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4 fractional Quantum Hall Effect 72 1

tallites, so that it merges smoothly with the disordered Hall insulator

which we find at larger Y and high 'D.
Finally, let us remember that we have confined the discussion to fully
spin-polarized states. A complete phase diagram should incorporate
partially polarized ground states as well.

Spin Effects
All our previous discussion relied on using the high-field limit where
both ( e 2 / q J ) / h w cand ( e 2 / q d ) / g p g Hare very small. We have to clarify
whether, in reality, inter-Landau-level or inter-Zeeman-level mixings are
important enough to change our picture of QHE systems drastically.
We have already quoted (on p. 681) the relevant parameters for
bulk GaAs, which show that band structure effects enhance fiw, by at
least a factor of ten, and at the same time suppress g p g H substan-
tially. We may feel confident that inter-Landau-level mixing can be well
described by the first few terms of a systematic l/&f perturbation
theory (3701. On the other hand, it is not true that ( e 2 / e o l ) / g p g His
a small parameter. Quite on the contrary; it is held that in a typical
high-field experiment, hw, x 150K, e2/eol M 100K, while the (bare)
Zeeman splitting is g p g H M 2K [253]. Let us remark that g is smaller
in heterostructures than in bulk GaAs, and it may even be tuned32
through zero by choosing a suitable composition and applying pressure
[267, 2401.
It appears that spin-flip is a very low-lying excitation, and we would
expect that g p ~ H M 2K shows up in transport measurements as a corre-
spondingly small activation energy of uxx.However, this is not the case:
measured activation energies are about ten times as large [417]. The ob-
servation can be interpreted as a huge renormalization of g which must
be an effect of electron-electron interactions: it is an exchange enhance-
ment. It follows that the observed essentially complete spin polarization
of the Y = 1/3 FQHE state, and even of the v = 1 IQHE state, is sus-
tained mainly by interactions. We may say that these are Quantum

32Theratio g p g H / f W c can also be tuned by tilting the magnetic field: the compo-
nent perpendicular to the plane defines wc while the total field appears in the Zeeman
splitting. Though it sounds easy, the method has difficulties of its own.

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