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1. A new employee : Excuse me. …… myself? My name is Putri.

A senior staff : My name’s Dimas. How do you do?
A new employee : How do you do?
A. May I introduce C. Please introduce
B. Can you introduce D. I’d like you to introduce

2. Tuti : Tia, ……. Her name is Tata.

Tia : Hi, Tata. Nice to meet you.
Tata : Nice to meet you, too, Tia. Tuti has told me a lot about you.
A. This is my cousin C. Let me introduce myself
B. Is this my cousin? D. You want me to meet my cousin

3. Jane wants to introduce Jack to her sister.

Jane : Jack, this is my sister Mona, and Mona this is Jack.
Jack : …………, Mona.
A. How is your sister C. Hi! Nice to meet you
B. How are you D. Let introduce myself

4. Rina : Hi, Talia. I heard that you won the writing contest. ……...!
Talia : Thank you.
A. I am sorry to hear that C. Congrats for your baby girl
B. I am not proud of you D. Congratulation on your winning

5. The following sentences are expressions of congratulation, EXCEPT ......

A. I congratulate you on your success C. How poor you are
B. Nice work D. Well done

6. Dayu : Who won the football match yesterday?

Udin : Our team did. We won 3 – 1.
Dayu : ………
Udin : Thank you.
A. Congratulations! I’m sorry to hear that. C. Good job. That’s too bad.
B. Well done! I’m glad to hear that. D. That’s wonderful! You’re welcome.

7. Edo : Happy birthday, Lia.

Lia : Thank you, Edo. You’re the first who congratulate me.
Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.
Why does Edo give Lia a present?
A. Because Lia likes a present C. Because Edo has a lot of money
B. Because today is Edo’s birthday D. Because today is Lia’s birthday

8. Nani : What do you think of my new bag?

Nina : ……! It matches your dress perfectly.
Nani : Really? I bought it cheaply actually.
A. What a beautiful bag C. Your bag is what beautiful
B. How beautiful is your bag D. How much is your beautiful bag

9. Mother : How is your work, Son?

Reno : I was just promoted as a Manager, Mom.
Mother : Great! ………
A. I’m very interested in you C. I’m really longing for you
B. I’m very sorry to hear that D. I’m really proud of you

10. Which is a compliment?

A. I don’t like his dress. C. He is a liar.
B. What a nice dirty room. D. He is so handsome.


11. …… plan to visit Thailand next year.

A. We C. Our
B. Me D. My

12. I am going to introduce …… to one of my pen-pals in Malaysia.

A. She C. Your
B. He D. Her

13. It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She talked about …… frequently
these days.
A. Its C. Theirs
B. It D. Them

14. Suzy and I …… tall and skinny.

A. Am C. Are
B. Is D. Was

15. I …… 15 years old. How about your sister? …… 15 years old, too?
A. Is , Are you C. Am , Is he
B. Are , Is her D. Am , Is she

16. Eko, Yoga and Nanda . . . . . . . my best friends.

A. Is C. Was
B. Am D. Are

17. …… your Uncle come here every year?

A. Do C. Did
B. Does D. Will

18. Does the coach of Soccer club . . . . . . . the team regularly?

A. Train C. Trained
B. Trains D. Training

19. What …… your father ……?

A. Does – Do C. Does – Does
B. Do – Does D. Did – Does

20. The train always . . . . . on time.

A. Arrive C. To arrive
B. Arrives D. Arrived

21. Marzuki ……… a very thick book about Indonesian History.

A. Have C. Had
B. Has D. Hid

22. Mr. And Mrs. Bambang often . . . . . late.

A. Comes C. Came
B. Coming D. Come


23. Read the following dialog and answer the question.

Man : Excuse me, let me introduce myself. My name is Ahmad.
Woman : Hi! My name’s Ellyn. How do you do?
Man : How do you do? I’m the representative of Publisher Association.
What do you learn from the dialog?
A. The man introduces himself to the woman. C. The man introduces the woman.
B. The woman introduces herself to the man. D. The woman introduces the man.

Questions No. 24 to 26 refer to the following dialog.

Boy : That is a nice scarf, Mom.
Mother : Thanks.
Boy : It is really nice. Where did you get it?
Mother : I got it at a second-hand market in exchange of the red purse.
Boy : And you got rid of the red purse?
Mother : Yeah. Well, what else was I going to do with it?
Boy : But it was a gift from Linda.
Mother : I know, but that’s okay, she wouldn’t mind. I have used it enough.

24. What does the boy pay a compliment to his mother for?
A. Her scarf C. Her decision
B. Her purse D. Her friendship with Linda

25. How did she get the scarf?

A. She got it from Linda C. She bought it at a fashion shop
B. Someone gave her as a gift D. She exchanged her red purse with the scarf

26. Why doesn’t the boy agree with his mother’s decision?
A. The red purse was unique C. The red purse was a present from Linda
B. The red purse was very expensive D. The red purse was very memorable

Questions No. 27 to 28 refer to the following text.

I guess I had better tell you something about myself first. I’m 16 years old and I attend Thomas Edison
High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I have two brothers and two half-sisters and I’m the middle
child. My father died a few years ago so my mother runs the house and the family business. My father
was a barista.

27. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. The writer tells the reader about his name.
B. The writer tells the reader about his school.
C. The writer tells the reader about his family.
D. The writer tells the reader about his school and family.

28. Why does the writer’s mother run the house and the family business?
A. Because his mother is the oldest in his family.
B. Because he has two brothers and two half-sisters.
C. Because his father died a few years ago.
D. Because he is just 16 years old.
Questions No. 29 to 30 refer to the following dialog.
E. : Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of the school story telling competition! Excellent.
F. You really did it well.
Cita : Thanks, Ditto.

29. Why does Ditto say “congratulations” to Cita?

A. Because Ditto is happy to know Cita got the 1st winner.
B. Because Cita is happy to know Ditto got the 1st winner.
C. Because Ditto is sad to know Cita got the 1st winner.
D. Because Cita is sad to know Ditto got the 1st winner.

30. “Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of the school story telling competition! Excellent. You
really did it well.”
What is Ditto’s purpose of saying that to Cita?
A. To let Cita know that Ditto doesn’t appreciate Cita’s success.
B. To let Cita know that Ditto really appreciates Cita’s success.
C. To make Cita’s dream comes true.
D. To make Cita happy.

=== DO YOUR BEST ===

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