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GR No. 177937 | January 19, 2011 ISSUE:

Justice Nachura  WON Ire ne was ille gally te rminate d. (YES)
Freya Patron | Group 7
RULING: (Doctrine in bold le tters)
PETITONERS: Robinsons Galle ria/Robinsons Supe rmarket  There is probationary employment when the
Corporation and/or Jess Manue l employee upon his engagement is made to undergo
RESPONDENT: Irene Ranche z a trial per iod during which the employer determines
his fitness to qualify for regular employment based
TOPIC:(as state d in the syllabus) on reasonable standards made kno wn to him at the
 Probationary Employees – De finition/Purpose time of the engagement.
 The se rvices of an e mployee who has been e ngage d
CASE SUMMARY: Ire ne was a probationary employee on probationary basis may be terminate d for any of
(cashier) of Robinsons Galle ria for 5 months. An incide nt on the ff. – Authorize d cause, just case & whe n he fails to
loss of money from the company locke r was re porte d and qualify as a regular e mployee in accordance with
owne d up to by Ire ne, but this prompte d the ope rations reasonable standards prescribe d by employer
manage r to file a Qualifie d The ft case against her, causing her (additional re quire ment for probationary employees)
to be put in jail for 2 wee ks. Even be fore she was se nt a le tter  Robinsons faile d to accord Irene substantive and
by Robinsons that her e mployment was te rminate d, she had proce dural due process.
file d an ille gal dismissal case. The Court he ld that she was o The haphazard manner in inve stigation of
constructive ly dismisse d and eve n as a probationary the missing cash, which was le ft to the
employee , she was e ntitle d to se paration pay and backwages de termination of the police authoritie s and
re ckone d from the time of he r constructive dismissal until date Prosecutor’s Office , le ft Irene with no choice
of te rmination of employme nt. but to cry foul.
o Admin inve stigation was not conducte d.
FACTS: o On the same day the missing money was
 Ire ne was a probationary e mployee of Robinsons re porte d, Robinsons already pre -judge d her
Galle ria for 5 months. guilt without prope r investigation, and
 2 we e ks afte r hiring, she re porte d to he r supe rvisor instantly re porte d he r to the police as the
the loss of cash amounting to P20,299 which she had suspe cte d thie f, which resulte d in her
place d inside the company locke r. languishing in jail for 2 wee ks.
o Ope rations Mgr orde re d that Ire ne be strip-  She was constructive ly dismisse d.
searche d by company guards but that o As probationary employee , she was e ntitle d
yie lde d nothing. to se paration pay and backwages reckone d
 Ire ne acknowle dge d he r responsibility and reque ste d from the time of her constructive dismissal
that she be allowe d to se ttle and pay the lost amount. until date of termination of employment.
But Manue l did not hee d he r request and re porte d the  In all cases involving e mployees e ngage d on
matte r to the police . She also re queste d QC probationary basis, employe r shall make known to its
Prosecutor’s Office for an inquest. employees the standards unde r which the y will
 Information for Qualifie d The ft was file d with the QC qualify as re gular e mployees at the time of the ir
RTC and Ire ne spe nt 2 wee ks in jail. e ngageme nt. Without these, he shall be deeme d
 Ire ne file d for ille gal dismissal and damages. re gular.
Robinsons sent via mail a notice of te rmination and/or  Ho we ve r, rules on probationary employment should
notice of e xpiration of probationary employme nt. not be use d to e xculpate a probationary e mployee
 LA – dismisse d complaint because whe n she file d the who acts in a manner contrary to basic knowle dge
complaint, she was not ye t dismisse d by Robinsons. and common sense , in regard to which the re is no
The strip search was an investigation only. nee d to spe ll out a policy/standard to be met.
 NLRC – re verse d LA. Ire ne was de nie d due process.
Strip searching and sending he r to jail for 2 wee ks = DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the pe tition is DENIED.
constructive dismissal.
 CA – affirme d LA.

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