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Republic of the Philippines land to the municipality for use as a school site and the land of Felisa was

school site and the land of Felisa was what the municipality
SUPREME COURT preferred as it was adjacent to other properties of the municipality. (Exh. 5 for defendants
Manila Mendoza) Upon her acquisition of Felisa's aforementioned land, Andrea donated to the
municipality the northern portion thereof which constituted almost one-half of the entire parcel, and
FIRST DIVISION since then that portion was declared for taxation purposes by the municipality together with its
adjoining properties (Exhs. 6, 6-A, 6-B).1äwphï1.ñët In 1927 the remainder of the lot was given by
Andrea Montalbo to her daughter Margarita Macalalad on the occasion of her marriage to Nicolas
G.R. No. L-22006 July 28, 1975
Mendoza, and from the time of their marriage the couple possessed the said property. That
donation was confirmed subsequently in a public instrument dated August 15, 1951 (Exh. 2 for the
BASILIO PEREZ and PETRA MONTALBO, petitioners, Mendozas). Nicolas Mendoza sought to transfer the tax declaration of the property to his name
vs. and of his wife and for that purpose he submitted a deed of exchange of property dated January
NICOLAS MENDOZA, MARGARITA MACALALAD and the HONORABLE COURT OF 14, 1922, allegedly executed by Felisa Montalbo and Andrea Montalbo in the presence of the
APPEALS, respondents. municipal secretary Rafael Manahan (Exh. 5). When Basilio Perez came to know about the
supposed deed of exchange, he had it investigated and upon discovering that the signature of
Pedro T. Panganiban for petitioners. Rafael Manahan appearing on the document was forged, he filed a criminal complaint before the
Fiscal's office which led to an accusation for falsification of private document against Andrea
Julio D. Enriquez, Sr. for respondents. Montalbo and Nicolas Mendoza. Only Nicolas Mendoza was arraigned and tried and was
convicted by the Court of First Instance of Batangas, but on appeal he was acquitted by the Court
of Appeals for insufficiency of evidence to show that he participated in affixing the signature of
MUNOZ PALMA, J.: Rafael Manahan or that he was aware of the falsity of the document in question when he
presented it to the tax assessor's office.3 Notwithstanding the forged signature of Rafael Manahan
Civil Case 689 of the Court of First Instance of Batangas was an action to quiet title over a piece on the document Exhibit 5, there is sufficient evidence to prove that an exchange of property did in
of land filed on March 20, 1959, by spouses Basilio Perez and Petra Montalbo with spouses fact occur in 1922 between Andrea and Felisa Montalbo, and that Felisa's land passed on to
Nicolas Mendoza and Margarita Macalalad as defendants. According to the complaint, the land in Andrea who in turn gave part of it to the municipality and part to her daughter, Margarita; hence,
controversy is located in barrio Dagatan, municipality of Taysan, Batangas, with an area of the decision in favor of the spouses Mendoza.
approximately 4,765 sq. meters, declared for taxation purposes in the name of the "Heirs of
Estanislao Montalbo", and is "bounded on the north by a school site, on the east by Calixto Flores, On the other hand, petitioners contend that the disputed property was inherited by Petra and
on the south by a creek, and on the west by a creek and the land of Gregorio Mendoza." On the Felisa Montalbo from their father Estanislao who died in 1918 and since that date the two sisters
basis of evidence adduced by the parties, the trial court then presided by Hon. Lorenzo Relova were in possession of said land. In 1934 a deed of partition of the various properties of Estanislao
rendered judgment on February 19, 1962, dismissing the complaint and declaring the spouses was executed between Petra and the heirs of Felisa, and the land in question was divided equally,
Mendoza "to have a better right to the property in question."1 between them; among those who signed as witnesses to that agreement was Andrea
Montalbo(Exh. D for petitioners). In 1952 Felisa's husband, Jose Ortega, and children sold their
Spouses Perez elevated the Relova decision to the Court of Appeals which, however, affirmed in one-half share to spouses Petra Montalbo and Basilio Perez, now petitioners, but the deed of sale
toto the findings of the court a quo, and declared that "upon the evidence it has been shown by a was lost a year after. Sometime in 1946 petitioners leased the property to the Mendozas and
great preponderance that the land in question belongs to the defendants."2 when the lease expired in 1951 they demanded for the return of the land but the Mendozas
refused and so petitioners had to file an ejectment suit before the justice of the peace court of
The case is now before Us on a petition for certiorari filed by spouses Perez. Taysan which was still pending at the time of the trial of the civil case in 1960. (tsn. witness Basilio
Perez, December 15, 1960, pp. 16-34)
The findings of fact both of the trial court and the Court of Appeals may be briefly summarized as
follows: For not giving credit to the foregoing evidence, petitioners now assail the adverse decision of
respondent court on four assigned errors.
The litigated parcel of land was originally part of a bigger tract owned by Estanislao Montalbo.
When Estanislao died in 1918, his properties passed on to his children Petra, Felisa, and Pedro all 1. Petitioners contend that respondent court erred in considering the criminal case for
surnamed Montalbo, and because Pedro died single the two women remained as the only heirs. falsification res adjudicata on the matter of ownership of the land in litigation when the "question of
By mutual agreement Petra and Felisa divided between themselves the lands of their father and ownership was not actually and directly in issue in the criminal case and the latter was not the
the parcel of which the litigated land was a part was assigned to Felisa. Sometime in 1922 Felisa proper vehicle for the determination of the ownership of the land." (p. 9, petitioners brief)
exchanged the above-mentioned parcel with a land belonging to her aunt. Andrea Montalbo, a Petitioners refer to portions in the decision of respondent court, viz:
sister of her father. The reason for the exchange was that Andrea wanted to donate a piece of
The land in question, together with that portion that was acquired by the possession of the land since 1927, and the plaintiffs (meaning spouses Perez) have not attempted
municipality of Taysan, the identity of which is admitted by the parties, belonged to disturb defendants' possession of the land until 1952 when said plaintiffs filed an action of
to Felisa Montalbo, as held in the decision of the Court of Appeals, thus — "The unlawful detainer against the defendants." (p. 7 of appealed decision at p. 21, SC rollo; emphasis
said parcel of land previously belonged to Felisa Montalbo (married to Jose supplied) Continuing, respondent court expounded:
Ortega), who inherited it from her deceased father, the aforecited Estanislao
Montalbo;", and the land in question was donated propter nuptias by Andrea Contrary to the allegation in the complaint — "That plaintiffs were in possession
Montalbo to Margarita Macalalad and Nicolas Mendoza, the defendants, of the land prior and up to January, 1946, when the same was leased to the
(Margarita Macalalad is the daughter of Andrea Montalbo) on the occasion of defendants ...", and the testimony of Basilio Perez to the same tenor, the
their marriage on February 27, 1927, as found and held in the decision of the evidence has conclusively shown that the defendants have been in continuous
Court of Appeals, thus — "and this land was acquired by the donor (Andrea possession of the land since 1927 to the present time, and they have built a
Montalbo) by means of a barter with her own parcel of land planted with house on the land in 1928 where they have resided and lived to the present, as
bamboos and mango trees" testified to by the defendant Mendoza, ....

Upon the basis of the findings of fact and conclusion arrived at in the decision of The plaintiffs have contended, however, with the support of the testimony of
the Court of Appeals, it clearly appears that although the document of exchange Basilio Perez, that the possession of the defendants since 1946 was that of a
of the lands was found to be falsified, nevertheless the Court found upon the mere lessee of the land. On this matter, the trial court said, "the records do not
facts as demonstrated by the evidence that the land in question "previously show any documentary evidence to support such contention. Nor is any
belonged to Felisa Montalbo (married to Jose Ortega), who inherited it from her document, say receipts of payment of rentals presented to bolster their theory.
deceased father, the aforesaid Estanislao Montalbo ..."; that said land was On the contrary their averment has been strongly denied by the defendants and
donated propter nuptias by Andrea Montalbo to the defendants on the occasion the records show that it was only in 1952 that a civil action was instituted by the
of their marriage on February 27, 1927; and that "this land was acquired by the plaintiffs against the defendants in the Justice of the Peace Court of Taysan,
donor by means of a barter with her own parcel of land planted with bamboos Batangas, for detainer and damages", and said allegation of possession of the
and mango trees". From the context of the decision the natural and logical defendants as lessees of the land "is not supported by positive and convincing
inference is that factually the exchange of the lands had been consummated.... evidence". We find no reason to disagree with the foregoing findings of fact and
(pp. 6-7, CA decision at pp. 20-21, rollo; emphasis supplied to indicate disputed conclusion of the trial court because the same is supported by the
statements) preponderance of evidence, and the plaintiffs have not pointed to us any fact of
significance or influence which have been disregarded by the court, other than
Undoubtedly, there is merit to the contention of petitioners that the pronouncements or findings of the testimony of Basilio Perez who testified about the supposed contract of lease.
fact made by the Court of Appeals in the criminal case concerning the possession and ownership (pp. 21-22, 23, ibid.; emphasis supplied)
of the land now in litigation in the civil case, do not constitute the law on the matter and cannot be
taken or adopted as a basis for deciding the question of ownership of said land in this civil case. Digging further into the evidence of herein petitioners, respondent court found for itself that the
Since there is no identity of parties in the two cases — the petitioners here not being parties in the agreement of partition dated May 27, 1934, Exhibit D, is not incontrovertible proof that in 1934 the
criminal case — and the object or subject matter in the criminal prosecution is different, the latter litigated property belonged in common to Petra and the heirs of Felisa Montalbo both of whom
being concerned with the guilt or innocence of accused Nicolas Mendoza for falsification of private may have been guided by the fact that the property was still declared for taxation purposes in the
document, it follows that the judgment in the criminal action cannot be used as evidence in the name of Estanislao Montalbo, and that the document of partition "did not overcome the evidence
civil case where the issue is ownership of a piece of land. It is the rule that the plea of res on record that Andrea Montalbo became the owner of the land, and that since 1927 the
judicata generally cannot be interposed except where the parties, facts, and questions are the defendants have been in continuous possession of the land, openly, adversely and in the concept
same,4 hence, the judgment in a criminal case cannot be pleaded as res judicata in a civil action.5 of owners thereby acquiring ownership of the land through acquisitive prescription." (p. 10 of CA
decision at p. 24, SC rollo)
But whatever error was committed by respondent court in this regard, the same is not sufficient to
nullify the appealed decision. Independently therefore of the pronouncements of the Court of Appeals in the criminal case,
respondent court examined the evidence in this civil case and made its own findings of fact on the
Analyzing the decision of respondent court. We see that the latter made its own appraisal and basis of which it affirmed the decision of the trial court.
evaluation of the evidence existing in the record relative to the possession and ownership of the
land in question. Thus it said that the conclusions arrived at by the Court of Appeals in the criminal We could have stopped here and resolved this petition under well-entrenched precepts in
case to wit(1) that there was an exchange of lands consummated between Andrea and Felisa and Philippine jurisprudence that findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are as a rule conclusive and
(2) that the exchanged land was later donated by Andrea to her daughter Margarita in 1927, "can binding upon this Court;6 nonetheless, to set our mind at rest that the conclusions of respondent
hardly be doubted if we take account of the undisputed fact that the defendants have been in
court were not grounded on speculation, surmises or conjectures,7 We went over the evidence opposite counsel, Atty. Julio Enriquez, that the provincial authorities did not deal with him at all
before Us. during the widening of that particular road. (tsn September 25, 1961, p. 34) This is of marked
significance, because if it were true as claimed by petitioners that they were in possession of the
Certain salient facts strongly support the claim of respondents Mendoza over the property in property since the death of Estanislao Montalbo in 1918 or even after the deed of partition in 1934,
dispute: they would have been the persons approached by the authorities for the widening of the road. The
fact that the Mendozas were the ones who gave away part of the land for the widening of the Lobo
road shows that they were in possession of the property and were living there at the time.
First, the northern boundary of the land in controversy is undisputably a school site which originally
was part of a bigger tract belonging to Estanislao Montalbo. This is admitted by petitioner Basilio
Perez who to a question propounded by his counsel, Atty. Panganiban, declared: Third, respondents Mendoza have been in possession of the property since 1927 in concept of
owners thereof. We have the testimony of respondent Nicolas Mendoza that after the land was
donated to his wife in 1927 they built a house on it and lived there continuously, witness referring
Mr. Panganiban: (Counsel of petitioners)
particularly to what he described as lot "A" in his sketch Exhibit 1. (tsn October 24, 1961, pp. 7,
.30-31) Respondent's testimony was found both by the trial and appellate courts credible because
Q. According to these tax declarations which you said covers (1) petitioner Basilio Perez himself admitted during cross-examination that even before the last
the land in question, the boundaries on the north, school site; on world war the Mendozas had constructed a house on the land in litigation (tsn September 25,
the east, land of Calixto Flores; on the south, estero; and on the 1971, pp. 37-39; see Exh. E-3) which admission disproves the allegation in the complaint and
west, estero and Gregoria Mendoza, why is it that there is a Perez' testimony that it was only in 1946 when the Mendozas occupied the property as lessees;
discrepancy? (2) the testimony of Nicolas Mendoza was corroborated by witness Adriano Gonzales, a retired
justice of the peace of Taysan, Batangas, who declared that he knew the Mendozas since 1937
A. Because from the whole parcel of land a portion was taken and he saw them living on the land in question and they have not changed residence at all since
for the school site, and that which remains now is the land in he had known them (tsn December 6, 1961, pp. 5-6); and (3) the respondents Mendoza were the
question, sir. (tsn December 15, 1960, pp. 22-23) ones who were living on the property and not the petitioners at the time the provincial government
in 1937 widened the Lobo road which crosses said land.
No explanation however was offered by Perez as to how that portion became a school site. On the
other hand, there is evidence of respondent Mendoza that because Andrea Montalbo wanted to The court a quo and the respondent appellate court did not err when they upheld the claim of
donate a piece of land to be used as a school site and the municipality preferred the location of ownership of the Mendozas principally on the ground that the latter were in actual possession of
the land inherited by Felisa from her father, the two women exchanged lands after which Andrea the property since 1927 and were sought to be dispossessed by petitioners herein only in 1952
gave one-half of the property to the municipality while the remaining portion which is the land now when an ejectment suit was filed against them.
in litigation was donated propter nuptias to her daughter Margarita way back in 1927. (tsn October
24, 1961, pp. 14-18) This donation of Andrea was not disproved by any evidence of petitioners. Possession is an indicium of ownership of the thing possessed and to the possessor goes the
On the part of respondents Mendoza, their documentary evidence, Exhibits 6, 6-A and 6-B, show presumption that he holds the thing under a claim of ownership.8 Article 433 of the Civil Code
that the municipality of Taysan declared the donated property in its name as early as July, 1925, provides that "(A)ctual possession under claim of ownership raises a disputable presumption of
which supports respondents' claim that the exchange of properties between Andrea and Felisa ownership. The true owner must resort to judicial process for the recovery of the property." In
Montalbo took place sometime in 1922. Chan vs. Court of Appeals, et al., L-27488, June 30, 1970, 33 SCRA 737, this Court upheld the
finding of the Court of Appeals that the litigated property belonged to the private respondents
Second, the provincial authorities authorities dealt with the Mendozas for the widening of the therein based on their possession of the property, not only because such findings of fact of the
provincial road which traverses the land in question. Nicolas Mendoza testified that the land appellate court are conclusive and binding on this Court but because the conclusion is in
covered by the complaint actually consists of two lots which he described in his sketch, Exhibit 1, accordance with Articles 433 and 531 of the Civil Code. 9
with letters "A" and "B" respectively, separated by a provincial road leading to the municipality of
Lobo; that lot "A" which is the bigger parcel is the one donated to his wife, Margarita, by Andrea As we have here conflicting claims of possession by the parties over the land in controversy and
Montalbo on the occasion of their marriage in 1927 (Exh. 2); while lot "B" was bought from Donata because the fact of possession cannot be recognized at the same time in two different
Mendoza in 1951 as shown by the deed of sale, Exhibit 7; that sometime in 1937-38, the province personalities except in cases of co-possession, the present possessor is to be preferred pursuant
widened the provincial road traversing the two lots, and he and his wife were approached by the to Article 538 of the Civil Code which We quote:
provincial authorities more particularly, Engineer Ramirez, for them to give without compensation
from lot "A" a stretch of land of one meter in width to widen said road, and they agreed. At that
Possession as a fact cannot be recognized at the same time in two different
time Donata Mendoza still owned lot "B" and she was also asked to give part of her land for the
personalities except in the cases of co-possession. Should a question arise
road but she was paid for the value of the plants destroyed in the process.(tsn October 24, 1961,
regarding the fact of possession, the present possessor shall be preferred; if
pp. 32-34) For his part, petitioner Perez admitted during the cross-examination conducted by the
there are two possessors, the one longer in possession; if the dates of the
possession are the same, the one who presents a title; and if all these conditions 3. The last argument of petitioners is the object of the third assigned error. It is contended that the
are equal, the thing shall be placed in judicial deposit pending determination of its appellate court erred in not giving effect to the deed of partition, Exhibit D, notwithstanding the fact
possession or ownership through proper proceedings." 10 that the name of Andrea Montalbo appears in the document as one of the witnesses thereto.

The pretension of petitioners that the possession of the Mendozas is that of a mere lessee was Exhibit D appears to be a document dated May 27, 1934, wherein certain properties allegedly
not believed by the trial judge and the appellate court not only because of the absence of any belonging to Estanislao Montalbo were divided between Petra Montalbo and Jose Ortega,
written or oral evidence on the matter other than the bare testimony of petitioner Basilio Perez, but husband of deceased Felisa Montalbo. Petitioner Basilio Perez declared that one of the parcels of
also due to the circumstances present in the case which We indicated and enumerated at pages 7 land mentioned in the document is the land now in litigation which is particularly marked as Exhibit
to 9 of this decision. In fine, it is a fact that the Mendozas are presently in possession of the D-1. He also testified that Exhibit D was signed by him and his wife, Petra Montalbo, by Jose
property and the presumption of ownership in their favor has not been successfully rebutted by Ortega, husband of deceased Felisa Montalbo, and thumbmarked by the latter's children all in his
evidence that they are mere lessees of the land in their possession as claimed by petitioners. presence. (tsn December 15,1960, pp. 19-24) Surprisingly, however, Basilio Perez did not at all
mention during the course of his testimony that the old woman, Andrea Montalbo, signed the deed
2. In their second assigned error, petitioners contend that respondent court should not have given of partition as a witness. We have gone over the transcript of Basilio Perez' declaration on direct
weight to the evidence of respondent Mendoza because the latter's Exhibit 5 was proven to be a and cross-examination (tsn December 15, 1960, pp. 15-34; September 25, 1961, pp. 3-40) and at
falsified document. no instance did he ever state that Andrea Montalbo was present during the preparation of the
document, that she read or knew the contents thereof which by the way consists of six handwritten
pages, and that she signed her name on the document. It was incumbent upon petitioners to
To recall, Exhibit 5 is the alleged deed of exchange or barter of lands between Andrea and Felisa
identify the signature of Andrea Montalbo on the document if her signature was truly there. As a
Montalbo dated January 14, 1922. On this point, petitioners overlook the fact that Exhibit 5 was
matter of fact, examining the document Exhibit D We entertain doubts whether the name referred
made the basis of a criminal accusation of falsification of private document solely on the allegation to by petitioners is "Andrea Montalbo", for, as written, it also can read "Maria Montalbo". At any
that the signature of Rafael Manahan, the person before whom the parties to the document rate, whatever is the import of said deed of partition, the same binds only the parties thereto but
allegedly appeared, was not his. There was no finding in that criminal case as per decision does not affect third persons such as Andrea Montalbo or the herein Mendozas in the absence of
rendered therein that the barter or exchange of lands between Andrea and Felisa Montalbo did not proof that they participated in one way or another in the preparation and execution of
in effect take place. On the contrary, what appears in said decision offered by petitioners as their thedocument. As it is, Andrea Montalbo was a stranger to that deed of partition and any recital
Exhibit J are the following findings of the Court of Appeals, viz: that the land donated by Andrea therein concerning the property under litigation cannot be used as evidence to prejudice her and
Montalbo to her daughter Margarita Macalalad "was acquired by the donor by means of a barter her successors-in-interest or place her in estoppel as to her claims over the property. Res inter
with her own parcel of land planted with bamboos and mango trees"; that while it is true that
alios acta alteri nocere non debet. A transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the
because of this presentation of the falsified document appellant (now respondent Nicolas prejudice of a third person or stranger. 11
Mendoza) was able to secure the declaration of the property donated in his name, no criminal
liability should be imposed upon him in the absence of any evidence that he presented said exhibit
with the knowledge that it was forged "especially if we take into consideration the fact that he and 4. In the fourth assignment of error, petitioners claim that the appellate court should have rendered
his wife were and are still in possession of the land donated since 1927"; that in fact, the color and a decision in their favor. That both the trial court and respondent appellate court have correctly
appearance of the document in question show that it is not a new document but an old one thus evaluated the evidence, has been clearly demonstrated by Us.
confirming Mendoza's theory that it was executed in or about the year 1922 as appearing in the
document or five years before his marriage. (pp. 1, 5, 6 of Exh. J, folder of exhibits) Thus, if the IN VIEW OF ALL THE ABOVE CONSIDERATIONS, We find no reversible error in the decision
document Exhibit 5 was held to be forged, it was simply because the municipal secretary, Rafael under review and We AFFIRM the same with costs against petitioners.
Manahan, did not sign it and not for any other reason. What is material and relevant to the civil
case is that both the trial court and respondent appellate court found for a fact that there was an So Ordered.
exchange of lands between Andrea and Felisa Montalbo on the basis of evidence other than the
disputed Exhibit 5. As to what the evidence is, has been discussed above.
Castro (Chairman), Makasiar, Esguerra and Martin, JJ., concur.
Petitioners cite Gonzales vs. Mauricio, 53 Phil. 728 where this Court stated inter alia that the
Teehankee, J., is on leave.
introduction of a forged instrument by a witness renders the testimony of the latter practically
worthless. That statement however is not applicable to the situation before Us because
in Gonzalez the particular document or receipt referred to was found to be entirely false as to its
contents, handwriting, and signature, whereas here all that was found to be false is the signature
of a witnessing official.
Republic of the Philippines While appellants admits that a cash dividend is an income, they contend that a stock dividend is
SUPREME COURT not, but merely represents an addition to the invested capital. The so-called Massachusetts rule,
Manila which prevails in certain jurisdictions in the United States, supports appellants' contention . It
regards cash dividends, however large, as income, and stock dividends, however made, as
EN BANC capital. (Minot vs. Paine, 99 Mass., 101; 96 Am. Dec., 705.) It holds that a stock dividend is not in
any true sense any true sense any dividend at all since it involves no division or severance from
the corporate assets of the dividend; that it does not distribute property but simply dilutes the
G.R. No. L-2659 October 12, 1950
shares as they existed before; and that it takes nothing from the property of the corporation, and
nothing to the interests of the shareholders.
In the matter of the testate estate of Emil Maurice Bachrach, deceased. MARY McDONALD
On the other hand, so called Pennsylvania rule, which prevails in various other jurisdictions in the
United States, supports appellee's contention. This rule declares that all earnings of the
SOPHIE SEIFERT and ELISA ELIANOFF, oppositors-appellants.
corporation made prior to the death of the testator stockholder belong to the corpus of the estate,
and that all earnings, when declared as dividends in whatever form, made during the lifetime of
Ross, Selph, Carrascoso and Janda for appellants. the usufructuary or life tenant. (Earp's Appeal, 28 Pa., 368.)
Delgado and Flores for appellee.
. . . It is clear that testator intent the remaindermen should have only the corpus of the
OZAETA, J.: estate he left in trust, and that all dividends should go the life tenants. It is true that profits
realized are not dividends until declared by the proper officials of the corporation, but
Is a stock dividend fruit or income, which belongs to the usufructuary, or is it capital or part of the distribution of profits, however made, in dividends, and the form of the distribution is
corpus of the estate, which pertains to the remainderman? That is the question raised in the immaterial. (In re Thompson's Estate, 262 Pa., 278; 105 Atl. 273, 274.)
In Hite vs. Hite (93 Ky., 257; 20 S. W., 778, 780), the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, speaking thru
The deceased E. M. Bachrach, who left no forced heir except his widow Mary McDonald its Chief Justice, said:
Bachrach, in his last will and testament made various legacies in cash and willed the remainder of
his estate as follows: . . . Where a dividend, although declared in stock, is based upon the earnings of the
company, it is in reality, whether called by one name or another, the income of the capital
Sixth: It is my will and do herewith bequeath and devise to my beloved wife Mary invested in it. It is but a mode of distributing the profit. If it be not income, what is it? If it is,
McDonald Bachrach for life all the fruits and usufruct of the remainder of all my estate then it is rightfully and equitably the property of the life tenant. If it be really profit, then he
after payment of the legacies, bequests, and gifts provided for above; and she may enjoy should have it, whether paid in stock or money. A stock dividend proper is the issue of
said usufruct and use or spend such fruits as she may in any manner wish. new shares paid for by the transfer of a sum equal to their par value from the profits and
loss account to that representing capital stock; and really a corporation has no right to a
The will further provided that upon the death of Mary McDonald Bachrach, one-half of the all his dividend, either in cash or stock, except from its earnings; and a singular state of case —
estate "shall be divided share and share alike by and between my legal heirs, to the exclusion of it seems to us, an unreasonable one — is presented if the company, although it rests with
my brothers." it whether it will declare a dividend, can bind the courts as to the proper ownership of it,
and by the mode of payment substitute its will for that of that of the testator, and favor the
life tenants or the remainder-men, as it may desire. It cannot, in reason, be considered
The estate of E. M. Bachrach, as owner of 108,000 shares of stock of the Atok-Big Wedge Mining that the testator contemplated such a result. The law regards substance, and not form,
Co., Inc., received from the latter 54,000 shares representing 50 per cent stock dividend on the and such a rule might result not only in a violation of the testator's intention, but it would
said 108,000 shares. On June 10, 1948, Mary McDonald Bachrach, as usufructuary or life tenant give the power to the corporation to beggar the life tenants, who, in this case, are the wife
of the estate, petitioned the lower court to authorize the Peoples Bank and Trust Company as and children of the testator, for the benefit of the remainder-men, who may perhaps be
administrator of the estate of E. M. Bachrach, to her the said 54,000 share of stock dividend by unknown to the testator, being unborn when the will was executed. We are unwilling to
endorsing and delivering to her the corresponding certificate of stock, claiming that said dividend, adopt a rule which to us seems so arbitrary, and devoid of reason and justice. If the
although paid out in the form of stock, is fruit or income and therefore belonged to her as dividend be in fact a profit, although declared in stock, it should be held to be income. It
usufructuary or life tenant. Sophie Siefert and Elisa Elianoff, legal heirs of the deceased, opposed has been so held in Pennsylvania and many other states, and we think it the correct rule.
said petition on the ground that the stock dividend in question was not income but formed part of Earp's Appeal, 28 Pa. St. 368; Cook, Stocks & S. sec. 554. . . .
the capital and therefore belonged not to the usufructuary but to the remainderman. And they have
appealed from the order granting the petition and overruling their objection.
We think the Pennsylvania rule is more in accord with our statutory laws than the Massachusetts
rule. Under section 16 of our Corporation Law, no corporation may make or declare any dividend
except from the surplus profits arising from its business. Any dividend, therefore, whether cash or
stock, represents surplus profits. Article 471 of the Civil Code provides that the usufructuary shall
be entitled to receive all the natural, industrial, and civil fruits of the property in usufruct. And
articles 474 and 475 provide as follows:

ART. 474. Civil fruits are deemed to accrue day by day, and belong to the usufructuary in
proportion to the time the usufruct may last.

ART. 475. When a usufruct is created on the right to receive an income or periodical
revenue, either in money or fruits, or the interest on bonds or securities payable to bearer,
each matured payment shall be considered as the proceeds or fruits such right.

When it consists of the enjoyment of the benefits arising from an interest in an industrial
or commercial enterprise, the profits of which are not distributed at fixed periods, such
profits shall have the same

In either case they shall be distributed as civil fruits, and shall be applied in accordance
with the rules prescribed by the next preceding article.

The 108,000 shares of stock are part of the property in usufruct. The 54,000 shares of stock
dividend are civil fruits of the original investment. They represent profits, and the delivery of the
certificate of stock covering said dividend is equivalent to the payment of said profits. Said shares
may be sold independently of the original shares, just as the offspring of a domestic animal may
be sold independently of its mother.

The order appealed from, being in accordance with the above-quoted provisions of the Civil Code,
his hereby affirmed, with costs against the appellants.

Moran, C. J., Paras, Feria, Pablo, Bengzon, Tuason, Montemayor and Reyes, JJ., concur.
Republic of the Philippines At the trial all the parties agreed to recognize and respect the sale made in favor of Cesar
SUPREME COURT Ledesma of the P7,500 part of the credit in question, for which reason the trial court dismissed the
Manila complaint and cross-complaint against Cesar Ledesma authorizing the defendant central to deliver
to him the aforementioned sum of P7,500. And upon conclusion of the hearing, the court held that
EN BANC the Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., had a preferred right to receive the amount of P11,076.02 which
was Mariano Lacson Ledesma's bonus, and it ordered the defendant central to deliver said sum to
the plaintiff.
G.R. No. 35223 September 17, 1931

The Philippine National Bank appeals, assigning the following alleged errors as committed by the
THE BACHRACH MOTOR CO., INC., plaintiff-appellee,
trial court:
TALISAY-SILAY MILLING CO., ET AL., defendants-appellees.
THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, intervenor-appellant. 1. In holding that the bonus which the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., bound itself to pay
the planters who had mortgaged their land to the Philippine National Bank to secure the
payment of the debt of said central to said bank is not civil fruits of said land.
Roman J. Lacson for intervenor-appellant.
Mariano Ezpeleta for plaintiff-appellee.
Nolan and Hernaez for defendants-appellees Talisay-Silay Milling Co. and Cesar Ledesma. 2. In not holding that said bonus became subject to the mortgage executed by the
defendant Mariano Lacson Ledesma to the Philippine National Bank to secure the
payment of his personal debt to said bank when it fell due.

3. In holding that the assignment (Exhibit 9, P.N.B.) of said bonus made on March 7,
This proceeding originated in a complaint filed by the Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., against the
1930, by Mariano Lacson Ledesma to the Philippine National Bank to be applied to the
Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., for the delivery of the amount P13,850 or promissory notes or other payment of his debt to said Philippine National Bank is fraudulent.
instruments or credit for that sum payable on June 30, 1930, as bonus in favor of Mariano Lacson
Ledesma; the complaint further prays that the sugar central be ordered to render an accounting of
the amounts it owes Mariano Lacson Ledesma by way of bonus, dividends, or otherwise, and to 4. In holding that the Bachrach Motor Co. Inc., in civil case No. 31597 of the Court of First
pay the plaintiff a sum sufficient to satisfy the judgment mentioned in the complaint, and that the Instance of Manila levied a valid attachment upon the bonus in question.
sale made by said Mariano Lacson Ledesma be declared null and void.
5. In admitting and considering the supplementary complaint filed by the Bachrach Motor
The Philippine National Bank filed a third party claim alleging a preferential right to receive any Co., Inc., alleging as a cause of action the attachment of the bonus in question which said
amount which Mariano Lacson Ledesma might be entitled to from the Talisay-Silay Milling Co. as Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., in civil case No. 31821 of the Court of First Instance of Manila
bonus, because that would be civil fruits of the land mortgaged to said bank by said debtor for the levied after the filing of the original complaint in this case, and after Mariano Lacson
benefit of the central referred to, and by virtue of a deed of assignment, and praying that said Ledesma in this case had been declared in default.
central be ordered to delivered directly to the intervening bank said sum on account of the latter's
credit against the aforesaid Mariano Lacson Ledesma. 6. In holding that the Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., has a preferential right to receive from the
Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., the amount of P11,076.02 which is in the possession of
The corporation Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., answered the complaint stating that of Mariano said corporation as the bonus to be paid to Mariano Lacson Ledesma, and in ordering the
Lacson Ledesma's credit, P7,500 belonged to Cesar Ledesma because he had purchased it, and Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., to deliver said amount to the Bachrach Motor Co., Inc.
praying that it be absolved from the complaint and that the proper party be named so that the
remainder might be delivered. 7. In not holding that the Philippine National Bank has a preferential right to receive from
the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., the amount of P11,076.02 held by said corporation as
Cesar Ledesma, in turn, claiming to be the owner by purchase in good faith an for a Mariano Lacson Ledesma's bonus, and in not ordering said Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc.,
reconsideration of the P7,500 which is a part of the credit referred to above, answered praying that to deliver said amount to the Philippine National Bank.
he be absolved from the complaint.
8. In not holding that the amended complaint and the supplementary complaint of the
The plaintiff Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., answered the third party claim alleging that its credit against Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., do not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action in
Mariano Lacson Ledesma was prior and preferential to that of the intervening bank, and praying favor of the Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., and against the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., or
that the latter's complaint be dismissed. against the Philippine National Bank.
The appellant bank bases its preferential right upon the contention that the bonus in question is income or civil fruits of anything, it is income arising from said risk, or, if one chooses, from
civil fruits of the lands which the owners had mortgaged for the benefit of the central giving the Mariano Lacson Ledesma's generosity in facing the danger for the protection of the central, but
bonus, and that, as civil fruits of said land, said bonus was assigned by Mariano Lacson Ledesma certainly it is not civil fruits or income from the mortgaged property, which, as far as this case is
on March 7, 1930, by virtue of the document Exhibit 9 of said intervening institution, which concerned, has nothing to do with it. Hence, the amount of the bonus, according to the resolution
admitted in its brief that "if the bonus in question is not civil fruits or rent which became subject to of the central granting it, is not based upon the value, importance or any other circumstance of the
the mortgage in favor of the Philippine National Bank when Mariano Lacson Ledesma's personal mortgaged property, but upon the total value of the debt thereby secured, according to the annual
obligation fell due, the assignment of March 7, 1930 (Exhibit 9, P.N.B.), is null and void, not balance, which is something quite distinct from and independent of the property referred to.
because it is fraudulent, for there was no intent of fraud in executing the deed, but that the cause
or consideration of the assignment was erroneous, for it was based upon the proposition that the Finding no merit in this appeal, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, without express finding as
bonus was civil fruits of the land mortgaged to the Philippine National Bank." (P. 31.) to costs. So ordered.

The fundamental question, then, submitted to our consideration is whether or not the bonus in Johnson, Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Ostrand, Villa-Real, and Imperial, JJ., concur.
question is civil fruits.

This is how the bonus came to be granted: On December 22, 1923, the Talisay-Silay Milling Co.,
Inc., was indebted to the Philippine National Bank. To secure the payment of its debt, it succeeded
in inducing its planters, among whom was Mariano Lacson Ledesma, to mortgage their land to the
creditor bank. And in order to compensate those planters for the risk they were running with their
property under the mortgage, the aforesaid central, by a resolution passed on that same date, i.e.,
December 22, 1923, undertook to credit the owners of the plantation thus mortgaged every year
with a sum equal to two per centum of the debt secured according to yearly balance, the payment
of the bonus being made at once, or in part from time to time, as soon as the central became free
of its obligations to the aforesaid bank, and of those contracted by virtue of the contract of
supervision, and had funds which might be so used, or as soon as it obtained from said bank
authority to make such payment. (Exhibits 5, 6; P.N.B.)

Article 355 of the Civil Code considers three things as civil fruits: First, the rents of buildings;
second, the proceeds from leases of lands; and, third, the income from perpetual or life annuities,
or other similar sources of revenue. It may be noted that according to the context of the law, the
phrase "u otras analogas" refers only to rent or income, for the
adjectives "otras" and "analogas" agree with the noun "rentas," as do also the other
adjectives "perpetuas"and "vitalicias." That is why we say that by "civil fruits" the Civil Code
understands one of three and only three things, to wit: the rent of a building, the rent of land, and
certain kinds of income.

As the bonus in question is not rent of a building or of land, the only meaning of "civil fruits" left to
be examined is that of "income."

Assuming that in broad juridical sense of the word "income" it might be said that the bonus in
question is "income" under article 355 of the Civil Code, it is obvious to inquire whether it is
derived from the land mortgaged by Mariano Lacson Ledesma to the appellant bank for the benefit
of the central; for it is not obtained from that land but from something else, it is not civil fruits of that
land, and the bank's contention is untenable.

It is to be noted that the said bonus bears no immediate, but only a remote accidental relation to
the land mentioned, having been granted as compensation for the risk of having subjected one's
land to a lien in favor of the bank, for the benefit of the entity granting said bonus. If this bonus be
Republic of the Philippines Both parties appealed to this court (GR No. 37319). 2The decision appealed from was modified by
SUPREME COURT allowing the defendant to recover compensation amounting to P2,212 and by reducing the price at
Manila which the plaintiff could require the defendant to purchase the land in question from P300 to P200
per hectare. Plaintiff was given by this court 30 days from the date when the decision became final
IN BANC within which to exercise his option, either to sell the land to the defendant or to buy the
improvements from him. On January 9, 1934, the plaintiff manifested to the lower court his desire
"to require the defendant to pay him the value of the land at the rate of P200 per hectare or to a
GR No. L-44606 November 28, 1938
total price of P18,000 for the whole tract of land. " The defendant informed the lower court that he
was unable to pay the land and, on January 24, 1934,To make payment to the plaintiff of the sum
VICENTE STO. DOMINGO BERNARDO, plaintiff-appellant, of P2,212 and the remainder after deduction of the legal expenses of the sale in public auction will
vs. be delivered to the plaintiff . "On February 21, 1934, plaintiff moved to reconsider the foregoing
CATALINO BATACLAN, defender -appellant. order so that he would have preference over the defendant in the order of payment. The motion
TORIBIO TEODORO, purchaser-appellee. was denied on March 1, 1934 but on March 16 following the court below, motu propriomodified its
order of January 24, " in the sense that the claimant has a preferential right to amount of the land
Pedro de Leon for plaintiff-appellant. will not be sold in public auction, at the rate of P200 per hectare and the remainder, if any, will be
Angel H. Mojica and Francisco Lavides for defendant appellant. delivered to the defendant in payment of the amount of P2,212 for the cleaning of the land and the
Jose Y. Garde for appellee. improvements introduced in it by the aforementioned defendant"On April 24, 1934, the court
below, at the instance of the plaintiff and without objection on the part of the defendant, ordered
LAUREL, J .: the sale of the land in question at the public auction." The land was sold on April 5, 1935 Toribio
Teodoro, the highest bidder, for P8,000. In the certificate of sale issued to said purchaser on the
very day of sale, it was stated that the period of redemption of the land was sold to expire on April
This is an appeal taken by both the plaintiff and the defendant from the order of September 26, 5, 1936. Upon petition of Toribio Teodoro the court below ordered the provincial sheriff to issue
1935, hereinabove referred to, of the Court of First Instance of Cavite in Civil Case No. 2428. another certificate not qualified by any equity of redemption This was complied with by the sheriff
on July 30, 1935. On September 18, 1935, Theodore moved that he was placed in possession of
There is no controversy as to the facts. By a contract of sale executed from Pastor Samonte and the land purchased by him. The motion was granted by order of September 26, 1935, the
others ownership of a land of about 90 hectares situated in site Balayunan, Silang, Cavite. To dispositive part of which is as follows:
secure possession of the land from the vendors of the said plaintiff, on July 20, 1929, instituted
Civil Case No. 1935 in the Court of First Instance of Cavite. The trial court found for the plaintiff in Therefore, the Provincial Sheriff of Cavite is ordered to place Toribio Teodoro in
a decision which was affirmed by this Supreme Court on appeal (GR No. 33017). 1When plaintiff possession of the land purchased by him at public auction and for which he was issued a
entered upon the premises, however, I found the defender here, Catalina Bataclan, who appears definitive sale certificate, reserving to the defendant his right to exercise an ordinary
to have been authorized by former owners, as far back as 1922, to clear the land and make action to claim from the plaintiff the amount of P2,212 to which he is entitled for the
improvements thereon. As Bataclan was not a party in Case No. 1935, plaintiff, on June 11, 1931, cleaning and improvement of the land and whose sum, in fairness and equity, must be
instituted against him, in the Court of First Instance of Cavite, Civil Case No. 2428. In this case, discounted and deducted from the sum of P8,000 that the plaintiff has already received.
plaintiff was declared owner but the defendant was held to be a possessor in good faith, entitled to
reimbursement in the total sum of P1,642, for work done and improvements made. The dispositive
part of the decision reads: The Civil Code confirms certain time-honored principles of the law of property. One of these is the
principle of accession whereby the owner of property acquires not only that which is produced but
that is naturally or artificially. (Article 353.) Whatever is built, planted or on the land of another, and
For the above considerations, is declared to the claimant Vicente Santo Domingo the improvements or repairs made thereon, belong to the owner of the land (Article 358). Where,
Bernardo owner with the right to the possession of the land described in the lawsuit, and however, the planter, builder, or sower has acted in good faith, a conflict of rights arises between
the defendant Catalina Bataclan with the right to the plaintiff of the amount of P1,642 for the owners and it becomes necessary to protect the owner of the improvements without causing
useful expenses made in good faith in the land, and by the fence and ponchos of coconut injustice to the owner of the land. In view of the impracticability of creating what Manresa calls a
and abaca existing in the same, and with the right, in addition to retain the possession of state of "forced coownership" (vol.3, 4th ed., P.213), the law you have provided to just and
the land until such amount is paid. The plaintiff may choose, within thirty days, from the equitable solution by giving the owner of the land the option to acquire the improvements after
date on which he was notified of this, to pay that sum to the defendant, thereby making payment of the proper indemnity or to the oblige the builder or planter to pay for the land and the
the purse seizure and all existing plantations on the land, or compel the defendant to pay sower to pay the proper rent (art 361). It is the owner of the land who is allowed to exercise the
the land price, at the rate of three hundred pesos per hectare. In the event that the option because his right is older and because, by the principle of accession, he is entitled to the
plaintiff opts for the defendant to pay him the price of the land, the defendant will make ownership of the accessory thing (3 Manresa, 4th ed., P. 213) . In the case before us, the plaintiff,
the payment within the period of time convenient by the parties or that will be fixed by the as owner of the land, chose to require the defendant, as owner of the improvements, to pay for the
Court. Without costs.
land. It is the owner of the land who is allowed to exercise the option because his right is older and
because, by the principle of accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the accessory thing (3
Manresa, 4th ed., P. 213) . In the case before us, the plaintiff, as owner of the land, chose to
require the defendant, as owner of the improvements, to pay for the land. It is the owner of the
land who is allowed to exercise the option because his right is older and because, by the principle
of accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the accessory thing (3 Manresa, 4th ed., P. 213)
. In the case before us, the plaintiff, as owner of the land, chose to require the defendant, as
owner of the improvements, to pay for the land.

The defendant states that he is a possessor in good faith and that the amount of P2,212 to which
he has not yet been paid to him. Therefore, he says, he has a right to retain the land in
accordance with the provision of article 453 of the Civil Code. We do not doubt the validity of the
stated premises. "It considers the law so sane and legitimizes the debt, which, until it is paid, does
not allow the thing to be restored to the winner"(4 Manresa, 4th ed., P., 304.) We find, however,
that the defendant has lost his right of retention. In obedience to the decision of this court in GR
No. 37319, the plaintiff expressed his desire to The defendant could have become owner of both
land and improvements and continued in possession of the land, but he said he could not pay and
the land was sold to Toribio Teodoro. law, as we have already said, requires no more than that the
owner of the land should choose between indemnifying the owner of the improvements or
requiring the latter to pay for the land. his right of retention.

The sale at the public auction having been requested by the plaintiff himself (page 22, bill of
exceptions) and the purchase price of P8,000 received by him from Toribio Teodoro, we find no
reason to justify a rapture of the situation thus created between them, the defendant-appellant not
being entitled, after all, to recover from the plaintiff the sum of P2,212.

The judgment of the lower court is accordingly modified by eliminating therefrom the reservation
made in favor of the defendant-appellant to recover from the plaintiff the sum of P2,212. In all the
respects, the same is affirmed, without pronouncement regarding costs. So ordered.

Avanceña, CJ, Villa-Real, Imperial and Diaz, JJ., Concur.

Republic of the Philippines Once this decision becomes final, the plaintiffs and defendants may appear again before
SUPREME COURT this court for the purpose of determining their respective rights under article 361 of the
Manila Civil Code, if they cannot come to an extra-judicial settlement with regard to said rights.

EN BANC Subsequently, in a motion filed in the same Court of First Instance but now presided over by the
herein respondent Judge Hon. Felipe Natividad, the plaintiffs prayed for an order of execution
G.R. No. L-175 April 30, 1946 alleging that since they chose neither to pay defendants for the buildings nor to sell to them the
residential lot, said defendants should be ordered to remove the structure at their own expense
and to restore plaintiffs in the possession of said lot. Defendants objected to this motion which,
after hearing, was granted by Judge Natividad. Hence, this petition by defendants praying for (a) a
restraint and annulment of the order of execution issued by Judge Natividad; (b) an order to
compel plaintiffs to pay them the sum of P2,000 for the buildings, or sell to them the residential lot
Instance of Pangasinan, respondents.
for P45; or (c), a rehearing of the case for a determination of the rights of the parties upon failure
of extra-judicial settlement.
Leoncio R. Esliza for petitioners.
Mauricio M. Monta for respondents.
The judgment rendered by Judge Felix is founded on articles 361 and 453 of the Civil Code which
are as follows:
ART. 361. The owner of land on which anything has been built, sown or planted in good
This is a petition for certiorari arising from a case in the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the work, sowing or planting, after the
between the herein respondents Elias Hilario and his wife Dionisia Dres as plaintiffs, and the payment of the indemnity stated in articles 453 and 454, or to oblige the one who built or
herein petitioners Damian, Francisco and Luis, surnamed Ignacio, as defendants, concerning the planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who sowed, the proper rent.
ownership of a parcel of land, partly rice-land and partly residential. After the trial of the case, the
lower court, presided over by Hon. Alfonso Felix, rendered judgment holding plaintiffs as the legal ART. 453. Necessary expenses shall be refunded to every possessor; but only the
owners of the whole property but conceding to defendants the ownership of the houses and possessor in good faith may retain the thing until such expenses are made good to him.
granaries built by them on the residential portion with the rights of a possessor in good faith, in
accordance with article 361 of the Civil Code. The dispositive part of the decision, hub of this
controversy, follows: Useful expenses shall be refunded to the possessor in good faith with the same right of
retention, the person who has defeated him in the possession having the option of
refunding the amount of the expenses or paying the increase in value which the thing may
Wherefore, judgment is hereby rendered declaring:
have acquired in consequence thereof.

(1) That the plaintiffs are the owners of the whole property described in transfer certificate
The owner of the building erected in good faith on a land owned by another, is entitled to retain the
of title No. 12872 (Exhibit A) issued in their name, and entitled to the possession of the
possession of the land until he is paid the value of his building, under article 453. The owner of the
land, upon the other hand, has the option, under article 361, either to pay for the building or to sell
his land to the owner of the building. But he cannot, as respondents here did, refuse both to pay
(2) That the defendants are entitled to hold the position of the residential lot until after for the building and to sell the land and compel the owner of the building to remove it from the land
they are paid the actual market value of their houses and granaries erected thereon, where it is erected. He is entitled to such remotion only when, after having chosen to sell his land,
unless the plaintiffs prefer to sell them said residential lot, in which case defendants shall the other party fails to pay for the same. But this is not the case before us.
pay the plaintiffs the proportionate value of said residential lot taking as a basis the price
paid for the whole land according to Exhibit B; and
We hold, therefore, that the order of Judge Natividad compelling defendants-petitioners to remove
their buildings from the land belonging to plaintiffs-respondents only because the latter chose
(3) That upon defendant's failure to purchase the residential lot in question, said neither to pay for such buildings not to sell the land, is null and void, for it amends substantially the
defendants shall remove their houses and granaries after this decision becomes final and judgment sought to be executed and is, furthermore, offensive to articles 361 and 453 of the Civil
within the period of sixty (60) days from the date that the court is informed in writing of the Code.
attitude of the parties in this respect.
There is, however, in the decision of Judge Felix a question of procedure which calls for the
No pronouncement is made as to damages and costs. clarification, to avoid uncertainty and delay in the disposition of cases. In that decision, the rights
of both parties are well defined under articles 361 and 453 of the Civil Code, but it fails to
determine the value of the buildings and of the lot where they are erected as well as the periods of
time within which the option may be exercised and payment should be made, these particulars
having been left for determination apparently after the judgment has become final. This procedure
is erroneous, for after the judgment has become final, no additions can be made thereto and
nothing can be done therewith except its execution. And execution cannot be had, the sheriff
being ignorant as to how, for how much, and within what time may the option be exercised, and
certainly no authority is vested in him to settle these matters which involve exercise of judicial
discretion. Thus the judgment rendered by Judge Felix has never become final, it having left
matters to be settled for its completion in a subsequent proceeding, matters which remained
unsettled up to the time the petition is filed in the instant case.

For all the foregoing, the writ of execution issued by Judge Natividad is hereby set aside and the
lower court ordered to hold a hearing in the principal case wherein it must determine the prices of
the buildings and of the residential lot where they are erected, as well as the period of time within
which the plaintiffs-respondents may exercise their option either to pay for the buildings or to sell
their land, and, in the last instance, the period of time within which the defendants-petitioners may
pay for the land, all these periods to be counted from the date the judgment becomes executory or
unappealable. After such hearing, the court shall render a final judgment according to the
evidence presented by the parties.

The costs shall be paid by plaintiffs-respondents.

Ozaeta, Paras, Jaranilla, Feria, De Joya, Pablo, Perfecto, Hilado, Bengzon and Briones,
JJ., concur.
Republic of the Philippines From the foregoing judgment, neither party appeal so that, ff it were a valid judgment, it would
SUPREME COURT have ordinarily lapsed into finality, but even then, DEPRA did not accept payment of rentals so
Manila that DUMLAO deposited such rentals with the Municipal Court.

FIRST DIVISION On July 15,1974, DEPRA filed a Complaint for Quieting of Title against DUMLAO before the then
Court of First Instance of Iloilo, Branch IV (Trial Court), involving the very same 34 square meters,
G.R. No. L-57348 May 16, 1985 which was the bone of contention in the Municipal Court. DUMLAO, in his Answer, admitted the
encroachment but alleged, in the main, that the present suit is barred by res judicata by virtue of
the Decision of the Municipal Court, which had become final and executory.
FRANCISCO DEPRA, plaintiff-appellee,
AGUSTIN DUMLAO, defendant-appellant. After the case had been set for pre-trial, the parties submitted a Joint Motion for Judgment based
on the Stipulation of Facts attached thereto. Premised thereon, the Trial Court on October 31,
1974, issued the assailed Order, decreeing:
Roberto D. Dineros for plaintiff-appellee.
WHEREFORE, the Court finds and so holds that the thirty four (34) square
Veil D. Hechanova for defendant-appellant.
meters subject of this litigation is part and parcel of Lot 685 of the Cadastral
Survey of Dumangas of which the plaintiff is owner as evidenced by Transfer
MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: Certificate of Title No. 3087 and such plaintiff is entitled to possess the same.

This is an appeal from the Order of the former Court of First Instance of Iloilo to the then Court of Without pronouncement as to costs.
Appeals, which the latter certified to this instance as involving pure questions of law
Plaintiff-appellee, Francisco Depra, is the owner of a parcel of land registered under Transfer
Certificate of Title No. T3087, known as Lot No. 685, situated in the municipality of Dumangas,
Rebutting the argument of res judicata relied upon by DUMLAO, DEPRA claims that the Decision
Iloilo, with an area of approximately 8,870 square meters. Agustin Dumlao, defendant-appellant,
of the Municipal Court was null and void ab initio because its jurisdiction is limited to the sole issue
owns an adjoining lot, designated as Lot No. 683, with an approximate area of 231 sq. ms.
of possession, whereas decisions affecting lease, which is an encumbrance on real property, may
only be rendered by Courts of First Instance.
Sometime in 1972, when DUMLAO constructed his house on his lot, the kitchen thereof had
encroached on an area of thirty four (34) square meters of DEPRA's property, After the Addressing out selves to the issue of validity of the Decision of the Municipal Court, we hold the
encroachment was discovered in a relocation survey of DEPRA's lot made on November 2,1972, same to be null and void. The judgment in a detainer case is effective in respect of possession
his mother, Beatriz Depra after writing a demand letter asking DUMLAO to move back from his only (Sec. 7, Rule 70, Rules of Court). 1The Municipal Court over-stepped its bounds when it
encroachment, filed an action for Unlawful Detainer on February 6,1973 against DUMLAO in the imposed upon the parties a situation of "forced lease", which like "forced co-ownership" is not
Municipal Court of of Dumangas, docketed as Civil Case No 1, Said complaint was later amended
favored in law. Furthermore, a lease is an interest in real property, jurisdiction over which belongs
to include DEPRA as a party plain. plaintiff.
to Courts of First Instance (now Regional Trial Courts) (Sec. 44(b), Judiciary Act of 1948; 2 Sec. 19
(2) Batas Pambansa Blg. 129). 3 Since the Municipal Court, acted without jurisdiction, its Decision
After trial, the Municipal Court found that DUMLAO was a builder in good faith, and applying was null and void and cannot operate as res judicata to the subject complaint for Queting of Title.
Article 448 of the Civil Code, rendered judgment on September 29, 1973, the dispositive portion of Besides, even if the Decision were valid, the rule on res judicata would not apply due to difference
which reads: in cause of action. In the Municipal Court, the cause of action was the deprivation of possession,
while in the action to quiet title, the cause of action was based on ownership. Furthermore, Sec. 7,
Ordering that a forced lease is created between the parties with the plaintiffs, as Rule 70 of the Rules of Court explicitly provides that judgment in a detainer case "shall not bar an
lessors, and the defendants as lessees, over the disputed portion with an area of action between the same parties respecting title to the land. " 4
thirty four (34) square meters, the rent to be paid is five (P5.00) pesos a month,
payable by the lessee to the lessors within the first five (5) days of the month the Conceded in the Stipulation of Facts between the parties is that DUMLAO was a builder in good
rent is due; and the lease shall commence on the day that this decision shall faith. Thus,
have become final.
8. That the subject matter in the unlawful detainer case, Civil Case No. 1, before The owner of the building erected in good faith on a land owned by another, is
the Municipal Court of Dumangas, Iloilo involves the same subject matter in the entitled to retain the possession of the land until he is paid the value of his
present case, the Thirty-four (34) square meters portion of land and built thereon building, under article 453 (now Article 546). The owner of the land, upon the
in good faith is a portion of defendant's kitchen and has been in the possession other hand, has the option, under article 361 (now Article 448), either to pay for
of the defendant since 1952 continuously up to the present; ... (Emphasis ours) the building or to sell his land to the owner of the building. But he cannot as
respondents here did refuse both to pay for the building and to sell the land and
Consistent with the principle that our Court system, like any other, must be a dispute resolving compel the owner of the building to remove it from the land where it erected. He
mechanism, we accord legal effect to the agreement of the parties, within the context of their is entitled to such remotion only when, after having chosen to sell his land. the
mutual concession and stipulation. They have, thereby, chosen a legal formula to resolve their other party fails to pay for the same (italics ours).
dispute to appeal ply to DUMLAO the rights of a "builder in good faith" and to DEPRA those of a
"landowner in good faith" as prescribed in Article 448. Hence, we shall refrain from further We hold, therefore, that the order of Judge Natividad compelling defendants-
examining whether the factual situations of DUMLAO and DEPRA conform to the juridical petitioners to remove their buildings from the land belonging to plaintiffs-
positions respectively defined by law, for a "builder in good faith" under Article 448, a "possessor respondents only because the latter chose neither to pay for such buildings nor
in good faith" under Article 526 and a "landowner in good faith' under Article 448. to sell the land, is null and void, for it amends substantially the judgment sought
to be executed and is. furthermore, offensive to articles 361 (now Article 448)
In regards to builders in good faith, Article 448 of the Civil Code provides: and 453 (now Article 546) of the Civil Code. (Ignacio vs. Hilario, 76 Phil. 605,
ART. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built sown or planted in good faith,
A word anent the philosophy behind Article 448 of the Civil rode.
shall have the right
The original provision was found in Article 361 of the Spanish Civil Code; which provided:
to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or planting, after payment of the
indemnity provided for in articles 546 and 548, or ART. 361. The owner of land on which anything has been built, sown or planted
in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the work, sowing or
planting, after the payment of the indemnity stated in Articles 453 and 454, or to
to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who
who sowed, the proper rent. sowed, the proper rent.

However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is
As will be seen, the Article favors the owner of the land, by giving him one of the two options
considerably more than that of the building or trees. In such case, he shall pay
mentioned in the Article. Some commentators have questioned the preference in favor of the
reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate the owner of the land, but Manresa's opinion is that the Article is just and fair.
building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of
the lease and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereof
(Paragraphing supplied) . . . es justa la facultad que el codigo da al dueno del suelo en el articulo 361, en
el caso de edificacion o plantacion? Algunos comentaristas la conceptuan
injusta, y como un extraordinario privilegio en favor de la propiedad territorial.
Pursuant to the foregoing provision, DEPRA has the option either to pay for the encroaching part
Entienden que impone el Codigo una pena al poseedor de buena fe y como
of DUMLAO's kitchen, or to sell the encroached 34 square meters of his lot to DUMLAO. He
advierte uno de los comentaristas aludidos 'no se ve claro el por que de tal pena
cannot refuse to pay for the encroaching part of the building, and to sell the encroached part of his
. . . al obligar al que obro de buena fe a quedarse con el edificio o plantacion,
land, 5 as he had manifested before the Municipal Court. But that manifestation is not binding
previo el pago del terreno que ocupa, porque si bien es verdad que cuando
because it was made in a void proceeding.
edifico o planto demostro con este hecho, que queria para si el edificio o plantio
tambien lo es que el que edifico o planto de buena fe lo hizo en la erronea
However, the good faith of DUMLAO is part of the Stipulation of Facts in the Court of First inteligencia de creerse dueno del terreno Posible es que, de saber lo contrario, y
Instance. It was thus error for the Trial Court to have ruled that DEPRA is "entitled to possession," de tener noticia de que habia que comprar y pagar el terreno, no se hubiera
without more, of the disputed portion implying thereby that he is entitled to have the kitchen decidido a plantar ni a edificar. La ley obligandole a hacerlo fuerza su voluntad, y
removed. He is entitled to such removal only when, after having chosen to sell his encroached la fuerza por un hecho inocente de que no debe ser responsable'. Asi podra
land, DUMLAO fails to pay for the same. 6 In this case, DUMLAO had expressed his willingness to suceder pero la realidad es que con ese hecho voluntario, aunque sea inocente,
pay for the land, but DEPRA refused to sell.
se ha enriquecido torticeramente con perjuicio de otro a quien es justo a) the present fair price of DEPRA's 34 square meter area of land;
b) the amount of the expenses spent by DUMLAO for the building of the kitchen;
En nuestra opinion, el Codigo ha resuelto el conflicto de la manera mas justa y
equitativa y respetando en lo possible el principio que para la accesion se c) the increase in value ("plus value") which the said area of 34 square meters
establece en el art. 358. 7 may have acquired by reason thereof, and

Our own Code Commission must have taken account of the objections to Article 361 of the d) whether the value of said area of land is considerably more than that of the
Spanish Civil Code. Hence, the Commission provided a modification thereof, and Article 448 of kitchen built thereon.
our Code has been made to provide:
2. After said amounts shall have been determined by competent evidence, the Regional, Trial
ART. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or Court shall render judgment, as follows:
planted in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works,
sowing or planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for in articles 546
and 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and a) The trial Court shall grant DEPRA a period of fifteen (15) days within which to
the one who sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot be exercise his option under the law (Article 448, Civil Code), whether to appropriate
obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably more than that of the building the kitchen as his own by paying to DUMLAO either the amount of tile expenses
or trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does spent by DUMLAO f or the building of the kitchen, or the increase in value ("plus
value") which the said area of 34 square meters may have acquired by reason
not choose to appropriate the building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties
thereof, or to oblige DUMLAO to pay the price of said area. The amounts to be
shall agree upon the terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court
shall fix the terms thereof. respectively paid by DUMLAO and DEPRA, in accordance with the option thus
exercised by written notice of the other party and to the Court, shall be paid by
the obligor within fifteen (15) days from such notice of the option by tendering the
Additional benefits were extended to the builder but the landowner retained his options. amount to the Court in favor of the party entitled to receive it;

The fairness of the rules in Article 448 has also been explained as follows: b) The trial Court shall further order that if DEPRA exercises the option to oblige
DUMLAO to pay the price of the land but the latter rejects such purchase
Where the builder, planter or sower has acted in good faith, a conflict of rights because, as found by the trial Court, the value of the land is considerably more
arises between the owners, and it becomes necessary to protect the owner of the than that of the kitchen, DUMLAO shall give written notice of such rejection to
improvements without causing injustice to the owner of the land. In view of the DEPRA and to the Court within fifteen (15) days from notice of DEPRA's option
impracticability of creating a state of forced co-ownership, the law has provided a to sell the land. In that event, the parties shall be given a period of fifteen (15)
just solution by giving the owner of the land the option to acquire the days from such notice of rejection within which to agree upon the terms of the
improvements after payment of the proper indemnity, or to oblige the builder or lease, and give the Court formal written notice of such agreement and its
planter to pay for the land and the sower to pay for the proper rent. It is the owner provisos. If no agreement is reached by the parties, the trial Court, within fifteen
of the land who is authorized to exercise the option, because his right is older, (15) days from and after the termination of the said period fixed for negotiation,
and because, by the principle of accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the shall then fix the terms of the lease, provided that the monthly rental to be fixed
accessory thing. (3 Manresa 213; Bernardo vs. Bataclan, 37 Off. Gaz. 1382; Co by the Court shall not be less than Ten Pesos (P10.00) per month, payable within
Tao vs. Chan Chico, G.R. No. 49167, April 30, 1949; Article applied: see Cabral, the first five (5) days of each calendar month. The period for the forced lease
et al vs. Ibanez [S.C.] 52 Off. Gaz. 217; Marfori vs. Velasco, [C.A.] 52 Off. Gaz. shall not be more than two (2) years, counted from the finality of the judgment,
2050). 8 considering the long period of time since 1952 that DUMLAO has occupied the
subject area. The rental thus fixed shall be increased by ten percent (10%) for
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the trial Court is hereby set aside, and this case is hereby ordered the second year of the forced lease. DUMLAO shall not make any further
remanded to the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo for further proceedings consistent with Articles 448 constructions or improvements on the kitchen. Upon expiration of the two-year
and 546 of the Civil Code, as follows: period, or upon default by DUMLAO in the payment of rentals for two (2)
consecutive months, DEPRA shall be entitled to terminate the forced lease, to
recover his land, and to have the kitchen removed by DUMLAO or at the latter's
1. The trial Court shall determine
expense. The rentals herein provided shall be tendered by DUMLAO to the Court
for payment to DEPRA, and such tender shall constitute evidence of whether or
not compliance was made within the period fixed by the Court.

c) In any event, DUMLAO shall pay DEPRA an amount computed at Ten Pesos
(P10.00) per month as reasonable compensation for the occupancy of DEPRA's
land for the period counted from 1952, the year DUMLAO occupied the subject
area, up to the commencement date of the forced lease referred to in the
preceding paragraph;

d) The periods to be fixed by the trial Court in its Precision shall be inextendible,
and upon failure of the party obliged to tender to the trial Court the amount due to
the obligee, the party entitled to such payment shall be entitled to an order of
execution for the enforcement of payment of the amount due and for compliance
with such other acts as may be required by the prestation due the obligee.

No costs,

Republic of the Philippines The Ejectment suit was elevated to the Court of First Instance of Pasay where, after the
SUPREME COURT submission of memoranda, said Court rendered a modifying Decision under Article 448 of the Civil
Manila Code. SARMIENTO was required, within 60 days, to exercise the option to reimburse ERNESTO
and wife the sum of 40,000.00 as the value of the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, or the option to allow
FIRST DIVISION them to purchase the LAND for P25,000.00. SARMIENTO did not exercise any of the two options
within the indicated period, and ERNESTO was then allowed to deposit the sum of P25,000.00
with the Court as the purchase price for the LAND. This is the hub of the controversy.
G.R. No. L-57288 April 30, 1984
SARMIENTO then instituted the instant certiorari proceedings.


We agree that ERNESTO and wife were builders in good faith in view of the peculiar
circumstances under which they had constructed the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE. As far as they knew,
HON. ENRIQUE A. AGANA, District Judge, Court of First Instance of Rizal, Seventh Judicial
the LAND was owned by ERNESTO's mother-in-law who, having stated they could build on the
property, could reasonably be expected to later on give them the LAND.

In regards to builders in good faith, Article 448 of the Code provides:têñ.£îhqwâ£

Mercedes M. Respicio for petitioner.
ART. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or
Romulo R. Bobadilla for private respondents. planted in good faith,

MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.:ñé+.£ªwph!1
shall have the right

This Petition for certiorari questions a March 29, 1979 Decision rendered by the then Court of First
to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or planting, after payment of the
Instance of Pasay City. The Decision was one made on memoranda, pursuant to the provisions of indemnity provided for in articles 546 and 548, or
RA 6031, and it modified, on October 17, 1977, a judgment of the then Municipal Court of
Paranaque, Rizal, in an Ejectment suit instituted by herein petitioner Leonila SARMIENTO against
private respondents, the spouses ERNESTO Valentino and Rebecca Lorenzo. For the facts, to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one
therefore, we have to look to the evidence presented by the parties at the original level. who sowed, the proper rent.

It appears that while ERNESTO was still courting his wife, the latter's mother had told him the However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is
couple could build a RESIDENTIAL HOUSE on a lot of 145 sq. ms., being Lot D of a subdivision in considerably more than that of the building or trees. In such case, he shall pay
Paranaque (the LAND, for short). In 1967, ERNESTO did construct a RESIDENTIAL HOUSE on reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate the
the LAND at a cost of P8,000.00 to P10,000.00. It was probably assumed that the wife's mother building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of
was the owner of the LAND and that, eventually, it would somehow be transferred to the spouses. the lease and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereof.
(Paragraphing supplied)
It subsequently turned out that the LAND had been titled in the name of Mr. & Mrs. Jose C. Santo,
Jr. who, on September 7 , 1974, sold the same to petitioner SARMIENTO. The following January The value of the LAND, purchased for P15,000.00 on September 7, 1974, could not have been
6, 1975, SARMIENTO asked ERNESTO and wife to vacate and, on April 21, 1975, filed an very much more than that amount during the following January when ERNESTO and wife were
Ejectment suit against them. In the evidentiary hearings before the Municipal Court, SARMIENTO asked to vacate. However, ERNESTO and wife have not questioned the P25,000.00 valuation
submitted the deed of sale of the LAND in her favor, which showed the price to be P15,000.00. On determined by the Court of First Instance.
the other hand, ERNESTO testified that the then cost of the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE would be from
P30,000.00 to P40,000.00. The figures were not questioned by SARMIENTO. In regards to the valuation of the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, the only evidence presented was the
testimony of ERNESTO that its worth at the time of the trial should be from P30,000.00 to
The Municipal Court found that private respondents had built the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE in good P40,000.00. The Municipal Court chose to assess its value at P20,000.00, or below the minimum
faith, and, disregarding the testimony of ERNESTO, that it had a value of P20,000.00. It then testified by ERNESTO, while the Court of First Instance chose the maximum of P40,000.00. In the
ordered ERNESTO and wife to vacate the LAND after SARMIENTO has paid them the mentioned latter case, it cannot be said that the Court of First Instance had abused its discretion.
sum of P20,000.00.
The challenged decision of respondent Court, based on valuations of P25,000.00 for the LAND
and P40,000.00 for the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, cannot be viewed as not supported by the
evidence. The provision for the exercise by petitioner SARMIENTO of either the option to
indemnify private respondents in the amount of P40,000.00, or the option to allow private
respondents to purchase the LAND at P25,000.00, in our opinion, was a correct

The owner of the building erected in good faith on a land owned by another, is
entitled to retain the possession of the land until he is paid the value of his
building, under article 453 (now Article 546). The owner, of the land. upon, the
other hand, has the option, under article 361 (now Article 448), either to pay for
the building or to sell his land to the owner of the building. But he cannot, as
respondents here did, refuse both to pay for the building and to sell the land and
compel the owner of the building to remove it from the land where it is erected.
He is entitled to such remotion only when, after having chosen to sell his land,
the other party fails to pay for the same. (Emphasis ours)

We hold, therefore, that the order of Judge Natividad compelling defendants-

petitioners to remove their buildings from the land belonging to plaintiffs-
respondents only because the latter chose neither to pay for such buildings nor
to sell the land, is null and void, for it amends substantially the judgment sought
to be executed and is, furthermore, offensive to articles 361 (now Article 448)
and 453 (now Article 546) of the Civil Code. (Ignacio vs. Hilario, 76 Phil. 605, 608

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Certiorari is hereby ordered dismissed, without pronouncement as
to costs.

SO ORDERED.1äwphï1.ñët
Republic of the Philippines (1) Filipinas Colleges, Inc. was declared to have acquired the rights of the spouses
SUPREME COURT Timbang in and to lot No. 2-a mentioned above and in consideration thereof, Filipinas
Manila Colleges, Inc., was ordered to pay the spouses Timbang the amount of P15,807.90 plus
such other amounts which said spouses might have paid or had to pay after February,
EN BANC 1953, to Hoskins and Co. Inc., agent of the Urban Estates, Inc., original vendor of the lot.
Filipinas Colleges, Inc. original vendor of the total amount with the court within 90 days
after the decision shall have become final.
G.R. No. L-12812 September 29, 1959

(2) Maria Gervacio Blas was declared to be a builder in good faith of the school building
FILIPINAS COLLEGES, INC., plaintiff-appellee,
constructed on the lot in question and entitled to be paid the amount of P19,000.00 for the
same. Filipinas Colleges, Inc., purchaser of the said building was ordered to deliver to
Blas stock certificate (Exh. C) for 108 shares of Filipinas Colleges, Inc. with a par value of
P10,800.00 and to pay Blas the sum of P8,200.00 of the house.
(3) In case Filipinas Colleges, Inc. failed to deposit the value of the land, which after
G.R. No. L-12813 September 29, 1959 liquidation was fixed at P32,859.34, within the 90-day period set by the court, Filipinas
Colleges would lose all its rights to the land and the spouses Timbang would then
MARIA GARCIA TIMBANG, ET AL., plaintiffs. become the owners thereof. In that eventuality, the Timbangs would make known to the
MARIA GARICA TIMBANG, plaintiff-appellant, court their option under Art. 448 of the Civil Code whether they would appropriate the
vs. building in question, in which even they would have to pay Filipinas Colleges, Inc. the
MARIA GERVACIO BLAS, defendant-appellee. sum of P19,000.00, or would compel the latter to acquire the land and pay the price
De Guzman and Fernandez for appellee Filipinas Colleges, Inc.
San Huan, Africa and Benedicto for appellant Maria Garcia Timbang. Filipinas Colleges, Inc. having failed to pay or deposit the sum of P32,859.34 within the time
Nicanor S. Sison for appellee Maria Gervacio Blas. prescribed, the spouses Timbang, in compliance with the judgment of the Court of Appeals, on
September 28, 1956, made known to the court their decision that they had chosen not of
BARRERA, J.: appropriate the building but to compel Filipinas Colleges, Inc., for the payment of the sum of
P32,859,34. The motion having been granted, a writ of execution was issued on January 8, 1957.
This is an appeal taken from an order of the Court of First Instance of Manila dated May 10, 1957
(a) declaring the Sheriff's certificate of sale covering a school building sold at public auction null On January 16, 1957, appellee Blas in turn filed a motion for execution of her judgment of
and void unless within 15 days from notice of said order the successful bidders, defendants- P8,200.00 representing the unpaid portion of the price of the house sold to Filipinas Colleges, Inc.
appellants spouses Maria Garcia Timbang and Marcelino Timbang, shall pay to, appellee Maria Over the object of the Timbangs, the court grated the motion and the corresponding writ of
Gervacio Blas directly or through the Sheriff of Manila the sum of P5,750.00 that the spouses execution was issued on January 30, 1957, date of the granting of the motion for execution, Blas
Timbang had bid for the building at the Sheriff's sale; (b) declaring the other appellee Filipinas through counsel, sent a letter to the Sheriff of Manila advising him of her preferential claim or lien
Colleges, Inc. owner of 24,500/3,285,934 undivided interest in Lot No. 2-a covered by certificate of on the house to satisfy the unpaid balance of the purchase price thereof under Article 2242 of the
tile No 45970, on which the building sold in the auction sale is situated; and (c) ordering the sale in Civil Code, and to withhold from the proceed of the auction sale the sum of P8,200.00. Levy
public auction of the said undivided interest of the Filipinas Colleges, Inc., in lot No. 2-a having been made on the house in virtue of the writs of execution, the Sheriff of Manila on March
aforementioned to satisfy the unpaid portion of the judgment in favor of appellee Blas and against 5, 1957, sold the building in public auction in favor of the spouses Timbang, as the highest
Filipinas Colleges, Inc. in the amount of P8,200.00 minus the sum of P5,750.00 mentioned in (a) bidders, in the amount of P5,750.00. Personal properties of Filipinas Colleges, Inc. were also
above. auctioned for P245.00 in favor of the spouses Timbang.

The order appealed from is the result of three motions filed in the court a quo in the course of the As a result of these actuation, three motion were subsequently filed before the lower court:
execution of a final judgment of the Court of Appeals rendered in 2 cases appealed to it in which
the spouses Timbang, the Filipinas Colleges, Inc., and Maria Gervacio Blas were the parties. IN (1) By appellee Blas, praying that the Sheriff of Manila and/or the Timbang spouses be
that judgment of the Court of Appeals, the respective rights of the litigants have been adjudicated ordered to pay and deliver to her the sum of P5,750.00 representing the proceeds of the
as follows:1âwphïl.nêt auction sale of the building of Filipinas Colleges, Inc. over which she has a lien of
P8,200.00 for the unpaid balance of the purchase price thereof;.
(2) Also by the appellee Bals, praying that there being still two unsatisfied executions, one Under the terms of these article, it is true that the owner of the land has the right to choose
for the sum of P32,859.34 in favor the land involved, Lot No. 2-a, be sold at public between appropriating the building by reimbursing the builder of the value thereof or compelling
auction; and (3) By Filipinas Colleges, Inc. praying that because its properties, the house the builder in good faith to pay for his land. Even this second right cannot be exercised if the value
and some personal properties, have been auctioned for P5,750.00 and P245.00 of the land is considerably more than that of the building. In addition to the right of the builder to be
respectively in favor of the Timbang spouses who applied the proceeds to the partial paid the value of his improvement, Article 546 gives him the corollary right of retention of the
payment of the sum of P32,859.34 value of the land, Lot No. 2-a, it (Filipinas Colleges, property until he is indemnified by the owner of the land. There is nothing in the language of these
Inc.) be declared part owner of said lot to the extent of the total amount realized from the two article, 448 and 546, which would justify the conclusion of appellants that, upon the failure of
execution sale of its properties.1âwphïl.nêt the builder to pay the value of the land, when such is demanded by the land-owner, the latter
becomes automatically the owner of the improvement under Article 445. The case of
The Timbang spouses presented their opposition to each and all of these motion. After due Bernardo vs. Bataclan, 66 Phil., 590 cited by appellants is no authority for this conclusion.
hearing the lower court rendered its resolution in the manner indicated at the beginning of this Although it is true it was declared therein that in the event of the failure of the builder to pay the
decision, from which the Timbangs alone have appealed. land after the owner thereof has chosen this alternative, the builder's right of retention provided in
Article 546 is lost, nevertheless there was nothing said that as a consequence thereof, the builder
loses entirely all rights over his own building. The question is; what is the recourse or remedy left
In assailing the order of the court a quo directing the appellants to pay appellee Blas the amount to the parties in such eventuality where the builder fails to pay the value of the land? While the
of their bid (P5,750.00) made at the public auction, appellants' counsel has presented a novel,
Code is silent on this Court in the cases of Miranda vs. Fadullon, et al., 97 Phil., 801; 51 Off. Gaz.,
albeit ingenious, argument. It is contended that because the builder in good faith has failed to pay [12] 6226; Ignacio vs. Hilario, 76 Phil., 605 and the cited case of Bernardo vs. Bataclan, supra.
the price of the land after the owners thereof exercised their option under Article 448 of the Civil
Code, the builder lost his right of retention provided in Article 546 and by operation of Article 445,
the appellants as owners of the land automatically became the owners ipso facto, the execution In the first case, this Court has said:
sale of the house in their favor was superfluous. Consequently, they are not bound to make good
their bid of P5,750.00 as that would be to make goods to pay for their own property. By the same A builder in good faith not be required to pay rentals. he has right to retain the land on
token, Blas claim for preference on account of the unpaid balance of the purchase price of the which he has built in good faith until he is reimbursed the expenses incurred by
house does not apply because preference applies only with respect to the property of the debtor, him. Possibly he might be made to pay rental only when the owner of the land chooses
and the Timbangs, owners of the house, are not the debtors of Blas. not to appropriate the improvement and requires the builder in good faith to pay for the
land but that the builder is unwilling or unable to pay the land, and then they decide to
This Court cannot accept this oversimplification of appellants' position. Article 448 and 546 of the leave things as they are and assume the relation of lessor and lessee, and should they
Civil Code defining the right of the parties in case a person in good faith builds, sows or plants on disagree as to the amount of rental then they can go to the court to fix that amount.
the land of another, respectively provides: (Emphasis supplied)

ART. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or plated in Should the parties not agree to leave things as they are and to assume the relation of lessor and
good faith shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or planting, lessee, another remedy is suggested in the case of Ignacio vs. Hilario, supra, wherein the court
after payment of the indemnify provided for in article 546 and 548, or to obligate the one has ruled that the owner of the land in entitled to have the improvement removed when after
who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who sowed, the proper rent. having chosen to sell his land to the other party, i.e., the builder in good faith fails to pay for the
However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is same.
considerably more than that of the building or trees. In such case, he shall pay
reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate the building or A further remedy is indicated in the case of Bernardo vs. Bataclan, supra, where this Court
trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease and in approved the sale of the land and the improvement in a public auction applying the proceeds
case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereof. thereof first to the payment of the value of the land and the excess, if any, to be delivered to the
owner of the house in payment thereof.
ART. 546. Necessary expenses shall be refunded to every possessor; but only the
possessor in good faith may retain the thing until he has reimbursed therefor. The appellants herein, owners o the land, instead of electing any of the alternative above indicated
chose to seek recovery of the value of their land by asking for a writ of execution; levying on the
Useful expenses shall be refunded only to the possessor in good faith with the same right house of the builder; and selling the same in public auction. Sand because they are the highest
of retention the person who has defeated him in the possession having to option of bidder in their own auction sale, they now claim they acquired title to the building without necessity
refunding the amount of expenses or of paying the case in value which thing may have of paying in cash on account of their bid. In other words, they in effect pretend to retain their land
acquired by reason thereof. and acquire the house without paying a cent therefor.
This contention is without merit. This Court has already held in Matias vs. The Provincial Sheriff of
Nueva Ecija (74 Phil., 326) that while it is the inveriable practice, dictated by common sense, that
where the successful bidder is the execution creditor himself, he need not pay down the amount of
the bid if it does not exceed the amount of his judgement, nevertheless, when their is a claim by a
third-party, to the proceeds of the sale superior to his judgment credit, the execution creditor, as
successful bidder, must pay in cash the amount of his bid as a condition precedent to the issuance
to him of the certificate of sale. In the instant case, the Court of Appeals has already adjudged that
appellee Blas is entitled to the payment of the unpaid balance of the purchase price of the school
building. Blas is actually a lien on the school building are concerned. The order of the lower court
directing the Timbang spouses, as successful bidders, to pay in cash the amount of their bid in the
sum of P5,750.00 is therefore correct.

With respect to the order of the court declaring appellee Filipinas Colleges, Inc. part owner of the
land to the extent of the value of its personal properties sold at public auction in favor of the
Timbang, this Court Likewise finds the same as justified, for such amount represents, in effect, a
partial payment of the value of the land. If this resulted in the continuation of the so-called
involuntary partnership questioned by the difference between P8,200.00 — the unpaid balance of
the purchase price of the building and the sum of P5,750.00 — amount to be paid by the
Timbangs, the order of the court directing the sale of such undivided interest of the Filipinas
Colleges, Inc. is likewise justified to satisfy the claim of the appellee Blas.

Considering that the appellant spouses Marcelino Timbang and Maria Garcia Timbang may not
voluntarily pay the sum of P5,750.00 as ordered, thereby further delaying the final termination of
this case, the first part of the dispositive portion of the order appealed from is modified in the
sense that upon failure of the Timbang spouses to pay to the Sheriff or to Manila Gervacio Blas
said sum of P5,750.00 within fifteen (15) days from notice of the final judgment, an order of
execution shall issue in favor of Maria Gervasio Blas to be levied upon all properties of the
Timbang spouses not exempt from execution for the satisfaction of the said amount.

In all other respects, the appealed order of the court a quo is hereby affirmed, with costs against
the appellants.

It is so ordered.

Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Padilla, Montemayor, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Concepcion and
Endencia, JJ., concur.
Republic of the Philippines protest on November 26, 1951 alleging that he should be given preference to
SUPREME COURT purchase the lot inasmuch as he is the actual occupant and has been in
Manila continuous possession of the same since 1931; and inspite of plaintiff's
opposition, "Portion A" of the property was sold at public auction wherein
SECOND DIVISION defendant Comintan was the only bidder; that on June 8, 1957, investigation was
conducted on plaintiff's protest by Assistant Public Lands Inspector Serapion
Bauzon who submitted his report to the Regional Land Officer, and who in turn
G.R. No. L-32974 July 30, 1979
rendered a decision on April 9, 1958, dismissing plaintiff's claim and giving due
course to defendants' sales applications on the ground that the relinquishment of
BARTOLOME ORTIZ, petitioner, the homestead rights of Martin Dolorico I in favor of Comintan and Zamora is
vs. proper, the former having been designated as successor in interest of the original
HON. UNION C. KAYANAN, in his capacity as Judge of the Court of First Instance of homestead applicant and that because plaintiff failed to participate in the public
Quezon, Branch IV; ELEUTERIO ZAMORA, QUIRINO COMINTAN, VICENTE FERRO, AND auction, he is forever barred to claim the property; that plaintiff filed a motion for
GREGORIO PAMISARAN, respondents. reconsideration of this decision which was denied by the Director of Lands in his
order dated June 10, 1959; that, finally, on appeal to the Secretary of Agriculture
Salonga, Ordoñ;ez, Yap, Sicat & Associates and Salvador, Ulgado & Carbon for petitioner. and Natural Resources, the decision rendered by the Regional Land Officer was
affirmed in toto. 1
Jose A. Cusi for private respondents.
On March 22, 1966, respondent Court rendered judgment in the afore-mentioned civil case, the
ANTONIO, J.:1äwphï1.ñët dispositive portion of which reads as follows:têñ.£îhqwâ£

Petition for certiorari and Prohibition with Preliminary Injunction to nullify the Order of respondent IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, judgment is hereby
Judge directing the execution of the final judgment in Civil Case No. C-90, entitled "Bartolome rendered awarding Lot No. 5785-A of PLS-45, (Calauag Public Land Subdivision)
Ortiz vs. Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, et al.," and the Writ of Execution issued one-half portion of the property in litigation located at Bo. Cabuluan, Calauag,
to implement said Order, allegedly for being inconsistent with the judgment sought to be enforced. Quezon, in favor of defendant QUIRINO COMINTAN, being the successful
bidder in the public auction conducted by the bureau of Lands on April 18, 1955,
and hereby giving due course to the Sales Application No. 9258 of defendant
Civil Case No. C-90 was filed by Bartolome Ortiz who sought the review and/or annulment of the Eleuterio Zamora over the other half, Lot No. 5785-B of PLS-45, Calauag,
decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, giving preference to the sales without prejudice to the right of plaintiff BARTOLOME ORTIZ to participate in the
applications of private respondents Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zamora over Lot No. 5785, public bidding of the same to be announced by the Bureau of Lands, Manila.
PLS-45, located at Barrio Cabuluan, Calauag, Quezon. However, should plaintiff Bartolome Ortiz be not declared the successful bidder
thereof, defendants Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zamora are ordered to
I reimburse jointly said plaintiff the improvements he has introduced on the whole
The factual background of the case, as found by respondent Court, is as follows:têñ.£îhqw⣠TWO (P13,632.00) PESOS, the latter having the right to retain the property until
after he has been fully paid therefor, without interest since he enjoys the fruits of
the property in question, with prejudice and with costs again the plaintiff.2
... The lot in controversy was formerly the subject of Homestead Application No.
122417 of Martin Dolorico II, plaintiff's ward who died on August 20, 1931; that
since then it was plaintiff who continued the cultivation and possession of the Plaintiff appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals.
property, without however filing any application to acquire title thereon; that in the
Homestead Application No. 122417, Martin Dolorico II named his uncle, Martin Two (2) years after the rendition of the judgment by the court a quo, while the case was pending
Dolorico I as his heir and successor in interest, so that in 1951 Martin Dolorico I appeal and upon petition of private respondents Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zamora,
executed an affidavit relinquishing his rights over the property in favor of respondent Court appointed respondent Vicente Ferro, Clerk of Court, as Receiver to collect tolls
defendants Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zamora, his grandson and son-in- on a portion of the property used as a diversion road. On August 19, 1969, the Court of Appeals
law, respectively, and requested the Director of Lands to cancel the homestead issued a Resolution annulling the Order appointing the Receiver. Subsequently, on February 19,
application; that on the strength of the affidavit, Homestead Application No. 1970, the Appellate Court affirmed the decision of the trial court. A petition for review on certiorari
122417 was cancelled and thereafter, defendants Comintan and Zamora filed of the decision of the Court of Appeals was denied by this Court on April 6, 1970. At this point,
their respective sales applications Nos. 8433 and 9258; that plaintiff filed his private respondents filed a petition for appointment of a new receiver with the court a quo. This
petition was granted and the receiver was reappointed. Petitioner sought the annulment of this xxx xxx xxx
Order with the Court of Appeals, but said Court ruled that its decision had already become final
and that the records of the case were to be remanded to the trial court. ln virtue of he findings of this Court as contained in the dispositive portion of its
decision, the defendants are jointly obligated to pay the plaintiff in the amount of
Not satisfied with such denial, petitioner filed a petitioner for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus P13,632.00 as reasonable value of the improvements he introduced on the whole
with preliminary injunction before this Court, 3 praying for the annulment of the Order reappointing property in question, and that he has the right of retention until fully paid. It can
the Receiver. On July 13, 1970, the petition was dismissed by this Court on the ground of be gleaned from the motion of the defendants that if plaintiff submits an
insufficient showing of grave abuse of discretion. accounting of the tolls he collected during the periods above alluded to, their
damages of about P25,000.00 can more than offset their obligation of
II P13,362.00 in favor of the plaintiff, thereafter the possession of the land be
delivered to the defendants since the decision of the Supreme Court has already
become final and executory, but in the interregnum pending such accounting and
The judgment having become final and executory private respondents filed a motion for the
recovery by the Receiver of the tolls collected by the plaintiff, the defendants pray
execution of the same, praying as follows:têñ.£îhqwâ£
that they allowed to put up a bond in lieu of the said P13,632.00 to answer for
damages of the former, if any.
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court to order the
issuance of a writ of execution in accordance with the judgment of this Honorable
On the other hand, plaintiff contends in his opposition, admitting that the decision
Court, confirmed by the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, commanding
of the Supreme Court has become final and executory; (1) the offer of a bond in
any lawful officer to deliver to defendants Comintan and Zamora the land subject
lieu of payment of P13,632.00 does not, and cannot, satisfy the condition
of the decision in this case but allowing defendants to file a bond in such amount
imposed in the decision of this Court which was affirmed in toto; (2) the public
as this Honorable Court may fix, in lieu of the P13,632.00 required to be paid to
sale of Portion "B" of the land has still to take place as ordained before the
plaintiff, conditioned that after the accounting of the tools collected by plaintiff,
decision could be executed; and, (3) that whatever sums plaintiff may derive from
there is still an amount due and payable to said plaintiff, then if such amount is
the property cannot be set off against what is due him for the improvements he
not paid on demand, including the legal interests, said bond shall be held made, for which he has to be reimbursed as ordered.
xxx xxx xxx
Ordering further the plaintiff to render an accounting of the tolls he collected from
March of 1967 to December 31, 1968 and from September 1969 to March 31,
1970, and deliver said tolls collected to the receiver and if judgment is already Let it be known that plaintiff does not dispute his having collected tolls during the
executed, then to Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zamora; and, periods from March 1967 to December 31, 1968 and from September 1969 to
March 31, 1970. The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of this Court its
findings that said tolls belong to the defendant, considering that the same were
Finally, to condemn plaintiff to pay moral damages for withholding the tools which
collected on a portion of the land question where the plaintiff did not introduce
belong to your movant in an amount this Court may deem just in the premises.4
any improvement. The reimbursement to the plaintiff pertains only to the value of
the improvements, like coconut trees and other plants which he introduced on the
Acting upon the foregoing motion, respondent Judge issued an Order, dated September 23, 1970, whole property. The tolls collected by the plaintiff on an unimproved portion
stating, among others, the following: têñ.£îhqw⣠naturally belong to the defendants, following the doctrine on accretion. Further,
the reappointment of a Receiver by this Court was upheld by the Supreme Court
The records further disclosed that from March 1967 to December 31, 1968, when it denied the petition for certiorari filed by the plaintiff, bolstering the legal
piaintiff Bartolome Ortiz collected tolls on a portion of the propertv in question claim of defendants over said tolls. Thus, the decision of the Supreme Court
wherein he has not introduced anv improvement particularlv on Lot No. 5785-A; rendered the decision of this Court retroactive from March 22, 1966 although
PLS-45 awarded to defendant Quirino Comintan, thru which vehicular traffic was pending accounting of the tolls collected by the plaintiff is justified and will not
detoured or diverted, and again from September 1969 to March 31, 1970, the prejudice anybody, but certainly would substantially satisfy the conditions
plaintiff resumed the collection of tools on the same portion without rendering any imposed in the decision. However, insofar as the one-half portion "B" of the
accounting on said tolls to the Receiver, who, was reappointed after submitting property, the decision may be executed only after public sale by the Bureau of
the required bond and specifically authorized only to collect tolls leaving the Lands shall be accomplished.
harvesting of the improvements to the plaintiff.
WHEREFORE, finding the Motion for Execution filed by the defendants to be
meritorious, the same is granted; provided, however, that they put up a bond
equal the adjudicated amount of P13,632.00 accruing in favor of the plaintiff, collected from the property by reason of the diversion road where vehicular traffic
from a reputable or recognized bonding or surety company, conditioned that after was detoured. To defendant Comintan belongs the tolls thus collected from a
an accounting of the tolls collected by the plaintiff should there be found out any portion of the land awarded to him used as a diversionary road by the doctrine of
balance due and payable to him after reckoning said obligation of P13,632.00 the accretion and his right over the same is ipso jure, there being no need of any
bond shall be held answerable therefor.5 action to possess said addition. It is so because as consistently maintained by
the Supreme Court, an applicant who has complied with all the terms and
Accordingly, a Writ of Execution was issued after private respondent Quirino Comintan had filed conditions which entitle him to a patent for a particular tract of publlic land,
the required bond. The writ directed the Sheriff to enforce the decision of the Court, and stated, acquires a vested right therein and is to be regarded as equitable owner thereof
part in, the following:têñ.£îhqw⣠so that even without a patent, a perfected homestead or sales application is a
property right in the fullest sense, unaffectcd by the fact that the paramount title
is still in the Government and no subsequent law can deprive him of that vested
But should there be found any amount collectible after accounting and deducting right The question of the actual damages suffered by defendant Comintan by
the amount of P3,632.00, you are hereby ordered that of the goods and chattels reason of the unaccounted tolls received by plaintiff had already been fully
of Bartolome Ortiz of Bo. Kabuluan, Calauag, Quezon, be caused to be made discussed in the order of September 23, 1970 and the Court is honestly
any excess in the above-metioned amount together with your lawful fees and that convinced and believes it to be proper and regular under the circumstances.
you render same to defendant Quirino Comintan. If sufficient personal property
cannot be found thereof to satisfy this execution and lawful fees thereon, then
you are commanded that of the lands and buildings of the said BARTOLOME Incidentally, the Court stands to correct itself when in the same order, it directed
ORTIZ you make the said excess amount in the manner required by the Rules of the execution of he decision with respect to the one-half portion "B" of the
Court, and make return of your proceedings within this Court within sixty (60) property only after the public sale by the Bureau of Lands, the same being an
days from date of service. oversight, it appearing that the Sales Application of defendant Eleuterio Zamora
had already been recognized and full confirmed by the Supreme Court.
You are also ordered to cause Bartolome Ortiz to vacate the property within
fifteen (15) days after service thereof the defendant Quirino Comintan having In view thereof, finding the motion filed by plaintiff to be without merit, the Court
filed the required bond in the amount of THIRTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED hereby denies the same and the order of September 23, 1970 shall remain in full
THIRTY-TWO (P13,632.00) PESOS. 6 force subject to the amendment that the execution of the decision with respect to
the one-half portion "B" shall not be conditioned to the public sale by the Bureau
of Lands.
On October 12, 1970, petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the aforesaid Order and Writ
of Execution, alleging:têñ.£îhqwâ£
(a) That the respondent judge has no authority to place respondents in
possession of the property; III

(b) That the Supreme Court has never affirmed any decision of the trial court that Petitioner thus filed the instant petition, contending that in having issued the Order and Writ of
tolls collected from the diversionary road on the property, which is public land, Execution, respondent Court "acted without or in excess of jurisdiction, and/or with grave abuse of
belong to said respondents; discretion, because the said order and writ in effect vary the terms of the judgment they
purportedly seek to enforce." He argued that since said judgment declared the petitioner a
possessor in good faith, he is entitled to the payment of the value of the improvements introduced
(c) That to assess petitioner a P25,000.00 liability for damages is purely punitive by him on the whole property, with right to retain the land until he has been fully paid such value.
imposition without factual or legal justification.
He likewise averred that no payment for improvements has been made and, instead, a bond
therefor had been filed by defendants (private respondents), which, according to petitioner, is not
The foregoing Motion for Reconsideration was denied by respondent Judge per Order dated the payment envisaged in the decision which would entitle private respondents to the possession
November 18, 1970. Saod Order states, in part:têñ.£îhqw⣠of the property. Furthermore, with respect to portion "B", petitioner alleges that, under the decision,
he has the right to retain the same until after he has participated and lost in the public bidding of
It goes without saying that defendant Comintan is entitled to be placed in the land to be conducted by the Bureau of Lands. It is claimed that it is only in the event that he
possession of lot No. 5785-A of PLS-45 (Calauag Public Land Subdivision) and loses in the bidding that he can be legally dispossessed thereof.
enjoyment of the tolls from March, 1967 to March, 1968 and from September,
1969 to March 31, l970 which were received by plaintiff Bartolome Ortiz,
It is the position of petitioner that all the fruits of the property, including the tolls collected by him IV
from the passing vehicles, which according to the trial court amounts to P25,000.00, belongs to
petitioner and not to defendant/private respondent Quirino Comintan, in accordance with the The issue decisive of the controvery is—after the rendition by the trial court of its judgment in Civil
decision itself, which decreed that the fruits of the property shall be in lieu of interest on the Case No. C-90 on March 22, 1966 confirming the award of one-half of the property to Quirino
amount to be paid to petitioner as reimbursement for improvements. Any contrary opinion, in his Comintan—whether or not petitioner is still entitled to retain for his own exclusive benefit all the
view, would be tantamount to an amendment of a decision which has long become final and fruits of the property, such as the tolls collected by him from March 1967 to December 1968, and
executory and, therefore, cannot be lawfully done. September 1969 to March 31, 1970, amounting to about P25,000.00. In other words, petitioner
contends that so long as the aforesaid amount of P13,632,00 decreed in the judgment
Petitioner, therefore, prayed that: (1) a Writ of Preliminary Injunction be issued enjoining the representing the expenses for clearing the land and the value of the coconuts and fruit trees
enforcement of the Orders of September 23, 1970 and November 18, 1970, and the Writ of planted by him remains unpaid, he can appropriate for his exclusive benefit all the fruits which he
Execution issued thereto, or restoring to petitioner the possession of the property if the private may derive from the property, without any obligation to apply any portion thereof to the payment of
respondents had been placed in possession thereof; (2) annulling said Orders as well as the Writ the interest and the principal of the debt.
of Execution, dissolving the receivership established over the property; and (3) ordering private
respondents to account to petitioner all the fruits they may have gathered or collected from the We find this contention untenable.
property in question from the time of petitioiier's illegal dispossession thereof.
There is no question that a possessor in good faith is entitled to the fruits received before the
On January 29, 1971, this Court issued the Writ of Preliminary Injunction. On January 30, 1971, possession is legally interrupted. 11 Possession in good faith ceases or is legally interrupted from
private respondents filed a Motion for Reconsideration and/or Modification of the Order dated the moment defects in the title are made known to the possessor, by extraneous evidence or by
January 29, 1971. This was followed by a Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration and the filing of an action in court by the true owner for the recovery of the property. 12 Hence, all the
Manifestation on February 3, 1971. In the latter motion, private respondents manifested that the fruits that the possessor may receive from the time he is summoned in court, or when he answers
amount of P14,040.96, representing the amount decreed in the judgment as reimbursement to the complaint, must be delivered and paid by him to the owner or lawful possessor. 13
petitioner for the improvements, plus interest for six months, has already been deposited by them
in court, "with the understanding that said amount shall be turned over to the plaintiff after the
However, even after his good faith ceases, the possessor in fact can still retain the property,
court a quo shall have determined the improvement on Lot 5785-A, and subsequently the
pursuant to Article 546 of the New Civil Code, until he has been fully reimbursed for all the
remaining balance of the deposit shall be delivered to the petitioner (plaintiff therein) in the event
necessary and useful expenses made by him on the property. This right of retention has been
he loses the bid for Lot 5785-B in favor of private respondent Eleuterio Zamora."8 The deposit is
considered as one of the conglomerate of measures devised by the law for the protection of the
evidenced by a certification made by the Clerk of the Court a quo.9 Contending that said deposit
possessor in good faith. Its object is to guarantee the reimbursement of the expenses, such as
was a faithful compliance with the judgment of the trial court, private respondent Quirino Comintan
prayed for the dissolution of the Writ of Injunction. those for the preservation of the property,14 or for the enhancement of its utility or productivity.15 It
permits the actual possessor to remain in possession while he has not been reimbursed by the
person who defeated him in the possession for those necessary expenses and useful
It appears that as a consequence of the deposit made by private respondents, the Deputy, Sheriff improvements made by him on the thing possessed. The principal characteristic of the right of
of Calauag, Quezon ousted petitioner's representative from the land in question and put private retention is its accessory character. It is accessory to a principal obligation. Considering that the
respondents in possession thereof. 10 right of the possessor to receive the fruits terminates when his good faith ceases, it is necessary,
in order that this right to retain may be useful, to concede to the creditor the right to secure
On March 10, 1971, petitioner filed a "Comment on Respondents' 'Motion for Reconsideration' reimbursement from the fruits of the property by utilizing its proceeds for the payment of the
dated January 29, 1971' and 'Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration and Manifestation,'" interest as well as the principal of the debt while he remains in possession. This right of retention
contending that the tender of deposit mentioned in the Suplemental Motion was not really and of the property by the creditor, according to Scaevola, in the light of the provisions of Article 502 of
officially made, "inasmuch as the same is not supported by any official receipt from the lower the Spanish Civil Code,16 is considered not a coercive measure to oblige the debtor to pay,
court, or from its clerk or cashier, as required by law;" that said deposit does not constitute depriving him temporarily of the enjoyment of the fruits of his property, but as a means of obtainitig
sufficient compliance with the judgment sought to be enforced, neither was it legally and validly compensation for the debt. The right of retention in this case is analogous to a contract of
made because the requisites for consignation had not been complied with; that the tender of legal antichresis and it cati be considered as a means of extinguishing the obligation, inasmuch as the
interest for six months cannot substitute petitioner's enjoyment of the fruits of the property as long right to retain the thing lasts only for the period necessary to enable the creditor to be reimbursed
as the judgment in Civil Case No. C-90 has not been implemented in the manner decreed therein; from the fruits for the necessary and useful expenses. 17
that contrary to the allegations of private respondents, the value of the improvements on the whole
property had been determined by the lower court, and the segregation of the improvements for According to Manresa, the right of retention is, therefore, analogous to that of a pledge, if the
each lot should have been raised by them at the opportune moment by asking for the modification property retained is a movable, and to that of antichresis, if the property held is immovable. 18 This
of the decision before it became final and executory; and that the tolls on the property constituted construction appears to be in harmony with similar provisions of the civil law which employs the
"civil fruits" to which the petitioner is entitled under the terms of the decision. right of retention as a means or device by which a creditor is able to obtain the payment of a debt.
Thus, under Article 1731 of the New Civil Code, any person who has performed work upon a liable only for a proportionate part of the obligation. 24 The judgment debt of P13,632.00 should,
movable has a right to retain it by way of pledge until he is paid. Similarly, under Article 1914 of therefore, be pro-rated in equal shares to Comintan and Zamora.
the same Code, the agent may retain in pledge the things which are the object of the agency until
the principal effects reimbursement of the funds advanced by the former for the execution of the Regarding Lot 5785-B, it appears that no public sale has yet been conducted by the Bureau of
agency, or he is indemnified for all damages which he may have suffered as a consequence of the Lands and, therefore, petitioner is entitled to remain in possession thereof. This is not disputed by
execution of the agency, provided he is free from fault. To the same effect, the depositary, under respondent Eleuterio Zamora. 25 After public sale is had and in the event that Ortiz is not declared
Article 1994 of the same Code, may retain the thing in pledge until the full payment of what may the successful bidder, then he should be reimbursed by respondent Zamora in the corresponding
be due him by reason of the deposit. The usufructuary, pursuant to Article 612 of the same Code, amount for the improvements on Lot 5785-B.
may retain the property until he is reimbursed for the amount paid for taxes levied on the capital
(Article 597) and tor extraordinary repairs (Article 594).
WHEREFORE, in view hereof, the Order of respondent Court of November 18, 1970 is hereby
modified to conform to the foregoing judgment. The Writ of Preliminary Injunction, dated January
In all of these cases, the right of retention is used as a means of extinguishing the obligation. As 29, 1971, is hereby dissolved. Without special pronouncement as to costs.
amply observed by Manresa: "El derecho de retencion, lo hemos dicho, es el derecho de prenda o
el de anticresis constituido por la ley con independencia de las partes." 19 In a pledge, if the thing
Barredo (Chairman), Concepcion, Jr. and Guerrero, JJ., concur.1äwphï1.ñët
pledged earns or produces fruits, income, dividends or interests, the creditor shall compensate
what he receives with those which are owing him.20 In the same manner, in a contract of
antichresis, the creditor acquires the right to receive the fruits of an immovable of his debtor with Aquino, J., concurs in the result.
the obligation to apply them to payment of the interest, if owing, and thereafter to the principal of
his credit. 21 The debtor can not reacquire enjoyment of the immovable until he has actually paid Santos and Abad Santos, JJ., are on leave.
what he owes the creditor. 22
Guerrero, J., was designated to sit in the Second Division
Applying the afore-cited principles to the case at bar, petitioner cannot appropriate for his own
exclusive benefit the tolls which he collected from the property retained by him. It was his duty
under the law, after deducting the necessary expenses for his administration, to apply such
amount collected to the payment of the interest, and the balance to the payment of the obligation.

We hold, therefore, that the disputed tolls, after deducting petitioner's expenses for administration,
belong to Quirino Comintan, owner of the land through which the toll road passed, further
considering that the same was on portions of the property on which petitioner had not introduced
any improvement. The trial court itself clarified this matter when it placed the toll road under
receivership. The omission of any mention of the tolls in the decision itself may be attributed to the
fact that the tolls appear to have been collected after the rendition of the judgment of the trial

The records further reveal that earnest efforts have been made by private respondents to have the
judgment executed in the most practicable manner. They deposited in court the amount of the
judgment in the sum of P13,632.00 in cash, subject only to the accounting of the tolls collected by
the petitioner so that whatever is due from him may be set off with the amount of reimbursement.
This is just and proper under the circumstances and, under the law, compensation or set off may
take place, either totally or partially. Considering that petitioner is the creditor with respect to the
judgment obligation and the debtor with respect to the tolls collected, Comintan being the owner
thereof, the trial court's order for an accounting and compensation is in accord with law. 23

With respect to the amount of reimbursement to be paid by Comintan, it appears that the
dispositive portion of the decision was lacking in specificity, as it merely provided that Comintan
and Zamora are jointly liable therefor. When two persons are liable under a contract or under a
judgment, and no words appear in the contract or judgment to make each liable for the entire
obligation, the presumption is that their obligation is joint or mancomunada, and each debtor is
Republic of the Philippines On August 1, 1949, the EVANGELISTAS, for and in consideration of P1,000.00 representing the
SUPREME COURT total outstanding loan of P740.00 plus P260.00 in cash, sold their residential lot to FLOREZA, with
Manila a right to repurchase within a period of 6 years from date, or up to August 1, 1955, as evidenced
by a notarial document, Exh. B, registered under Act 3344 on December 6, 1949, as Inscription

G.R. No. L-25462 February 21, 1980 On January 2, 1955, or seven months before the expiry of the repurchase period, the
EVANGELISTAS paid in full the repurchase price of P1,000.00.
MARIANO FLOREZA, petitioner,
vs. On April 25, 1956, the EVANGELISTAS, through their counsel, wrote FLOREZA a letter 8 asking
MARIA D. de EVANGELISTA and SERGIO EVANGELISTA, respondents. him to vacate the premises as they wanted to make use of their residential lot besides the fact that
FLOREZA had already been given by them more than one year within which to move his house to
another site. On May 4, 1956, the EVANGELISTAS made a formal written demand to vacate,
R.D. Hipolito & B. P. Fabir for petitioner.
within five days from notice, explaining that they had already fully paid the consideration for the
repurchase of the lot. 9 FLOREZA refused to vacate unless he was first reimbursed the value of
E.G. Tanjuatco & Associates for respondents. his house. Hence, the filing of this Complaint on May 18, 1956 by the EVANGELISTAS.

MELENCIO-HERRERA, J: The EVANGELISTAS prayed that: 1) they be declared the owners of the house of strong materials
built by FLOREZA on their residential lot, without payment of indemnity; or, in the alternative to
This is a Petition for Review on certiorari of the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. No. order FLOREZA to remove said house; 2) that FLOREZA pay them the sum of P10.00 per month
23516-R) promulgated on November 4, 1965, entitled "Maria de Evangelista and Sergio as the reasonable value for the use and occupation of the same from January 2, 1955 (the date
Evangelists, (now the respondents) vs. Mariano Floreza (petitioner herein)," reversing the the repurchase price was paid) until FLOREZA removes the house and delivers the lot to them;
judgment of the Court of First Instance of Rizal rendered on July 17, 1957, and instead ordering and 3) to declare the transaction between them and FLOREZA as one of mortgage and not
petitioner to vacate respondents' residential lot, to remove his house at his own expenses and to of pacto de retro.
pay rental from May 5, 1956.
In his Answer, FLOREZA admitted the repurchase but controverted by stating that he would
Plaintiffs Maria de Evangelista and Sergio Evangelista, who are mother and son, (the execute a deed of repurchase and leave the premises upon payment to him of the reasonable
EVANGELISTAS, for short) are the owners of a residential lot located at Sumilang St., Tanay, value of the house worth P7,000.00.
Rizal, with an area of 204.08 sq. ms., assessed at P410.00. In May 1945, the EVANGELISTAS
borrowed from FLOREZA the amount of P100.00. On or about November 1945, with the consent In a Decision dated July 17, 1957, the Court of First Instance of Rizal opined that the question of
of the EVANGELISTAS, FLOREZA occupied the above residential lot and built thereon a house of whether the transaction between the parties is one of mortgage or pacto de retro is no longer
light materials (barong- barong) without any agreement as to payment for the use of said material as the indebtedness of P1,000.00 of the EVANGELISTAS to FLOREZA had already been
residential lot owing to the fact that the EVANGELISTAS has then a standing loan of P100.00 in fully paid. And, applying Article 448 of the Civil Code, 10 it rendered a decision dispositively
favor of FLOREZA. 1 decreeing:

On the following dates, the EVANGELISTAS again borrowed the indicated amounts: September FOR ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the Court hereby renders
16, 1946 — P100.00; 2 August 17, 1947 — P200,00; 3 January 30, 1949 — P200.00; 4 April 1, judgment granting the plaintiffs the right to elect, as owners of the land, to
1949 — P140.00, 5 or a total of P740.00 including the first loan. The last three items are evidenced purchase the house built, on the said lot in question by the defendant for P2,500
by private documents stating that the residential lot stands as security therefor and that the or to sell their said land to e defendant for P1,500. In the event that the plaintiffs
amounts covered thereunder are payable within six years from date, without mention of interest. shall decide not to purchase the house in question the defendant should be
The document executed on September 16, 1946 stated specifically that the loan was without allowed to remain in plaintiffs' premises by, paying a monthly rental of P10.00
interest "walang anumang patubo." which is the reasonable value for the use of the same per month as alleged by
plaintiffs in their complaint. The Court also orders the defendant to pay a monthly
On January 10, 1949, FLOREZA demolished this house of light materials and in its place rental of P10.00 for the use of the land in question from May 18, 1956, the date
constructed one of strong materials assessed in his name at P1,410.00 under Tax Declaration No. of the commencement of this action. The counterclaim of the defendant is hereby
4448. FLOREZA paid no rental as before. 6 ordered dismissed. Without pronouncement as to costs.
SO ORDERED. 11 7) That the Court of Appeals erred in not awarding petitioner's counterclaim.

Both parties appealed to the Court of Appeals. During the pendency of this appeal, petitioner Maria D. de Evangelista died and was ordered
substituted by her son, petitioner Sergio, as her legal representative, in a Resolution dated May
On November 4, 1965, the Court of Appeals concluded that Article 448 of the Civil Code, supra, 14, 1976.
was inapplicable; that FLOREZA was not entitled to reimbursement for his house but that he could
remove the same at his expense; and accordingly rendered judgment thus: On October 20, 1978. the EVANGELISTAS filed a Motion to Dismiss stating that FLOREZA had
since died and that his heirs had voluntarily vacated the residential lot in question. The date
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered: (1) adjudging the defendant- FLOREZA passed away and the date his heirs had voluntarily vacated the property has not been
appellant Mariano Floreza to vacate plaintiffs' residential lot described in the stated. Required to comment, "petitioner (represented by his heirs)", through counsel, confirmed
complaint and to pay rental of P10.00 a month from May 5, 1956, until he his death and the removal of the house and manifested that thereby the question of
(defendant) shall have vacated the premises; (2) ordering defendant to remove reimbursement had moot and academic. He objected to the dismissal of the case, however, on the
his house from the land in question within 30 days from the time this decision ground that the issue of rentals still pends. On January 21, 1980, complying with a Resolution of
becomes final and executory; (3) ordering the Register of Deeds of Rizal to 'his Court, the EVANGELISTAS clarified that the dismissal they were praying for was not of the
cancel inscription No. 2147, Page 210, Vol. 36, in the Registration Book under entire case but only of this Petition for Review on Certiorari.
Act 3344 upon payment of his lawful fees; and (4) taxing the costs in both
instances against defendant-appellant Mariano Floreza. 12 We are not in agreement that the question of reimbursement of the value of the improvement
erected on the subject property has become moot. Petitioner's right of retention of subject property
Hence, this Petition for Review on certiorari by FLOREZA, seeking a reversal of the aforestated until he is reimbursed for the value of his house, as he had demanded, is inextricably linked with
judgment and ascribing the following errors: the question of rentals. For if petitioner has the right to indemnity, he has the right of retention and
no rentals need be paid. Conversely, if no right of retention exists, damages in the form of rentals
for the continued use and occupation of the property should be allowed.
1) That the Court of Appeals erred in holding that petitioner Floreza was a builder
in bad faith without likewise holding that respondents as owners of the land in
dispute, were likewise in bad faith and therefore both parties should in We uphold the Court of Appeals in its conclusion that Article 448 of the Civil Code is inapplicable
accordance with Art. 453 of the New Civil Code be considered as having acted in to the factual milieu herein. Said codal provision applies only when the builder, planter, or sower
good faith. believes he had the right so to build, plant or sow because he thinks he owns the land or believes
himself to have a claim of title. 13 In this case, petitioner makes no pretensions of ownership
2) That the Court of Appeals erred in completely ignoring the issue raised on
appeal as to whether or not respondents as owners of the questioned lot, were in
bad faith in the sense that they had knowledge of and acquiseced to the Petitioner concedes that he was a builder in bad faith but maintains that' the EVANGELISTAS
construction of the house of petitioner on their lot. should also be held in bad faith, so that both of them being in bad faith, Article 453 of the Civil
Code 14 should apply. By the same token, however, that Article 448 of the same Code is not
applicable, neither is Article 453 under the ambiance of this case.
3) That the Court of Appeals erred in not applying Art. 448 of the New Civil Code
in the adjudication of the rights of petitioner and respondent.
Would petitioner, as vendee a retro, then be entitled to the rights granted iii Article 1616 of the
Civil Code (Art. 1518 of the old Code)? To quote:
4) That the Court of Appeals erred in declaring that petitioner is not entitled to
reimbursement for the value of his house and that he should instead remove the
same at his expense. Art. 1616. The vendor cannot avail himself of the right of repurchase without
returning to the vendee the price of the sale, and in addition:
5) That the Court of Appeals erred in adjudging petitioner to vacate respondents'
lot in question and to pay rentals commencing from May 5, 1956, until he shall (1) The expenses of the contract, and any other legitimate payments made by
have vacated the premises, notwithstanding that petitioner is entitled under Arts. reason of the sale;
448 and 546 of the New Civil Code, to retention without payment of rental while
the corresponding indemnity of his house had not been paid. (2) The necessary and useful expenses made on the thing sold.

6) That the Court of Appeals erred in taxing costs against petitioner.

The question again calls for a negative answer. It should be noted that petitioner did not construct
his house as a vendee a retro. The house had already been constructed as far back as 1949
(1945 for the house of light materials) even before the pacto de retro sale in 1949. Petitioner
incurred no useful expense, therefore, after that sale. The house was already there at the
tolerance of the EVANGELISTAS in consideration of the several loans extended to them. Since
petitioner cannot be classified as a builder in good faith within the purview of Article 448 of the
Civil Code, nor as a vendee a retro, who made useful improvements during the lifetime of
the pacto de retro, petitioner has no right to reimbursement of the value of the house which he had
erected on the residential lot of the EVANGELISTAS, much less to retention of the premises until
he is reimbursed.The rights of petitioner are more akin to those of a usufructuary who, under
Article 579 of the Civil (Art. 487 of the old Code), may make on the property useful improvements
but with no right to be indemnified therefor. He may, however, remove such improvements should
it be possible to do so without damage to the property: For if the improvements made by the
usufructuary were subject to indemnity, we would have a dangerous and unjust situation in which
the usufructuary could dispose of the owner's funds by compelling him to pay for improvements
which perhaps he would not have made. 15

We come now to the issue of rentals. It is clear that from the date that the redemption price had
been paid by the EVANGELISTAS on January 2, 1955, petitioner's right to the use of the
residential lot without charge had ceased. Having retained the property although a redemption had
been made, he should be held liable for damages in the form of rentals for the continued use of
the subject residential lot16 at the rate of P10.00 monthly from January 3, 1955, and not merely
from the date of demand on May 4, 1956, as held by the Court of Appeals, until the house was
removed and the property vacated by petitioner or his heirs.

WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby affirmed, with the modification that payment
of rentals by the heir, of Mariano Floreza, who are hereby ordered substituted for him, shall
commence on January 3, 1955 until the date that the residential lot in question was vacated.

Costs against petitioner.

Republic of the Philippines "Manresa agreeing with Sanchez Roman, says that as a general rule this article
SUPREME COURT is not applicable because the matter should be governed more by the provisions
Manila on co-ownership than on accession. Planiol and Ripert are also of the opinion
that this article is not applicable to a co-owner who constructs, plants or sows on
FIRST DIVISION the community property, even if the land where the construction, planting or
sowing is made is a third person under the circumstances, and the situation is
governed by the rules of co-ownership. Our Court of Appeals has held that this
G.R. No. L-49219 April 15, 1988
article cannot be invoked by one co-owner against another who builds, plants or
sows upon their land, since the latter does not do so on land not belonging to
SPOUSES CONCEPCION FERNANDEZ DEL CAMPO and ESTANISLAO DEL him. (C.A.), O.G. Supp., Aug. 30, 194, p. 126). In the light of the foregoing
CANTO, plaintiffs-appellees, authorities and considering that the defendants have expressed their conformity
vs. to the partition that was made by the commissioner as shown in the sketch plan
BERNARDA FERNANDEZ ABESIA, defendant-appellant. attached to the commissioner's report, said defendants have no other alternative
except to remove and demolish part of their house that has encroached an area
Geronimo Creer, Jr. for plaintiffs-appellees. of five (5) sq. meters of the land allotted to the plaintiffs.

Benedicto G. Cobarde for defendant, defendant-appellant WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered assigning Lot 1161-A with an area
of thirty (30) sq. meters to the plaintiffs spouses Concepcion Fernandez Abesia,
GANCAYCO, J.: Lourdes Fernandez Rodil, Genaro Fernandez and Dominga A. Fernandez, in the
respective metes and bounds as shown in the subdivision sketch plan attached
to the Commissioner's Report dated may 29, 1976 prepared by the
In this appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance (CFI) of Cebu, certified to this Court Commissioner, Geodetic Engineer Espiritu Bunagan. Further, the defendants are
by the Court of Appeals on account of the question of law involved, the sole issue is the hereby ordered at their expense to remove and demolish part of their house
applicability of the provisions of Article 448 of the Civil Code relating to a builder in good faith which has encroached an area of five (5) square meters from Lot 1161-A of the
when the property involved is owned in common. plaintiffs; within sixty (60) days from date hereof and to deliver the possession of
the same to the plaintiffs. For the Commissioner's fee of P400.00, the defendants
This case involves a parcel of land, Lot No. 1161 of the Cadastral Survey of Cebu, with an area of are ordered to pay, jointly and severally, the sum of P133.33 and the balance
only about 45 square meters, situated at the corner of F. Flores and Cavan Streets, Cebu City thereof to be paid by the plaintiffs. The costs of suit shall be paid by the plaintiffs
covered by TCT No. 61850. An action for partition was filed by plaintiffs in the CFI of Cebu. and the defendants in the proportion of two-thirds (2/3) and one-third (1/3) shares
Plaintiffs and defendants are co-owners pro indiviso of this lot in the proportion of and 1/3 share respectively. A certified copy of this judgment shall be recorded in the office of
each, respectively. The trial court appointed a commissioner in accordance with the agreement of the Register of Deeds of the City of Cebu and the expense of such recording
the parties. ,the Id commissioner conducted a survey, prepared a sketch plan and submitted a shall be taxed as a part of the costs of the action.
report to the trial court on May 29, 1976, recommending that the property be divided into two lots:
Lot 1161-A with an area of 30 square meters for plaintiffs and Lot No. 1161-B with an area of 15 Hence, this appeal interposed by the defendants with the following assignments of errors:
square meters for the defendants. The houses of plaintiffs and defendants were surveyed and
shown on the sketch plan. The house of defendants occupied the portion with an area of 5 square
meters of Lot 1161-A of plaintiffs. The parties manifested their conformity to the report and asked I
the trial court to finally settle and adjudicate who among the parties should take possession of the
5 square meters of the land in question. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN NOT APPLYING THE RIGHTS OF A BUILDER
In solving the issue the trial court held as follows: DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS WITH RESPECT TO THAT PART OF THEIR
The Court believed that the plaintiffs cannot be obliged to pay for the value of the
portion of the defendants' house which has encroached an area of five (5) sq.
meters of the land alloted to them. The defendants cannot also be obliged to pay II
for the price of the said five (5) square meters. The rights of a builder in good
faith under Article 448 of the New Civil Code does (sic) not apply to a case where THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN ORDERING DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS TO
one co-owner has built, planted or sown on the land owned in common. REMOVE AND DEMOLISH AT THEIR EXPENSE, THAT PART OF THEIR
Teehankee, C.J., Narvasa, Cruz and Griño-Aquino, JJ., concur.
Article 448 of the New Civil Code provides as follows:

Art. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown, or
planted in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works,
sowing or planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for in articles 546
and 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and
the one who sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot be
obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably more than that of the building
or trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does
not choose to appropriate the building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties
shall agree upon the terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court
shall fix the terms thereof.

The court a quo correctly held that Article 448 of the Civil Code cannot apply where a co-owner
builds, plants or sows on the land owned in common for then he did not build, plant or sow upon
land that exclusively belongs to another but of which he is a co-owner. The co-owner is not a third
person under the circumstances, and the situation is governed by the rules of co-ownership. 1

However, when, as in this case, the co-ownership is terminated by the partition and it appears that
the house of defendants overlaps or occupies a portion of 5 square meters of the land pertaining
to plaintiffs which the defendants obviously built in good faith, then the provisions of Article 448 of
the new Civil Code should apply. Manresa and Navarro Amandi agree that the said provision of
the Civil Code may apply even when there was co-ownership if good faith has been established. 2

Applying the aforesaid provision of the Civil Code, the plaintiffs have the right to appropriate said
portion of the house of defendants upon payment of indemnity to defendants as provided for in
Article 546 of the Civil Code. Otherwise, the plaintiffs may oblige the defendants to pay the price of
the land occupied by their house. However, if the price asked for is considerably much more than
the value of the portion of the house of defendants built thereon, then the latter cannot be obliged
to buy the land. The defendants shall then pay the reasonable rent to the plaintiff upon such terms
and conditions that they may agree. In case of disagreement, the trial court shall fix the terms
thereof. Of course, defendants may demolish or remove the said portion of their house, at their
own expense, if they so decide.

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby MODIFIED by ordering plaintiff to indemnify
defendants for the value of the Id portion of the house of defendants in accordance with Article
546 of the Civil Code, if plaintiffs elect to appropriate the same. Otherwise, the defendants shall
pay the value of the 5 square meters of land occupied by their house at such price as may be
agreed upon with plaintiffs and if its value exceeds the portion of the house that defendants built
thereon, the defendants may choose not to buy the land but defendants must pay a reasonable
rental for the use of the portion of the land of plaintiffs As may be agreed upon between the
parties. In case of disagreement, the rate of rental shall be determined by the trial court.
Otherwise, defendants may remove or demolish at their own expense the said portion of their
house. No costs.
Republic of the Philippines In its decision, the trial court (thru Judge Luis L. Victor) ruled that although private respondents
SUPREME COURT occupied a portion of Florencio's property, they should be considered builders in good faith. The
Manila trial court took into account the decision of the Court of First Instance of Cavite in the action for
partition2 and quoted:
. . . . Hence, it is the well-considered opinion of the Court that although it turned out that
G.R. No. 72876 January 18, 1991 the defendants had, before partition, been in possession of more than what rightfully
belongs to them, their possession of what is in excess of their rightful share can at worst
be possession in good faith which exempts them from being condemned to pay damages
FLORENCIO IGNAO, petitioner,
by reason thereof.3
and ISIDRO IGNAO, respondents. Furthermore, the trial court stated that pursuant to Article 448 of the Civil Code, the owner of the
land (Florencio) should have the choice to either appropriate that part of the house standing on his
land after payment of indemnity or oblige the builders in good faith (Juan and Isidro) to pay the
Dolorfino and Dominguez Law Offices for petitioner.
price of the land. However, the trial court observed that based on the facts of the case, it would be
Ambrosio Padilla, Mempin & Reyes Law Offices for private respondents.
useless and unsuitable for Florencio to exercise the first option since this would render the entire
houses of Juan and Isidro worthless. The trial court then applied the ruling in the similar case
FERNAN, C.J.: of Grana vs. Court of Appeals,4 where the Supreme Court had advanced a more "workable
solution". Thus, it ordered Florencio to sell to Juan and Isidro those portions of his land
In this petition for review by certiorari, petitioner seeks the reversal of the decision of the respectively occupied by the latter. The dispositive portion of said decision reads as follows:
Intermediate Appellate Court (now Court of Appeals) affirming in toto the decision of the Court of
First Instance of Cavite, ordering petitioner Florencio Ignao to sell to private respondents Juan and WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the defendants and—
Isidro Ignao, that part of his property where private respondents had built a portion of their houses.
(a) Ordering the plaintiff Florencio Ignao to sell to the defendants Juan and Isidro Ignao
The antecedent facts are as follows: that portion of his property with an area of 101 square meters at P40.00 per square
meter, on which part the defendants had built their houses; and
Petitioner Florencio Ignao and his uncles private respondents Juan Ignao and Isidro Ignao were
co-owners of a parcel of land with an area of 534 square meters situated in Barrio Tabon, (b) Ordering the said plaintiff to execute the necessary deed of conveyance to the
Municipality of Kawit, Cavite. Pursuant to an action for partition filed by petitioner docketed as Civil defendants in accordance with paragraph (a) hereof.
Case No. N-1681, the then Court of First Instance of Cavite in a decision dated February 6, 1975
directed the partition of the aforesaid land, alloting 133.5 square meters or 2/8 thereof to private Without pronouncement as to costs.5
respondents Juan and Isidro, and giving the remaining portion with a total area of 266.5 square
meters to petitioner Florencio. However, no actual partition was ever effected.1
Petitioner Florencio Ignao appealed to the Intermediate Appellate Court. On August 27, 1985, the
Appellate Court, Second Civil Cases Division, promulgated a decision, 6 affirming the decision of
On July 17, 1978, petitioner instituted a complaint for recovery of possession of real property the trial court.
against private respondents Juan and Isidro before the Court of First Instance of Cavite, docketed
as Civil Case No. 2662. In his complaint petitioner alleged that the area occupied by the two (2)
houses built by private respondents exceeded the 133.5 square meters previously alloted to them Hence the instant petition for review which attributes to the Appellate Court the following errors:
by the trial court in Civil Case No. N-1681.
1. That the respondent Court has considered private respondents builders in good faith
Consequently, the lower court conducted an ocular inspection. It was found that the houses of on the land on question, thus applying Art. 448 of the Civil Code, although the land in
Juan and Isidro actually encroached upon a portion of the land belonging to Florencio. Upon question is still owned by the parties in co-ownership, hence, the applicable provision is
agreement of the parties, the trial court ordered a licensed geodetic engineer to conduct a survey Art. 486 of the Civil Code, which was not applied.
to determine the exact area occupied by the houses of private respondents. The survey
subsequently disclosed that the house of Juan occupied 42 square meters while that of Isidro 2. That, granting for the sake of argument that Art. 448 . . . is applicable, the respondent
occupied 59 square meters of Florencio's land or a total of 101 square meters. Court has adjudged the working solution suggested in Grana and Torralba vs. CA. (109
Phil. 260), which is just an opinion by way of passing, and not the judgment rendered
therein, which is in accordance with the said provision of the Civil Code, wherein the considerably more than that of the building or trees. In such case, he shall pay
owner of the land to buy (sic) the portion of the building within 30 days from the judgment reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate the building or
or sell the land occupied by the building. trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease and in
case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereof.
3. That, granting that private respondents could buy the portion of the land occupied by
their houses, the price fixed by the court is unrealistic and pre-war price.7 Whether or not the provisions of Article 448 should apply to a builder in good faith on a property
held in common has been resolved in the affirmative in the case of Spouses del Campo vs.
The records of the case reveal that the disputed land with an area of 534 square meters was Abesia,10 wherein the Court ruled that:
originally owned by Baltazar Ignao who married twice. In his first marriage, he had four children,
namely Justo (the father of petitioner Florencio), Leon and private respondents Juan and Isidro. In The court a quo correctly held that Article 448 of the Civil Code cannot apply where a co-
his second marriage, Baltazar had also four children but the latter waived their rights over the owner builds, plants or sows on the land owned in common for then he did not build, plant
controverted land in favor of Justo. Thus, Justo owned 4/8 of the land which was waived by his or sow upon land that exclusively belongs to another but of which he is a co-owner. The
half-brothers and sisters plus his 1/8 share or a total of 5/8. Thereafter, Justo acquired the 1/8 co-owner is not a third person under the circumstances, and the situation is governed by
share of Leon for P500.00 which he later sold to his son Florencio for the same amount. When the rules of co-ownership.
Justo died, Florencio inherited the 5/8 share of his father Justo plus his 1/8 share of the land which
he bought or a total of 6/8 (representing 400.5 square meters). Private respondents, Juan and However, when, as in this case, the ownership is terminated by the partition and it
Isidro, on the other hand, had 1/8 share (66.75 square meters) each of the land or a total of 133.5 appears that the home of defendants overlaps or occupies a portion of 5 square meters of
square meters. the land pertaining to plaintiffs which the defendants obviously built in good faith, then the
provisions of Article 448 of the new Civil Code should apply. Manresa and Navarro
Before the decision in the partition case was promulgated, Florencio sold 134 square meters of his Amandi agree that the said provision of the Civil Code may apply even when there is a
share to a certain Victa for P5,000.00 on January 27, 1975. When the decision was handed down co-ownership if good faith has been established.11
on February 6,1975, the lower court alloted 2/8 of the land to private respondents Juan and Isidro,
or a total of 133.5 square meters. In other words, when the co-ownership is terminated by a partition and it appears that the house of
an erstwhile co-owner has encroached upon a portion pertaining to another co-owner which was
It should be noted that prior to partition, all the co-owners hold the property in common dominion however made in good faith, then the provisions of Article 448 should apply to determine the
but at the same time each is an owner of a share which is abstract and undetermined until respective rights of the parties.
partition is effected. As cited in Eusebio vs. Intermediate Appellate Court,8 "an undivided estate is
co-ownership by the heirs." Petitioner's second assigned error is however well taken. Both the trial court and the Appellate
Court erred when they peremptorily adopted the "workable solution" in the case of Grana vs. Court
As co-owners, the parties may have unequal shares in the common property, quantitatively of appeals,12 and ordered the owner of the land, petitioner Florencio, to sell to private respondents,
speaking. But in a qualitative sense, each co-owner has the same right as any one of the other co- Juan and Isidro, the part of the land they intruded upon, thereby depriving petitioner of his right to
owners. Every co-owner is therefore the owner of the whole, and over the whole he exercises the choose. Such ruling contravened the explicit provisions of Article 448 to the effect that "(t)he
right of dominion, but he is at the same time the owner of a portion which is truly abstract, because owner of the land . . . shall have the right to appropriate . . .or to oblige the one who built . . . to
until division is effected such portion is not concretely determined.9 pay the price of the land . . . ." The law is clear and unambiguous when it confers the right of
choice upon the landowner and not upon the builder and the courts.
Petitioner Florencio, in his first assignment of error, asseverates that the court a quo erred in
applying Article 448 of the Civil Code, since this article contemplates a situation wherein the land Thus, in Quemuel vs. Olaes,13 the Court categorically ruled that the right to appropriate the works
belongs to one person and the thing built, sown or planted belongs to another. In the instant case, or improvements or to oblige the builder to pay the price of the land belongs to the landowner.
the land in dispute used to be owned in common by the contending parties.
As to the third assignment of error, the question on the price to be paid on the land need not be
Article 448 provides: discussed as this would be premature inasmuch as petitioner Florencio has yet to exercise his
option as the owner of the land.
Art. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or planted in good
faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or planting, after WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby MODIFIED as follows: Petitioner Florencio
payment of the indemnity provided for in articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who Ignao is directed within thirty (30) days from entry of judgment to exercise his option to either
built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who sowed, the proper rent. appropriate as his own the portions of the houses of Juan and Isidro Ignao occupying his land
However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is upon payment of indemnity in accordance with Articles 546 and 548 of the Civil Code, or sell to
private respondents the 101 square meters occupied by them at such price as may be agreed
upon. Should the value of the land exceed the value of the portions of the houses that private
respondents have erected thereon, private respondents may choose not to buy the land but they
must pay reasonable rent for the use of the portion of petitioner's land as may be agreed upon by
the parties. In case of disagreement, the rate of rental and other terms of the lease shall be
determined by the trial court. Otherwise, private respondents may remove or demolish at their own
expense the said portions of their houses encroaching upon petitioner's land.14 No costs.


Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano and Bidin, JJ., concur.

Republic of the Philippines description of the subject property appears in the Final Notice To Exercise The
SUPREME COURT Right of Redemption (over subject property) dated September 14, 1981 (Exh. L,
Manila p. 353, Record) and in the Final Bill of Sale over the same property dated April
19, 1982 (Exh. P, p. 357, Record). Needless to say, as it was only the land
FIRST DIVISION without any building which Nepomuceno had acquired at the auction sale, it was
also only that land without any building which he could have legally sold to the
Nuguids. Verily, in the Deed of Absolute Sale of Registered Land executed by
G.R. No. 115814 May 26, 1995
Mamerto Nepomuceno in favor of the Nuguids on October 25, 1983 (Exh. U, p.
366, Record) it clearly appears that the property subject of the sale for
PEDRO P. PECSON, petitioner, P103,000.00 was only the parcel of land, Lot 21-A, Blk. K-34 containing an area
vs. of 256.3 sq. meters, without any mention of any improvement, much less any
COURT OF APPEALS, SPOUSES JUAN NUGUID and ERLINDA NUGUID, respondents. building thereon. (emphases supplied)

DAVIDE, JR., J.: The petition to review the said decision was subsequently denied by this Court. 5 Entry of judgment
was made on 23 June 1993.6
This petition for review on certiorari seeks to set aside the decision1 of the Court of Appeals in CA-
G.R. SP No. 32679 affirming in part the order 2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, On November 1993, the private respondents filed with the trial court a motion for delivery of
Branch 101, in Civil Case No. Q-41470. possession of the lot and the apartment building, citing article 546 of the Civil Code. 7 Acting
thereon, the trial court issued on 15 November 1993 the challenged order8 which reads as follows:
The factual and procedural antecedents of this case as gathered from the record are as follows:
Submitted for resolution before this Court is an uncontroverted [sic] for the
Petitioner Pedro P. Pecson was the owner of a commercial lot located in Kamias Street, Quezon Delivery of Possession filed by defendants Erlinda Tan, Juan Nuguid, et al.
City, on which he built a four-door two-storey apartment building. For his failure to pay realty taxes considering that despite personal service of the Order for plaintiff to file within five
amounting to twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00), the lot was sold at public auction by the city (5) days his opposition to said motion, he did not file any.
Treasurer of Quezon City to Mamerto Nepomuceno who in turn sold it on 12 October 1983 to the
private respondents, the spouses Juan Nuguid and Erlinda Tan-Nuguid, for one hundred three In support of defendant's motion, movant cites the law in point as Article 546 of
thousand pesos (P103,000.00). the Civil Code . . .

The petitioner challenged the validity of the auction sale in Civil Case No. Q-41470 before the Movant agrees to comply with the provisions of the law considering that plaintiff
RTC of Quezon City. In its decision of 8 February 1989, the RTC dismissed the complaint, but as is a builder in good faith and he has in fact, opted to pay the cost of the
to the private respondents' claim that the sale included the apartment building, it held that the construction spent by plaintiff. From the complaint itself the plaintiff stated that
issue concerning it was "not a subject of the . . . litigation." In resolving the private respondents' the construction cost of the apartment is much more than the lot, which
motion to reconsider this issue, the trial court held that there was no legal basis for the contention apartment he constructed at a cost of P53,000.00 in 1965 (par. 8 complaint). This
that the apartment building was included in the sale.3 amount of P53,000.00 is what the movant is supposed to pay under the law
before a writ of possession placing him in possession of both the lot and
Both parties then appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals. The case was docketed as CA- apartment would be issued.
G.R. CV No. 2931. In its decision of 30 April 1992,4 the Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the
assailed decision. It also agreed with the trial court that the apartment building was not included in However, the complaint alleges in paragraph 9 that three doors of the apartment
the auction sale of the commercial lot. Thus: are being leased. This is further confirmed by the affidavit of the movant
presented in support of the motion that said three doors are being leased at a
Indeed, examining the record we are fully convinced that it was only the land — rental of P7,000.00 a month each. The movant further alleges in his said affidavit
without the apartment building — which was sold at the auction sale, for plaintiff's that the present commercial value of the lot is P10,000.00 per square meter or
failure to pay the taxes due thereon. Thus, in the Certificate of Sale of Delinquent P2,500,000.00 and the reasonable rental value of said lot is no less than
Property To Purchaser (Exh. K, p. 352, Record) the property subject of the P21,000.00 per month.
auction sale at which Mamerto Nepomuceno was the purchaser is referred to as
Lot No. 21-A, Block No. K-34, at Kamias, Barangay Piñahan, with an area of The decision having become final as per Entry of Judgment dated June 23, 1993
256.3 sq. m., with no mention whatsoever, of the building thereon. The same and from this date on, being the uncontested owner of the property, the rents
should be paid to him instead of the plaintiff collecting them. From June 23, 1993, implies the tenancy or possession in fact of the land on which they are built . . . [2
the rents collected by plaintiff amounting to more than P53,000.00 from tenants TOLENTINO, CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES (1992) p. 112]. With the facts
should be offset from the rents due to the lot which according to movant's extant and the settled principle as guides, we agree with petitioner that
affidavit is more than P21,000.00 a month. respondent judge erred in ordering that "the movant having been declared as the
uncontested owner of the lot in question as per Entry of Judgment of the
WHEREFORE, finding merit in the Motion, the Court hereby grants the following Supreme Court dated June 23, 1993, the plaintiff should pay rent to the movant
prayer that: of no less than P21,000 per month from said date as this is the very same
amount paid monthly by the tenants occupying the lot.
1. The movant shall reimburse plaintiff the construction cost of
P53,000.00. We, however, agree with the finding of respondent judge that the amount of
P53,000.00 earlier admitted as the cost of constructing the apartment building
can be offset from the amount of rents collected by petitioner from June 23, 1993
2. The payment of P53,000.00 as reimbursement for the
up to September 23, 1993 which was fixed at P7,000.00 per month for each of
construction cost, movant Juan Nuguid is hereby entitled to
the three doors. Our underlying reason is that during the period of retention,
immediate issuance of a writ of possession over the Lot and
petitioner as such possessor and receiving the fruits from the property, is obliged
improvements thereon.
to account for such fruits, so that the amount thereof may be deducted from the
amount of indemnity to be paid to him by the owner of the land, in line with
3. The movant having been declared as the uncontested owner Mendoza vs. De Guzman, 52 Phil. 164 . . . .
of the Lot in question as per Entry of Judgment of the Supreme
Court dated June 23, 1993, the plaintiff should pay rent to the The Court of Appeals then ruled as follows:
movant of no less than P21,000.00 per month from said date as
this is the very same amount paid monthly by the tenants
occupying the lot. WHEREFORE, while it appears that private respondents have not yet
indemnified petitioner with the cost of the improvements, since Annex I shows
that the Deputy Sheriff has enforced the Writ of Possession and the premises
4. The amount of P53,000.00 due from the movant is hereby
have been turned over to the possession of private respondents, the quest of
offset against the amount of rents collected by the plaintiff from
petitioner that he be restored in possession of the premises is rendered moot and
June 23, 1993, to September 23, 1993.
academic, although it is but fair and just that private respondents pay petitioner
the construction cost of P53,000.00; and that petitioner be ordered to account for
SO ORDERED. any and all fruits of the improvements received by him starting on June 23, 1993,
with the amount of P53,000.00 to be offset therefrom.
The petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the order but it was not acted upon by the trial
court. Instead, on 18 November 1993, it issued a writ of possession directing the deputy sheriff "to IT IS SO ORDERED.11
place said movant Juan Nuguid in possession of subject property located at No. 79 Kamias Road,
Quezon City, with all the improvements thereon and to eject therefrom all occupants therein, their Aggrieved by the Court of Appeals' decision, the petitioner filed the instant petition.
agents, assignees, heirs and representatives."9
The parties agree that the petitioner was a builder in good faith of the apartment building on the
The petitioner then filed with the Court of Appeals a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition
theory that he constructed it at the time when he was still the owner of the lot, and that the key
assailing the order of 15 November 1993, which was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 32679. 10 In its issue in this case is the application of Articles 448 and 456 of the Civil Code.
decision of 7 June 1994, the Court of Appeals affirmed in part the order of the trial court citing
Article 448 of the Civil Code. In disposing of the issues, it stated:
The trial court and the Court of Appeals, as well as the parties, concerned themselves with the
application of Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code. These articles read as follows:
As earlier pointed out, private respondent opted to appropriate the improvement
introduced by petitioner on the subject lot, giving rise to the right of petitioner to
be reimbursed of the cost of constructing said apartment building, in accordance Art. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or
with Article 546 of the . . . Civil Code, and of the right to retain the improvements planted in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works,
until he is reimbursed of the cost of the improvements, because, basically, the sowing or planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for in articles 546
right to retain the improvement while the corresponding indemnity is not paid and 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and
the one who sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot be
obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably more than that of the building reimbursement for necessary and useful improvements made by the petitioner. This position is,
or trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does however, not in consonance with previous rulings of this Court in similar cases. In Javier
not choose to appropriate the building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties vs. Concepcion, Jr., 14 this Court pegged the value of the useful improvements consisting of
shall agree upon the terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court various fruits, bamboos, a house and camarin made of strong material based on the market value
shall fix the terms thereof. (361a) of the said improvements. In Sarmiento vs. Agana, 15 despite the finding that the useful
improvement, a residential house, was built in 1967 at a cost of between eight thousand pesos
xxx xxx xxx (P8,000.00) to ten thousand pesos(P10,000.00), the landowner was ordered to reimburse the
builder in the amount of forty thousand pesos (P40,000.00), the value of the house at the time of
the trial. In the same way, the landowner was required to pay the "present value" of the house, a
Art. 546. Necessary expenses shall be refunded to every possessor; but only the useful improvement, in the case of De Guzman vs. De la Fuente, 16 cited by the petitioner.
possessor in good faith may retain the thing until he has been reimbursed
The objective of Article 546 of the Civil Code is to administer justice between the parties involved.
In this regard, this Court had long ago stated in Rivera vs. Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Useful expenses shall be refunded only to the possessor in good faith with the
Manila 17 that the said provision was formulated in trying to adjust the rights of the owner and
same right of retention, the person who has defeated him in the possession
possessor in good faith of a piece of land, to administer complete justice to both of them in such a
having the option of refunding the amount of the expenses or of paying the
way as neither one nor the other may enrich himself of that which does not belong to him. Guided
increase in value which the thing may have acquired by reason thereof. (453a)
by this precept, it is therefore the current market value of the improvements which should be made
the basis of reimbursement. A contrary ruling would unjustly enrich the private respondents who
By its clear language, Article 448 refers to a land whose ownership is claimed by two or more would otherwise be allowed to acquire a highly valued income-yielding four-unit apartment building
parties, one of whom has built some works, or sown or planted something. The building, sowing or for a measly amount. Consequently, the parties should therefore be allowed to adduce evidence
planting may have been made in good faith or in bad faith. The rule on good faith laid down in on the present market value of the apartment building upon which the trial court should base its
Article 526 of the Civil Code shall be applied in determining whether a builder, sower or planter finding as to the amount of reimbursement to be paid by the landowner.
had acted in good faith. 12
The trial court also erred in ordering the petitioner to pay monthly rentals equal to the aggregate
Article 448 does not apply to a case where the owner of the land is the builder, sower, or planter rentals paid by the lessees of the apartment building. Since the private respondents have opted to
who then later loses ownership of the land by sale or donation. This Court said so in Coleongco appropriate the apartment building, the petitioner is thus entitled to the possession and enjoyment
vs. Regalado: 13 of the apartment building, until he is paid the proper indemnity, as well as of the portion of the lot
where the building has been constructed. This is so because the right to retain the improvements
Article 361 of the old Civil Code is not applicable in this case, for Regalado while the corresponding indemnity is not paid implies the tenancy or possession in fact of the land
constructed the house on his own land before he sold said land to Coleongco. on which it is built, planted or sown. 18 The petitioner not having been so paid, he was entitled to
Article 361 applies only in cases where a person constructs a building on the retain ownership of the building and, necessarily, the income therefrom.
land of another in good or in bad faith, as the case may be. It does not apply to a
case where a person constructs a building on his own land, for then there can be It follows, too, that the Court of Appeals erred not only in upholding the trial court's determination
no question as to good or bad faith on the part of the builder. of the indemnity, but also in ordering the petitioner to account for the rentals of the apartment
building from 23 June 1993 to 23 September 1993.
Elsewise stated, where the true owner himself is the builder of works on his own land, the issue of
good faith or bad faith is entirely irrelevant. WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 32679 and the Order of 15
November 1993 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 101, Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-41470
Thus in strict point of law, Article 448 is not apposite to the case at bar. Nevertheless, we believe are hereby SET ASIDE.
that the provision therein on indemnity may be applied by analogy considering that the primary
intent of Article 448 is to avoid a state of forced co-ownership and that the parties, including the The case is hereby remanded to the trial court for it to determine the current market value of the
two courts below, in the main agree that Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code are applicable and apartment building on the lot. For this purpose, the parties shall be allowed to adduce evidence on
indemnity for the improvements may be paid although they differ as to the basis of the indemnity. the current market value of the apartment building. The value so determined shall be forthwith
paid by the private respondents to the petitioner otherwise the petitioner shall be restored to the
Article 546 does not specifically state how the value of the useful improvements should be possession of the apartment building until payment of the required indemnity.
determined. The respondent court and the private respondents espouse the belief that the cost of
construction of the apartment building in 1965, and not its current market value, is sufficient No costs.

Padilla, Bellosillo and Kapunan, JJ., concur.

Quiason, J., is on leave.

Republic of the Philippines one of its special defenses R.A. 1383 which vested upon it the ownership, possession and control
SUPREME COURT of all waterworks systems throughout the Philippines and as one of its counterclaims the
Manila reimbursement of the expenses it had incurred for necessary and useful improvements amounting
to P255,000.00. Judgment was rendered by the trial court in favor of the CITY on the basis of a
SECOND DIVISION stipulation of facts. The trial court found NAWASA to be a possessor in bad faith and hence not
entitled to the reimbursement claimed by it. NAWASA appealed to the then Court of Appeals and
argued in its lone assignment of error that the CITY should have been held liable for the
G.R. No. L-54526 August 25, 1986
amortization of the balance of the loan secured by NAWASA for the improvement of the Dagupan
Waterworks System. The appellate court affirmed the judgment of the trial court and ruled as
However, as already found above, these useful expenses were made in utter bad
faith for they were instituted after the complaint was filed and after numerous
Miguel T. Caguioa, Ireneo B. Orlino and Manuel D. Victorio for respondent City of Dagupan. Supreme Court decisions were promulgated declaring unconstitutional the taking
by NAWASA of the patrimonial waterworks systems of cities, municipalities and
FERIA, J.: provinces without just compensation.

This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals which affirmed the Under Article 546 of the New Civil Code cited by the appellant, it is clear that a
decision of the then Court of First Instance of Pangasinan. The lower court had declared builder or a possessor in bad faith is not entitled to indemnity for any useful
respondent City of Dagupan the lawful owner of the Dagupan Waterworks System and held that improvement on the premises. (Santos vs. Mojica, L-25450, Jan. 31, 1969). In
the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority, now petitioner Metropolitan Waterworks and fact, he is not entitled to any right regarding the useful expenses (II Paras (1971)
Sewerage System, was a possessor in bad faith and hence not entitled to indemnity for the useful 387). He shall not have any right whatsoever. Consequently, the owner shall be
improvements it had introduced. entitled to all of the useful improvements without any obligation on his part
(Jurado, Civil Law Reviewer (1974) 223).
Before proceeding further, it may be necessary to invite attention to the common error of joining
the court (be it a Regional Trial Court, the Intermediate Appellate Court, or the Sandiganbayan) as Petitioner-Appellant MWSS, successor-in-interest of the NAWASA, appealed to this Court raising
a party respondent in an appeal by certiorari to this Court under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. The the sole issue of whether or not it has the right to remove all the useful improvements introduced
only parties in an appeal by certiorari are the appellant as petitioner and the appellee as by NAWASA to the Dagupan Waterworks System, notwithstanding the fact that NAWASA was
respondent. (Cf. Elks Club vs. Rovira, 80 Phil. 272) The court which rendered the judgment found to be a possessor in bad faith. In support of its claim for removal of said useful
appealed from is not a party in said appeal. It is in the special civil action of certiorari under improvements, MWSS argues that the pertinent laws on the subject, particularly Articles 546, 547
Section 5 of Rule 65 of the Rules of Court where the court or judge is required to be joined as and 549 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, do not definitely settle the question of whether a
party defendant or respondent. The joinder of the Intermediate Appellate Court or the possessor in bad faith has the right to remove useful improvements. To bolster its claim MWSS
Sandiganbayan as party respondent in an appeal by certiorari is necessary in cases where the further cites the decisions in the cases of Mindanao Academy, Inc. vs. Yap (13 SCRA 190) and
petitioner-appellant claims that said court acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction or with grave Carbonell vs. Court of Appeals (69 SCRA 99).
abuse of discretion. An example of this is a case where the petitioner-appellant claims that the
Intermediate Appellate Court or the Sandiganbayan acted with grave abuse of discretion in The CITY in its brief questions the raising of the issue of the removal of useful improvements for
making its findings of fact, thus justifying the review by this court of said findings of fact. (See the the first time in this Court, inasmuch as it was not raised in the trial court, much less assigned as
exceptions to the rule of conclusiveness of the findings of fact of the Intermediate Appellate Court an error before the then Court of Appeals. The CITY further argues that petitioner, as a possessor
or the Sandiganbayan in the case of Sacay vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 66497-98, July 10, in bad faith, has absolutely no right to the useful improvements; that the rulings in the cases cited
1986.) In such a case, the petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court is at by petitioner are not applicable to the case at bar; that even assuming that petitioner has the right
the same time a petition for certiorari under Rule 65, and the joinder of the Intermediate Appellate to remove the useful improvements, such improvements were not actually identified, and hence a
Court or the Sandiganbayan becomes necessary. (Cf. Lianga Lumber Company vs. Lianga Timber rehearing would be required which is improper at this stage of the proceedings; and finally, that
Co., Inc., March 31, 1977, 76 SCRA 197). such improvements, even if they could be identified, could not be separated without causing
substantial injury or damage to the Dagupan Waterworks System.
The City of Dagupan (hereinafter referred to as the CITY) filed a complaint against the former
National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (hereinafter referred to as the NAWASA), now the The procedural objection of the CITY is technically correct. NAWASA should have alleged its
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (hereinafter referred to as MWSS), for recovery additional counterclaim in the alternative-for the reimbursement of the expenses it had incurred for
of the ownership and possession of the Dagupan Waterworks System. NAWASA interposed as
necessary and useful improvements or for the removal of all the useful improvements it had were the equipment, books, furniture and fixtures brought in by him, because they were outside of
introduced. the scope of the judgment and may be retained by him.

Petitioner, however, argues that although such issue of removal was never pleaded as a Neither may the decision in the case of Carbonell vs. Court of Appeals (69 SCRA 99), also cited
counterclaim nevertheless it was joined with the implied consent of the CITY, because the latter by petitioner, be invoked to modify the clear provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines that a
never filed a counter-manifestation or objection to petitioner's manifestation wherein it stated that possessor in bad faith is not entitled to reimbursement of useful expenses or to removal of useful
the improvements were separable from the system, and quotes the first part of Sec. 5 of Rule 10 improvements.
of the Rules of Court to support its contention. Said provision reads as follows:
In said case, both the trial court and the Court of Appeals found that respondents Infantes were
SEC. 5. Amendment to conform to or authorize presentation of evidence.-When possessors in good faith. On appeal, the First Division of this Court reversed the decision of the
issues not raised by the pleadings are tried by express or implied consent of the Court of Appeals and declared petitioner Carbonell to have the superior right to the land in
parties, they shall be treated in all respects, as if they had been raised in the question. On the question of whether or not respondents Infantes were possessors in good faith
pleadings. Such amendment of the pleadings as may be necessary to cause four Members ruled that they were not, but as a matter of equity allowed them to remove the
them to conform to the evidence and to raise these issues may be made upon useful improvements they had introduced on the land. Justice Teehankee (now Chief Justice)
motion of any party at any time, even after judgment; but failure so to amend concurred on the same premise as the dissenting opinion of Justice Munoz Palma that both the
does not affect the result of the trial of these issues. ... conflicting buyers of the real property in question, namely petitioner Carbonell as the first buyer
and respondents Infantes as the second buyer, may be deemed purchasers in good faith at the
This argument is untenable because the above-quoted provision is premised on the fact that respective dates of their purchase. Justice Munoz Palma dissented on the ground that since both
evidence had been introduced on an issue not raised by the pleadings without any objection purchasers were undoubtedly in good faith, respondents Infantes' prior registration of the sale in
thereto being raised by the adverse party. In the case at bar, no evidence whatsoever had been good faith entitled them to the ownership of the land. Inasmuch as only four Members concurred in
introduced by petitioner on the issue of removability of the improvements and the case was ruling that respondents Infantes were possessors in bad faith and two Members ruled that they
decided on a stipulation of facts. Consequently, the pleadings could not be deemed amended to were possessors in good faith said decision does not establish a precedent. Moreover, the
conform to the evidence. equitable consideration present in said case are not present in the case at bar.

However, We shall overlook this procedural defect and rule on the main issue raised in this WHEREFORE, the decision of the appellate court is affirmed with costs against petitioner.
appeal, to wit: Does a possessor in bad faith have the right to remove useful improvements? The
answer is clearly in the negative. Recognized authorities on the subject are agreed on this point. * SO ORDERED.

Article 449 of the Civil Code of the Philippines provides that "he who builds, plants or sows in bad Fernan, Gutierrez, Jr., Paras and Cruz, JJ., concur.
faith on the land of another, loses what is built, planted or sown without right to indemnity." As a
builder in bad faith, NAWASA lost whatever useful improvements it had made without right to Alampay, ** J., took no part.
indemnity (Santos vs. Mojica, Jan. 31, 1969, 26 SCRA 703).

Moreover, under Article 546 of said code, only a possessor in good faith shall be refunded for
useful expenses with the right of retention until reimbursed; and under Article 547 thereof, only a
possessor in good faith may remove useful improvements if this can be done without damage to
the principal thing and if the person who recovers the possession does not exercise the option of
reimbursing the useful expenses. The right given a possessor in bad faith is to remove
improvements applies only to improvements for pure luxury or mere pleasure, provided the thing
suffers no injury thereby and the lawful possessor does not prefer to retain them by paying the
value they have at the time he enters into possession (Article 549, Id.).

The decision in the case of Mindanao Academy, Inc. vs. Yap (13 SCRA 190) cited by petitioner
does not support its stand. On the contrary, this Court ruled in said case that "if the defendant
constructed a new building, as he alleges, he cannot recover its value because the construction
was done after the filing of the action for annulment, thus rendering him a builder in bad faith who
is denied by law any right of reimbursement." What this Court allowed appellant Yap to remove
Republic of the Philippines the deed of sale and tax declaration show that what was sold to the respondent was bounded on
SUPREME COURT the south by Tigman river and therefore, the respondent's ownership could not have extended to
Manila Lot "B" which was separated by the Tigman river and mangrove swamps from the portion he
Before the order of December 12, 1974, could be executed, however, Judge Sunga inhibited
G.R. No. 73418 September 20, 1988 himself from the case so the same was transferred to the then Court of First Instance (now Branch
M, Regional Trial Court) of Naga City presided by Judge Mericia B. Palma.
vs. The execution of the order met with some further delay when the records were reconstituted.
THE HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and DOMINADOR STA. Judge Palma, feeling the need for a clearer understanding of the facts and issues involved in the
ANA, respondents. case, proceeded to hear and received evidence.

GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: On May 16, 1983, Judge Palma issued a resolution finding that there was privity between the
private respondent and the spouses Victor Dasal and Maria Pecunio as to the ownership of Lot
"C" and as to the possession over the western portion of the private road and the disputed Lot "B";
This petition for review on certiorari seeks to set aside the decision of the then Intermediate and that Lot "B" and the private road are not included in the land purchased by the respondent
Appellate Court which nullified the orders of the trial court for the issuance of the writs of execution from Lagarto.
and demolition in favor of the petitioners and which ordered the trial court to assess the value of
the demolished properties of the private respondent for the purposes of set-off against
respondent's liability to the petitioners. According to the trial court, the private respondent was in the company of Dasal (from whom he
was renting Lot "C' and who was also the brother-in-law of Lagarto) and was present when
Commissioner Tubianosa inspected the land in question in 1953 supporting the claim that the
This case originated from an action for quieting of title which was filed by the spouses Victor Dasal respondent knew that the land was already in dispute between Dasal and the petitioners; and if
and Maria Pecunio against herein petitioners, Maximo Rances and Pelicula Sabido on the the respondent really believed that he owns the entire Lot "B" and the private road, he should have
question of ownership over two parcels of land otherwise known as Lots "B" and "D".
raised his claim of ownership when Tubianosa inspected the land. The respondent also failed to
include the land in dispute in the survey of his purchased lot with the flimsy excuse that the
On October 7, 1969, the trial court presided by Judge Delfin Sunga declared the petitioners as surveyor failed to return to finish the survey and include the disputed land.
owners of Lots "B" and "D". The decision became final. However, when the decision was being
carried out to put the petitioners in possession of Lot "B", the Provincial Sheriff found three (3)
Before arriving at the above findings, however, the trial court clarified the issues involved in the
persons occupying portions of Lot "B". One of them was private respondent Dominador Sta. Ana.
case. It said:

The petitioners filed a motion to require the private respondent to show cause why he should not
WE NOW come to the RESOLUTION OF THE TWO ISSUES: (1) Was there
be ejected from the portion of Lot "B". In his answer, Sta. Ana claimed ownership by purchase
privity between Petitioner Sta. Ana and Plaintiffs Dasal? and (2) Is the disputed
from one Prudencio Lagarto, of a bigger area of which Lot "B" is a part. He stated that the two
area Identified in paragraph 1 of the foregoing enumeration, part of the land
other persons occupying the disputed portion are his tenants.
purchased by Petitioner from Prudencio Lagarto?

Subsequently, an order of demolition was issued by the trial court against the private respondent.
If there is a privity between the Petitioner and Dasal, then the Petitioner is bound
This order was challenged by the private respondent and upon his filing of certiorari proceedings,
by the final decision in this CC No. R-396 (2040) against Dasal and therefore
this Court on November 26, 1973, set aside the order of the trial court and remanded the case to
Petitioner is subject to the order of execution and is bound to vacate the land in
the latter for further reception of evidence to determine: 1) Whether or not the private respondent
question or subject a portion of his house and the surrounding walls to
is privy to the spouses Victor Dasal and Maria Pecunio as the losing parties in the action below;
demolition. If there is no privity then he is not bound by said final decision. (Rollo,
and 2) Whether or not the petitioners and the private respondent are litigating over the same pp. 48-49).
parcel of land or whether there is overlapping of boundaries of their respective lands.
In the dispositive portion, however, the trial court held:
On December 12, 1974, after conducting an ocular inspection and hearing, Judge Sunga issued
an order for the private respondent to vacate Lot "B" upon finding that there is no proof that what
the respondent allegedly purchased from Lagarto covers a portion of Lot "B" but on the contrary, WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds:
1.) That there is privity between the petitioner and the plaintiffs spouses Victor On August 9, 1984, the petitioners filed motion for execution of judgment, accompanied by a bill of
Dasal and Maria Pecunio as to ownership of Lot C and as to the possession over costs, as follows: 1) Attorney's fees — P 25,000.00; 2) Cost of litigation — P7,000.00; 3)
the western portion of the private road and the disputed Lot B as so Identified in Expenses for transcript of record — P600.00; 4) Expenses for xeroxing of important papers and
Exhibit 5; documents-P 500.00; 5) Accrued rentals for the lot in question P11,800.00 and 6) Legal interest of
accrued rentals at 12% a year — P1,436.00 for a total of P46,336.00.
2.) That the private road Identified as within points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 1 in Exh. 5
is owned by the respondents as already decided in CC No. 1103, and the same On October 5, 1984, the trial court issued an order granting the petitioners' motion for execution
private road and the Lot B in Exhibit 5 are both owned by the respondents as and application for a writ of attachment and approving the bill of costs. In said order, the trial court
already decided in this CC No. R-396 (2040); ordered the demolition of any part of the private respondent's building and all other construction
within Lot "B" and the private road. The demolition was effected.
3.) That the balcony of the present house of the petitioner is located in the
disputed Lot B and its southern (or southeastern) part of the western portion of The private respondent appealed to the then Intermediate Appellate Court, contending that the
the 'private road'; order of the trial court departed from the intention of the Supreme Court's resolution ordering
execution of the judgment, for it thereby deprived him of the alternative choice of paying the value
xxx xxx xxx of the disputed area which was allowed in the trial court's resolution of May 16, 1983, which the
Supreme Court found to be in accord with, among others, its decision in G.R. No. L-32642 (Sta.
Ana v. Sunga, 54 SCRA 36).
6.) That therefore, this Court recommends to the Honorable Supreme Court, that
the petitioner be ordered to remove the entire balcony and the northern portion of
the main house to the extent of about one meter found to be standing on the On September 20, 1985, the appellate court rendered the assailed decision, the dispositive portion
private road, as well as the northern extension of the hollow block walls on the of which provided;
eastern boundary of Lot C that stand on the private road and to the northern end
of Lot B which wall measures to a total length of about 15 meters from the WHEREFORE, the writs of certiorari and prohibition applied for are granted. The
northern boundary of Lot B to the southern edge of the private road; or in the Order of October 5, 1984 approving the bill of courts and granting execution of
alternative to require the petitioner to pay the respondents the value of the 'previous orders', as well as the order/writ of demolition are hereby set aside,
western portion of the disputed area which is now enclosed in the wall Respondent Court is ordered to forthwith determine the value of the demolished
constructed by the petitioner; portion of petition of petitioner's residential building and other structures affected
by the demolition and also, to assess the value of the disputed area for purposes
7.) And to hold the petitioner liable to the respondents for reasonable attorney's of set off and whatever is the excess in value should be paid to the party entitled
fees and damages. (Rollo, p. 52) thereto. (Rollo, pp. 40-41)

On June 7, 1983, the private respondent filed with this Court a pleading captioned "Notice of In its decision, the appellate court explained the rationale behind the dispositive portion. It said:
Appeal for Review." Said petition was denied in this Court's resolution on October 26,1983, to wit:
xxx xxx xxx
L-32642 (Dominador Sta. Ana v. Hon. Delfin Vir, Sunga, etc., et al.). Considering
the petition of petitioner for review of trial court resolution dated May 16, 1983, The unqualified affirmance of said resolution of May 16, 1983, to Our Mind,
the Court Resolved to DENY the petition, said resolution of May 16, 1983, being carried with it the approval of the above recommendation. The fact that the
in accord with the decision of November 26, 1973 (Rec., p. 438) and the Supreme Court was silent on the recommended alternative choice of demolition
resolution of May 16, 1975 (idem, p. 595) as well as the order of December and payment of the disputed area and merely returned the records for execution
12,1974 (idem, p. 500) which ordered the petitioner to vacate the premises of judgment, did not indicate that the recommended demolition was preferred.
(which is presumably final). As stated in the aforesaid resolution of May 16, 1975, The sufficiency and efficacy of the resolution of May 16, 1983, as the judgment to
any review has to be sought by timely appeal to the appellate court and cannot be enforced or executed, cannot be doubted considering its substance rather
be sought in this case. (Rollo, p. 65). than its form. The aforequoted recommendation, itself the dispositive portion, can
be ascertained as to its meaning and operation. Thereby, the petitioner is given
A series of resolutions were subsequently issued by this Court denying the private respondent's the option to pay the value of the western portion of the disputed area which is
motion to reconsider the above-quoted resolution. Finally, on February 27, 1984, this Court issued enclosed in the wall constructed by said petitioner. It is petitioner who is given the
a resolution ordering "the Chief of the Judgment Division of this Court to RETURN the records alternative choice since if he does not pay, then he can be ordered to remove
thereof to the respondent court for execution of judgment." whatever structure he had introduced in the questioned premises. Notably,
petitioner indicated his willingness to pay the price of the disputed area or cannot avail himself of the rights granted to a builder in good faith. He, therefore, must remove all
otherwise exercised that option. his useful improvements over Lot "B" at his own expense and if the same have already been
removed, he cannot be entitled to the right of retention or to any reimbursement. Thus, in the case
Respondent Court therefore acted with grave abuse of discretion tantamount to of Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewarage System v. Court of Appeals, (143 SCRA 623, 629), we
lack or excess of jurisdiction in abandoning the alternative choice of payment of ruled:
the value of the area in dispute, which it authorized in its final resolution of May
16, 1983, when it ordered execution of its 'previous orders' for the petitioner to Article 449 of the Civil Code of the Philippines provides that "he who builds,
vacate the land in question and for demolition, which was set aside when the plants or sows in bad faith on the land of another, loses what is built, planted or
case was remanded for hearing pursuant to the Supreme Court decision of sown without right to indemnity." As a builder in bad faith, NAWASA lost
November 26, 1973. The previous orders referred to have not been specified by whatever useful improvements it had made without right to indemnity (Santos v.
the respondent Court in its Order of October 6, 1984. If it is the Order of Mojica, Jan. 31, 1969, 26 SCRA 703)
December 12, 1974 which is being referred to by respondent Court, it should
have so specified; however, it did not presumably because it was reconsidered Moreover, under Article 546 of said code, only a possessor in good faith shall be
as can be deduced from the fact that thereafter, respondent Court further heard refunded for useful expenses with the right of retention until reimbursed; and
the parties and received their respective evidence in compliance with the under Article 547 thereof, only a possessor in good faith may remove useful
decision of November 26, 1973, or which proceedings, the respondent Court improvements if this can be done without damage to the principal thing and if the
issued its resolution of May 16, 1983. (Rollo, p. 38) person who recovers the possession does not exercise the option of reimbursing
the useful expenses. The right given a possessor in bad faith to remove
In the petition before us, the petitioners maintain that the appellate court committed grave abuse improvements applies only to improvements for pure luxury or mere pleasure,
of discretion when it granted the private respondent the option of exercising the alternative choice provided the thing suffers no injury thereby and the lawful possessor does not
of staying in the disputed land when it has been established that the private respondent was in prefer to retain them by paying the value they have at the time he enters into
privy with the spouses Victor Dasal and Maria Pecunio and, therefore, he could not be considered possession (Article 549, Id.).
a builder in good faith as to entitle him to the alternative choice of retention; and that the
demolition of the private respondent's construction on Lot "B" and on the private road is a logical We, therefore, find that the appellate court committed reversible error in holding that the private
consequence of the finding that he was privy to the losing parties who were also the adversaries respondent is entitled to exercise the option to pay the value of the disputed area of Lot "B" and to
of the petitioners in the original case. reimbursement for the value of the demolished portion of his building. We, however, affirm its
ruling that the petitioner's bill of costs must be set aside and that while the resolution of May 16,
We agree. 1983 included attorney's fees and damages, the necessity of proof cannot be dispensed with.
Since no proof was presented before the trial regarding any of these claims, they cannot be
When this Court ordered the remand of the case between the petitioners and the private awarded.
respondent in our decision of November 26, 1973 (see Sta. Ana v. Sunga, supra), it was precisely
to determine whether herein respondent was privy to the spouses Dasals as to make the decision WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the decision of the court of Appeals dated
against the latter and in favor of the petitioners over Lot "B" binding upon him. And this fact was September 20, 1985 is ANNULED and SET ASIDE. The writ of attachment issued by the trial court
clearly pointed out by Judge Palma in her resolution of May 16, 1983 stating that if there is privity for the purpose of satisfying the award for damages and the bill of costs is, however, permanently
between the private respondent and the spouses Dasals, then the former is bound by the final SET ASIDE.
decision in CC No. R-396 (2040) which is the case between the Dasals and the petitioners.
However, an apparent confusion was brought about by the dispositive portion of the SO ORDERED.
aforementioned resolution when it recommended to this Court either to order the respondent to
remove all his constructions over Lot "B" or to require said respondent to pay the petitioners the
Fernan, C.J., Feliciano, Bidin and Cortes, JJ., concur.
value of the disputed area which was already enclosed by a wall constructed by the respondent.
This, nevertheless, was rectified when we issued the series of resolutions denying the
respondent's petition and motions for reconsideration before this Court wherein we stated that the
resolution of May 16, 1983 was in accord, among others, with the order of December 12, 1974
"which ordered the petitioner (private respondent) to vacate the premises (which is presumably

Hence, it is clear that the private respondent has to remove all his constructions over Lot "B" and
vacate the premises. This is his only option. Being adjudged in privy with the spouses Dasals, he
Republic of the Philippines In July 2001, respondent Arsenio died, leaving his wife, herein respondent Angeles, to pay for the
SUPREME COURT monthly amortizations.19
On September 10, 2003, petitioner sent respondent-spouses a notarizedNotice of Delinquency
SECOND DIVISION and Cancellation of Contract to Sell20 due to the latter’s failure to pay the monthly amortizations.

G.R. No. 176791 November 14, 2012 In December 2003, petitioner filed before Branch 3 of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities of
Cagayan de Oro City, an action for unlawful detainer, docketed as C3-Dec-2160, against
COMMUNITIES CAGAYAN, INC., Petitioner, respondent-spouses.21 When the case was referred for mediation, respondent Angeles offered to
vs. pay P220,000.00 to settle the case but petitioner refused to accept the payment. 22 The case was
SPOUSES ARSENIO (Deceased) and ANGELES NANOL AND ANYBODY CLAIMING RIGHTS later withdrawn and consequently dismissed because the judge found out that the titles were
UNDER THEM,Respondents. already registered under the names of respondent-spouses.23

DECISION Unfazed by the unfortunate turn of events, petitioner, on July 27, 2005, filed before Branch 18 of
the RTC, Cagayan de Oro City, a Complaint for Cancellation of Title, Recovery of Possession,
Reconveyance and Damages,24docketed as Civil Case No. 2005-158, against respondent-
spouses and all persons claiming rights under them. Petitioner alleged that the transfer of the titles
in the names of respondent-spouses was made only in compliance with the requirements of
LAWS fill the gap in a contract. Capitol Development Bank and that respondent-spouses failed to pay their monthly amortizations
beginning January 2000.25 Thus, petitioner prayed that TCT Nos. T-105202 and T-105203 be
This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assails the December cancelled, and that respondent Angeles be ordered to vacate the subject property and to pay
29. 2006 Decision2and the February 12, 2007 Order3 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Cagayan petitioner reasonable monthly rentals from January 2000 plus damages.26
De Oro City, Branch 18, in Civil Case No. 2005-158.
In her Answer,27 respondent Angeles averred that the Deed of Absolute Sale is valid, and that
Factual Antecedents petitioner is not the proper party to file the complaint because petitioner is different from
Masterplan Properties, Inc.28 She also prayed for damages by way of compulsory counterclaim.29
Sometimes in 1994, respondent-spouses Arsenio and Angeles Nanol entered into a Contract to
Sell4 with petitioner Communities Cagayan, Inc.,5 whereby the latter agreed to sell to respondent- In its Reply,30 petitioner attached a copy of its Certificate of Filing of Amended Articles of
spouses a house and Lots 17 and 196located at Block 16, Camella Homes Subdivision, Cagayan Incorporation31 showing that Masterplan Properties, Inc. and petitioner are one and the same. As
de Oro City, 7 for the price of P368,000.00.8 Respondent-spouses, however, did not avail of to the compulsory counterclaim for damages, petitioner denied the same on the ground of "lack of
petitioner’s inhouse financing due to its high interest rates. 9 Instead, they obtained a loan from knowledge sufficient to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of such allegation." 32
Capitol Development Bank, a sister company of petitioner, using the property as collateral. 10 To
facilitate the loan, a simulated sale over the property was executed by petitioner in favor of Respondent Angeles then moved for summary judgment and prayed that petitioner be ordered to
respondent-spouses.11Accordingly, titles were transferred in the names of respondent-spouses return the owner’s duplicate copies of the TCTs.33
under Transfer Certificates of Title (TCT) Nos. 105202 and 105203, and submitted to Capitol
Development Bank for loan processing.12 Unfortunately, the bank collapsed and closed before it
Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 59-2005, the case was referred for mediation.34 But since the
could release the loan.13
parties failed to arrive at an amicable settlement, the case was set for preliminary conference on
February 23, 2006.35
Thus, on November 30, 1997, respondent-spouses entered into another Contract to Sell14 with
petitioner over the same property for the same price of P368,000.00. 15 This time, respondent- On July 7, 2006, the parties agreed to submit the case for decision based on the pleadings and
spouses availed of petitioner’s in-house financing16 thus, undertaking to pay the loan over four exhibits presented during the preliminary conference.36
years, from 1997 to 2001.17
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
Sometime in 2000, respondent Arsenio demolished the original house and constructed a three-
story house allegedly valued at P3.5 million, more or less.18
On December 29, 2006, the RTC rendered judgment declaring the Deed of Absolute Sale invalid
for lack of consideration.37 Thus, it disposed of the case in this wise:
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby declares the Deed of Absolute Sale VOID. Accordingly, Transfer At the outset, we must make it clear that the issues raised by respondent Angeles may not be
Certificates of Title Nos. 105202 and 105203 in the names of the [respondents], Arsenio entertained. For failing to file an appeal, she is bound by the Decision of the RTC. Well entrenched
(deceased) and Angeles Nanol, are ordered CANCELLED. The [respondents] and any person is the rule that "a party who does not appeal from a judgment can no longer seek modification or
claiming rights under them are directed to turn-over the possession of the house and lot to reversal of the same. He may oppose the appeal of the other party only on grounds consistent
[petitioner], Communities Cagayan, Inc., subject to the latter’s payment of their total monthly with the judgment."48 For this reason, respondent Angeles may no longer question the propriety
installments and the value of the new house minus the cost of the original house. and correctness of the annulment of the Deed of Absolute Sale, the cancellation of TCT Nos.
105202 and 105203, and the order to vacate the property.
Hence, the only issue that must be resolved in this case is whether the RTC erred in ordering
Not satisfied, petitioner moved for reconsideration of the Decision but the Motion was denied in petitioner to reimburse respondent-spouses the "total monthly installments and the value of the
an Order40 dated February 12, 2007. new house minus the cost of the original house."49 Otherwise stated, the issues for our resolution
1) Whether petitioner is obliged to refund to respondent-spouses all the monthly
installments paid; and
Instead of appealing the Decision to the Court of Appeals (CA), petitioner opted to file the instant
petition directly with this Court on a pure question of law, to wit:
2) Whether petitioner is obliged to reimburse respondent-spouses the value of the new
house minus the cost of the original house.
RECOVERY OF POSSESSION BY PETITIONER ‘subject to the latter’s payment of their total
monthly installments and the value of the new house minus the cost of the original house’ IS Respondent-spouses are entitled to the
CONTRARY TO LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE X X X.41 cash surrender value of the payments
on the property equivalent to 50% of the
total payments made.
Petitioner’s Arguments

Considering that this case stemmed from a Contract to Sell executed by the petitioner and the
Petitioner seeks to delete from the dispositive portion the order requiring petitioner to reimburse
respondent-spouses, we agree with petitioner that the Maceda Law, which governs sales of real
respondent-spouses the total monthly installments they had paid and the value of the new house estate on installment, should be applied.
minus the cost of the original house.42 Petitioner claims that there is no legal basis for the RTC to
require petitioner to reimburse the cost of the new house because respondent-spouses were in
bad faith when they renovated and improved the house, which was not yet their own. 43 Petitioner Sections 3, 4, and 5 of the Maceda Law provide for the rights of a defaulting buyer, to wit:
further contends that instead of ordering mutual restitution by the parties, the RTC should have
applied Republic Act No. 6552, otherwise known as the Maceda Law, 44 and that instead of Section 3. In all transactions or contracts involving the sale or financing of real estate on
awarding respondent-spouses a refund of installment payments, including residential condominium apartments but excluding industrial lots,
commercial buildings and sales to tenants under Republic Act Numbered Thirty-eight hundred
all their monthly amortization payments, the RTC should have ordered them to pay petitioner forty-four, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Sixty-three hundred eighty-nine, where the
monthly rentals.45 buyer has paid at least two years of installments, the buyer is entitled to the following rights in
case he defaults in the payment of succeeding installments:
Respondent Angeles’ Arguments
(a) To pay, without additional interest, the unpaid installments due within the total grace
period earned by him which is hereby fixed at the rate of one month grace period for
Instead of answering the legal issue raised by petitioner, respondent Angeles asks for a review of every one year of installment payments made: Provided, That this right shall be exercised
the Decision of the RTC by interposing additional issues.46 She maintains that the Deed of by the buyer only once in every five years of the life of the contract and its extensions, if
Absolute Sale is valid.47 Thus, the RTC erred in cancelling TCT Nos. 105202 and 105203. any.

Our Ruling
(b) If the contract is canceled, the seller shall refund to the buyer the cash
surrender value of the payments on the property equivalent to fifty percent of the
The petition is partly meritorious. total payments made, and, after five years of installments, an additional five per cent
every year but not to exceed ninety per cent of the total payments made: Provided, That Respondent-spouses are entitled to
the actual cancellation of the contract shall take place after thirty days from receipt by the reimbursement of the improvements
buyer of the notice of cancellation or the demand for rescission of the contract by a made on the property.
notarial act and upon full payment of the cash surrender value to the buyer.
Petitioner posits that Article 448 of the Civil Code does not apply and that respondent-spouses are
Down payments, deposits or options on the contract shall be included in the computation of the not entitled to reimbursement of the value of the improvements made on the property because
total number of installment payments made. (Emphasis supplied.) they were builders in bad faith. At the outset, we emphasize that the issue of whether respondent-
spouses are builders in good faith or bad faith is a factual question, which is beyond the scope of
Section 4. In case where less than two years of installments were paid, the seller shall give the a petition filed under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.57 In fact, petitioner is deemed to have waived
buyer a grace period of not less than sixty days from the date the installment became due. all factual issues since it appealed the case directly to this Court,58 instead of elevating the matter
to the CA. It has likewise not escaped our attention that after their failed preliminary conference,
the parties agreed to submit the case for resolution based on the pleadings and exhibits
If the buyer fails to pay the installments due at the expiration of the grace period, the seller may
presented. No trial was conducted. Thus, it is too late for petitioner to raise at this stage of the
cancel the contract after thirty days from receipt by the buyer of the notice of cancellation or the
proceedings the factual issue of whether respondent-spouses are ilders in bad faith. Hence, in
demand for rescission of the contract by a notarial act.
view of the special circumstances obtaining in this case, we are constrained to rely on the
presumption of good faith on the part of the respondent-spouses which the petitioner failed to
Section 5. Under Sections 3 and 4, the buyer shall have the right to sell his rights or assign the rebut. Thus, respondent-spouses being presumed builders in good faith, we now rule on the
same to another person or to reinstate the contract by updating the account during the grace applicability of Article 448 of the Civil Code.
period and before actual cancellation of the contract. The deed of sale or assignment shall be
done by notarial act.
As a general rule, Article 448 on builders in good faith does not apply where there is a contractual
relation between the parties,59 such as in the instant case. We went over the records of this case
In this connection, we deem it necessary to point out that, under the Maceda Law, the actual and we note that the parties failed to attach a copy of the Contract to Sell. As such, we are
cancellation of a contract to sell takes place after 30 days from receipt by the buyer of the constrained to apply Article 448 of the Civil Code, which provides viz:
notarized notice of cancellation,50 and upon full payment of the cash surrender value to the
buyer.51 In other words, before a contract to sell can be validly and effectively cancelled, the seller
ART. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or planted in good faith,
has (1) to send a notarized notice of cancellation to the buyer and (2) to refund the cash surrender
shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or planting, after payment of the
value.52 Until and unless the seller complies with these twin mandatory requirements, the contract
indemnity provided for in Articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the
to sell between the parties remains valid and subsisting.53 Thus, the buyer has the right to continue
price of the land, and the one who sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot
occupying the property subject of the contract to sell,54 and may "still reinstate the contract by
be obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably more than that of the building or trees. In
updating the account during the grace period and before the actual cancellation" 55 of the contract.
such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate
the building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease
In this case, petitioner complied only with the first condition by sending a notarized notice of and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereof.
cancellation to the respondent-spouses. It failed, however, to refund the cash surrender value to
the respondent-spouses. Thus, the Contract to Sell remains valid and subsisting and supposedly,
Article 448 of the Civil Code applies when the builder believes that he is the owner of the land or
respondent-spouses have the right to continue occupying the subject property. Unfortunately, we
that by some title he has the right to build thereon,60 or that, at least, he has a claim of title
cannot reverse the Decision of the RTC directing respondent-spouses to vacate and turnover
thereto.61 Concededly, this is not present in the instant case. The subject property is covered by a
possession of the subject property to petitioner because respondent-spouses never appealed the
Contract to Sell hence ownership still remains with petitioner being the seller. Nevertheless, there
order. The RTC Decision as to respondent-spouses is therefore considered final.
were already instances where this Court applied Article 448 even if the builders do not have a
claim of title over the property. Thus:
In addition, in view of respondent-spouses’ failure to appeal, they can no longer reinstate the
contract by updating the account. Allowing them to do so would be unfair to the other party and is
This Court has ruled that this provision covers only cases in which the builders, sowers or planters
offensive to the rules of fair play, justice, and due process. Thus, based on the factual milieu of the
believe themselves to be owners of the land or, at least, to have a claim of title thereto. It does not
instant case, the most that we can do is to order the return of the cash surrender value. Since
apply when the interest is merely that of a holder, such as a mere tenant, agent or usufructuary.
respondent-spouses paid at least two years of installment,56 they are entitled to receive the cash
From these pronouncements, good faith is identified by the belief that the land is owned; or that –
surrender value of the payments they had made which, under Section 3(b) of the Maceda Law, is by some title – one has the right to build, plant, or sow thereon.
equivalent to 50% of the total payments made.
However, in some special cases, this Court has used Article 448 by recognizing good faith beyond Petitioner has two options under Article
this limited definition. Thus, in Del Campo v. Abesia, this provision was applied to one whose 448 and pursuant to the ruling in
house – despite having been built at the time he was still co-owner – overlapped with the land of Tuatis v. Escol.66
another. This article was also applied to cases wherein a builder had constructed improvements
with the consent of the owner. The Court ruled that the law deemed the builder to be in good faith. In Tuatis, we ruled that the seller (the owner of the land) has two options under Article 448: (1) he
In Sarmiento v. Agana, the builders were found to be in good faith despite their reliance on the may appropriate the improvements for himself after reimbursing the buyer (the builder in good
consent of another, whom they had mistakenly believed to be the owner of the land.62 faith) the necessary and useful expenses under Articles 54667 and 54868 of the Civil Code; or (2) he
may sell the land to the buyer, unless its value is considerably more than that of the
The Court likewise applied Article 448 in Spouses Macasaet v. Spouses improvements, in which case, the buyer shall pay reasonable rent.69 Quoted below are the
Macasaet63 notwithstanding the fact that the builders therein knew they were not the owners of the pertinent portions of our ruling in that case:
land. In said case, the parents who owned the land allowed their son and his wife to build their
residence and business thereon. As found by this Court, their occupation was not by mere Taking into consideration the provisions of the Deed of Sale by Installment and Article 448 of the
tolerance but "upon the invitation of and with the complete approval of (their parents), who desired Civil Code, Visminda has the following options:
that their children would occupy the premises. It arose from familial love and a desire for family
solidarity x x x."64 Soon after, conflict between the parties arose. The parents demanded their son
Under the first option, Visminda may appropriate for herself the building on the subject
and his wife to vacate the premises. The Court thus ruled that as owners of the property, the
property after indemnifying Tuatis for the necessary and useful expenses the latter
parents have the right to possession over it. However, they must reimburse their son and his wife
incurred for said building, as provided in Article 546 of the Civil Code.
for the improvements they had introduced on the property because they were considered builders
in good faith even if they knew for a fact that they did not own the property, thus:
It is worthy to mention that in Pecson v. Court of Appeals, the Court pronounced that the amount
to be refunded to the builder under Article 546 of the Civil Code should be the current
Based on the aforecited special cases, Article 448 applies to the present factual milieu. The
market value of the improvement, thus:
established facts of this case show that respondents fully consented to the improvements
introduced by petitioners. In fact, because the children occupied the lots upon their invitation, the
parents certainly knew and approved of the construction of the improvements introduced thereon. xxxx
Thus, petitioners may be deemed to have been in good faith when they built the structures on
those lots. Until Visminda appropriately indemnifies Tuatis for the building constructed by the latter, Tuatis
may retain possession of the building and the subject property.
The instant case is factually similar to Javier v. Javier. In that case, this Court deemed the son to
be in good faith for building the improvement (the house) with the knowledge and consent of his Under the second option, Visminda may choose not to appropriate the building and, instead,
father, to whom belonged the land upon which it was built. Thus, Article 448 was applied. 65 oblige Tuatis to pay the present or current fair value of the land. The P10,000.00 price of the
subject property, as stated in the Deed of Sale on Installment executed in November 1989, shall
In fine, the Court applied Article 448 by construing good faith beyond its limited definition. We find no longer apply, since Visminda will be obliging Tuatis to pay for the price of the land in the
no reason not to apply the Court’s ruling in Spouses Macasaet v. Spouses Macasaet in this case. exercise of Visminda’s rights under Article 448 of the Civil Code, and not under the said Deed.
We thus hold that Article 448 is also applicable to the instant case. First, good faith is presumed Tuatis’ obligation will then be statutory, and not contractual, arising only when Visminda has
on the part of the respondent-spouses. Second, petitioner failed to rebut this presumption. Third, chosen her option under Article 448 of the Civil Code.
no evidence was presented to show that petitioner opposed or objected to the improvements
introduced by the respondent-spouses. Consequently, we can validly presume that petitioner Still under the second option, if the present or current value of the land, the subject property
consented to the improvements being constructed. This presumption is bolstered by the fact that herein, turns out to be considerably more than that of the building built thereon, Tuatis
as the subdivision developer, petitioner must have given the respondent-spouses permits to cannot be obliged to pay for the subject property, but she must pay Visminda reasonable
commence and undertake the construction. Under Article 453 of the Civil Code, "it is understood rent for the same. Visminda and Tuatis must agree on the terms of the lease; otherwise, the
that there is bad faith on the part of the landowner whenever the act was done with his knowledge court will fix the terms.
and without opposition on his part."
Necessarily, the RTC should conduct additional proceedings before ordering the execution of the
In view of the foregoing, we find no error on the part of the RTC in requiring petitioner to pay judgment in Civil Case No. S-618. Initially, the RTC should determine which of the aforementioned
respondent-spouses the value of the new house minus the cost of the old house based on Article options Visminda will choose. Subsequently, the RTC should ascertain: (a) under the first option,
448 of the Civil Code, subject to succeeding discussions. the amount of indemnification Visminda must pay Tuatis; or (b) under the second option, the value
of the subject property vis-à-vis that of the building, and depending thereon, the price of, or the In view of the foregoing disquisition and in accordance with Depra v. Dumlao 72 and Technogas
reasonable rent for, the subject property, which Tuatis must pay Visminda. Philippines Manufacturing Corporation v. Court of Appeals,73 we find it necessary to remand this
case to the court of origin for the purpose of determining matters necessary for the proper
The Court highlights that the options under Article 448 are available to Visminda, as the owner of application of Article 448, in relation to Articles 546 and 548 of the Civil Code.
the subject property. There is no basis for Tuatis’ demand that, since the value of the building she
constructed is considerably higher than the subject property, she may choose between buying the WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby PARTIALLY GRANTED. The assailed Decision dated
subject property from Visminda and selling the building to Visminda for P502,073.00. Again, the December 29, 2006 and the Order dated February 12, 2007 of the Regional Trial Court, Cagayan
choice of options is for Visminda, not Tuatis, to make. And, depending on Visminda’s choice, de Oro City, Branch 18, in Civil Case No. 2005-158 are
Tuatis’ rights as a builder under Article 448 are limited to the following: (a) under the first option, a hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION that petitioner Communities Cagayan, Inc. is hereby
right to retain the building and subject property until Visminda pays proper indemnity; and (b) ordered to RETURN the cash surrender value of the payments made by respondent-spouses on
under the second option, a right not to be obliged to pay for the price of the subject property, if it is the properties, which is equivalent to 50% of the total payments made, in ccordance with Section
considerably higher than the value of the building, in which case, she can only be obliged to pay 3(b) of Republic Act No. 6552, otherwise known as the Maceda Law.
reasonable rent for the same.
The case is hereby REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court, Cagayan de Oro City, Branch 18, for
The rule that the choice under Article 448 of the Civil Code belongs to the owner of the land is in further proceedings consistent with the proper application of Articles 448, 546 and 548 of the Civil
accord with the principle of accession, i.e., that the accessory follows the principal and not the Code, as follows:
other way around. Even as the option lies with the landowner, the grant to him, nevertheless, is
preclusive. The landowner cannot refuse to exercise either option and compel instead the owner 1. The trial court shall determine:
of the building to remove it from the land.
a) the present or current fair value of the lots;
The raison d’etre for this provision has been enunciated thus: Where the builder, planter or sower
has acted in good faith, a conflict of rights arises between the owners, and it becomes necessary
b) the current market value of the new house;
to protect the owner of the improvements without causing injustice to the owner of the land. In
view of the impracticability of creating a state of forced co-ownership, the law has provided a just
solution by giving the owner of the land the option to acquire the improvements after payment of c) the cost of the old house; and
the proper indemnity, or to oblige the builder or planter to pay for the land and the sower the
proper rent. He cannot refuse to exercise either option. It is the owner of the land who is d) whether the value of the lots is considerably more than the current market value of the
authorized to exercise the option, because his right is older, and because, by the principle of new house minus the cost of the old house.
accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the accessory thing.
2. After said amounts shall have been determined by competent evidence, the trial court shall
Visminda’s Motion for Issuance of Writ of Execution cannot be deemed as an expression of her render judgment as follows:
choice to recover possession of the subject property under the first option, since the options under
Article 448 of the Civil Code and their respective consequences were also not clearly presented to a) Petitioner shall be granted a period of 15 days within which to exercise its option under
her by the 19 April 1999 Decision of the RTC. She must then be given the opportunity to make a the law (Article 448, Civil Code), whether to appropriate the new house by paying to
choice between the options available to her after being duly informed herein of her rights and respondent Angeles the current market value of the new house minus the cost of the old
obligations under both.70 (Emphasis supplied.) house, or to oblige respondent Angeles to pay the price of the lots. The amounts to be
respectively paid by the parties, in accordance with the option thus exercised by written
In conformity with the foregoing pronouncement, we hold that petitioner, as landowner, has two notice to the other party and to the court, shall be paid by the obligor within 15 days from
options. It may appropriate the new house by reimbursing respondent Angeles the current market such notice of the option by tendering the amount to the trial court in favor of the party
value thereof minus the cost of the old house. Under this option, respondent Angeles would have entitled to receive it.
"a right of retention which negates the obligation to pay rent." 71 In the alternative, petitioner may
sell the lots to respondent Angeles at a price equivalent to the current fair value thereof. However, b) If petitioner exercises the option to oblige respondent Angeles to pay the price of the
if the value of the lots is considerably more than the value of the improvement, respondent lots but the latter rejects such purchase because, as found by the trial court, the value of
Angeles cannot be compelled to purchase the lots. She can only be obliged to pay petitioner the lots is considerably more than the value of the new house minus the cost of the old
reasonable rent. house, respondent Angeles shall give written notice of such rejection to petitioner and to
the trial court within 15 days from notice of petitioner’s option to sell the land. In that
event, the parties shall be given a period of 15 days from such notice of rejection within
which to agree upon the terms of the lease, and give the trial court formal written notice of
the agreement and its provisos. If no agreement is reached by the parties, the trial court,
within 15 days from and after the termination of the said period fixed for negotiation, shall
then fix the period and terms of the lease, including the monthly rental, which shall be
payable within the first five days of each calendar month. Respondent Angeles shall not
make any further constructions or improvements on the building. Upon expiration of the
period, or upon default by respondent Angeles in the payment of rentals for two
consecutive months, petitioner shall be entitled to terminate the forced lease, to recover
its land, and to have the new house removed by respondent Angeles or at the latter’s

c) In any event, respondent Angeles shall pay petitioner reasonable compensation for the
occupancy of the property for the period counted from the time the Decision dated
December 29, 2006 became final as to respondent Angeles or 15 days after she received
a copy of the said Decision up to the date petitioner serves notice of its option to
appropriate the encroaching structures, otherwise up to the actual transfer of ownership
to respondent Angeles or, in case a forced lease has to be imposed, up to the
commencement date of the forced lease referred to in the preceding paragraph.1âwphi1

d) The periods to be fixed by the trial court in its decision shall be nonextendible, and
upon failure of the party obliged to tender to the trial court the amount due to the obligee,
the party entitled to such payment shall be entitled to an order of execution for the
enforcement of payment of the amount due and for compliance with such other acts as
may be required by the prestation due the obligee.

Republic of the Philippines Roldan with the tolerance and consent of the plaintiff on condition that the former will
SUPREME COURT make improvements on the adjoining dried-up portion of the Estero Calubcub. In the early
Manila part of 1945 defendant occupied the eastern portion of said titled lot as well as the dried-
up portion of the old Estero Calubcub which abuts plaintiffs' titled lot. After a relocation
SECOND DIVISION survey of the land in question sometime in 1960, plaintiffs learned that defendant was
occupying a portion of their land and thus demanded defendant to vacate said land when
the latter refused to pay the reasonable rent for its occupancy. However, despite said
G.R. No. L-43346 March 20, 1991
demand defendant refused to vacate.

MARIO C. RONQUILLO, petitioner

Defendant on the other hand claims that sometime before 1945 he was living with his
sister who was then residing or renting plaintiffs' titled lot. In 1945 he built his house on
the disputed dried-up portion of the Estero Calubcub with a small portion thereof on the
titled lot of plaintiffs. Later in 1961, said house was destroyed by a fire which prompted
ROSARIO, respondents.*
him to rebuild the same. However, this time it was built only on the called up portion of the
old Estero Calubcub without touching any part of plaintiffs titled land. He further claims
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for petitioner. that said dried-up portion is a land of public domain.3

REGALADO, J.: Private respondents Rosendo, Amparo and Florencia, all surnamed del Rosario (Del Rosarios),
lodged a complaint with the Court of First Instance of Manila praying, among others, that they be
This petition seeks the review of the decision1 rendered by respondent Court of Appeals on declared the rightful owners of the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub. Petitioner Mario Ronquillo
September 25, 1975 in CA-G.R. No. 32479-R, entitled "Rosendo del Rosario, et al., Plaintiffs- (Ronquillo) filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that the trial court had no
Appellees, versus Mario Ronquillo, Defendant-Appellant," affirming in toto the judgment of the trial jurisdiction over the case since the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub is public land and, thus,
court, and its amendatory resolution2 dated January 28, 1976 the dispositive portion of which subject to the disposition of the Director of Lands. The Del Rosarios opposed the motion arguing
reads: that since they are claiming title to the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub as riparian owners, the
trial court has jurisdiction. The resolution of the motion to dismiss was deferred until after trial on
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision of this Court dated September 25, 1975 is the merits.
hereby amended in the sense that the first part of the appealed decision is set aside,
except the last portion "declaring the plaintiffs to be the rightful owners of the dried-up Before trial, the parties submitted the following stipulation of facts:
portion of Estero Calubcub which is abutting plaintiffs' property," which we affirm, without
pronouncement as to costs. 1. That the plaintiffs are the registered owners of Lot 34, Block 9, Sulucan Subdivision
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 34797;
2. That said property of the plaintiffs abuts and is adjacent to the dried-up river bed of
The following facts are culled from the decision of the Court of Appeals: Estero Calubcub Sampaloc, Manila;

It appears that plaintiff Rosendo del Rosario was a registered owner of a parcel of land 3. That defendant Mario Ronquillo has no property around the premises in question and is
known as Lot 34, Block 9, Sulucan Subdivision, situated at Sampaloc, Manila and only claiming the dried-up portion of the old Estero Calubcub, whereon before October
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 34797 of the Registry of Deeds of Manila 23, 1961, the larger portion of his house was constructed;
(Exhibit "A"). The other plaintiffs Florencia and Amparo del Rosario were daughters of
said Rosendo del Rosario. Adjoining said lot is a dried-up portion of the old Estero 4. That before October 23, 1961, a portion of defendant's house stands (sic) on the
Calubcub occupied by the defendant since 1945 which is the subject matter of the above-mentioned lot belonging to the plaintiffs;
present action.
5. That the plaintiffs and defendant have both filed with the Bureau of Lands
Plaintiffs claim that long before the year 1930, when T.C.T. No. 34797 over Lot No. 34 miscellaneous sales application for the purchase of the abandoned river bed known as
was issued in the name of Rosendo del Rosario, the latter had been in possession of said Estero Calubcub and their sales applications, dated August 5, 1958 and October 13,
lot including the adjoining dried-up portion of the old Estero Calubcub having bought the 1959, respectively, are still pending action before the Bureau of Lands;
same from Arsenio Arzaga. Sometime in 1935, said titled lot was occupied by Isabel
6. That the parties hereby reserve their right to prove such facts as are necessary to 5. We do not see our way clear to subscribe to the ruling of the Honorable Court of
support their case but not covered by this stipulation of facts.4 Appeals on this point for Article 370 of the Old Civil Code, insofar as ownership of
abandoned river beds by the owners of riparian lands are concerned, speaks only of a
On December 26, 1962, the trial court rendered judgment the decretal portion of which provides: situation where such river beds were abandoned because of a natural change in the
course of the waters. Conversely, we submit that if the abandonment was for some cause
other than the natural change in the course of the waters, Article 370 is not applicable and
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered ordering the defendant to deliver to the
the abandoned bed does not lose its character as a property of public dominion not
plaintiffs the portion of the land covered by Transfer Certificate of title No. 34797 which is
susceptible to private ownership in accordance with Article 502 (No. 1) of the New Civil
occupied by him and to pay for the use and occupation of said portion of land at the rate Code. In the present case, the drying up of the bed, as contended by the petitioner, is
of P 5.00 a month from the date of the filing of the complaint until such time as he clearly caused by human activity and undeniably not because of the natural change of the
surrenders the same to the plaintiffs and declaring plaintiffs to be the owners of the dried- course of the waters (Emphasis in the original text).
up portion of estero Calubcub which is abutting plaintiffs' property.
In his Comment11 dated August 17, 1989, the Director of Lands further adds:
With costs to the defendant.

8. Petitioner herein and the private respondents, the del Rosarios, claim to have pending
sales application(s) over the portion of the dried up Estero Calubcub, as stated in pages
4-5, of the Amended Petition.
On appeal, respondent court, in affirming the aforequoted decision of the trial court, declared that
since Estero Calubcub had already dried-up way back in 1930 due to the natural change in the
9. However, as stated in the Reply dated May 4, 1989 of the Director of Lands, all sales
course of the waters, under Article 370 of the old Civil Code which it considers applicable to the
application(s) have been rejected by that office because of the objection interposed by the
present case, the abandoned river bed belongs to the Del Rosarios as riparian owners.
Manila City Engineer's Office that they need the dried portion of the estero for drainage
Consequently, respondent court opines, the dried-up river bed is private land and does not form purposes.
part of the land of the public domain. It stated further that "(e)ven assuming for the sake of
argument that said estero did not change its course but merely dried up or disappeared, said
dried-up estero would still belong to the riparian owner," citing its ruling in the case of Pinzon vs. 10. Furthermore, petitioner and private respondents, the del Rosarios having filed said
Rama.6 sales application(s) are now estopped from claiming title to the Estero Calubcub (by
possession for petitioner and by accretion for respondents del Rosarios) because for (sic)
they have acknowledged that they do not own the land and that the same is a public land
Upon motion of Ronquillo, respondent court modified its decision by setting aside the first portion under the administration of the Bureau of Lands (Director of Lands vs. Santiago, 160
of the trial court's decision ordering Ronquillo to surrender to the Del Rosarios that portion of land SCRA 186, 194).
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 34797 occupied by the former, based on the former's
representation that he had already vacated the same prior to the commencement of this case.
However, respondent court upheld its declaration that the Del Rosarios are the rightful owners of In a letter dated June 29, 197912 Florencia del Rosario manifested to this Court that Rosendo,
the dried-up river bed. Hence, this petition. Amparo and Casiano del Rosario have all died, and that she is the only one still alive among the
private respondents in this case.
On May 17, 1976, this Court issued a resolution7 requiring the Solicitor General to comment on the
petition in behalf of the Director of Lands as an indispensable party in representation of the In a resolution dated January 20, 1988,13 the Court required petitioner Ronquillo to implead one
Republic of the Philippines, and who, not having been impleaded, was subsequently considered Benjamin Diaz pursuant to the former's manifestation14 that the land adjacent to the dried up river
impleaded as such in our resolution of September 10, 1976. 8In his Motion to Admit Comment,9 the bed has already been sold to the latter, and the Solicitor General was also required to inquire into
Solicitor General manifested that pursuant to a request made by this office with the Bureau of the status of the investigation being conducted by the Bureau of Lands. In compliance therewith,
Lands to conduct an investigation, the Chief of the Legal Division of the Bureau sent a the Solicitor General presented a letter from the Director of Lands to the effect that neither of the
communication informing him that the records of his office "do not show that Mario Ronquillo, parties involved in the present case has filed any public land application.15
Rosendo del Rosario, Amparo del Rosario or Florencia del Rosario has filed any public land
application covering parcels of land situated at Estero Calubcub Manila as verified by our Records On April 3, 1989, petitioner filed an Amended Petition for Certiorari,16 this time impleading the
Division. Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) which subsequently bought the property adjacent to
the dried-up river bed from Benjamin Diaz. In its resolution dated January 10, 1990, 17 the Court
The position taken by the Director of Lands in his Comment 10 filed on September 3, 1978, which ordered that DBP be impleaded as a party respondent.
was reiterated in the Reply dated May 4, 1989 and again in the Comment dated August 17, 1989,
In a Comment18 filed on May 9, 1990, DBP averred that "[c]onsidering the fact that the petitioner in However, there are certain exceptions, such as (1) when the conclusion is a finding grounded
this case claims/asserts no right over the property sold to Diaz/DBP by the del Rosarios; and entirely on speculation, surmises or conjectures; (2) when the inference made is manifestly
considering, on the contrary, that Diaz and DBP claims/asserts (sic) no right (direct or indirect) absurd, mistaken or impossible; (3) when there is grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation of
over the property being claimed by Ronquillo (the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub), it follows, facts; (4) when the judgment is premised on a misapprehension of facts; (5) when the findings of
therefore, that the petitioner Ronquillo has no cause of action against Diaz or DBP. A fortiori from fact are conflicting; and (6) when the Court of Appeals in making its findings went beyond the
the viewpoint of the classical definition of a cause of action, there is no legal justification to issues of the case and the same is contrary to the admissions of both appellant and
implead DBP as one of the respondents in this petition." DBP thereafter prayed that it be dropped appellee.21
in the case as party respondent.
A careful perusal of the evidence presented by both parties in the case at bar will reveal that the
On September 13, 1990, respondent DBP filed a Manifestation/Compliance19 stating that DBP's change in the course of Estero Calubcub was caused, not by natural forces, but due to the
interest over Transfer Certificate of Title No. 139215 issued in its name (formerly Transfer dumping of garbage therein by the people of the surrounding neighborhood. Under the
Certificate of Title No. 34797 of the Del Rosarios and Transfer Certificate of Title No. 135170 of circumstances, a review of the findings of fact of respondent court thus becomes imperative.
Benjamin Diaz) has been transferred to Spouses Victoriano and Pacita A. Tolentino pursuant to a
Deed of Sale dated September 11, 1990. Private respondent Florencia del Rosario, in her testimony, made a categorical statement which in
effect admitted that Estero Calubcub changed its course because of the garbage dumped therein,
Petitioner Ronquillo avers that respondent Court of Appeals committed an error of law and gross by the inhabitants of the locality, thus:
abuse of discretion, acted arbitrarily and denied petitioner due process of law (a) when it declared
private respondents Del Rosarios the rightful owners of the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub by Q When more or less what (sic) the estero fully dried up?
unduly relying upon decisional law in the case of Pinzon vs. Rama, ante, which case was decided
entirely on a set of facts different from that obtaining in this case; and (b) when it ignored the
A By 1960 it is (sic) already dried up except for a little rain that accumulates on the lot
undisputed facts in the present case and declared the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub as a
when it rains.
private property.

Q How or why did the Estero Calubcub dried (sic) up?

The main issue posed for resolution in this petition is whether the dried-up portion of Estero
Calubcub being claimed by herein petitioner was caused by a natural change in the course of the
waters; and, corollary thereto, is the issue of the applicability of Article 370 of the old Civil Code. A It has been the dumping place of the whole neighborhood. There is no street, they
dumped all the garbage there. It is the dumping place of the whole community, sir.22
Respondent court, in affirming the findings of the trial court that there was a natural change in the
course of Estero Calubcub declared that: In addition, the relocation plan (Exhibit "D") which also formed the basis of respondent court's
ruling, merely reflects the change in the course of Estero Calubcub but it is not clear therefrom as
to what actually brought about such change. There is nothing in the testimony of lone witness
The defendant claims that Article 370 of the old Civil Code is not applicable to the instant
Florencia del Rosario nor in said relocation plan which would indicate that the change in the
case because said Estero Calubcub did not actually change its course but simply dried
course of the estero was due to the ebb and flow of the waters. On the contrary, the aforequoted
up, hence, the land in dispute is a land of public domain and subject to the disposition of
the Director of Land(s). The contention of defendant is without merit. As mentioned testimony of the witness belies such fact, while the relocation plan is absolutely silent on the
earlier, said estero as shown by the relocation plan (Exhibit "D") did not disappear but matter. The inescapable conclusion is that the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub was
merely changed its course by a more southeasternly (sic) direction. As such, "the occasioned, not by a natural change in the course of the waters, but through the active
intervention of man.
abandoned river bed belongs to the plaintiffs-appellees and said land is private and not
public in nature. Hence, further, it is not subject to a Homestead Application by the
appellant." (Fabian vs. Paculan CA-G.R. Nos. 21062-63-64-R, Jan. 25 1962). Even The foregoing facts and circumstances remove the instant case from the applicability of Article 370
assuming for the sake of argument that said estero did not change its course but merely of the old Civil Code which provides:
dried up or disappeared, said dried-up estero would still belong to the riparian owner as
held by this Court in the case of Pinzon vs. Rama (CA-G.R. No. 8389, Jan. 8, 1943; 2 Art. 370. The beds of rivers, which are abandoned because of a natural change in the
O.G. 307).20 course of the waters, belong to the owners of the riparian lands throughout the respective
length of each. If the abandoned bed divided tenements belonging to different owners the
Elementary is the rule that the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in cases brought to it from the new dividing line shall be equidistant from one and the other.
Court of Appeals in a petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court is limited to the
review of errors of law, and that said appellate court's finding of fact is conclusive upon this Court.
The law is clear and unambiguous. It leaves no room for interpretation.1âwphi1 Article 370 applies
only if there is a natural change in the course of the waters. The rules on alluvion do not apply to
man-made or artificial accretions23 nor to accretions to lands that adjoin canals or esteros or
artificial drainage systems.24 Considering our earlier finding that the dried-up portion of Estero
Calubcub was actually caused by the active intervention of man, it follows that Article 370 does
not apply to the case at bar and, hence, the Del Rosarios cannot be entitled thereto supposedly as
riparian owners.

The dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub should thus be considered as forming part of the land of
the public domain which cannot be subject to acquisition by private ownership. That such is the
case is made more evident in the letter, dated April 28, 1989, of the Chief, Legal Division of the
Bureau of Lands25 as reported in the Reply of respondent Director of Lands stating that "the
alleged application filed by Ronquillo no longer exists in its records as it must have already been
disposed of as a rejected application for the reason that other applications "covering Estero
Calubcub Sampaloc, Manila for areas other than that contested in the instant case, were all
rejected by our office because of the objection interposed by the City Engineer's office that they
need the same land for drainage purposes". Consequently, since the land is to be used for
drainage purposes the same cannot be the subject of a miscellaneous sales application.

Lastly, the fact that petitioner and herein private respondents filed their sales applications with the
Bureau of Lands covering the subject dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub cannot but be deemed
as outright admissions by them that the same is public land. They are now estopped from claiming

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from, the remaining effective portion of which declares
private respondents Del Rosarios as riparian owners of the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub is

Republic of the Philippines Subsequently, the complaint was amended to implead Rosendo H. Te as another defendant.
SUPREME COURT Plaintiffs sought the annulment of the deed of sale and the restitution of the purchase price with
Manila interest in the event the possession of defendant Ladrido is sustained. Defendant Te filed his
answer to the amended complaint and he counter claimed for damages. Plaintiffs answered the
FIRST DIVISION counterclaim.

G.R. No. 77294 December 12, 1988 During the pendency of the case, plaintiff Celso F. Viajar sold his rights over Lot No. 7340 to his
mother and co-plaintiff, Angelica F. Viajar. For this reason, plaintiff Angelica F. Viajar now appears
to be the sole registered owner of this lot.
ANGELICA VIAJAR and CELSO VIAJAR, plaintiffs-appellants,
COURT OF APPEALS, LEONOR P. LADRIDO, LOURDES LADRIDO IGNACIO, EUGENIO P. On May 25, 1978, defendant Ladrido died. He was substituted in the civil action by his wife,
LADRIDO and L P. LADRIDO, defendants-appellees. Leonor P. Ladrido, and children, namely: Lourdes Ladrido-Ignacio, Eugenio P. Ladrido and
Manuel P. Ladrido, as parties defendants.
Ramon A. Gonzales for petitioner.
The facts admitted by the parties during the pre-trial show that the piece of real property which
used to be Lot No. 7340 of the Cadastral Survey of Pototan was located in barangay
Miraflores Law Offices for respondents.
Guibuanogan Pototan, Iloilo; that it consisted of 20,089 square meters; that at the time of the
cadastral survey in 1926, Lot No. 7511 and Lot No. 7340 were separated by the Suague River;
MEDIALDEA, J.: that the area of 11,819 square meters of what was Lot No. 7340 has been in the possession of the
defendants; that the area of 14,036 square meters, which was formerly the river bed of the
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals dated December Suague River per cadastral survey of 1926, has also been in the possession of the defendants;
29, 1986, in CA-G.R. CV No. 69942 entitled, "ANGELICA VIAJAR, et. al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, and that the plaintiffs have never been in actual physical possession of Lot No. 7340.
versus LEONOR LADRIDO, et. al., Defendants-Appellees," affirming the decision of the Court of
First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of Iloilo dated December 10, 1981. After trial on the merits, a second amended complaint which included damages was admitted.

The antecedent facts in the instant case are as follows: The spouses Ricardo Y. Ladrido and The plaintiffs raised the following issues to be resolved:
Leonor P. Ladrido were the owners of Lot No. 7511 of the Cadastral Survey of Pototan situated in
barangay Cawayan, Pototan, Iloilo. This lot contained an area of 154,267 square meters and was
1. Whether the change in the course of the Suague River was
registered in the names of the spouses under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-21940 of the
sudden as claimed by the plaintiffs or gradual as contended by
Register of Deeds of Iloilo.
the defendants;

Spouses Rosendo H. Te and Ana Te were also the registered owners of a parcel of land 2. Assuming arguendo it was gradual, whether or not the
described in their title as Lot No. 7340 of the Cadastral Survey of Pototan.
plaintiffs are still entitled to Lot "B' appearing in Exhibit "4" and
to one-half (½) of Lot "A," also indicated in Exhibit "4;" and
On September 6, 1973, Rosendo H. Te, with the conformity of Ana Te, sold this lot to Angelica F.
Viajar and Celso F. Viajar for P5,000. A Torrens title was later issued in the names of Angelica F. 3. Damages (pp. 12-13, Rollo).
Viajar and Celso F. Viajar.
On December 10, 1981, the trial court rendered its decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
Later, Angelica F. Viajar had Lot No. 7340 relocated and found out that the property was in the
possession of Ricardo Y. Ladrido. Consequently, she demanded its return but Ladrido refused.
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the defendants and
against the plaintiffs:
On February 15, 1974, Angelica F. Viajar and Celso F. Viajar instituted a civil action for recovery
of possession and damages against Ricardo Y. Ladrido. This case was docketed as Civil Case
No. 9660 of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo. Summoned to plead, defendant Ladrido filed his 1. Dismissing the complaint of plaintiffs Angelica F. Viajar and
answer with a counterclaim. Plaintiffs filed their reply to the answer. Celso F. Viajar with costs against them;
2. Declaring defendants Leonor P. Ladrido, Lourdes Ladrido- The presumption is that the change in the course of the river was gradual and
Ignacio, Eugenio P. Ladrido and Manuel P. Ladrido as owner of caused by accretion and erosion (Martinez Canas vs. Tuason, 5 Phil. 668;
the parcel of land indicated as Lots A and B in the sketch plan Payatas Estate Improvement Co. vs. Tuason, 53 Phil. 55; C.H. Hodges vs.
(Exhs. 'C' as well as '4,' '4-B' and '4-C') situated in barangays Garcia, 109 Phil. 133). In the case at bar, the lower court correctly found that the
Cawayan and Guibuanogan Pototan, Iloilo, and containing an evidence introduced by the plaintiff to show that the change in the course of the
area of 25,855 square meters, more or less; and Suague River was sudden or that it occurred through avulsion is not clear and
3. Pronouncing that as owners of the land described in the
preceding paragraph, the defendants are entitled to the Contrariwise, the lower court found that:
possession thereof.
... the defendants have sufficiently established that for many years after 1926 a
Defendants' claim for moral damages and attorney's fees are dismissed. gradual accretion on the eastern side of Lot No. 7511 took place by action of the
current of the Suague River so that in 1979 an alluvial deposit of 29,912 square
SO ORDERED (p. 36, Rollo). meters (2.9912 hectares), more or less, had been added to Lot No. 7511. (Exhs.
'1' as well as Exhs. 'C' and '4'). Apropos it should be observed that the accretion
consisted of Lot A with an area of 14,036 square meters; Lot B, 11,819 square
Not satisfied with the decision, the plaintiffs appealed to the Court of Appeals and assigned the
meters; and Lot C, 4,057 square meters. (Exhs. '4-B,' '4-C' and '4-D'). Only Lot C
following errors:
is not involved in this litigation. (See Pre-trial Order, supra)

The established facts indicate that the eastern boundary of Lot No. 7511 was the
Suague River based on the cadastral plan. For a period of more than 40 years
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT PLAINTIFFS ARE (before 1940 to 1980) the Suague River overflowed its banks yearly and the
ENTITLED TO LOT B APPEARING IN EXHIBIT "4" AND TO ONE-HALF (½) OF property of the defendant gradually received deposits of soil from the effects of
LOT A IN THE SAID EXHIBIT "4." the current of the river. The consequent increase in the area of Lot No. 7511 due
to alluvion or accretion was possessed by the defendants whose tenants plowed
II and planted the same with coin and tobacco.

THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT AWARDING DAMAGES TO PLAINTIFFS The quondam river bed had been filled by accretion through the years. The land
(p. 42, Rollo). is already plain and there is no indication on the ground of any abandoned river
bed. The river bed is definitely no longer discernible now.
As earlier stated, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the court a quo. Plaintiffs (the
petitioners herein) now come to Us claiming that the Court of Appeals palpably erred in affirming What used to be the old river bed (Lot A) is in level with Lot No. 7511. So are the
the decision of the trial court on the ground that the change in the course of the Suague River was two other areas to the East. (Lots B and C) Lots A, B and C are still being
gradual and not sudden. cultivated.

In the decision appealed from, the Court of Appeals held: Under the law, accretion which the banks or rivers may gradually receive from
the effects of the current of the waters becomes the property of the owners of the
This appeal is not impressed with merit. lands adjoining the banks. (Art. 366, Old Civil Code; Art. 457, New Civil Code
which took effect on August 30, 1950 [Lara v. Del Rosario, 94 Phil. 778].
Therefore, the accretion to Lot No. 7511 which consists of Lots A and B (see
Article 457 of the New Civil Code provides that: Exhs. 'C' and '4') belongs to the defendants (pp. 34-35, Record on Appeal).

Art. 457. To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers We find no cogent reason to disturb the foregoing finding and conclusion of the
belong the accretion which they gradually receive from the lower court.
effects of the current of the waters.
The second assignment of error is a mere offshoot of the first assignment of error
and does not warrant further discussion (pp. 4244, Rollo).
The petition is without merit. SEC. 45. 1 The obtaining of a decree of registration and the entry of a certificate
of title shall be regarded as an agreement running with the land, and binding
The petitioners contend that the first issue raised during the trial of the case on the merits in the upon the applicant and all successors in title that the land shall be and always
Court of First Instance, that is, "whether the change in the course of the Suague River was sudden remain registered land, and subject to the provisions of this Act and all Acts
as claimed by the plaintiffs or gradual as contended by the defendants," was abandoned and amendatory thereof.
never raised by them in their appeal to the Court of Appeals. Hence, the Court of Appeals, in
holding that the appeal is without merit, because of the change of the Suague River was gradual SEC. 46. 2 No title to registered land in derogation to that of the registered owner
and not sudden, disposed of the appeal on an issue that was never raised and, accordingly, its shall be acquired by prescription or adverse possession.
decision is void. In support of its contention, petitioners cite the following authorities:
As a result, petitioners contend, Article 457 of the New Civil Code must be construed to limit the
It is a well-known principle in procedure that courts of justice have no jurisdiction accretion mentioned therein as accretion of unregistered land to the riparian owner, and should
or power to decide a question not in issue (Lim Toco vs. Go Fay, 80 Phil. 166). not extend to registered land. Thus, the lot in question having remained the registered land of the
petitioners, then the private respondents cannot acquire title there in derogation to that of the
A judgment going outside the issues and purporting to adjudicate something petitioners, by accretion, for that will defeat the indefeasibility of a Torrens Title.
upon which the parties were not heard, is not merely irregular, but extra-judicial
and invalid ( Salvante vs. Cruz, 88 Phil. 236-244; Lazo vs. Republic Surety & The rule that registration under the Torrens System does not protect the riparian owner against
Insurance Co., Inc., 31 SCRA 329, 334). the diminution of the area of his registered land through gradual changes in the course of an
adjoining stream is well settled. In Payatas Estate Improvement Co. vs. Tuason, 53 Phil. 55, We
The pivotal issue in the petitioners' appeal was whether the change in the course of the Suague ruled:
River was gradual or sudden because the trial court below resolved the same in its decision thus
subjecting the same to review by respondent appellate court. By simply abandoning this issue, the The controversy in the present cases seems to be due to the erroneous
petitioners cannot hope that the affirmance of the decision wherein this issue was resolved makes conception that Art. 366 of the Civil Code does not apply to Torrens registered
the decision of the Court of Appeals void. In effect, the petitioners are expounding a new land. That article provides that "any accretions which the banks of rivers may
procedural theory that to render a questioned decision void, all that has to be done is to simply gradually receive from the effects of the current belong to the owners of the
abandon on appeal the pivotal issue as resolved by the lower court and when its decision is estates bordering thereon." Accretions of that character are natural incidents to
affirmed on appeal, attack the decision of the appellate court as void on the principle that a court land bordering on running streams and are not affected by the registration laws.
of justice has no jurisdiction or power to decide the question not in issue. This is not correct. Even It follows that registration does not protect the riparian owner against diminution
the authorities cited by the petitioners, more specifically the Salvante and Lazo cases, supra, do of the area of his land through gradual changes in the course of the adjoining
not support their contention. They were heard in the trial court and they cannot complain that the stream.
proceeding below was irregular and hence, invalid.
In C.N. Hodges vs. Garcia, 109 Phil. 133, We also ruled:
The trial court found that the change in the course of the Suague River was gradual and this
finding was affirmed by the respondent Court of Appeals. We do not find any valid reason to It clearly appearing that the land in question has become part of defendant's
disturb this finding of fact. estate as a result of accretion, it follows that said land now belongs to him. The
fact that the accretion to his land used to pertain to plaintiffs estate, which is
Article 457 of the New Civil Code (reproduced from Article 366 of the Old), the law applied by the covered by a Torrens Certificate of Title, cannot preclude him (defendant) from
courts a quoprovides: being the owner thereof. Registration does not protect the riparian owner against
the diminution of the area of his land through gradual changes in the course of
Art. 457. To the owners of the lands adjoining the banks of rivers belong the the adjoining stream. Accretions which the banks of rivers may gradually receive
accretion which they gradually receive from the effects of the current of the from the effect of the current become the property of the owners of the banks
waters. (Art. 366 of the Old Civil Code; Art. 457 of the New). Such accretions are natural
incidents to land bordering on running streams and the provisions of the Civil
Code in that respect are not affected by the Registration Act.
Petitioners contend that this article must be read together with Sections 45 an 46 of Act No. 496
which provides:
We find no valid reason to review and abandon the aforecited rulings.
As the private respondents are the owners of the premises in question, no damages are
recoverable from them.

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit without pronouncement as to costs.

Republic of the Philippines Lot 2-Psu-131892
SUPREME COURT (Maria C. Tancinco)
A parcel of land (Lot 2 as shown on plan Psu-131892), situated in the Barrio of
FIRST DIVISION Ubihan, Municipality of Meycauayan, Province of Bulacan. Bounded on the E.,
along line 1-2, by property of Rafael Singson; on the S., along line 2-3, by
G.R. No. L-61647 October 12, 1984 Meycauayan River; on the SW., along line 3-4, by Lot 3 of plan Psu-131892; and
on the N., along line 4-1, by property of Mariano Tancinco (Lot 1, Psu-111877).
(5,453) SQUARE METERS. ...
MARINA TANCINCO IMPERIAL and MARIO C. TANCINCO, respondents. Lot 3-Psu-131892
(Maria C. Tancinco)
The Solicitor General for petitioner.
A parcel of land (Lot 3 as shown on plan Psu-131892), situated in the Barrio of
Ubihan, Municipality of Meycauayan, Province of Bulacan. Bounded on the NE.,
Martin B. Laurea for respondents.
along line 1-2, by property of Mariano Tancinco (Lot 1, Psu-111877); and along
line 2-3, by Lot 2 of plan Psu-131892; on the S., along line 3-4, by Meycauayan
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.:ñé+.£ªwph!1 River, on the SW., along line 4-5, by Lot 1 of plan Psu-131892; and along line 5-6
by property of Mariano Tancinco (Lot 2, Psu-111877), and on the NW., along line
This is a petition for certiorari to set aside the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals (now 6-1, by property of Joaquina Santiago. ... containing an area of ONE
Intermediate Appellate Court) affirming the decision of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan, Fifth THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE (1,985) SQUARE METERS. ...
Judicial District, Branch VIII, which found that Lots 1 and 2 of Plan Psu-131892 are accretion to
the land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 89709 and ordered their registration in the On April 5, 1974, Assistant Provincial Fiscal Amando C. Vicente, in representation of the Bureau
names of the private respondents. of Lands filed a written opposition to the application for registration.

Respondents Benjamin Tancinco, Azucena Tancinco Reyes, Marina (should be "Maria") Tancinco On March 6, 1975, the private respondents filed a partial withdrawal of the application for
Imperial and Mario C. Tancinco are registered owners of a parcel of land covered by Transfer registration with respect to Lot 3 of Plan Psu-131892 in line with the recommendation of the
Certificate of Title No. T-89709 situated at Barrio Ubihan, Meycauayan, Bulacan bordering on the Commissioner appointed by the Court.
Meycauayan and Bocaue rivers.
On March 7, 1975, Lot 3 was ordered withdrawn from the application and trial proceeded only with
On June 24, 1973, the private respondents filed an application for the registration of three lots respect to Lots 1 and 2 covered by Plan Psu-131892.
adjacent to their fishpond property and particularly described as follows: têñ.£îhqwâ£
On June 26, 1976, the lower court rendered a decision granting the application on the finding that
Lot 1-Psu-131892 the lands in question are accretions to the private respondents' fishponds covered by Transfer
(Maria C. Tancinco) Certificate of Title No. 89709. The dispositive portion of the decision reads: têñ.£îhqwâ£

A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Psu-131892), situated in the Barrio of WHEREFORE, it appearing that Lots 1 & 2 of plan Psu-131892 (Exh. H) are
Ubihan, Municipality of Meycauayan, Province of Bulacan. Bounded on the NE., accretions to the land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 89709 of the
along line 1-2, by Lot 3 of plan Psu-131892; on the SE., along lines 2-3-4, by Register of Deeds of Bulacan, they belong to the owner of said property. The
Meycauayan River; on the S.W., along fines 4-5-6-7-8-9, by Bocaue River; on the Court, therefore, orders the registration of lots 1 & 2 situated in the barrio of
NE., along line 9-10, by property of Joaquina Santiago; on the E., NE., and NW., Ubihan, municipality of Meycauayan, province of Bulacan, and more particularly
along lines 10-11-12-1, by property of Mariano Tancinco (Lot 2, Psu-111877). ... described in plan Psu-131892 (Exh. H) and their accompanying technical
containing an area of THIRTY THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY descriptions (Exhs. E, E-1) in favor of Benjamin Tancinco, married to Alma
SEVEN (33,937) SQUARE METERS. ... Fernandez and residing at 3662 Heatherdown, Toledo, Ohio 43614 U.S.A.;
Azucena Tancinco Reyes, married to Alex Reyes, Jr., residing at 4th St., New
Manila, Quezon City; Marina Tancinco Imperial, married to Juan Imperial,
residing at Pasay Road, Dasmariñas Village, Makati, Rizal; and Mario C. The private respondents submit that the foregoing evidence establishes the fact of accretion
Tancinco, married to Leticia Regidor, residing at 1616 Cypress St., Dasmariñas without human intervention because the transfer of the dike occurred after the accretion was
Village, Makati, Rizal, all of legal age, all Filipino citizens. complete.

On July 30, 1976, the petitioner Republic appealed to the respondent Court of Appeals. We agree with the petitioner.

On August, 19, 1982, the respondent Court rendered a decision affirming in toto the decision of Article 457 of the New Civil Code provides: têñ.£îhqwâ£
the lower court. The dispositive portion of the decision reads: têñ.£îhqwâ£
To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers belong the accretion which
DAHIL DITO, ang hatol na iniakyat ay sinasangayunan at pinagtitibay sa they gradually receive from the effects of the current of the waters.
kanyang kabuuan nang walang bayad.
The above-quoted article requires the concurrence of three requisites before an accretion covered
The rule that the findings of fact of the trial court and the Court of Appeals are binding upon this by this particular provision is said to have taken place. They are (1) that the deposit be gradual
Court admits of certain exceptions. Thus in Carolina Industries Inc. v. CMS Stock Brokerage, and imperceptible; (2) that it be made through the effects of the current of the water; and (3) that
Inc. (97 SCRA 734) we held that this Court retains the power to review and rectify the findings of the land where accretion takes place is adjacent to the banks of rivers.
fact of said courts when (1) the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculations, surmises
and conjectures; (2) when the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd, and impossible; (3) The requirement that the deposit should be due to the effect of the current of the river is
where there is grave abuse of discretion, (4) when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of indispensable. This excludes from Art. 457 of the New Civil Code all deposits caused by human
facts; and (5) when the court, in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the case and the intervention. Alluvion must be the exclusive work of nature. In the instant case, there is no
same are contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee. evidence whatsoever to prove that the addition to the said property was made gradually through
the effects of the current of the Meycauayan and Bocaue rivers. We agree with the observation of
There are facts and circumstances in the record which render untenable the findings of the trial the Solicitor General that it is preposterous to believe that almost four (4) hectares of land came
court and the Court of Appeals that the lands in question are accretions to the private respondents' into being because of the effects of the Meycauayan and Bocaue rivers. The lone witness of the
fishponds. private respondents who happens to be their overseer and whose husband was first cousin of
their father noticed the four hectare accretion to the twelve hectare fishpond only in 1939. The
The petitioner submits that there is no accretion to speak of under Article 457 of the New Civil respondents claim that at this point in time, accretion had already taken place. If so, their witness
Code because what actually happened is that the private respondents simply transferred their was incompetent to testify to a gradual and imperceptible increase to their land in the years before
dikes further down the river bed of the Meycauayan River, and thus, if there is any accretion to 1939. However, the witness testified that in that year, she observed an increase in the area of the
speak of, it is man-made and artificial and not the result of the gradual and imperceptible original fishpond which is now the land in question. If she was telling the truth, the accretion was
sedimentation by the waters of the river. sudden. However, there is evidence that the alleged alluvial deposits were artificial and man-made
and not the exclusive result of the current of the Meycauayan and Bocaue rivers. The alleged
alluvial deposits came into being not because of the sole effect of the current of the rivers but as a
On the other hand, the private respondents rely on the testimony of Mrs. Virginia Acuña to the
result of the transfer of the dike towards the river and encroaching upon it. The land sought to be
effect that: têñ.£îhqwâ£
registered is not even dry land cast imperceptibly and gradually by the river's current on the
fishpond adjoining it. It is under two meters of water. The private respondents' own evidence
xxx xxx xxx shows that the water in the fishpond is two meters deep on the side of the pilapil facing the
fishpond and only one meter deep on the side of the pilapil facing the river
... when witness first saw the land, namely, Lots 1 & 2, they were already dry
almost at the level of the Pilapil of the property of Dr. Tancinco, and that from the The reason behind the law giving the riparian owner the right to any land or alluvion deposited by
boundaries of the lots, for about two (2) arms length the land was still dry up to a river is to compensate him for the danger of loss that he suffers because of the location of his
the edge of the river; that sometime in 1951, a new Pilapil was established on the land. If estates bordering on rivers are exposed to floods and other evils produced by the
boundaries of Lots 1 & 2 and soil from the old Pilapil was transferred to the new destructive force of the waters and if by virtue of lawful provisions, said estates are subject to
Pilapil and this was done sometime in 1951; that the new lots were then incumbrances and various kinds of easements, it is proper that the risk or danger which may
converted into fishpond, and water in this fishpond was two (2) meters deep on prejudice the owners thereof should be compensated by the right of accretion. (Cortes v. City of
the side of the Pilapil facing the fishpond ... . Manila, 10 Phil. 567). Hence, the riparian owner does not acquire the additions to his land caused
by special works expressly intended or designed to bring about accretion. When the private
respondents transferred their dikes towards the river bed, the dikes were meant for reclamation
purposes and not to protect their property from the destructive force of the waters of the river.

We agree with the submission of the Solicitor General that the testimony of the private
respondents' lone witness to the effect that as early as 1939 there already existed such alleged
alluvial deposits, deserves no merit. It should be noted that the lots in question were not included
in the survey of their adjacent property conducted on May 10, 1940 and in the Cadastral Survey of
the entire Municipality of Meycauayan conducted between the years 1958 to 1960. The alleged
accretion was declared for taxation purposes only in 1972 or 33 years after it had supposedly
permanently formed. The only valid conclusion therefore is that the said areas could not have
been there in 1939. They existed only after the private respondents transferred their dikes towards
the bed of the Meycauayan river in 1951. What private respondents claim as accretion is really an
encroachment of a portion of the Meycauayan river by reclamation.

The lower court cannot validly order the registration of Lots 1 & 2 in the names of the private
respondents. These lots were portions of the bed of the Meycauayan river and are therefore
classified as property of the public domain under Article 420 paragraph 1 and Article 502,
paragraph 1 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. They are not open to registration under the Land
Registration Act. The adjudication of the lands in question as private property in the names of the
private respondents is null and void.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The decision appealed from is hereby
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The private respondents are ordered to move back the dikes of their
fishponds to their original location and return the disputed property to the river to which it belongs.

SO ORDERED.1äwphï1.ñët
Republic of the Philippines During the cadastral survey conducted at Balug, Tumauini, Isabela on 21 October 1969, the two
SUPREME COURT (2) parcels of land belonging to respondent Manalo were surveyed and consolidated into one lot,
Manila designated as Lot No. 307, Pls-964. Lot 307 which contains 4.6489 hectares includes: (a) the
whole of the 1.80 hectares acquired from Gregorio Taguba; and (b) 2.8489 hectares out of the
THIRD DIVISION 8.65 hectares purchased from Faustina Taccad. As the survey was conducted on a rainy month, a
portion of the land bought from Faustina Taccad then under water was left unsurveyed and was
not included in Lot 307.
G.R. No. 92161 March 18, 1991

The Sketch Plan3 submitted during the trial of this case and which was identified by respondent
Manalo shows that the Cagayan River running from south to north, forks at a certain point to form
two (2) branches—the western and the eastern branches—and then unites at the other end,
further north, to form a narrow strip of land. The eastern branch of the river cuts through the land
of respondent Manalo and is inundated with water only during the rainy season. The bed of the
eastern branch is the submerged or the unsurveyed portion of the land belonging to respondent
Manalo. For about eight (8) months of the year when the level of water at the point where the
Josefin De Alban Law Office for Petitioners. Cagayan River forks is at its ordinary depth, river water does not flow into the eastern branch.
While this condition persists, the eastern bed is dry and is susceptible to cultivation.
Considering that water flowed through the eastern branch of the Cagayan River when the
The late Judge Taccad originally owned a parcel of land situated in Tumauini, Isabela having an cadastral survey was conducted, the elongated strip of land formed by the western and the
estimated area of twenty (20) hectares. The western portion of this land bordering on the Cagayan eastern branches of the Cagayan River looked very much like an island. This strip of land was
River has an elevation lower than that of the eastern portion which borders on the national road. surveyed on 12 December 1969.4
Through the years, the western portion would periodically go under the waters of the Cagayan
River as those waters swelled with the coming of the rains. The submerged portion, however, It was found to have a total area of 22.7209 hectares and was designated as Lot 821 and Lot 822.
would re-appear during the dry season from January to August. It would remain under water for The area of Lot 822 is 10.8122 hectares while Lot 821 has an area of 11.9087 hectares. Lot 821 is
the rest of the year, that is, from September to December during the rainy season. located directly opposite Lot 307 and is separated from the latter only by the eastern branch of the
Cagayan River during the rainy season and, during the dry season, by the exposed, dry river bed,
The ownership of the landholding eventually moved from one person to another. On 9 May 1959, being a portion of the land bought from Faustina Taccad. Respondent Manalo claims that Lot 821
respondent Guillermo Manalo acquired 8.65 hectares thereof from Faustina Taccad, daughter of also belongs to him by way of accretion to the submerged portion of the property to which it is
Judge Juan Taccad. The land sold was described in the Deed of Absolute Sale1 as follows: adjacent.

. . . a parcel of agricultural land in Balug, Tumauini, Isabela, containing an area of 8.6500 Petitioners who are in possession of Lot 821, upon the other hand, insist that they own Lot 821.
hectares, more or less; bounded on the North by Francisco Forto on the East by National They occupy the outer edges of Lot 821 along the river banks, i.e., the fertile portions on which
Road; on South by Julian Tumolva and on the West by Cagayan River; declared for they plant tobacco and other agricultural products. They also cultivate the western strip of the
taxation under Tax Declaration No. 12681 in the name of Faustina Taccad, and assessed unsurveyed portion during summer.5 This situation compelled respondent Manalo to file a case for
at P 750.00. . . . forcible entry against petitioners on 20 May 1969. The case was dismissed by the Municipal Court
of Tumauini, Isabela for failure of both parties to appear. On 15 December 1972, respondent
Later in 1964, respondent Manalo purchased another 1.80 hectares from Gregorio Taguba who Manalo again filed a case for forcible entry against petitioners. The latter case was similarly
had earlier acquired the same from Judge Juan Taccad. The second purchase brought the total dismissed for lack of jurisdiction by the Municipal Court of Tumauini, Isabela.
acquisition of respondent Manalo to 10.45 hectares. The second piece of property was more
particularly described as follows: On 24 July 1974, respondent Manalo filed a complaints 6 before the then Court of First Instance of
Isabela, Branch 3 for quieting of title, possession and damages against petitioners. He alleged
. . . a piece of agricultural land consisting of tobacco land, and containing an area of ownership of the two (2) parcels of land he bought separately from Faustina Taccad and Gregorio
18,000 square meters, more or less, bounded on the North by Balug Creek; on the South, Taguba for which reason he prayed that judgment be entered ordering petitioners to vacate the
by Faustina Taccad (now Guillermo R. Manalo); on the East, by a Provincial Road; and western strip of the unsurveyed portion. Respondent Manalo likewise prayed that judgment be
on the West, by Cagayan River assessed at P 440.00, as tax Declaration No. 3152. . . .2 entered declaring him as owner of Lot 821 on which he had laid his claim during the survey.
Petitioners filed their answer denying the material allegations of the complaint. The case was then The Court believes that the land in controversy is of the nature and character of alluvion
set for trial for failure of the parties to reach an amicable agreement or to enter into a stipulation of (Accretion), for it appears that during the dry season, the body of water separating the
facts.7 On 10 November 1982, the trial court rendered a decision with the following dispositive same land in controversy (Lot No. 821, Pls-964) and the two (2) parcels of land which the
portion: plaintiff purchased from Gregorio Taguba and Justina Taccad Cayaba becomes a marshy
land and is only six (6) inches deep and twelve (12) meters in width at its widest in the
WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing premises, the Court renders judgment against northern tip (Exhs. "W", "W-l", "W-2", "W-3" and "W-4"), It has been held by our Supreme
the defendants and in favor of the plaintiff and orders: Court that "the owner of the riparian land which receives the gradual deposits of alluvion,
does not have to make an express act of possession. The law does not require it, and the
deposit created by the current of the water becomes manifest" (Roxas vs. Tuazon, 6 Phil.
1. That plaintiff, Guillermo Manalo, is declared the lawful owner of the land in question, 408).12
Lot No. 821, Pls-964 of Tumauini Cadastre, and which is more particularly described in
paragraph 2-b of the Complaint;
The Court of Appeals adhered substantially to the conclusion reached by the trial court, thus:
2. That the defendants are hereby ordered to vacate the premises of the land in question,
Lot No. 821, Pls-964 of Tumauini Cadastre, and which is more particularly described in As found by the trial court, the disputed property is not an island in the strict sense of the
paragraph 2-b of the Complaint; word since the eastern portion of the said property claimed by appellants to be part of the
Cagayan River dries up during summer. Admittedly, it is the action of the heavy rains
which comes during rainy season especially from September to November which
3. That the defendants are being restrained from entering the premises of the land in
increases the water level of the Cagayan river. As the river becomes swollen due to
question, Lot No. 821, Pls-964 of Tumauini Cadastre, and which is more particularly
heavy rains, the lower portion of the said strip of land located at its southernmost point
described in paragraph 2-b of the Complaint; and
would be inundated with water. This is where the water of the Cagayan river gains its
entry. Consequently, if the water level is high the whole strip of land would be under
4. That there is no pronouncement as to attorney's fees and costs. water.

SO ORDERED.8 In Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Colegio de San Jose, it was held that —

Petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals which, however, affirmed the decision of the trial According to the foregoing definition of the words "ordinary" and "extra-ordinary," the
court. They filed a motion for reconsideration, without success. highest depth of the waters of Laguna de Bay during the dry season is the ordinary one,
and the highest depth they attain during the extra-ordinary one (sic); inasmuch as the
While petitioners insist that Lot 821 is part of an island surrounded by the two (2) branches of the former is the one which is regular, common, natural, which occurs always or most of the
Cagayan River, the Court of Appeals found otherwise. The Court of Appeals concurred with the time during the year, while the latter is uncommon, transcends the general rule, order and
finding of the trial court that Lot 821 cannot be considered separate and distinct from Lot 307 since measure, and goes beyond that which is the ordinary depth. If according to the definition
the eastern branch of the Cagayan River substantially dries up for the most part of the year such given by Article 74 of the Law of Waters quoted above, the natural bed or basin of the
that when this happens, Lot 821 becomes physically (i.e., by land) connected with the dried up lakes is the ground covered by their waters when at their highest ordinary depth, the
bed owned by respondent Manalo. Both courts below in effect rejected the assertion of petitioners natural bed or basin of Laguna de Bay is the ground covered by its waters when at their
that the depression on the earth's surface which separates Lot 307 and Lot 821 is, during part of highest depth during the dry season, that is up to the northeastern boundary of the two
the year, the bed of the eastern branch of the Cagayan River. parcels of land in question.

It is a familiar rule that the findings of facts of the trial court are entitled to great respect, and that We find the foregoing ruling to be analogous to the case at bar. The highest ordinary level of the
they carry even more weight when affirmed by the Court of Appeals.9 This is in recognition of the waters of the Cagayan River is that attained during the dry season which is confined only on the
peculiar advantage on the part of the trial court of being able to observe first-hand the deportment west side of Lot [821] and Lot [822]. This is the natural Cagayan river itself. The small residual of
of the witnesses while testifying. Jurisprudence is likewise settled that the Court of Appeals is the water between Lot [821] and 307 is part of the small stream already in existence when the whole
final arbiter of questions of fact.10 But whether a conclusion drawn from such findings of facts is of the late Judge Juan Taccad's property was still susceptible to cultivation and uneroded. 13
correct, is a question of law cognizable by this Court.11
The Court is unable to agree with the Court of Appeals that Government of the Philippine Islands
In the instant case, the conclusion reached by both courts below apparently collides with their vs. Colegio de San Jose 14 is applicable to the present case. That case involved Laguna de Bay;
findings that periodically at the onset of and during the rainy season, river water flows through the since Laguna de Bay is a lake, the Court applied the legal provisions governing the ownership and
eastern bed of the Cagayan River. The trial court held: use of lakes and their beds and shores, in order to determine the character and ownership of the
disputed property. Specifically, the Court applied the definition of the natural bed or basin of lakes respondent Manalo, the depressed portion assumed the name Rio Muerte de Cagayan. Indeed,
found in Article 74 of the Law of Waters of 3 August 1866. Upon the other hand, what is involved the steep dike-like slopes on either side of the eastern bed could have been formed only after a
in the instant case is the eastern bed of the Cagayan River. prolonged period of time.

We believe and so hold that Article 70 of the Law of Waters of 3 August 1866 is the law applicable Now, then, pursuant to Article 420 of the Civil Code, respondent Manalo did not acquire private
to the case at bar: ownership of the bed of the eastern branch of the river even if it was included in the deeds of
absolute sale executed by Gregorio Taguba and Faustina Taccad in his favor. These vendors
Art. 70. The natural bed or channel of a creek or river is the ground covered by its waters could not have validly sold land that constituted property of public dominion. Article 420 of the Civil
during the highest floods. (Emphasis supplied) Code states:

We note that Article 70 defines the natural bed or channel of a creek or river as the ground The following things are property of public dominion:
covered by its waters during the highest floods. The highest floods in the eastern branch of the
Cagayan River occur with the annual coming of the rains as the river waters in their onward (1) Those intended for public use, such as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports and
course cover the entire depressed portion. Though the eastern bed substantially dries up for the bridges constructed by the State, banks, shores, roadsteads, and others of similar
most part of the year (i.e., from January to August), we cannot ignore the periodical swelling of the character;
waters ( i.e., from September to December) causing the eastern bed to be covered with flowing
river waters. (2) Those which belong to the State, without being for public use, and are intended for
some public service or for the development of the national wealth. (Emphasis supplied)
The conclusion of this Court that the depressed portion is a river bed rests upon evidence of
record.1âwphi1 Firstly, respondent Manalo admitted in open court that the entire area he bought Although Article 420 speaks only of rivers and banks, "rivers" is a composite term which includes:
from Gregorio Taguba was included in Lot 307.15 If the 1.80 hectares purchased from Gregorio (1) the running waters, (2) the bed, and (3) the banks.19 Manresa, in commenting upon Article 339
Taguba was included in Lot 307, then the Cagayan River referred to as the western boundary in of the Spanish Civil Code of 1889 from which Article 420 of the Philippine Civil Code was taken,
the Deed of Sale transferring the land from Gregorio Taguba to respondent Manalo as well as the stressed the public ownership of river beds:
Deed of Sale signed by Faustina Taccad, must refer to the dried up bed (during the dry months) or
the eastern branch of the river (during the rainy months). In the Sketch Plan attached to the
records of the case, Lot 307 is separated from the western branch of the Cagayan River by a large La naturaleza especial de los rios, en punto a su disfrute general, hace que sea
tract of land which includes not only Lot 821 but also what this Court characterizes as the eastern necesario considerar en su relacion de dominio algo mas que sus aguas corrientes. En
branch of the Cagayan River. efecto en todo rio es preciso distinguir 1. esta agua corriente; 2. el alveo o cauce, y 3. las
riberas. Ahora bien: son estas dos ultimas cosas siempre de dominio publico, como las
Secondly, the pictures identified by respondent Manalo during his direct examination depict the
depressed portion as a river bed. The pictures, marked as Exhibits "W" to "W-4", were taken in
Realmente no puede imaginarse un rio sin alveo y sin ribera; de suerte que al decir el
July 1973 or at a time when the eastern bed becomes visible.16 Thus, Exhibit "W-2" which
Codigo civil que los rios son de dominio publico, parece que debe ir implicito el dominio
according to respondent Manalo was taken facing the east and Exhibit "W-3" which was taken
facing the west both show that the visible, dried up portion has a markedly lower elevation than publico de aquellos tres elementos que integran el rio. Por otra parte, en cuanto a los
Lot 307 and Lot 821. It has dike-like slopes on both sides connecting it to Lot 307 and Lot 821 that alveos o cauces tenemos la declaracion del art. 407, num 1, donde dice: son de dominion
are vertical upward and very prominent. This topographic feature is compatible with the fact that a publico . . . los rios y sus cauces naturales; declaracion que concuerda con lo que
huge volume of water passes through the eastern bed regularly during the rainy season. In dispone el art. 34 de la ley de [Aguas], segun el cual, son de dominion publico: 1. los
addition, petitioner Ponciano Gannaban testified that one had to go down what he called a "cliff" alveos o cauces de los arroyos que no se hallen comprendidos en el art. 33, y 2. los
from the surveyed portion of the land of respondent Manalo to the depressed portion. The cliff, as alveos o cauces naturales de los rios en la extension que cubran sus aguas en las
related by petitioner Gannaban, has a height of eight (8) meters.17 mayores crecidas ordinarias.20 (Emphasis supplied)

The claim of ownership of respondent Manalo over the submerged portion is bereft of basis even if
The records do not show when the Cagayan River began to carve its eastern channel on the
it were alleged and proved that the Cagayan River first began to encroach on his property after the
surface of the earth. However, Exhibit "E"18 for the prosecution which was the Declaration of Real
purchase from Gregorio Taguba and Faustina Taccad. Article 462 of the Civil Code would then
Property standing in the name of Faustina Taccad indicates that the eastern bed already existed
even before the sale to respondent Manalo. The words "old bed" enclosed in parentheses— apply divesting, by operation of law, respondent Manalo of private ownership over the new river
perhaps written to make legitimate the claim of private ownership over the submerged portion—is bed. The intrusion of the eastern branch of the Cagayan River into his landholding obviously
an implied admission of the existence of the river bed. In the Declaration of Real Property made by prejudiced respondent Manalo but this is a common occurrence since estates bordering on rivers
are exposed to floods and other evils produced by the destructive force of the waters. That loss is
compensated by, inter alia, the right of accretion acknowledged by Article 457 of the Civil standing in their respective names. They claimed lawful, peaceful and adverse possession of Lot
Code.21 It so happened that instead of increasing the size of Lot 307, the eastern branch of the 821 since 1955.
Cagayan River had carved a channel on it.
If respondent Manalo had proved prior possession, it was limited physically to Lot 307 and the
We turn next to the issue of accretion. After examining the records of the case, the Court depressed portion or the eastern river bed. The testimony of Dominga Malana who was a tenant
considers that there was no evidence to prove that Lot 821 is an increment to Lot 307 and the bed for Justina Taccad did not indicate that she was also cultivating Lot 821. In fact, the complaints for
of the eastern branch of the river. Accretion as a mode of acquiring property under Article 457 of forcible entry lodged before the Municipal Trial Court of Tumauini, Isabela pertained only to Lot
the Civil Code requires the concurrence of three (3) requisites: (a) that the deposition of soil or 307 and the depressed portion or river bed and not to Lot 821. In the same manner, the tax
sediment be gradual and imperceptible; (b) that it be the result of the action of the waters of the declarations presented by petitioners conflict with those of respondent Manalo. Under Article 477
river (or sea); and (c) that the land where accretion takes place is adjacent to the banks of rivers of the Civil Code, the plaintiff in an action for quieting of title must at least have equitable title to or
(or the sea coast).22 The Court notes that the parcels of land bought by respondent Manalo border interest in the real property which is the subject matter of the action. The evidence of record on
on the eastern branch of the Cagayan River. Any accretion formed by this eastern branch which this point is less than satisfactory and the Court feels compelled to refrain from determining the
respondent Manalo may claim must be deposited on or attached to Lot 307. As it is, the claimed ownership and possession of Lot 821, adjudging neither petitioners nor respondent Manalo as
accretion (Lot 821) lies on the bank of the river not adjacent to Lot 307 but directly opposite Lot owner(s) thereof.
307 across the river.
WHEREFORE, the Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-GR CV No. 04892 are
Assuming (arguendo only) that the Cagayan River referred to in the Deeds of Sale transferring hereby SET ASIDE. Respondent Manalo is hereby declared the owner of Lot 307. The regularly
ownership of the land to respondent Manalo is the western branch, the decision of the Court of submerged portion or the eastern bed of the Cagayan River is hereby DECLARED to be property
Appeals and of the trial court are bare of factual findings to the effect that the land purchased by of public dominion. The ownership of Lot 821 shall be determined in an appropriate action that
respondent Manalo received alluvium from the action of the aver in a slow and gradual manner. may be instituted by the interested parties inter se. No pronouncement as to costs.
On the contrary, the decision of the lower court made mention of several floods that caused the
land to reappear making it susceptible to cultivation. A sudden and forceful action like that of SO ORDERED.
flooding is hardly the alluvial process contemplated under Article 457 of the Civil Code. It is the
slow and hardly perceptible accumulation of soil deposits that the law grants to the riparian owner.

Besides, it is important to note that Lot 821 has an area of 11.91 hectares. Lot 821 is the northern
portion of the strip of land having a total area of 22.72 hectares. We find it difficult to suppose that
such a sizable area as Lot 821 resulted from slow accretion to another lot of almost equal size.
The total landholding purchased by respondent Manalo is 10.45 hectares (8.65 hectares from
Faustina Taccad and 1.80 hectares from Gregorio Taguba in 1959 and 1964, respectively), in fact
even smaller than Lot 821 which he claims by way of accretion. The cadastral survey showing that
Lot 821 has an area of 11.91 hectares was conducted in 1969. If respondent Manalo's contention
were accepted, it would mean that in a span of only ten (10) years, he had more than doubled his
landholding by what the Court of Appeals and the trial court considered as accretion. As already
noted, there are steep vertical dike-like slopes separating the depressed portion or river bed and
Lot 821 and Lot 307. This topography of the land, among other things, precludes a reasonable
conclusion that Lot 821 is an increment to the depressed portion by reason of the slow and
constant action of the waters of either the western or the eastern branches of the Cagayan River.

We turn finally to the issue of ownership of Lot 821. Respondent Manalo's claim over Lot 821 rests
on accretion coupled with alleged prior possession. He alleged that the parcels of land he bought
separately from Gregorio Taguba and Faustina Taccad were formerly owned by Judge Juan
Taccad who was in possession thereof through his (Judge Taccad's) tenants. When ownership
was transferred to him, respondent Manalo took over the cultivation of the property and had it
declared for taxation purposes in his name. When petitioners forcibly entered into his property, he
twice instituted the appropriate action before the Municipal Trial Court of Tumauini, Isabela.
Against respondent Manalo's allegation of prior possession, petitioners presented tax declarations
Republic of the Philippines heirs of Don Cosme Carlos and surrendered all his rights therein as caretaker or "bantay-kasama
SUPREME COURT at tagapamahala" (Rollo, p. 77).
Pursuant to the said written agreement, petitioner surrendered the fishpond and the two huts
SECOND DIVISION located therein to private respondents. Private respondents thereafter leased the said fishpond to
one Carlos de la Cruz. Petitioner continued to live in the nipa hut constructed by him on lots 1 and
G.R. No. 95907 April 8, 1992 2 and to take care of the nipa palms he had planted therein.

JOSE REYNANTE, petitioner, On February 17, 1988, private respondents formally demanded that the petitioner vacate said
vs. portion since according to them petitioner had already been indemnified for the surrender of his
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, THE HON. VALENTIN CRUZ, as Presiding Judge, rights as a tenant. Despite receipt thereof, petitioner refused and failed to relinquish possession of
Regional Trial Court of Bulacan, Branch VIII, and the HEIRS OF LEONCIO CARLOS and lots 1 and 2.
CARLOS, respondents. Hence, on April 22, 1988, private respondents filed a complaint for forcible entry with preliminary
mandatory injunction against petitioner alleging that the latter by means of strategy and stealth,
PARAS, J.: took over the physical, actual and material possession of lots 1 and 2 by residing in one of
the kubos or huts bordering the Liputan River and cutting off and/or disposing of the sasa or nipa
palms adjacent thereto.
This is a petition for review on certiorari which seeks the reversal of: a) decision 1 of the Court of
Appeals dated February 28, 1990 in CA-G.R. No. 1917 entitled "JOSE REYNANTE versus HON.
VALENTIN CRUZ, Judge, RTC of Malolos, Bulacan, and HEIRS OF LEONCIO AND DOLORES On January 10, 1989, the trial court rendered its decision dismissing the complaint and finding that
CARLOS, et al.", affirming the decision 2 of the Regional Trial Court petitioner had been in prior possession of lots 1
of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch 8, Third Judicial Region which reversed the decision 3 of the and 2.
Municipal Trial Court of Meycauayan, Bulacan, Branch 1, Third Judicial Region in Civil Case No.
1526 entitled "HEIRS OF LEONCIO CARLOS & DOLORES A. CARLOS and HEIRS OF Private respondents appealed to the Regional Trial Court and on August 8, 1989 it rendered its
GORGONIO A. CARLOS & CONCEPCION CARLOS versus JOSE REYNANTE: and b) the decision, the dispositive portion of which reads as follows:
resolution denying the motion for reconsideration.
WHEREFORE, this Court renders judgment in favor of the plaintiffs and against
The facts as culled from the records of the case are as follows: defendant and hereby reverses the decision of the Court a quo. Accordingly, the
defendant is ordered to restore possession of that piece of land particularly
More than 50 years ago, petitioner Jose Reynante was taken as tenant by the late Don Cosme described and defined as Lots 1 & 2 of the land survey conducted by Geodetic
Carlos, owner and father-in-law of herein private respondents, over a fishpond located at Barrio Engineer Restituto Buan on March 2, 1983, together with the sasa or nipa palms
Liputan, Meycauayan, Bulacan with an area of 188.711 square meters, more or less and covered planted thereon. No pronouncement as to attorney's fees. Each party shall bear
by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 25618, Land Registry of Bulacan. their respective costs of the suit.

During the tenancy, petitioner Jose Reynante constructed a nipa hut where he and his family lived SO ORDERED. (Rollo, p. 55; Decision, p. 4).
and took care of the nipa palms (sasahan) he had planted on lots 1 and 2 covering an area of
5,096 square meters and 6,011 square meters respectively. These lots are located between the From said decision, petitioner filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for review (Rollo, p. 30;
fishpond covered by TCT No. 25618 and the Liputan (formerly Meycauayan) River. Petitioner Annex "A"). On February 28, 1990, the Court of Appeals rendered its decision, the dispositive
harvested and sold said nipa palms without interference and prohibition from anybody. Neither did portion of which reads as follows:
the late Don Cosme Carlos question his right to plant the nipa palms near the fishpond or to
harvest and appropriate them as his own. WHEREFORE, the decision of the court a quo, being consistent with law and
jurisprudence, is hereby AFFIRMED in toto. The instant petition seeking to issue
After the death of Don Cosme Carlos, his heirs (private respondents' predecessors-in-interest) a restraining order is hereby denied.
entered into a written agreement denominated as "SINUMPAANG SALAYSAY NG PAGSASAULI
NG KARAPATAN" dated November 29, 1984 with petitioner Jose Reynante whereby the latter for SO ORDERED. (Rollo, p. 30; Decision, p. 3).
and in consideration of the sum of P200,000.00 turned over the fishpond he was tenanting to the
On November 5, 1990, the Court of Appeals denied the motion for reconsideration filed by On the other hand, private respondents based their claim of possession over lots 1 and 2 simply
petitioner (Rollo, p. 35; Annex "B"). on the written agreement signed by petitioner whereby the latter surrendered his rights over the
Hence, this petition.
Evidently, the trial court did not err when it ruled that:
In its resolution dated May 6, 1991, the Second Division of this court gave due course to the
petition and required both parties to file their respective memoranda (Rollo, p. 93). An examination of the document signed by the defendant (Exhibit "B"), shows
that what was surrendered to the plaintiffs was the fishpond and not the
The main issues to be resolved in this case are: a) who between the petitioner and private "sasahan" or the land on which he constructed his hut where he now lives. That
respondents has prior physical possession of lots 1 and 2; and b) whether or not the disputed lots is a completely different agreement in which a tenant would return a farm or a
belong to private respondents as a result of accretion. fishpond to his landlord in return for the amount that the landlord would pay to
him as a disturbance compensation. There is nothing that indicates that the
tenant was giving other matters not mentioned in a document like Exhibit "B".
An action for forcible entry is merely a quieting process and actual title to the property is never
Moreover, when the plaintiffs leased the fishpond to Mr. Carlos de La Cruz there
determined. A party who can prove prior possession can recover such possession even against
was no mention that the lease included the hut constructed by the defendant and
the owner himself. Whatever may be the character of his prior possession, if he has in his favor
the nipa palms planted by him (Exhibit "1"), a circumstance that gives the
priority in time, he has the security that entitles him to remain on the property until he is lawfully
impression that the nipa hut and the nipa palms were not included in the lease to
ejected by a person having a better right by accion publiciana or accion reivindicatoria (German
Mr. de la Cruz, which may not belong to the plaintiffs. (Rollo, p. 49; Decision, p.
Management & Services, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 76216, September 14, 1989, 177 9).
SCRA 495, 498, 499). On the other hand, if a plaintiff cannot prove prior physical possession, he
has no right of action for forcible entry and detainer even if he should be the owner of the property
(Lizo v. Carandang, 73 Phil. 469 [1942]). With regard to the second issue, it must be noted that the disputed lots involved in this case
are not included in Transfer Certificate of Title No. 25618 as per verification made by the Forest
Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. That tract of land
Hence, the Court of Appeals could not legally restore private respondents' possession over lots 1
situated at Barrio Liputan, Meycauayan, Bulacan containing an area of 1.1107 hectares as
and 2 simply because petitioner has clearly proven that he had prior possession over lots 1 and 2.
described in the plan prepared and surveyed by Geodetic Engineer Restituto Buan for Jose
Reynante falls within Alienable and Disposable Land (for fishpond development) under Project No.
The evidence on record shows that petitioner was in possession of the questioned lots for more 15 per B.F.L.C. Map No. 3122 dated May 8, 1987 (Rollo, p. 31; Decision, p. 2).
than 50 years. It is undisputed that he was the caretaker of the fishpond owned by the late Don
Cosme Carlos for more than 50 years and that he constructed a nipa hut adjacent to the fishpond The respondent Court of Appeals ruled that lots 1 and 2 were created by alluvial formation and
and planted nipa palms therein. This fact is bolstered by the "SINUMPAANG SALAYSAY" hence the property of private respondents pursuant to Article 457 of the New Civil Code, to wit:
executed by Epifanio Lucero (Records, p. 66), Apolonio D. Morte (Records, p. 101) and Carling
Dumalay (Records, p. 103), all of whom are disinterested parties with no motive to falsify that can
be attributed to them, except their desire to tell the truth. Art. 457. To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers belong the
accretion which they gradually receive from the effects of the current of the
Moreover, an ocular inspection was conducted by the trial court dated December 2, 1988 which
was attended by the parties and their respective counsels and the court observed the following:
Accretion benefits a riparian owner when the following requisites are present: (1) that the deposit
be gradual and imperceptible; (2) that it resulted from the effects of the current of the water; and
The Court viewed the location and the distance of the constructed nipa hut and
(c) that the land where accretion takes place is adjacent to the bank of a river (Republic v. Court of
the subject "sasahan" which appears exists (sic) long ago, planted and stands
Appeals, G.R. No. L-61647, October 12, 1984, 132 SCRA 514, cited in Agustin v. Intermediate
(sic) adjacent to the fishpond and the dikes which serves (sic) as passage way of Appellate Court, G.R. Nos. 66075-76, July 5, 1990, 187 SCRA 218).
water river of lot 1 and lot 2. During the course of the hearing, both counsel
observed muniment of title embedded on the ground which is located at the inner
side of the "pilapil" separating the fishpond from the subject "sasa" plant with a Granting without conceding that lots 1 and 2 were created by alluvial formation and while it is true
height of 20 to 25 feet from water level and during the ocular inspection it was that accretions which the banks of rivers may gradually receive from the effect of the current
judicially observed that the controversial premises is beyond the titled property of become the property of the owner of the banks, such accretion to registered land does not
the plaintiffs but situated along the Liputan, Meycauayan River it being a part of preclude acquisition of the additional area by another person through prescription.
the public domain. (Rollo, p. 51; Decision, p. 12).
This Court ruled in the case of Ignacio Grande, et al. v. Hon. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. L-
17652, June 30, 1962, 115 Phil. 521 that:

An accretion does not automatically become registered land just because the lot
which receives such accretion is covered by a Torrens Title. Ownership of a
piece of land is one thing; registration under the Torrens system of that
ownership is another. Ownership over the accretion received by the land
adjoining a river is governed by the Civil Code. Imprescriptibility of registered
land is provided in the registration law. Registration under the Land Registration
and Cadastral Act does not vest or give title to the land, but merely confirms and,
thereafter, protects the title already possessed by the owner, making it
imprescriptible by occupation of third parties. But to obtain this protection, the
land must be placed under the operation of the registration laws, wherein certain
judicial procedures have beenprovided.

Assuming private respondents had acquired the alluvial deposit (the lot in question), by accretion,
still their failure to register said accretion for a period of fifty (50) years subjected said accretion to
acquisition through prescription by third persons.

It is undisputed that petitioner has been in possession of the subject lots for more than fifty (50)
years and unless private respondents can show a better title over the subject lots, petitioner's
possession over the property must be respected.

PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals dated February 28,
1990 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the decision of the Municipal Trial Court of Meycauayan,
Bulacan, Branch I, is hereby REINSTATED.


Melencio-Herrera, Padilla, Regalado and Nocon, JJ., concur.

Republic of the Philippines WHEREFORE, the Court hereby declares the applicants, ARCADIO IVAN A. SANTOS, III and
SUPREME COURT ARCADIO C. SANTOS, JR., both Filipinos and of legal age, as the TRUE and ABSOLUTE
Manila OWNERS of the land being applied for which is situated in the Barangay of San Dionisio, City of
Parañaque with an area of one thousand forty five (1045) square meters more or less and covered
FIRST DIVISION by Subdivision Plan Csd-00-000343, being a portion of Lot 4998, Cad. 299, Case 4, Parañaque
Cadastre, LRC Rec. No. and orders the registration of Lot 4998-B in their names with the following
technical description, to wit:
G.R. No. 160453 November 12, 2012
ARCADIO IVAN A. SANTOS III, and ARCADIO C. SANTOS, JR., Respondents. Once this Decision became (sic) final and executory, let the corresponding Order for the Issuance
of the Decree be issued.
The Republic, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), appealed.
By law, accretion - the gradual and imperceptible deposit made through the effects of the current
of the water- belongs to the owner of the land adjacent to the banks of rivers where it forms. The Ruling of the CA
drying up of the river is not accretion. Hence, the dried-up river bed belongs to the State as
property of public dominion, not to the riparian owner, unless a law vests the ownership in some In its appeal, the Republic ascribed the following errors to the RTC,5 to wit:
other person.
Alleging continuous and adverse possession of more than ten years, respondent Arcadio Ivan A. REGISTERED IS AN ACCRETION TO THE ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNED BY APPELLEES
Santos III (Arcadio Ivan) applied on March 7, 1997 for the registration of Lot 4998-B (the property) DESPITE THE ADMISSION OF APPELLEE ARCADIO C. SANTOS JR. THAT THE SAID
in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Parafiaque City. The property, which had an area of 1,045 PROPERTY WAS NOT FORMED AS A RESULT OF THE GRADUAL FILLING UP OF SOIL
square meters, more or less, was located in Barangay San Dionisio, Parañaque City, and was THROUGH THE CURRENT OF THE RIVER.
bounded in the Northeast by Lot 4079 belonging to respondent Arcadio C. Santos, Jr. (Arcadio,
Jr.), in the Southeast by the Parañaque River, in the Southwest by an abandoned road, and in the II
Northwest by Lot 4998-A also owned by Arcadio Ivan.1
On May 21, 1998, Arcadio Ivan amended his application for land registration to include Arcadio, DESPITE APPELLEE’S FAILURE TO FORMALLY OFFER IN EVIDENCE AN OFFICIAL
Jr. as his co-applicant because of the latter’s co-ownership of the property. He alleged that the CERTIFICATION THAT THE SUBJECT PARCEL OF LAND IS ALIENABLE AND DISPOSABLE.
property had been formed through accretion and had been in their joint open, notorious, public,
continuous and adverse possession for more than 30 years.2

The City of Parañaque (the City) opposed the application for land registration, stating that it
needed the property for its flood control program; that the property was within the legal easement
of 20 meters from the river bank; and that assuming that the property was not covered by the legal
easement, title to the property could not be registered in favor of the applicants for the reason that
the property was an orchard that had dried up and had not resulted from accretion.3
On May 27, 2003, the CA affirmed the RTC.6
Ruling of the RTC
The Republic filed a motion for reconsideration, but the CA denied the motion on October 20,
4 2003.7
On May 10, 2000, the RTC granted the application for land registration, disposing:
Issues In ruling for respondents, the RTC pronounced as follows:

Hence, this appeal, in which the Republic urges that:8 On the basis of the evidence presented by the applicants, the Court finds that Arcadio Ivan A.
Santos III and Arcadio C. Santos, Jr., are the owners of the land subject of this application which
I was previously a part of the Parañaque River which became an orchard after it dried up and
further considering that Lot 4 which adjoins the same property is owned by applicant, Arcadio C.
Santos, Jr., after it was obtained by him through inheritance from his mother, Concepcion Cruz,
RESPONDENTS’ CLAIM THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS AN ACCRETION TO THEIR now deceased. Conformably with Art. 457 of the New Civil Code, it is provided that:
"Article 457. To the owners of the lands adjoining the bank of rivers belong the accretion which
they gradually receive from the effects of the current of the waters."9
The CA upheld the RTC’s pronouncement, holding:
REGISTRATION OF SAID PROPERTY IN FAVOR OF RESPONDENTS CANNOT BE It could not be denied that "to the owners of the lands adjoining the banks of rivers belong the
ALTERNATIVELY JUSTIFIED UNDER ARTICLE 461 OF THE CIVIL CODE. accretion which they gradually receive from the effects of the current of the waters" (Article 457
New Civil Code) as in this case, Arcadio Ivan Santos III and Arcadio Santos, Jr., are the owners of
the land which was previously part of the Parañaque River which became an orchard after it dried
up and considering that Lot 4 which adjoins the same property is owned by the applicant which
was obtained by the latter from his mother (Decision, p. 3; p. 38 Rollo).10
The Republic submits, however, that the application by both lower courts of Article 457 of the Civil
Code was erroneous in the face of the fact that respondents’ evidence did not establish accretion,
but instead the drying up of the Parañaque River.

The Republic’s submission is correct.

THE FINDING OF THE COURT OF APPEALS THAT RESPONDENTS HAVE CONTINUOUSLY, Respondents as the applicants for land registration carried the burden of proof to establish the
OPENLY, PUBLICLY AND ADVERSELY OCCUPIED THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR MORE merits of their application by a preponderance of evidence, by which is meant such evidence that
THAN THIRTY (30) YEARS IS NOT SUPPORTED BY WELL-NIGH INCONTROVERTIBLE is of greater weight, or more convincing than that offered in opposition to it.11 They would be held
entitled to claim the property as their own and apply for its registration under the Torrens system
only if they established that, indeed, the property was an accretion to their land.
To be resolved are whether or not Article 457 of the Civil Code was applicable herein; and
whether or not respondents could claim the property by virtue of acquisitive prescription pursuant
Accretion is the process whereby the soil is deposited along the banks of rivers. 12 The deposit of
to Section 14(1) of Presidential Decree No. 1529 (Property Registration Decree).
soil, to be considered accretion, must be: (a) gradual and imperceptible; (b) made through the
effects of the current of the water; and (c) taking place on land adjacent to the banks of rivers. 13
Accordingly, respondents should establish the concurrence of the elements of accretion to warrant
The appeal is meritorious. the grant of their application for land registration.

I. However, respondents did not discharge their burden of proof. They did not show that the gradual
and imperceptible deposition of soil through the effects of the current of the river had formed Lot
The CA grossly erred in applying Article 457 of the Civil Code to respondents’ benefit 4998-B. Instead, their evidence revealed that the property was the dried-up river bed of the
Parañaque River, leading both the RTC and the CA to themselves hold that Lot 4998-B was "the
Article 457 of the Civil Code provides that "(t)o the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers land which was previously part of the Parañaque River xxx (and) became an orchard after it dried
belong the accretion which they gradually receive from the effects of the currents of the waters." up."
Still, respondents argue that considering that Lot 4998-B did not yet exist when the original title of State as its property of public dominion, unless there is an express law that provides that the
Lot 4 was issued in their mother’s name in 1920, and that Lot 4998-B came about only thereafter dried-up river beds should belong to some other person.19
as the land formed between Lot 4 and the Parañaque River, the unavoidable conclusion should
then be that soil and sediments had meanwhile been deposited near Lot 4 by the current of the II
Parañaque River, resulting in the formation of Lot 4998-B.
Acquisitive prescription was
The argument is legally and factually groundless. For one, respondents thereby ignore that the
effects of the current of the river are not the only cause of the formation of land along a river bank.
not applicable in favor of respondents
There are several other causes, including the drying up of the river bed. The drying up of the river
bed was, in fact, the uniform conclusion of both lower courts herein. In other words, respondents
did not establish at all that the increment of land had formed from the gradual and imperceptible The RTC favored respondents’ application for land registration covering Lot 4998-B also because
deposit of soil by the effects of the current. Also, it seems to be highly improbable that the large they had taken possession of the property continuously, openly, publicly and adversely for more
volume of soil that ultimately comprised the dry land with an area of 1,045 square meters had than 30 years based on their predecessor-in-interest being the adjoining owner of the parcel of
been deposited in a gradual and imperceptible manner by the current of the river in the span of land along the river bank. It rendered the following ratiocination, viz:20
about 20 to 30 years – the span of time intervening between 1920, when Lot 4 was registered in
the name of their deceased parent (at which time Lot 4998-B was not yet in existence) and the In this regard, the Court found that from the time the applicants became the owners thereof, they
early 1950s (which respondents’ witness Rufino Allanigue alleged to be the time when he knew took possession of the same property continuously, openly, publicly and adversely for more than
them to have occupied Lot 4988-B). The only plausible explanation for the substantial increment thirty (30) years because their predecessors-in-interest are the adjoining owners of the subject
was that Lot 4988-B was the dried-up bed of the Parañaque River. Confirming this explanation parcel of land along the river bank. Furthermore, the fact that applicants paid its realty taxes, had it
was Arcadio, Jr.’s own testimony to the effect that the property was previously a part of the surveyed per subdivision plan Csd-00-000343 (Exh. "L") which was duly approved by the Land
Parañaque River that had dried up and become an orchard. Management Services and the fact that Engr. Chito B. Cainglet, OIC–Chief, Surveys Division Land
Registration Authority, made a Report that the subject property is not a portion of the Parañaque
We observe in this connection that even Arcadio, Jr.’s own Transfer Certificate of Title No. 44687 River and that it does not fall nor overlap with Lot 5000, thus, the Court opts to grant the
confirmed the uniform conclusion of the RTC and the CA that Lot 4998-B had been formed by the application.
drying up of the Parañaque River. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 44687 recited that Lot 4 of the
consolidated subdivision plan Pcs-13-002563, the lot therein described, was bounded "on the SW Finally, in the light of the evidence adduced by the applicants in this case and in view of the
along line 5-1 by Dried River Bed."14 foregoing reports of the Department of Agrarian Reforms, Land Registration Authority and the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Court finds and so holds that the
That boundary line of "SW along line 5-1" corresponded with the location of Lot 4998-B, which was applicants have satisfied all the requirements of law which are essential to a government grant
described as "bounded by Lot 4079 Cad. 299, (Lot 1, Psu-10676), in the name of respondent and is, therefore, entitled to the issuance of a certificate of title in their favor. So also, oppositor
Arcadio Santos, Jr. (Now Lot 4, Psd-13-002563) in the Northeast."15 failed to prove that the applicants are not entitled thereto, not having presented any witness.

The RTC and the CA grossly erred in treating the dried-up river bed as an accretion that became In fine, the application is GRANTED.
respondents’ property pursuant to Article 457 of the Civil Code. That land was definitely not an
accretion. The process of drying up of a river to form dry land involved the recession of the water As already mentioned, the CA affirmed the RTC.
level from the river banks, and the dried-up land did not equate to accretion, which was the
gradual and imperceptible deposition of soil on the river banks through the effects of the current. Both lower courts erred.
In accretion, the water level did not recede and was more or less maintained. Hence, respondents
as the riparian owners had no legal right to claim ownership of Lot 4998-B. Considering that the
clear and categorical language of Article 457 of the Civil Code has confined the provision only to The relevant legal provision is Section 14(1) of Presidential Decree No. 1529 (Property
accretion, we should apply the provision as its clear and categorical language tells us to. Registration Decree), which pertinently states:
Axiomatic it is, indeed, that where the language of the law is clear and categorical, there is no
room for interpretation; there is only room for application.16 The first and fundamental duty of Section 14. Who may apply. — The following persons may file in the proper [Regional Trial Court]
courts is then to apply the law.17 an application for registration of title to land, whether personally or through their duly authorized
The State exclusively owned Lot 4998-B and may not be divested of its right of ownership. Article
502 of the Civil Code expressly declares that rivers and their natural beds are public dominion of
the State.18 It follows that the river beds that dry up, like Lot 4998-B, continue to belong to the
(1) Those who by themselves or through their predecessors-in-interest have been in open, The RTC apparently reckoned respondents’ period of supposed possession to be "more than thirty
continuous, exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands years" from the fact that "their predecessors in interest are the adjoining owners of the subject
of the public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier. parcel of land." Yet, its decision nowhere indicated what acts respondents had performed showing
their possession of the property "continuously, openly, publicly and adversely" in that length of
xxxx time. The decision mentioned only that they had paid realty taxes and had caused the survey of
the property to be made. That, to us, was not enough to justify the foregoing findings, because,
firstly, the payment of realty taxes did not conclusively prove the payor’s ownership of the land the
Under Section 14(1), then, applicants for confirmation of imperfect title must prove the following,
taxes were paid for,25 the tax declarations and payments being mere indicia of a claim of
namely: (a) that the land forms part of the disposable and alienable agricultural lands of the public ownership;26 and, secondly, the causing of surveys of the property involved was not itself an of
domain; and (b) that they have been in open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious possession and continuous, open, public and adverse possession.
occupation of the land under a bona fide claim of ownership either since time immemorial or since
June 12, 1945.21
The principle that the riparian owner whose land receives the gradual deposits of soil does not
need to make an express act of possession, and that no acts of possession are necessary in that
The Republic assails the findings by the lower courts that respondents "took possession of the
instance because it is the law itself that pronounces the alluvium to belong to the riparian owner
same property continuously, openly, publicly and adversely for more than thirty (30) years."22
from the time that the deposit created by the current of the water becomes manifest 27 has no
applicability herein. This is simply because Lot 4998-B was not formed through accretion. Hence,
Although it is well settled that the findings of fact of the trial court, especially when affirmed by the the ownership of the land adjacent to the river bank by respondents’ predecessor-in-interest did
CA, are accorded the highest degree of respect, and generally will not be disturbed on appeal, not translate to possession of Lot 4998-B that would ripen to acquisitive prescription in relation to
with such findings being binding and conclusive on the Court,23 the Court has consistently Lot 4998-B.
recognized exceptions to this rule, including the following, to wit: (a) when the findings are
grounded entirely on speculation, surmises, or conjectures; (b) when the inference made is
On the other hand, the claim of thirty years of continuous, open, public and adverse possession of
manifestly mistaken, absurd, or impossible; (c) when there is grave abuse of discretion; (d) when
Lot 4998-B was not even validated or preponderantly established. The admission of respondents
the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (e) when the findings of fact are conflicting;
themselves that they declared the property for taxation purposes only in 1997 and paid realty
(f) when in making its findings the CA went beyond the issues of the case, or its findings are
taxes only from 199928 signified that their alleged possession would at most be for only nine years
contrary to the admissions of both the appellant and the appellee; (g) when the findings are as of the filing of their application for land registration on March 7, 1997.
contrary to those of the trial court; (h) when the findings are conclusions without citation of specific
evidence on which they are based; (i) when the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the
petitioner’s main and reply briefs are not disputed by respondent; and (j) when the findings of fact Yet, even conceding, for the sake of argument, that respondents possessed Lot 4998-B for more
are premised on the supposed absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence on record.24 than thirty years in the character they claimed, they did not thereby acquire the land by
prescription or by other means without any competent proof that the land was already declared as
alienable and disposable by the Government. Absent that declaration, the land still belonged to
Here, the findings of the RTC were obviously grounded on speculation, surmises, or conjectures; the State as part of its public dominion.
and that the inference made by the RTC and the CA was manifestly mistaken, absurd, or
impossible. Hence, the Court should now review the findings.
Article 419 of the Civil Code distinguishes property as being either of public dominion or of private
ownership. Article 420 of the Civil Code lists the properties considered as part of public dominion,
In finding that respondents had been in continuous, open, public and adverse possession of the
namely: (a) those intended for public use, such as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports and bridges
land for more than 30 years, the RTC declared:
constructed by the State, banks, shores, roadsteads, and others of similar character; and (b) those
which belong to the State, without being for public use, and are intended for some public service
In this regard, the Court found that from the time the applicant became the owners thereof, they or for the development of the national wealth. As earlier mentioned, Article 502 of the Civil Code
took possession of the same property continuously, openly, publicly and adversely for more than declares that rivers and their natural beds are of public dominion.
thirty years because their predecessor in interest are the adjoining owners of the subject parcel of
land along the river banks. Furthermore, the fact that the applicant paid its realty taxes, had it
Whether the dried-up river bed may be susceptible to acquisitive prescription or not was a
surveyed per subdivision plan Csd-00-000343 (Exh. "L") which was duly approved by the Land
question that the Court resolved in favor of the State in Celestial v. Cachopero,29 a case involving
Management Services and the fact that Engr. Chito B. Cainglet, OIC – Chief, Surveys Division
the registration of land found to be part of a dried-up portion of the natural bed of a creek. There
Land Registration Authority, made a Report that the subject property is not a portion of the the Court held:
Parañaque River and that it does not fall nor overlap with Lot 5000, thus, the Court opts to grant
the application.
As for petitioner’s claim of ownership over the subject land, admittedly a dried-up bed of the
Salunayan Creek, based on (1) her alleged long term adverse possession and that of her
predecessor-in-interest, Marcelina Basadre, even prior to October 22, 1966, when she purchased Salunayan Creek changed its course. In such a situation, commentators are of the opinion that the
the adjoining property from the latter, and (2) the right of accession under Art. 370 of the Spanish dry river bed remains property of public dominion. (Bold emphases supplied)
Civil Code of 1889 and/or Article 461 of the Civil Code, the same must fail.
Indeed, under the Regalian doctrine, all lands not otherwise appearing to be clearly within private
Since property of public dominion is outside the commerce of man and not susceptible to private ownership are presumed to belong to the State.30 No public land can be acquired by private
appropriation and acquisitive prescription, the adverse possession which may be the basis of a persons without any grant, express or implied, from the Government. It is indispensable, therefore,
grant of title in the confirmation of an imperfect title refers only to alienable or disposable portions that there is a showing of a title from the State.31Occupation of public land in the concept of owner,
of the public domain. It is only after the Government has declared the land to be alienable and no matter how long, cannot ripen into ownership and be registered as a title.32
disposable agricultural land that the year of entry, cultivation and exclusive and adverse
possession can be counted for purposes of an imperfect title. Subject to the exceptions defined in Article 461 of the Civil Code (which declares river beds that
are abandoned through the natural change in the course of the waters as ipso facto belonging to
A creek, like the Salunayan Creek, is a recess or arm extending from a river and participating in the owners of the land occupied by the new course, and which gives to the owners of the adjoining
the ebb and flow of the sea. As such, under Articles 420(1) and 502(1) of the Civil Code, the lots the right to acquire only the abandoned river beds not ipso facto belonging to the owners of
Salunayan Creek, including its natural bed, is property of the public domain which is not the land affected by the natural change of course of the waters only after paying their value), all
susceptible to private appropriation and acquisitive prescription. And, absent any declaration by river beds remain property of public dominion and cannot be acquired by acquisitive prescription
the government, that a portion of the creek has dried-up does not, by itself, alter its inalienable unless previously declared by the Government to be alienable and disposable. Considering that
character. Lot 4998-B was not shown to be already declared to be alienable and disposable, respondents
could not be deemed to have acquired the property through prescription.
Nonetheless, respondents insist that the property was already classified as alienable and
Had the disputed portion of the Salunayan Creek dried up after the present Civil Code took effect, disposable by the Government. They cite as proof of the classification as alienable and disposable
the subject land would clearly not belong to petitioner or her predecessor-in-interest since under the following notation found on the survey plan, to wit:33
the aforementioned provision of Article 461, "river beds which are abandoned through the natural
change in the course of the waters ipso facto belong to the owners of the land occupied by the NOTE
new course," and the owners of the adjoining lots have the right to acquire them only after paying

And both Article 370 of the Old Code and Article 461 of the present Civil Code are applicable only All corners marked PS are cyl. conc. mons 15 x 60 cm
when "river beds are abandoned through the natural change in the course of the waters." It is
uncontroverted, however, that, as found by both the Bureau of Lands and the DENR Regional
Surveyed in accordance with Survey Authority NO. 007604-48 of the Regional Executive Director
Executive Director, the subject land became dry as a result of the construction an irrigation canal
issued by the CENR-OFFICER dated Dec. 2, 1996.
by the National Irrigation Administration. Thus, in Ronquillo v. Court of Appeals, this Court held:

This survey is inside L.C. Map No. 2623, Proj. No. 25 classified as alienable/disposable by the
The law is clear and unambiguous. It leaves no room for interpretation. Article 370 applies only if
Bureau of Forest Dev’t. on Jan. 3, 1968.
there is a natural change in the course of the waters. The rules on alluvion do not apply to man-
made or artificial accretions nor to accretions to lands that adjoin canals or esteros or artificial
drainage systems. Considering our earlier finding that the dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub was Lot 4998-A = Lot 5883} Cad 299
actually caused by the active intervention of man, it follows that Article 370 does not apply to the
case at bar and, hence, the Del Rosarios cannot be entitled thereto supposedly as riparian Lot 4998-B = Lot 5884} Paranaque Cadastre.
Was the notation on the survey plan to the effect that Lot 4998-B was "inside" the map "classified
The dried-up portion of Estero Calubcub should thus be considered as forming part of the land of as alienable/disposable by the Bureau of Forest Development on 03 Jan. 1968" sufficient proof of
the public domain which cannot be subject to acquisition by private ownership. xxx (Emphasis the property’s nature as alienable and disposable public land?
To prove that the land subject of an application for registration is alienable, an applicant must
Furthermore, both provisions pertain to situations where there has been a change in the course of conclusively establish the existence of a positive act of the Government, such as a presidential
a river, not where the river simply dries up. In the instant Petition, it is not even alleged that the proclamation, executive order, administrative action, investigation reports of the Bureau of Lands
investigator, or a legislative act or statute. Until then, the rules on confirmation of imperfect title do In the present case, petitioners cite a surveyor-geodetic engineer’s notation in Exhibit "E"
not apply. indicating that the survey was inside alienable and disposable land. Such notation does not
constitute a positive government act validly changing the classification of the land in question.
As to the proofs that are admissible to establish the alienability and disposability of public land, we Verily, a mere surveyor has no authority to reclassify lands of the public domain. By relying solely
said in Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources v. Yap34 that: on the said surveyor’s assertion, petitioners have not sufficiently proven that the land in question
has been declared alienable. (Emphasis supplied)
The burden of proof in overcoming the presumption of State ownership of the lands of the public
domain is on the person applying for registration (or claiming ownership), who must prove that the In Republic v. T.A.N. Properties, Inc.,37 we dealt with the sufficiency of the certification by the
land subject of the application is alienable or disposable. To overcome this presumption, Provincial Environmental Officer (PENRO) or Community Environmental Officer (CENRO) to the
incontrovertible evidence must be established that the land subject of the application (or claim) is effect that a piece of public land was alienable and disposable in the following manner, viz:
alienable or disposable.There must still be a positive act declaring land of the public domain as
alienable and disposable. To prove that the land subject of an application for registration is x x x it is not enough for the PENRO or CENRO to certify that a land is alienable and disposable.
alienable, the applicant must establish the existence of a positive act of the government such as a The applicant for land registration must prove that the DENR Secretary had approved the land
presidential proclamation or an executive order; an administrative action; investigation reports of classification and released the land of the public domain as alienable and disposable, and that the
Bureau of Lands investigators; and a legislative act or a statute. The applicant may also secure a land subject of the application for registration falls within the approved area per verification
certification from the government that the land claimed to have been possessed for the required through survey by the PENRO or CENRO. In addition, the applicant for land registration must
number of years is alienable and disposable. present a copy of the original classification approved by the DENR Secretary and certified as a
true copy by the legal custodian of the official records. These facts must be established to prove
In the case at bar, no such proclamation, executive order, administrative action, report, statute, or that the land is alienable and disposable. Respondent failed to do so because the certifications
certification was presented to the Court. The records are bereft of evidence showing that, prior to presented by respondent do not, by themselves, prove that the land is alienable and disposable.
2006, the portions of Boracay occupied by private claimants were subject of a government
proclamation that the land is alienable and disposable. Absent such well-nigh incontrovertible Only Torres, respondent’s Operations Manager, identified the certifications submitted by
evidence, the Court cannot accept the submission that lands occupied by private claimants were respondent.1âwphi1 The government officials who issued the certifications were not presented
already open to disposition before 2006. Matters of land classification or reclassification cannot be before the trial court to testify on their contents. The trial court should not have accepted the
assumed. They call for proof." (Emphasis supplied) contents of the certifications as proof of the facts stated therein. Even if the certifications are
presumed duly issued and admissible in evidence, they have no probative value in establishing
In Menguito v. Republic,35 which we reiterated in Republic v. Sarmiento,36 we specifically resolved that the land is alienable and disposable.
the issue of whether the notation on the survey plan was sufficient evidence to establish the
alienability and disposability of public land, to wit: xxxx

To prove that the land in question formed part of the alienable and disposable lands of the public The CENRO and Regional Technical Director, FMS-DENR, certifications do not prove that Lot
domain, petitioners relied on the printed words which read: "This survey plan is inside Alienable 10705-B falls within the alienable and disposable land as proclaimed by the DENR Secretary.
and Disposable Land Area, Project No. 27-B as per L.C. Map No. 2623, certified by the Bureau of Such government certifications do not, by their mere issuance, prove the facts stated therein.
Forestry on January 3, 1968," appearing on Exhibit "E" (Survey Plan No. Swo-13-000227). Such government certifications may fall under the class of documents contemplated in the second
sentence of Section 23 of Rule 132. As such, the certifications are prima facie evidence of their
This proof is not sufficient. Section 2, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution, provides: "All lands of the due execution and date of issuance but they do not constitute prima facie evidence of the facts
public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential stated therein. (Emphasis supplied)
energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural resources are
owned by the State. x x x." These rulings of the Court indicate that the notation on the survey plan of Lot 4998-B, Cad-00-
000343 to the effect that the "survey is inside a map classified as alienable/disposable by the
For the original registration of title, the applicant (petitioners in this case) must overcome the Bureau of Forest Dev’t" did not prove that Lot 4998-B was already classified as alienable and
presumption that the land sought to be registered forms part of the public domain. Unless public disposable. Accordingly, respondents could not validly assert acquisitive prescription of Lot 4988-
land is shown to have been reclassified or alienated to a private person by the State, it remains B.
part of the inalienable public domain. Indeed, "occupation thereof in the concept of owner, no
matter how long, cannot ripen into ownership and be registered as a title." To overcome such WHEREFORE, the Court REVERSES and SETS ASIDE the decision of the Court of Appeals
presumption, incontrovertible evidence must be shown by the applicant. Absent such evidence, promulgated on May 27, 2003; DISMISSES the application for registration of Arcadio C. Santos,
the land sought to be registered remains inalienable. Jr. and Arcadio Ivan S. Santos III respecting Lot 4998-B with a total area of 1,045 square meters,
more or less, situated in Barangay San Dionisio, Parañaque City, Metro Manila; and DECLARES
Lot 4998-B as exclusively belonging to the State for being part of the dried--up bed of the
Parat1aque River.

Respondents shall pay the costs of suit.

Republic of the Philippines including 924 cavans and 31 1/2 kilos of palay found by the sheriff in his warehouse, were
SUPREME COURT attached, sold at public auction, and the proceeds thereof delivered to said defendant Pablo
Manila Tiongson, who obtained judgment in said case.

EN BANC The herein plaintiff, Urbano Santos, intervened in the attachment of the palay, but upon Pablo
Tiongson's filing the proper bond, the sheriff proceeded with the attachment, giving rise to the
G.R. No. L-31163 November 6, 1929 present complaint.

URBANO SANTOS, plaintiff-appellee, It does not appear that the sacks of palay of Urbano Santos and those of Pablo Tiongson,
vs. deposited in Jose C. Bernabe's warehouse, bore any marks or signs, nor were they separated one
JOSE C. BERNABE, ET AL., defendants. from the other.
The plaintiff-appellee Urbano Santos contends that Pablo Tiongson cannot claim the 924 cavans
Arcadio Ejercito and Guevara, Francisco and Recto for appellants. and 31 ½ kilos of palay attached by the defendant sheriff as part of those deposited by him in Jose
Eusebio Orense And Nicolas Belmonte for appellee. C. Bernabe's warehouse, because, in asking for the attachment thereof, he impliedly
acknowledged that the same belonged to Jose C. Bernabe and not to him.
In the complaint filed by Pablo Tiongson against Jose C. Bernabe, civil case No. 3665 of the Court
of First Instance of Bulacan, it is alleged that said plaintiff deposited in the defendant's warehouse
This appeal was taken by the defendants Pablo Tiongson and the Provincial Sheriff of Bulacan
1,026 cavans and 9 kilos of palay, the return of which, or the value thereof, at the rate of P3 per
from the judgment of the Court of First of said province, wherein said defendant Pablo Tiongson
cavan was claimed therein. Upon filing said complaint, the plaintiff applied for a preliminary writ of
was ordered to pay the plaintiff Urbano Santos the value of 778 cavans and 38 kilos of palay, at
attachment of the defendant's property, which was accordingly issued, and the defendant's
the rate of P3 per cavan, without special pronouncement as to costs.
property, including the 924 cavans and 31 ½ kilos of palay found by the sheriff in his warehouse,
were attached.
In support of their appeal, the appellants assign the following alleged errors committed by the
lower court in its judgment, to wit:
It will be seen that the action brought by Pablo Tiongson against Jose C. Bernabe is that provided
in section 262 of the Code of Civil Procedure for the delivery of personal property. Although it is
1. The court erred in holding that it has been proved that in the cavans of palay attached true that the plaintiff and his attorney did not follow strictly the procedure provided in said section
by the herein defendant Pablo Tiongson from the defendant Jose C. Bernabe were for claiming the delivery of said personal property nevertheless, the procedure followed by him
included those claimed by the plaintiff in this cause. may be construed as equivalent thereto, considering the provisions of section 2 of the Code of
Civil Procedure of the effect that "the provisions of this Code, and the proceedings under it, shall
2. The court erred in ordering the defendant Pablo Tiongson to pay the plaintiff the value be liberally construed, in order to promote its object and assist the parties in obtaining speedy
of 778 cavans and 38 kilos of palay, the refund of which is claimed by said plaintiff. justice."

3. The court erred in denying the defendants' motion for a new Liberally construing, therefore, the above cited provisions of section 262 of the Code of Civil
Procedure, the writ of attachment applied for by Pablo Tiongson against the property of Jose C.
The following facts were conclusively proved at the trial: Bernabe may be construed as a claim for the delivery of the sacks of palay deposited by the
former with the latter.
On March 20, 1928, there were deposited in Jose C. Bernabe's warehouse by the plaintiff Urbano
Santos 778 cavans and 38 kilos of palay and by Pablo Tiongson 1,026 cavans and 9 kilos of the The 778 cavans and 38 kilos of palay belonging to the plaintiff Urbano Santos, having been mixed
same grain. with the 1,026 cavans and 9 kilos of palay belonging to the defendant Pablo Tiongson in Jose C.
Bernabe's warehouse; the sheriff having found only 924 cavans and 31 1/2 kilos of palay in said
warehouse at the time of the attachment thereof; and there being no means of separating form
On said date, March 20, 1928, Pablo Tiongson filed with the Court of First Instance of Bulacan a said 924 cavans and 31 1/2 of palay belonging to Urbano Santos and those belonging to Pablo
complaint against Jose C. Bernabe, to recover from the latter the 1,026 cavans and 9 kilos of Tiongson, the following rule prescribed in article 381 of the Civil Code for cases of this nature, is
palay deposited in the defendant's warehouse. At the same time, the application of Pablo applicable:
Tiongson for a writ of attachment was granted, and the attachable property of Jose C. Bernabe,
Art. 381. If, by the will of their owners, two things of identical or dissimilar nature are
mixed, or if the mixture occurs accidentally, if in the latter case the things cannot be
separated without injury, each owner shall acquire a right in the mixture proportionate to
the part belonging to him, according to the value of the things mixed or commingled.

The number of kilos in a cavan not having been determined, we will take the proportion only of the
924 cavans of palay which were attached and sold, thereby giving Urbano Santos, who deposited
778 cavans, 398.49 thereof, and Pablo Tiongson, who deposited 1,026 cavans, 525.51, or the
value thereof at the rate of P3 per cavan.

Wherefore, the judgment appealed from is hereby modified, and Pablo Tiongson is hereby
ordered to pay the plaintiff Urbano Santos the value of 398.49 cavans of palay at the rate of P3 a
cavan, without special pronouncement as to costs. So ordered.

Avanceña, C.J., Street, Villamor and Ostrand, JJ., concur.

Johnson, J., reserves his vote.
Johns, J., dissents.

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