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SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL QQELECTRIC an RADIO AND TELEVISION DEPARTMENT ‘PRELIMINARY TNVORMATION, Sheet 1 ‘meso television zecetvers sre 12 channel streto sever” models containing 20 tubes plus 6 peotifiena (3 high-voltage woctitiors, 2 ssieniut * | cone biancice, C212 ‘Sima ene Diaset=n, C2107 ee $e cont sapeaene ees cout Se Dover rectifiens and a crystal diode). The re Sebver Ia fe that, opecation "cn the OF hanela ‘may be incorporated ab s later dato. mata recetver oars C+ Se Ae approval and snsorpomntes "a 21 inch rectangular picture. thbe soa butit-in entonna, A poven outlet receptacle Geetgeated "UP translator” to. Loveted at the rear SF the recetver and nay be weed to ouoly pover 12 otter foatures of tats receiver axe: tyo BoP aqplifier stages, noise cansolistton, , auboaatie oriental frequatey” contre! (AFC), vertical and horlsgriad setsace blanidng snd estoaatio. gai sn hae evel potentiates ‘antred. ‘cated on Position, an attached ovitcn permite inoreas Smo sensitivity for use in woak slew areas. Bulle inte te RLF tuner nit sa an aajustabo IP interference trap for elimination ov neaustion SPT-P interferences in the 80-50 mo renga. Addl Glonal features inelide interoarrier sound and Shane) selector ino tidusins ion. Bultt-in antenna provided Fiedeo Ampiitter: 08 | Protise tabews 09 | huato T-P ampiPion Aid |hudto IP Lindterssc.sscess+ YER [feed Detector & Sa¥ into amplifies a3 [syne is |Yertaca! Oscttiator- Wiig |Yertica: kuplitter. Yas [Sync citpper & borksontal i ‘SPECLPICATIONS om nor | Prequeasr.ssssse001-28 OF 6, c32iee atin: sy US voles ‘CoA amps) (Onotliatoressess+ vaag omtaantal outputs or mam. | chamnola, I. 2 ts to. 15] fiorizentel Damper. ace Frequensios, 11 54-88 me, 174-216 wc| + 45.75 | ¥ideo Detestor Blodeess+00 = 47.25 SI AL2S a psomern | ryp0-..-one--+e+09 + 38,00 me] [mar | size. sstasseee off 4.5 me A watts| cAUIZOR NOTICE ‘AN0GE TO THR ROCHIVER CHASSIS SRPORE HAMDR.ING ‘TURE. ‘Yousan CHMIAEN PORTIONS OF THE RIGH VOLINGE GHGRATING CIACUIM ARW DANGEROUS AMD SEGRIMIE CAUTION SHOULD 3 ‘OBSERVED. THe FOONAG OVSE 1S XIGILY SVACUAMED AND IP BRON, GIASS FRAGGNTS WILL St VIOLAELY PRED. Wim SANEEING (Ha! PLOVIRE TUBE ALWAYS WEAR QOOGLES. a Figure 1A SHEDALARION ANUSMIENES shoud any of the preset controle be out of ade Heinen Geto hanling, they may be shocked a8 T."Ranove cabinet Sacr.ome Ue 2: Kopiy power to the Fecetver, tum set on and was ane tebe pattern Haj ne sng ual -naue se as folloves MOCKAICAL ANTS ENES ION TAP: Set the Deightnose conteol (sndor front ata trap dose) so'tte, maxima clocerise Pe- Eition and autersataly slide ana rotate the fon ‘ap for maskin brightness. ‘YOKE POSITIONING: Tho yoke is self- positioning end requires adjustment tor tilt only.To correct tilt, grasp the yoke near the back and tum until picture is straight with tube. Caution:kvoid contact with the "hot™ terminal at the pointed end of the yoke flange. FOCUS UNIT:Recheck the 2 5/16" spacing between yoke flange and flux shield. Make eure that the focus unit ia per pindicular to,ané concentric around, The pleture tube neck,Adjust the focus imob for best focus. {FIOTURE CHR: The wottle plato lever vin Ja Toveted on tw’ fonserd end of the foous walt to Gelcentering ‘sooth, Loosen its tyo securing Scsove and nove she lever in'e vestristea ctsoulat Sein cotid thw ploture an oentered. Roncjust the Fiow ick if the picture centering procees dls ‘isbed the focus adstannts ary controis to eomect any Gece control motions canre, ceo? Sheet 2 FIOTUREE STRAIGETOORS! These are the tyo anti Pinewntoning magnets mowed near the bell of the Bicuare tubes Adjust these magnets aa follows: fc), Reduce’ the ploture size so tat the raster edges re visible. “Sy” Aciuat the stradehtening menets so that the raster cages aro porfectly” straight, These mag- eta wilt have en affect Upon te width, Dut their TSportant fmotion se to. usep the master” edges from being *boved" in or out, <}, fubicn plotare to nomai atze vith the tse REORICAL ANBAOTS RIGHT AND VEREIOAL LIMBIRTTY:__ Tee controls Sosuld ‘be djuntea simiueromualy to provide Proper piste’ eight “consiatent wlth good ves Tr testy. "iow einat-acjugtant soale tea the pictine approsingtaly 1/8 toch orond tas mask inves onto, Sram (WOR) roo EOE Tinse contecla" seculd ve edgisted atmattangstety Uerprorise groer picture wists consistent wait Sook norizona: ingests, “Tee aajustaes, ven Sfepustea, shoud extand ihe plctirs eppsciaetely $7 isan beyond the sank 2intae, Mien vivang Gout patvetss the herieettal wedges shod eof coal iee HERIZGOTAL OLD: te oo41,, 1051, see Figure 4, Should be adjunted ‘so tint’tte hontsoctal bys Sin reosin™docusd over’ tie entine, range of te Rorizowal” note conerel, Rep," Alaoy th "pulic Ent nange ot ayne shouldbe evenly” eidcedtuted oh ich en of She” horizontal held contsolsesge: GEES Say vo onosnod by avitoning oe? end on tea en and Shsorvina the "pullin aplisy at eae cairns of te oottrol. E'ror the Yooation of ‘ha trap” Sein cosigoatee fp 1i06., Te there. ig'k'ntation in the ana of Channel #2,"sneck to aes "time. the turing ct the SEP trap hia not affected the ‘Goannel #2 seeponse, SIGHAL STRENGIH COMPENSATOR, Teas ootsel_ i looktaG, the roar of the ce Sooeiver” tnatalletisa, ns SMe tise of Be ssgsst Conpensator Controls tat sno ssro- st Sigal to be rosaived sen not omuss plowice "Te extrono clockvise "ewiten® Position “of the control shouldbe used “tn the Wesker siguel areas. to tapreve the aye atability En the procence of tgsttion "and ainilar interfers ‘OVER-LOAD FROTHCITCN! A Yaiow-blov" 1,6 _aapere fuse is insorporated. in tata receiver "to protect the power suppiy vectiftere fron over-loed, Biola the fecoiver. fall to operate, the fuse shold be checked and the cause of everioad remedied: REMOVAL OF RECEIVER FROM CABINET A), to Rasove chassis: 1. "gsove cabinet. back. IPM ei z if 8) “piotare vibe sccken,

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