare, and secure to themselves and their posterity the blessings of
independence under a regime of justice, liberty, and democracy, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
119. 119. 1973 – Martial Law• [The 1973 Constitution was ratified on January 17, 1973 in accordance with Presidential Proclamation
No. 1102 issued by President Ferdinand E. Marcos]. This is known as the Martial Constitution……..
120. 120. PreambleWe, the sovereign Filipino people, imploringthe aid of Divine Providence, in order toestablish a government that
shall embody ourideals, promote the general welfare, conserveand develop the patrimony of our Nation, andsecure to ourselves
and our posterity theblessings of democracy under a regime ofjustice, peace, liberty, and equality, do ordainand promulgate this
121. 121. THE 1987 CONSTITUTION - Freedom Constitution PREAMBLE We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid
ofAlmighty God, in order to build a just and humanesociety, and establish a Government that shall embodyour ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good,conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure toourselves and our posterity, the
blessings ofindependence and democracy under the rule of law anda regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, andpeace,
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
122. 122. Propaganda Movement• The Propaganda Movement was a literary and cultural organization formed in 1872 by Filipino
émigrés who had settled in Europe. Composed of Filipino liberals exiled in 1872 and students attending Europes universities,
the organization aimed to increase Spanish awareness of, the needs of its colony, the Philippines and to propagate a closer
relationship between the colony and Spain.
123. 123. • Its prominent members included José Rizal, author of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Graciano López Jaena,
publisher of La Solidaridad, the movements principal organ, Mariano Ponce, the organizations secretary and Marcelo H. del
124. 124. Goals• Specifically, the Propagandists aims were:• Representation of the Philippines in the Cortes Generales, the Spanish
parliament;• Secularization of the clergy;• Legalization of Spanish and Filipino equality;
125. 125. • Creation of a public school system independent of the friars;• Abolition of the polo (labor service) and vandala (forced sale
of local products to the government);• Guarantee of basic freedoms of speech and association;• Equal opportunity for Filipinos
and Spanish to enter government service.
126. 126. • Recognition of the Philippines as a province of Spain• Secularization of Philippine parishes.• Recognition of human rights
127. 127. • What are the factors that led to propaganda movement in the Philippines? There are two major factors that led to
propaganda movement in the Philippines during our early history from 1800 – 1889. Such as:• To expose the defects and abuses
of the Spanish Government;• Aimed to seek reforms to remedy the defects and abuses of Colonial government.
128. 128. Be it noted however, that thepropaganda Movement was not arevolutionary or seditious affair; theymerely asked for reforms,
notindependence until the Rise of theKatipunan movement in 1892 whichaimed to gain Independence fromSpain.
129. 129. Reforms desired by the Propaganda Movement:• Equality of Filipinos and Spaniards before the laws.• Assimilation of the
Philippines as a regular province of Spain;• Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortes and equal treatment of Filipinos and
Spaniards in the Philippines
130. 130. • Filipinization of the Philippine parishes and expulsion of the friars.• Human rights of Filipinos, such as freedom of speech,
freedom of the press, and the freedom to meet and petition for redress of grievances.
131. 131. To further illustrate:• In February 17, 1872, Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora (Gomburza), these
priests, were executed by the Spanish colonizers on charges of subversion. The charges against Fathers Gomez, Burgos and
Zamora were their alleged complicity in the uprising of workers at the Cavite Naval Yard.
132. 132. The death of Gomburza awakened strongfeelings of anger and resentment amongthe Filipinos. They questioned
SpanishAuthorities and demanded reforms. Themartyrdom of the three priestsapparently helped to inspire theorganization of
the PropagandaMovement, which aimed to seek reformsand inform Spain of the abuses of itscolonial government.
133. 133. The ilustrados led the Filipinos’ quest forreforms. Because of their education andnewly acquired wealth, they felt
moreconfident about voicing out populargrievances. However, since the ilustradosthemselves were a result of the changesthat
the Spanish government had beenslowly implementing, the group couldnot really push very hard for the reformsit wanted.
134. 134. The ilustrados did not succeed ineasing the sufferings of the Filipinos;but from this group another factionarises called the
intelligentsia. Theintelligentsia also wanted reforms;but they were more systematic andused a peaceful means called
thePropaganda Movement.
135. 135. Katipunan• The Katipunan was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish Filipinos in Manila in 1892, which
aimed primarily to gain independence from Spain through revolution. The society was initiated by Filipino patriots Andrés
Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Ladislao Diwa, and others on the night of July 7, when Filipino writer José Rizal was to be banished
to Dapitan. Initially, Katipunan was a secret organization until its discovery in 1896 that led to the outbreak of Philippine
136. 136. The word "katipunan", literally meansassociation, comes from the root word "tipon",an indigenous Tagalog word, meaning
"society"or "gather together" Its official revolutionaryname is Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangangKatipunan ng̃ mgá Anak ng̃
Bayan (English: ̃High and Honorable Society of the Children ofthe Nation, Spanish: Suprema y VenerableAsociación de los Hijos
del Pueblo). Katipunanis also known by its acronym, K.K.K..
137. 137. Being a secret organization, its membersare subjected to utmost secrecy and areexpected to abide with the
rulesestablished by the society. Aspirantapplicants were given standard initiationrites to become members of the society.At first,
Katipunan was only open to maleFilipinos; later, women were accepted inthe society.
138. 138. The Katipunan had its own publication,Kalayaan (Liberty) that had its first andlast print on March 1896. Revolutionaryideals
and works flourished within thesociety, and Philippine literature wereexpanded by its some prominentmembers.
139. 139. In planning the revolution, Bonifaciocontacted Rizal for his full-fledgedsupport for the Katipunan in exchangefor a promise
of Rizals liberty fromdetainment by rescuing him. On May1896, a delegation was sent to theEmperor of Japan to solicit funds
andmilitary arms.
140. 140. Katipunans existence was revealed to theSpanish authorities after a member namedTeodoro Patiño confessed Katipunans
illegalactivities to his sister, and finally to themother portress of Mandaluyong Orphanage.Seven days after the Spanish
authoritieslearned the existence of such secret society,on August 26, 1896, Bonifacio and his mentore their cedúlas during the
infamousCry of Balintawak that started thePhilippine Revolution.
141. 141. Influence of the Propaganda Movement• A late 19th century photograph of leaders of the Propaganda Movement: José
Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce.• The Katipunan and the Cuerpo de Compromisarios were, effectively, successor
organizations of La Liga Filipina, founded by José Rizal, as part of the late 19th century Propaganda Movement in the Philippines.
Katipunan founders Andrés Bonifacio, Ladislao Diwa, and Teodoro Plata were all members of La Liga and were influenced by
the nationalistic ideals of the Propaganda Movement in Spain.
142. 142. Marcelo H. del Pilar, another leader of the Propaganda Movement in Spain, also influenced the formation of the Katipunan.
Modern-day historians believe that he had a direct hand in its organization because of his role in the Propaganda Movement
and his eminent position in Philippine Masonry; most of the Katipunans founders were freemasons.
143. 143. The Katipunan had initiation ceremonies that were copied from masonic rites. It also had an order of rank, similar to that of
freemasonry. Rizals Spanish biographer Wenceslao Retaña and Filipino biographer Juan Raymundo Lumawag saw the
formation of the Katipunan as Del Pilars victory over Rizal: "La Liga dies, and the Katipunan rises in its place. Del Pilars plan
wins over that of Rizal. Del Pilar and Rizal had the same end, even if each took a different road to it."
144. 144. The Katipunan had initiation ceremonies that were copied from masonic rites. It also had an order of rank, similar to that of
freemasonry. Rizals Spanish biographer Wenceslao Retaña and Filipino biographer Juan Raymundo Lumawag saw the
formation of the Katipunan as Del Pilars victory over Rizal: "La Liga dies, and the Katipunan rises in its place. Del Pilars plan
wins over that of Rizal. Del Pilar and Rizal had the same end, even if each took a different road to it."
145. 145. Founding of the Katipunan• Captured Katipunan members (also known as Katipuneros), who were also members of La
Liga, revealed to the Spanish colonial authorities that there was a difference of opinion among members of La Liga. One group
insisted on La Ligas principle of a peaceful reformation while the other espoused armed revolution.
146. 146. On the night of July 7, 1892, when Rizalwas banished and exiled to Dapitan inMindanao, Andrés Bonifacio, a memberof
the La Liga Filipina, founded theKatipunan in a house in Tondo, Manila.Bonifacio did established the Katipunanwhen it was
become apparent to anti-Spanish Filipinos that societies like the LaLiga Filipina would be suppressed bycolonial authorities.
147. 147. He was assisted by his two friends, Teodoro Plata(brother-in-law) and Ladislao Diwa, plus ValentínDíaz and Deodato
Arellano. The Katipunan wasfounded along Azcarraga St. (now Claro M. RectoAvenue) near Elcano St. in Tondo, Manila.
Despitetheir reservations about the peaceable reformationthat Rizal espoused, they named Rizal honorarypresident without his
knowledge. The Katipunan,established as a secret brotherhood organization,went under the name Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-
galangang Katipunan ng̃ mg̃á Anak ng̃ Bayan(Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children ofthe Nation)
148. 148. The Katipunan had four aims, namely:• to develop a strong alliance with each and every Katipuneros• to unite Filipinos into
one solid nation;• to win Philippine independence by means of an armed conflict (or revolution);• to establish a republic after
149. 149. The rise of the Katipunan signalized theend of the crusade to secure reformsfrom Spain by means of a peacefulcampaign.
The Propaganda Movementled by Rizal, del Pilar, Jaena and othershad failed its mission; hence, Bonifacio started the militant
movement for independence

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