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718 Ch.

12 Quantum Hall Effect

to arbitrary filling: correlating the starting state 9, with C2 yields

Qp = &QV, (12.120)

- U
u=- (12.121)
Previously, we mapped isolated points (the midpoints of plateaus); now
we map whole intervals, i.e., one incompressible quantum fluid phase
(Hall liquid) into another. The procedure generates an infinite series of
phases on both sides of u = 1/2, 1/4, ..., which Fig. 12.8 cannot show.


H (or u-')
Figure 12.8: Schematic phase diagram of a Quantum Hall system. V is a measure
of the disorder potential, H is the magnetic field. Integer and odd-denominator states
are incompressible quantum fluids (Hall liquids), while even-denominator states are
gapless Fermi liquids (Hall metals). A strongly disordered sample remains in the Hall
insulator phase. (Simplified version of the phase diagram shown in [212]).

Approximate electron-hole symmetry within a Landau band allows

to deduce the existence of a 2/3 Hall liquid. We know from experiments
that it is by far not as robust as the 1/3 liquid, and this is reflected in
our drawing. Once the 2/3 phase is given, it can be used as the starting
point of (12.121), giving rise to the 2/7 Hall liquid, etc.
The finite-D phase boundaries are rather arbitrarily drawn, but we
can make some definite statements about the limit2' 2) + 0. First
28Strictly at V = 0 (in the absence of any disorder) even an interacting electron

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