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734 Appendix C


The sum contains Ch,2 terms. We do not know the determinants one
by one but we can use the above identity to determine the configuration
average of their absolute squares

Replacing the IdeterminantI2s by the above average is a typical step in

the Gutzwiller approximation'.
In Sect. 9.2, we were pointing it out that the determinants describe
the exchange hole effect which gives a larger weight to configurations
in which the fermions are more-or-less evenly spaced, than to those in
which the fermions are crowded together (Problem 9.1). The Gutzwiller
approximation amounts to neglecting the exchange hole effect, i.e., to
neglecting the intersite correlations caused by statistics. Later, we are
going to present arguments which show that such an approximation is
likely to work better for higher lattice dimensionalities.
Now we can write down the norm of the Gutzwiller trial state (9.28)
in the GA (we assume N 5 L )

'This particular formulation of the GA is presented in [107].

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