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1. What is Negotiable Instrument?

Section 47 of the NIL: an instrument negotiable in its

It is a written contract for payment of money which is intended as a origin continues to be negotiable until (1) it has been
substitute for money and passes from one person to another as money, restrictively indorsed or (2) discharged by payment or
in such a manner as to give a holder in due course the right to hold the otherwise
instrument free from defenses available to prior parties.
3. What are the functions of a negotiable instrument?
2. Requisites of Negotiability a. It operates as a substitute for money.
A. It must be in writing and signed by the marker or drawer; b. It is a means of creating and transferring credit.
B. Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum c. It facilitates the sale of goods.
certain in money; d. It increases the purchasing medium in circulation.
C. Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future
time; 4. What are the two important features of a negotiable instrument?
D. Must be payable to order or bearer; and a. Negotiability
E. When the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be named b. Accumulation of secondary contract
or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.
5. Kinds of Negotiable instrument?
i. What does negotiation mean?
The transfer of an instrument from one person to a. Bill of Exchange – an unconditional order in writing addressed by one
another in such a manner as to constitute the transferee a holder person to another signed by the person giving it, requiring the person
thereof. to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable
future time a sum certain in money to order or to bearer. (Section 126,
ii. Who is a holder? NIL)
A holder is the payee or indorsee of a bill or note who is
in possession of it or the bearer thereof. b. Promissory Note – an unconditional promise in writing made by one
person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or
iii. How does negotiability of instrument determined? a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to order or
Consider the instrument in its entirety and only what bearer.(Section 184, NIL)
appears on its face. It must comply with the requirements under
Section 1 of the NIL. i. When can a Bill of Exchange be treated as a promissory
iv. When negotiability ends? 1. The drawer and the drawee are the same person
2. The drawee is a fictitious person;
3. The drawee has no capacity to contract; a. Maker – the person who makes a promissory note and promises to pay
4. The instrument is so ambiguous that there is doubt the amount stated therein.
whether it is a bill or note.
b. Payee – the oblige, that is the person who, by the terms of the note or
ii. Negotiable promissory note vs. Negotiable Bill of Exchange the bill, is to received payment.

Promissory Note Bill of Exchange c. Drawer – the person who draws the bill of exchange and orders the
Unconditional Order Unconditional Promise drawee to pay a sum certain in money.
Involves 2 parties Involves 3 parties
Maker is primarily liable Drawer is secondarily liable d. Drawee – the person to whom the order to pay is addressed in a bill of
Only one presentment Generally 2; acceptance and exchange.
e. Acceptor – a drawee who accepts the order to pay made by the
iii. Ordinary Bill of Exchange vs. Check
drawer. It is only when a drawee becomes an acceptor that he is
primarily liable.
Ordinary Bill of Exchange Check

Not drawn on deposit. It is not It is necessary that a check is drawn f. Holder – the person who is in possession of a bearer instrument or an
necessary that a drawer of a BOE on a deposit. Otherwise there would indorsee of an order instrument who is in possession thereof. A holder
should have funds in the hands of be fraud. is the obligee, a person who can enforce payment of the instrument.
the drawee
Death of the drawer of a BOE with Death of the drawer of a BOE with g. Referee in case of need – A person who may be designated in the
the knowledge of the bank, does not the knowledge of the bank, revokes
instrument as the person who may be resorted to by parties in case of
revoke the authority of the banker to the authority of the banker to pay
pay dispute.
Must be presented for payment Must be presented for payment
within a reasonable time after its within a reasonable time after its 7. Requisites of Negotiability
last negotiation (Sec. 71) issue (Sec. 186) a. It must be in writing and signed by the marker or drawer;
b. Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in
*Crossed Check – Not negotiable, because it issued for a special money;
purpose and can be negotiated only once. c. Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time;
d. Must be payable to order or bearer; and
6. Persons Involved e. When the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be named or
otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.
i. in writing and signed by the marker or drawer; Conditional
a. An order to promise to pay out of a particular fund.
Must be in writing b. An instrument payable upon a contingency (the happening
May be printed, in ink or in pencil, and it may be written in of the event does not cure the defect.
any material that substitute paper like cloth, leather or parchment.
iii. Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future
Must be signed by the maker or drawer time
The signature may be in one’s handwriting, printed, engraved,  Money need not be legal tender. An instrument is still
lithograph, or photograph so long as they are adopted as the signature negotiable although the amount to be paid is expressed in
of the signer. What is important is that the maker or the drawer used currency that is not legal tender so long as it is expressed in
what he affixed as his own signature for authentication. money.
 If the obligor like the maker is given the option to deliver
ii. Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum something in lieu of money, the instrument is not
certain in money negotiable.
 If the instrument gives the holder an election to require
Promise or Order to Pay something to be done in lieu of money, the instrument is
The promise in a promissory note is the undertaking made by negotiable.
the maker to pay a sum certain in money to the payee or the holder.  A sum is certain within the contemplation of Section 1 (b)
of the NIL if the amount that is to be unconditionally paid
The order in a bill is a command made by the drawer addressed to the by the maker or drawee can be determined on the face of
drawee ordering the latter to pay the payee or the holder a sum certain the instrument even if it requires mathematical
in money. computation.
 The sum payable is a sum certain within the meaning of
Promise or Order to Pay must be unconditional this act, although it is to be paid (Sec 2, NIL)
An unqualified order or promise to pay in unconditional within 1. With interest;
the meaning of NIL though coupled with: 2. By stated installments;
A. An indication of particular fund out of which The dates of each installment must be fixed or
REIMBURSEMENT is to be made or particular account to atleast determinable and the amount to be paid
be debited with the amount. for each installment must be stated.
B. A statement of the transaction which gives rise to the
3. By stated installments, with a provision that, upon payment of any installment or of interest, the whole shall become due
default in payment of any installment or of interest, (Sec 2, NIL)
the whole shall become due.
4. With exchange, whether at a fixed rate or at the Insecurity Clauses
current rate; Provisions in the contract which allows the holder to accelerate
5. With costs of collection or an attorney’s fee, in case payment, if he deems himself insecure. The instrument is rendered
payment shall not be made at maturity. non-negotiable.

Payable on demand Extension Clauses

The instrument should be paid the moment it is presented for An instrument is payable at a definite time if by its terms it is
Payment. An instrument is payable on demand (Sec 7, NIL) payable at a definite time subject to extension at the option of the
A. When it is so expressed to be payable on demand, or at holder, or to extension to a further definite time at the option of the
sight, or on presentation maker or acceptor or automatically upon or after a specified event.
B. In which no time for payment is expressed;
C. Where an instrument is issued, accepted or indorsed when iv. Must be payable to order or bearer
overdue, it is as regards the person so issuing, accepting, or A. An instrument that is payable to a specified person or entity is
indorsing it , payable on demand. NOT negotiable because the NIL requires that the instrument
must be payable to order or bearer.
Payable at a determinable future time
An instrument is payable at a determinable future time if it is B. When is an instrument payable to bearer (Sec 9, NIL)
expressed to be payable (Sec. 4, NIL) 1. When it is expressed to be so payable; or
A. At a fixed period after date or sight. 2. When it is payable to a person named therein or bearer;
B. On or before a fixed or determinable future time specified or
therein. 3. When it is payable to the order of a fictitious or non-
C. On or at a fixed period after the occurrence of a specified existing person, and such fact was known to the person
event which is certain to happen, though the time of making it so payable; or
happening be uncertain. (e.g. payable within 5 days from 4. When the name of the payee does not purport to be the
death of Mr. X) name of any person; or
5. When the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in
Acceleration Clauses blank.
The negotiability of the instrument is not affected even if it is
to be paid by stated installments, with a provision that, upon default in C. Order Instruments
There are only two ways by which an i. It is not dated (Date of issuance);
instrument can be made payable to order under Section ii. Does not specify the value given, or that any value had been
8 of the NIL. The instrument can either be payable to given therefor; or
the order of a specified person or to a specified person iii. Does not specify the palace where it is drawn or the place
or his order. where it is payable; or
Section 8 of the NIL likewise identifies the iv. Bears a seal; or
person who can be designated as payees in an order v. Designates a particular kind of current money on which
instrument – the persons to whose order the instrument payment is to be made;
may be made payable. The instrument may be payable vi. Addressed to more than one drawee jointly.
to the order of:
 A payee who is not the maker, drawer or When date may be inserted by holder?
drawee; When date is necessary in order to determine the
 The drawer or maker; maturity date of the instrument. Under Section 11 of the NIL,
 The drawee; where the instrument or an acceptance or any indorsement
 Two or more payees jointly; thereon is dated. Such date is prima facie to be the true date of
 One or some of several payees; the making, drawing, acceptance or indorsement, as the case
 The holder of an office for the time being. may be.

D. Identification of the drawee Additional Provisions

When the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must An instrument is still negotiable even if the following
be named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable are present (Sec 5, NIL):
certainty. The holder must know to whom he should  Authorizes the sale of collateral securities in
present it for acceptance and / or for payment, otherwise case the instrument be not paid at maturity;
the purpose of negotiable instrument as a tool in  Authorizes the confession of judgment if the
commercial dealings will be greatly hampered. instrument be not paid at maturity;
A bill may be addressed to more than one drawee  Waives the benefit of any law intended for the
jointly, but not in alternative. advantage or protection of the obligor; or
 Gives the holder an election to require
8. OMISSIONS AND PROVISIONS THAT DO NOT AFFECT something to be done in lieu of payment of
The validity and negotiable character of an instrument are not
affected by the fact that (Sec 6, NIL) 9. TRANSFER AND NEGOTIATION
If the instrument is negotiable, transfer thereof can be effected either
through: 3. Section 32 of the NIL disallows negotiation to two or
a. Negotiation – transfer from one person to another in such a manner as more indorsees severally.
to constitute the transferee the holder thereof.
 If payable to bearer, it is negotiated by delivery. 4. Kinds of Indorsement
 If payable to order, it is negotiated by the indorsement
of the holder completed by delivery. A. Blank Indorsement – no indorsee is specified
b. Assignment – if the instrument is merely assigned, the transferee does and it is done by affixing the indorser’s
not become a holder and he merely steps into the shoe of the signature.
transferor. Any defense available against the transferee (how?
Delivery without indorsement) B. Special Indorsement – designates the indorsee.
The holder may convert a blank indorsement
*a bearer instrument is always a bearer instrument. into a special indorsement by writing over the
signature of the indorser in blank any contract
Incomplete negotiation of order instrument. consistent with the character of the indorsement.
Where the holder of an instrument payable to his order transfer
it for value without indorsing it, the transfer vests in the transferee C. Qualified Indorsement – constitute the
such title as the transferor had therein, and the transferee acquires in indorser a mere assignor of the title to the
addition, the right to have the indorsement of the transferor. (Sec 49, instrument. It may be made by adding to the
NIL) indorser’s signature the words without recourse
or any words of similar import. Such an
For the purpose of determining whether the transferee is a indorsement does not impair the negotiable
holder in due course, the negotiation takes effect as of the tome when character of the instrument.
the indorsement is actually made. (Sec 49, NIL)
INDORSEMENT D. Conditional Indorsement – the party required
1. Where indorsement should be placed? to pay the instrument may disregard the
 On the instrument itself; or condition and make the payment to the indorsee
 Separate piece of paper attached to the or his transferee whether the condition has been
instrument called allonge (Sec 31, NIL) fulfilled or not.
E. Restrictive Indorsement – Prohibits the further
2. Indorsement must be of the entire instrument. negotiation of the instrument; Constitute the
Exception: when there was previous partial payment. indorsee the agent of the indorser; Vest the title
in the indorsee in trust for or to the use of some A holder in due course is a holder who has taken the instrument
other persons. under the following conditions:
i. That it is complete and regular upon its face;
F. Rights of Restrictive Indorsee ii. That he became the holder of it before it was overdue and
i. To receive payment of the instrument; without notice that it has been previously dishonored, if such
ii. To bring any action thereon that the was the fact;
indorser could bring; iii. That he took it in good faith and for value;
iii. To transfer his rights as such indorsee iv. That at the time it was negotiated to him, he had no notice of
where the form of the indorsement any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the
authorizes him to do so. In case of person negotiating it;
transfer, all subsequent indorsees acquire
only the title of the first indorsee under Notes:
the restrictive indorsement. i. Where the instrument payable on demand is negotiated after an
unreasonable length of time after its issue, the holder is not
5. Negotiation by prior party deemed a holder in due course.
Where an instrument is negotiated back to a ii. Infirmity in the instrument means any irregularity in the
prior party, such party may reissue and further instrument. Thus, notice of an alteration which is apparent is
negotiate the same. But he is not entitled to notice of an infirmity in the instrument. Notice of forgery in the
enforce payment thereof against any intervening maker or the drawer’s signature is also notice of infirmity in
party to whom he was personally liable. the instrument. On the other hand, a title of a prior party is
However, he may strike out the intervening defective when he obtained the instrument or any signature
indorsement because they are not necessary for thereto, by fraud, duress or force and fear or other unlawful
his title and he is liable to them because of his means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it
initial indorsement. in breach of faith, or under such circumstances as amount to a
The payee or indorsee of a bill or note who is in possession of Holder for Value
it or the bearer thereof. In other words, the payee or indorsee is the VALUE – a consideration sufficient to support a simple
holder of an order instrument while the payee or the bearer is the contract. These include antecedent debts and a lien on the instrument.
holder of bearer instrument.
 The holder is a holder for valie only to the extent that the
REQUISITES (Sec 52, NIL) consideration agreed upon has been paid, delivered or
performed. Nonperformance of the obligation will give rise to
partial or full defense of failure of consideration as the case
may be.
 Where the transferee receives notice of any infirmity in the
instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating the
same before he has paid the full amount agreed to be paid
therefor, he will be deemed a holder in due course only to the
extent of the amount paid therefor by him.


A holder in due course holds the instrument free from
any defect of title of prior parties and free from defenses
available to prior parties among themselves, and may enforce
payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof against
all parties liable thereon.
o A holder in due course is free from personal defenses
o A holder in due course is not free from real defenses
o A holder not in due course is subject to personal and
real defenses.
 Exception: a holder who is not a holder in due
course but he derived his title from a holder in
due course.

-End of Part I-

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