Gutzwiller Approximation: Appendix C

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Appendix C

Gutzwiller Approximation

There are several different ways in which the Gutzwiller approximation

(GA) can be introduced. Of course, the most satisfactory approach
would be to follow the exact treatment of the Gutzwiller variational
problem [271], and realize that its results coincide with those of the
GA in the limit when the lattice dimensionality D becomes infinite.
Unfortunately, this lies far beyond the scope of this elementary treatise.
Instead, we seek to demonstrate how the GA is done, and give some
argument why it is expected to work better in higher dimensions.
The expansion (9.28) of the Gutzwiller trial state is difficult to work
with because it contains an exponentially large (- e'.) number of large
(- L x L ) determinants. The GA is introduced to simplify the task by
treating the determinants in an averaged-over fashion. More precisely,
the relevant expressions (which are composed of the determinants) will
be replaced by their configuration averages.
Let us quote from (9.26) the expansion of the spinless fermion Fermi
sea state for N / 2 particles on L sites

On the right-hand-side, the sum is over all possible local configurations.

The norm of IFS),l contains the sum of the absolute squares of the


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