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by Suhanya Sundaran

FILE 145867_SUHANYA_SUNDARAN_ASSIGNMENT _2_1393361_1354984397.

T IME SUBMIT T ED 27-AUG-2018 10:58AM (UT C+1000) WORD COUNT 2229

the ed



over for
e, a




Comment 1
Word count is 1601, do not include your ref erence list at the end of your assessment



QM Citation Needed
Cite Source:
Please use the link below to f ind links to inf ormation regarding specif ic citation styles:

QM Citation Needed
Cite Source:
Please use the link below to f ind links to inf ormation regarding specif ic citation styles:


QM How?

QM a


QM Awk.
T he expression or construction is cumbersome or dif f icult to read. Consider rewriting.

Text Comment. important



QM How?

QM Needs clarif ication

Needs clarif iciation

QM Correct

QM ,

Text Comment. the

Text Comment. ed

QM ,




QM Correct
Text Comment. the

QM Correct

Text Comment. an

Text Comment. s

Text Comment. f or

Text Comment. s



QM Correct

QM Correct

QM Grammar checked
beyond this point grammar has not been marked, you may wish to seek assistance f rom the
academic skills center or the English language center


Text Comment. over

Text Comment. f or example, a


QM Repeating of previous point

Repeating of point
QM Citation Needed
Cite Source:
Please use the link below to f ind links to inf ormation regarding specif ic citation styles:

QM Conf using
Conf using

QM ?

QM Conf using
Conf using

QM ?

QM Citation Needed
Cite Source:
Please use the link below to f ind links to inf ormation regarding specif ic citation styles:

QM How?

QM Awk.
T he expression or construction is cumbersome or dif f icult to read. Consider rewriting.

QM Repeating of previous point

Repeating of point

QM ?


QM Weak Transition
Weak paragraph transition:
Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper, it is important to clearly
demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your paragraphs
relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with
"also" or "in addition" of f ers a weak transition f rom the previous point, even though it may
develop a highly interesting and related point.

QM Repeating of previous point

Repeating of point

QM Conf using
Conf using

Word choice error:
Sometimes choosing the correct word to express exactly what you have to say is very dif f icult
to do. Word choice errors can be the result of not paying attention to the word or trying too
hard to come up with a f ancier word when a simple one is appropriate. A thesaurus can be a
handy tool when you're trying to f ind a word that's similar to, but more accurate than, the one
you're looking up. However, it can of ten introduce more problems if you use a word thinking it
has exactly the same meaning.

QM UK quote not relevant

UK quote not relevant to Australian Context

QM Weak Transition
Weak paragraph transition:
Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper, it is important to clearly
demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your paragraphs
relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with
"also" or "in addition" of f ers a weak transition f rom the previous point, even though it may
develop a highly interesting and related point.

QM Correct

QM Correct

Comment 13
Schedule 4 (Restricted Substances) Substances which in the public interest should be supplied
only by, or upon the written prescription of , an authorized practitioner. T his is a high risk drug
(as def ined, and so subject of a local protocol, but this does not generally
include a separate register

QM this is incorrect
T his is incorrect

Comment 14
T his does not relate to methotrexate


QM Weak Transition
Weak paragraph transition:
Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper, it is important to clearly
demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your paragraphs
relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with
"also" or "in addition" of f ers a weak transition f rom the previous point, even though it may
develop a highly interesting and related point.

Word choice error:
Sometimes choosing the correct word to express exactly what you have to say is very dif f icult
to do. Word choice errors can be the result of not paying attention to the word or trying too
hard to come up with a f ancier word when a simple one is appropriate. A thesaurus can be a
handy tool when you're trying to f ind a word that's similar to, but more accurate than, the one
you're looking up. However, it can of ten introduce more problems if you use a word thinking it
has exactly the same meaning.

QM Conf using
Conf using

QM Repeating of previous point

Repeating of point

QM Repeating of previous point

Repeating of point

Word choice error:
Sometimes choosing the correct word to express exactly what you have to say is very dif f icult
to do. Word choice errors can be the result of not paying attention to the word or trying too
hard to come up with a f ancier word when a simple one is appropriate. A thesaurus can be a
handy tool when you're trying to f ind a word that's similar to, but more accurate than, the one
you're looking up. However, it can of ten introduce more problems if you use a word thinking it
has exactly the same meaning.

QM Correct

QM Repeating of previous point

Repeating of point



RUBRIC: HSNS20 6 WRITTEN 2 T3 20 18 6 1 / 10 0

CRIT ERION 1 (30%) 60 / 100

Interpret the dif f erences between the roles and responsibilities of the Registered Nurse (RN) and the
student nurse in relation to responsibility and accountability f or medication administration

HD A comprehensive discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(100) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

HD A comprehensive discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(95) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

HD A comprehensive discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(85) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

D A detailed discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(80) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

D A detailed discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(75) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

C An adequate discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(70) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

C An adequate discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(65) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

P Minimal discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(60) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

P Minimal discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(55) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

P Minimal discussion have been undertaken of the dif f erences in roles and
(50) responsibilities of the RN and the student nurse in relation to responsibility and
accountability of medication administration

N T here is no clear discussion of the dif f erences in the roles and responsibilities of the
(45) RN and the student nurse OR in relation to responsibility and accountability of
medication administration

N T here is no clear discussion of the dif f erences in the roles and responsibilities of the
(40) RN and the student nurse OR in relation to responsibility and accountability of
medication administration

N T here is no clear discussion of the dif f erences in the roles and responsibilities of the
(35) RN and the student nurse OR in relation to responsibility and accountability of
medication administration

CRIT ERION 2 (30%) 65 / 100

Identif y and discuss the contributing f actors f or medication errors within nursing practice

HD Identif ied the major contributing f actors f or medication errors and have discussed
(100) them extensively

HD Identif ied the major contributing f actors f or medication errors and have discussed
(95) them extensively

HD Identif ied the major contributing f actors f or medication errors and have discussed
(85) them extensively

D T here is a detailed discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


D T here is a detailed discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


C T here is an adequate discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


C T here is an adequate discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


P T here is minimal discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


P T here is minimal discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


P T here is minimal discussion of the contributing f actors f or medication errors


N No contributing f actors have been identif ied f or medication errors OR no discussion

(45) has been undertaken

N No contributing f actors have been identif ied f or medication errors OR no discussion

(40) has been undertaken

N No contributing f actors have been identif ied f or medication errors OR no discussion

(35) has been undertaken

CRIT ERION 3 (20%) 55 / 100

Critically analyse the relevant medication policies and guidelines, competency standards in relation to the
case study presented
HD Evidence of critical analysis in relation to all of the relevant medication policies,
(100) guidelines and competency standards has been undertaken and applied to the case

HD Evidence of critical analysis in relation to all of the relevant medication policies,

(95) guidelines and competency standards has been undertaken and applied to the case

HD Evidence of critical analysis in relation to all of the relevant medication policies,

(85) guidelines and competency standards has been undertaken and applied to the case

D Evidence of critical analysis in relation to some of the relevant medication policies,

(80) guidelines and competency standards been undertaken and applied to the case study

D Evidence of critical analysis in relation to some of the relevant medication policies,

(75) guidelines and competency standards been undertaken and applied to the case study

C Evidence of analysis in relation to medication policies, guidelines and competency

(70) standards has been undertaken and applied to the case study

C Evidence of analysis in relation to medication policies, guidelines and competency

(65) standards has been undertaken and applied to the case study

P Minimal analysis of the medication policies, guidelines and competency standards has
(60) been undertaken and applied to the case study

P Minimal analysis of the medication policies, guidelines and competency standards has
(55) been undertaken and applied to the case study

P Minimal analysis of the medication policies, guidelines and competency standards has
(50) been undertaken and applied to the case study

N No evidence of analysis has been undertaken and there is no application of any

(45) policies, guidelines and competency standards to the case study

N No evidence of analysis has been undertaken and there is no application of any

(40) policies, guidelines and competency standards to the case study

N No evidence of analysis has been undertaken and there is no application of any

(35) policies, guidelines and competency standards to the case study

CRIT ERION 4 (10%) 55 / 100

Structure, presentation grammar and spelling.

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction

(100) & conclusion are succinct and ef f ective; paragraphs are well-developed and have
strong topic sentences Adhered to grammatical conventions with no errors Logically /
well and succinctly structured assignment

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction

(95) & conclusion are succinct and ef f ective; paragraphs are well-developed and have
strong topic sentences Adhered to grammatical conventions with no errors Logically /
well and succinctly structured assignment

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction

(85) & conclusion are succinct and ef f ective; paragraphs are well-developed and have
strong topic sentences Adhered to grammatical conventions with no errors Logically /
well and succinctly structured assignment

D Mostly accurate and consistent adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions

(80) Introduction, conclusion & paragraph development are competent; paragraphs are
occasionally and/or underdeveloped; topic sentences are generally good Adhered to
grammatical conventions with f ew errors Logically and well-structured assignment

D Mostly accurate and consistent adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions

(75) Introduction, conclusion & paragraph development are competent; paragraphs are
occasionally and/or underdeveloped; topic sentences are generally good Adhered to
grammatical conventions with f ew errors Logically and well-structured assignment

C Partial but close adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions Adequate

(70) introduction and conclusion. Paragraph development have inconsistencies; topic
sentences are present but are inef f ective Adhered to grammatical conventions, but
with f requent errors Mainly well- structured assignment, lacking cohesion in places

C Partial but close adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions Adequate

(65) introduction and conclusion. Paragraph development have inconsistencies; topic
sentences are present but are inef f ective Adhered to grammatical conventions, but
with f requent errors Mainly well- structured assignment, lacking cohesion in places

P Minimal adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction or conclusion is

(60) inadequate or missing; paragraphs are underdeveloped or weak; topic sentences are
missing or unf ocused Minimal adherence to grammatical conventions with multiple
errors Weakly structured assignment, f requently lacking cohesion

P Minimal adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction or conclusion is

(55) inadequate or missing; paragraphs are underdeveloped or weak; topic sentences are
missing or unf ocused Minimal adherence to grammatical conventions with multiple
errors Weakly structured assignment, f requently lacking cohesion

P Minimal adherence to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction or conclusion is

(50) inadequate or missing; paragraphs are underdeveloped or weak; topic sentences are
missing or unf ocused Minimal adherence to grammatical conventions with multiple
errors Weakly structured assignment, f requently lacking cohesion

N Little or no attempt to adhere to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction and

(45) conclusion are missing. Sentence structure is poor. Multiple grammatical errors with
minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that signif icantly distract the reader
f rom the content A poorly structured assignment which lacks cohesion.

N Little or no attempt to adhere to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction and

(40) conclusion are missing. Sentence structure is poor. Multiple grammatical errors with
minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that signif icantly distract the reader
f rom the content A poorly structured assignment which lacks cohesion.
N Little or no attempt to adhere to essay f ormat writing conventions Introduction and
(35) conclusion are missing. Sentence structure is poor. Multiple grammatical errors with
minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that signif icantly distract the reader
f rom the content A poorly structured assignment which lacks cohesion.

CRIT ERION 5 (10%) 70 / 100

APA (6th Edition) and the application of evidence

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to APA (6th Edition) ref erencing style Explicitly
(100) acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment as well as within the
ref erence list

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to APA (6th Edition) ref erencing style Explicitly
(95) acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment as well as within the
ref erence list

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to APA (6th Edition) ref erencing style Explicitly
(85) acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment as well as within the
ref erence list

D Mostly of f ers accurate and consistent APA (6th Edition) ref erencing conventions
(80) within essay Principally acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment as
well as within the ref erence list inf requent errors (suggested: f ewer than 1 error per

D Mostly of f ers accurate and consistent APA (6th Edition) ref erencing conventions
(75) within essay Principally acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment as
well as within the ref erence list inf requent errors (suggested: f ewer than 1 error per

C A number of inaccurate and inconsistent APA (6th Edition) ref erences within the
(70) essay Mostly acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment and the
ref erence list f requency of errors detracts f rom strength of paper (suggested: 1-2
errors per page

C A number of inaccurate and inconsistent APA (6th Edition) ref erences within the
(65) essay Mostly acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment and the
ref erence list f requency of errors detracts f rom strength of paper (suggested: 1-2
errors per page

P Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA (6th Edition) ref erences within the essay
(60) Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment and ref erence
list f requency of errors obstructs clarity f or reader (suggested: 3-4 errors per page)

P Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA (6th Edition) ref erences within the essay
(55) Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment and ref erence
list f requency of errors obstructs clarity f or reader (suggested: 3-4 errors per page)

P Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA (6th Edition) ref erences within the essay
(50) Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment and ref erence
list f requency of errors obstructs clarity f or reader (suggested: 3-4 errors per page)
N Did not adhere to the APA (6th Edition) ref erencing conventions or use APA
(45) ref erencing style Little or no acknowledgment of sources used throughout the
assignment No ref erence list f ive or more errors per page

N Did not adhere to the APA (6th Edition) ref erencing conventions or use APA
(40) ref erencing style Little or no acknowledgment of sources used throughout the
assignment No ref erence list f ive or more errors per page

N Did not adhere to the APA (6th Edition) ref erencing conventions or use APA
(35) ref erencing style Little or no acknowledgment of sources used throughout the
assignment No ref erence list f ive or more errors per page

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