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Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 1 of 14 PageID #:1



OMS INVESTMENTS, INC., Case No. 18-cv-6451

Plaintiff, Judge




Plaintiff OMS Investments, Inc. ("OMS"), for its complaint against Defendant H. D.

Hudson Manufacturing Company ("Hudson"), states as follows:


1. This is an action for patent infringement. OMS owns patents directed to unique

applicators for dispensing liquids—including certain applicators with collapsible wands—and

Defendant Hudson supplies such applicators that are covered by multiple claims of OMS's

patents. OMS files this lawsuit to put an end to Defendant Hudson's infringement and to recover

damages resulting from Defendant Hudson's misconduct.


2. Plaintiff OMS is a Delaware corporation with a principal place of business in Los

Angeles, CA.

3. On information and belief, Defendant Hudson is a Minnesota corporation with a

principal place of business at 500 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2300, Chicago, IL 60611.


4. This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, Title 35 of the
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United States Code, 35 U.S.C. § 271 et seq. Subject matter jurisdiction of this Court is conferred

by 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338.

5. Venue in this judicial district is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) because this

judicial district is where Defendant Hudson has committed acts of infringement and has a regular

and established place of business.

6. This Court likewise has personal jurisdiction over Defendant Hudson at least

because Defendant Hudson committed acts of infringement in Illinois and because Hudson has

its principal place of business in Illinois.


7. United States Patent No. 10,022,742 ("the '742 patent") is titled "Applicator with

Collapsible Wand" and issued on July 17, 2018. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a copy of the '742


8. United States Patent No. D670,982 ("the D'982 patent") is titled "Applicator" and

issued on November 20, 2012. Attached as Exhibit 2 is a copy of the D'982 patent.

9. United States Patent No. D736,577 ("the D'577 patent") is also titled "Applicator"

and issued on August 18, 2015. Attached as Exhibit 3 is a copy of the D'577 patent.

10. United States Patent No. D797,529 ("the D'529 patent") is also titled "Applicator"

and issued on September 19, 2017. Attached as Exhibit 4 is a copy of the D'529 patent.

11. OMS is the owner of the '742, D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents by assignment.


12. Defendant Hudson is in the business of making, using, and commercializing

applicators as described in the '742 patent and virtually identical in appearance to the novel

designs covered by the D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents.

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13. For example, Defendant Hudson supplies an applicator (the "Infringing

Applicator") to Central Garden & Pet Company ("Central") in the United States, intending that

Central incorporate the Infringing Applicator into at least Central's "Weed and Grass Wand"

product and knowing that Central sells the product throughout the United States, including in this

judicial district. Below is an image of Central's product incorporating Defendant Hudson's

Infringing Applicator, circled in red:

14. On or about December 15, 2017, OMS wrote Defendant Hudson, enclosing copies

of the D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents and putting Defendant Hudson on notice of these patents

and of Defendant Hudson's infringement of these patents. Attached as Exhibit 5 is a copy of the

letter, without its enclosures.

15. As explained in OMS's correspondence to Defendant Hudson, each of OMS's

design patents referenced above—the D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents—claims the design of an

"applicator," e.g., for dispensing chemicals and other products to maintain lawns, gardens, yards,

trees, shrubs, and plants.

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16. In fact, Hudson's Infringing Applicator is virtually identical in appearance to the

novel designs covered by D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents, as shown in the below table of

Defendant Hudson's Infringing Applicator and Fig. 4 of each of the D'982, D'577, and D'529

patents, respectively:

Infringing Applicator

D'982 patent, Fig. 4

D'577 patent, Fig. 4

D'529 patent, Fig. 4

17. The design of the Infringing Applicator and the designs of the D'982, D'577, and

D'529 patents are so similar that it is implausible that Defendant Hudson designed the Infringing

Applicator without prior knowledge of the designs set forth in D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents.

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18. In July 2018, after OMS had sent the correspondence to Defendant Hudson

regarding OMS's design patents, the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued the '742

patent—a utility patent.

19. On or about August 14, 2018, OMS wrote Defendant Hudson, this time enclosing

copies of the '742 patent and an initial infringement analysis regarding the '742 patent, putting

Defendant Hudson on notice of the '742 patent and of Defendant Hudson's infringement of the

'742 patent. Attached as Exhibit 6 is a copy of the letter, without its enclosure of the '742 patent.

20. To date, OMS's infringement of the '742, D'982, D'577, and D'529 patents

continues unabated.


(Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742)

21. OMS repeats and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in the

foregoing paragraphs.

22. Defendant Hudson infringed and continues to infringe one or more claims of the

'742 patent, including claim 1, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271, at least by making, offering to

sell, selling, and using within the United States the Infringing Applicator.

23. For example, claim 1 of the '742 patent recites:

An applicator configured to dispense liquid comprising:

a housing, comprising:

a pump,

an electric motor for driving the pump,

a power source for providing power to the electric motor, and

a flexible housing conduit in fluid communication with the pump;

a trigger in electronic communication with the power source and the

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electric motor, wherein the trigger provides manual selective control over
the pump such that when the trigger is depressed, the pump is actuated
and when the trigger is released, the pump ceases operation;

a wand connected to the housing via a wand hinge that is configured to

allow the wand to be collapsed against the housing in a first position and
extended away from the housing in a second position, the wand hinge
comprises a hinge conduit engaging the flexible housing conduit and that
curves around a pivot point of the wand hinge such that when the wand is
collapsed against the housing in the first position, the hinge conduit keeps
the flexible housing conduit apart from the pivot point of the wand hinge;

a nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid from the applicator,
wherein the nozzle is in fluid communication with the pump; and

a liquid conduit having a proximal end in fluid communication with the

pump and a distal end that extends externally from the housing, the distal
end is configured to connect to a container that is external to and
separate from the housing such that when the distal end of the liquid
conduit is connected to the container, the container is coupled to the
housing by the liquid conduit such that the container remains external to
and separate from the housing.

24. As explained in OMS's initial infringement analysis provided to Defendant

Hudson on August 14, 2018 (Exhibit 6), Hudson's Infringing Applicator meets each limitation of

claim 1, both performing and enabling Defendant Hudson's customers to perform the unique

functions of OMS's patented applicator.

25. For example, as shown in the following two figures included in that initial

infringement analysis, Hudson's Infringing Applicator has the claimed housing, pump, electric

motor, and power source:

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26. Moreover, as shown in the following two figures included in the initial

infringement analysis, Hudson's Infringing Applicator has the claimed trigger and flexible

housing conduit:

27. As claimed, in operation, when the trigger of the Infringing Applicator is

depressed, the pump is actuated, and when the trigger is released, the pump ceases operation.

28. As shown in the following two figures included in the initial infringement

analysis, Hudson's Infringing Applicator likewise has the claimed wand connected to the housing

via a wand hinge that is configured to allow the wand to be collapsed against the housing in a

first position and extended away from the housing in a second position:

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29. In addition, as shown in the following two figures included in the initial

infringement analysis, Hudson's Infringing Applicator's wand hinge comprises the claimed hinge

conduit, engaging the flexible housing conduit, and that curves around a pivot point of the wand

hinge such that when the wand is collapsed against the housing in the first position, the hinge

conduit keeps the flexible housing conduit apart from the pivot point of the wand hinge:

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30. As shown in the following figure included in the initial infringement analysis,

Hudson's Infringing Applicator likewise has a nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid

from the applicator:

31. And, as shown in the following figure included in the initial infringement

analysis, Hudson's Infringing Applicator has the claimed liquid conduit having a proximal end in

fluid communication with the pump and a distal end that extends externally from the housing,

and the distal end is configured to connect to a container that is external to and separate from the

housing such that when the distal end of the liquid conduit is connected to the container, the

container is coupled to the housing by the liquid conduit such that the container remains external

to and separate from the housing:

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32. OMS owned the '742 patent through the period of the infringing acts of Defendant

Hudson, and OMS still owns the '742 patent.

33. Defendant Hudson infringed claim 1 of the '742 patent with full knowledge of the

patent and both knowing and intending that Defendant Hudson's conduct would infringe at least

claim 1 of the '742 patent.

34. OMS has been and continues to be damaged and otherwise harmed by Defendant

Hudson's infringement.

35. OMS will be irreparably harmed unless Defendant Hudson's infringing activities

are enjoined.


(Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D670,982)

36. OMS repeats and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in the

foregoing paragraphs.

37. Defendant Hudson, without authorization from OMS, has distributed, offered for

sale, and sold the Infringing Applicator, the design of which is substantially the same as the

design set forth in the D'982 patent.

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38. Defendant Hudson's Infringing Applicator appropriates the novel ornamental

features set forth in the D'982 patent such that an ordinary observer, giving such attention as a

purchaser usually gives, would find OMS's patented design and Defendant Hudson's design to be

substantially the same, and the resemblance is such as to deceive such an observer, inducing him

to purchase one supposing it be the other.

39. By the foregoing acts, Defendant Hudson has infringed and continues to infringe

the D'982 patent.

40. OMS owned the D'982 patent through the period of the infringing acts of

Defendant Hudson, and OMS still owns the D'982 patent.

41. OMS has been and continues to be damaged and otherwise harmed by Defendant

Hudson's infringement, and OMS will be irreparably harmed unless Defendant Hudson's

infringing activities are enjoined.


(Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D736,577)

42. OMS repeats and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in the

foregoing paragraphs.

43. Defendant Hudson, without authorization from OMS, has distributed, offered for

sale, and sold the Infringing Applicator, the design of which is substantially the same as the

design set forth in the D'577 patent.

44. Defendant Hudson's Infringing Applicator appropriates the novel ornamental

features set forth in the D'577 patent such that an ordinary observer, giving such attention as a

purchaser usually gives, would find OMS's patented design and Defendant Hudson's design to be

substantially the same, and the resemblance is such as to deceive such an observer, inducing him

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to purchase one supposing it be the other.

45. By the foregoing acts, Defendant Hudson has infringed and continues to infringe

the D'577 patent.

46. OMS owned the D'577 patent through the period of the infringing acts of

Defendant Hudson, and OMS still owns the D'577 patent.

47. OMS has been and continues to be damaged and otherwise harmed by Defendant

Hudson's infringement, and OMS will be irreparably harmed unless Defendant Hudson's

infringing activities are enjoined.


(Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D797,529)

48. OMS repeats and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in the

foregoing paragraphs.

49. Defendant Hudson, without authorization from OMS, has distributed, offered for

sale, and sold the Infringing Applicator, the design of which is substantially the same as the

design set forth in the D'529 patent.

50. Defendant Hudson's Infringing Applicator appropriates the novel ornamental

features set forth in the D'529 patent such that an ordinary observer, giving such attention as a

purchaser usually gives, would find OMS's patented design and Defendant Hudson's design to be

substantially the same, and the resemblance is such as to deceive such an observer, inducing him

to purchase one supposing it be the other.

51. By the foregoing acts, Defendant Hudson has infringed and continues to infringe

the D'529 patent.

52. OMS owned the D'529 patent through the period of the infringing acts of

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Defendant Hudson, and OMS still owns the D'529 patent.

53. OMS has been and continues to be damaged and otherwise harmed by Defendant

Hudson's infringement, and OMS will be irreparably harmed unless Defendant Hudson's

infringing activities are enjoined.


WHEREFORE, OMS prays for judgment and relief against Defendant Hudson,


A. Adjudging that Defendant Hudson has infringed claims of each of the '742, D'982,

D'577, and D'529 patents;

B. Permanently enjoining Defendant Hudson, its officers, agents, suppliers,

distributors, servants, employees, successors, assigns, and all persons acting in concert or

participation with Defendant Hudson from continuing acts of infringement of the '742, D'982,

D'577, and D'529 patents;

C. Awarding OMS damages, including at least the profits of Defendant Hudson

attributable to the infringement, together with pre-judgment and post-judgment interest;

D. Awarding OMS enhanced damages for Defendant Hudson's willful infringement

under 35 U.S.C. § 284;

E. Awarding OMS its costs and reasonable attorney's fees; and

F. Such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.


Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38(b), OMS demands trial by jury on all

issues so triable as to this complaint.

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Dated: September 21, 2018 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

Booker T. Coleman, Jr. (6305324)
Ulmer & Berne LLP
500 W. Madison Street, Suite 3600
Chicago, IL 60661
Telephone: (312) 658-6570
Facsimile: (312) 658-6511

John F. Bennett (pro hac vice forthcoming)

Paul M. Ulrich (pro hac vice forthcoming)
Ulmer & Berne LLP
600 Vine Street, Suite 2800
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-2409
Telephone: (513) 698-5000
Facsimile: (513) 698-5153



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Plaintiff, Judge

U.S. PATENT NO. 10,022,742

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(12) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 10 ,022,742 B2

Goodwin et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 17, 2018
(54 ) APPLICATOR WITH COLLAPSIBLE WAND USPC ..... 239/332 ; 222/333, 383.3, 527, 530 , 533,
222 /538 , 381, 380 , 372
(71 ) Applicant: OMS Investments , Inc., Los Angeles , See application file for complete search history.
(72 )
@ Inventors: Randy M . Goodwin , Grove City , OH (56 ) References Cited
(US) ; Paul Havlovitz , Dublin , OH U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US ); Sean David Montag , Westerville , 241, 307 A 5 / 1881 Corwin
OH (US ); Jay F . Perkins , Pickerington , 7 / 1882 Bradley
260 ,829 A
OH (US) 337, 268 A 3 / 1886 Keedy
557 ,987 A 4 / 1896 Frank
( 73 ) Assignee : OMS Investments , Inc., Los Angeles, 813 ,254 A 2 / 1906 Sweeney
CA (US ) 1, 264 ,503 A 4 / 1918 Griffin
1 ,456 ,408 A 5 /1923 Scherer
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 1 ,521, 831 A 1/ 1925 Olvawitsz
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U . S .C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . (Continued )
(21) Appl. No.: 15 /828 ,079 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
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(22 ) Filed : Nov. 30, 2017 EP 677401 A2 10 / 1995
(65 ) Prior Publication Data (Continued )
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Related U .S. Application Data Air Wick Odor Stop Product Promotion retrieved from the Internet
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(51) Int . CI. Primary Examiner — Chee -Chong Lee
B05B 15 /652 ( 2018 . 01) (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Ulmer & Berne LLP
B05B 15 / 06 ( 2006 .01)
B05B 9 / 08 ( 2006 .01) (57) ABSTRACT
B05B 9/04 (2006 .01) An applicator comprises a housing having a liquid input, a
(52 ) U . S . CI. pump , a motor, and a power source; a trigger for providing
CPC .......... B05B 15 /652 ( 2018.02 ); B05B 9/ 0861 selective control over the pump ; a wand hingedly connected
( 2013 .01); B05B 15 /066 (2013.01); B05B to the housing ; and a nozzle coupled to the wand for
9/ 0426 (2013.01 ) discharging liquid from the applicator. The nozzle and the
(58 ) Field of Classification Search liquid input are in fluid communication via the pump and
CPC .... B05B 9 /03; B05B 9 /01 ; BO5B 1 /00 ; BO5B various conduits of the applicator.
15 /066 ; B05B 9 /0861 ; BO5B 9 /0426 ;
B05B 15 /652 51 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets


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FIG . 1a

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À couco
FIG . 1b

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FIG . 10

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115 220

120 225


FIG . 2a

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FIG . 26

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FIG , 2c
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* * * *

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FIG . 3a

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FIG . 3b

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FIG .4a

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FIG . 4b

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APPLICATOR WITH COLLAPSIBLE WAND the nozzle. Further, this configuration results in compro
mised aiming and spray targeting when the user operates the
APPLICATION Other battery powered applicators may be separate from
5 a reservoir , but these applicators also have disadvantages.
The present application is a continuation of U . S. appli - For example , U .S . Published Patent Application No. 2006 /
cation Ser . No . 13 /038 , 208, entitled “ APPLICATOR WITH 0013709 by Hudson et al. (“ Hudson” ) describes a battery
COLLAPSIBLE WAND ” , filed Mar. 1, 2011 , the disclosure powered spray wand having a reservoir remote from the
of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. applicator. TheHudson applicator is configured such that the
10 housing is divided into two portions . Generally, a lower
BACKGROUND housing contains a power supply , while an upper housing
contains a nozzle , motor, transmission and a pump portion .
1. Field of the Art The upper housing pivots relative to the lower portion , such
that a user may modify the spray angle of the nozzle by
The present invention relates to an applicator ator, and
and more
more 15 pivoting the entire top portion of the housing. The Hudson
particularly to an applicator with a collapsible wand and a applicator has several specific disadvantages . First, the
rotatable nozzle for dispensing ready -to -use liquid products , nozzle is coupled directly to the upper housing . Because the
such as fertilizer or pesticide (e.g ., herbicides, fungicides , upper housing is only pivotable relative to the lower hous
and insecticides ) compositions ing , the movement of the nozzle is limited to the range of
20 pivot of the upper housing . In this configuration of the
2 . Description of Related Art Hudson applicator, the nozzle, therefore, is only pivotable to
approximately 90 degrees. The Hudson applicator is unable
There are many known applicators for dispensing chemi housing to provide further movement. Moreover, Hudson ' s pivoting
configuration is difficult to produce and expensive
cals or other products to maintain lawns, gardens, yards, 25 to manufacture . Further, the Hudson applicator is configured
trees, shrubs, or plants . Most applicators are used with such that the power source is housed in a separate housing
ready - to -use (“RTU ” ) liquids, such as fertilizers , herbicides , from the pump, motor, and transmission . This configuration
insecticides , and fungicides, which can be dispensed directly creates potential reliability issues , as the liquid that is
from the applicator. Indeed , many handheld spray devices sprayed may leak into either the upper or lower housing ,
for spraying RTU liquid currently exist. The most common 30 thereby interfering with the electrical circuitry within the
spray devices have an integrated , all - in -one design where a applicator.
bottle is integrally formed with or removably connected to Notwithstanding the number of applicators that currently
an applicator. Such all - in -one spray devices , however, have exist ,most fail to provide for a reliable, user-friendly device
limited functionality and usefulness . For example , the that is cost -effective to manufacture and ship , easy to use
weight of the RTU liquid in the bottle can be tiring to a user 35 and safe for a user to operate . The present invention , as
when holding typical handheld spray devices . demonstrated by the several exemplary embodiments
Many conventional applicators are manually actuated or described herein , provides an applicator with a collapsible
" pump-type ” sprayers that rely upon the user to squeeze an arm with beneficial features that achieve improved function
actuation trigger to discharge the liquid from the sprayer. ality over conventional applicators. The applicator of the
These types of sprayers often possess several drawbacks. 40 apresent invention offers numerous advantages, including: (1)
single housing incorporating a power source , motor, trans
For example, such “ pump-type” sprayers require the manu mission , and pump, (2 ) a nozzle that is movable independent
ally actuated trigger and the nozzle to be in close proximity of and relative to the housing, and ( 3 ) a collapsible arm for
to one another to achieve satisfactory spray pressures and connecting in fluid communication the nozzle to the hous
fluid velocities . This configuration reduces design flexibility 45 ing
and inhibits the ability to provide applicators having a The description herein of certain advantages and disad
nozzle located at an extended distance from the actuation vantages of known methods and devices is not intended to
trigger. Furthermore, most manually actuated sprayers do limit the scope of the present invention . Indeed , the exem
not allow the nozzle , and , in particular, the spray angle of the plary embodiments may include some or all of the features
nozzle, to be adjusted dynamically in relation to the actuator. 50 described above without suffering from the same disadvan
Instead , conventional manually actuated sprayers have a tages.
fixed nozzle at a fixed location relative to the actuator.
Additionally, manually actuated sprayers tend to result in SUMMARY
operator fatigue because such sprayers require continuous
actuation of a pumping mechanism . 55 In accordance with one embodiment, an applicator is
Other conventional applicators for dispensing RTU liq - provided comprising a housing having a liquid input, a
uids incorporate an automatic pump , typically powered by pump, a motor, and a power source; a trigger for providing
battery . These applicators have many of the same drawbacks selective control over the pump; a wand hingedly connected
of the manually actuated sprayers described above. For to the housing; and a nozzle coupled to the wand for
instance , many batter powered applicators have a RTU 60 discharging liquid from the applicator . The nozzle and the
liquid reservoir that is integrated with the applicator. Again , liquid input are in fluid communication via the pump and
this requires a user to lift and carry the weight of the RTU various conduits of the applicator.
liquid while using the applicator.
In other instances, conventional applicators may com BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
prises a short nozzle that is proximate to where a user grips 65
the sprayer. This configuration results in an increased risk of Purposes and advantages of the exemplary embodiments
contact with chemical product in the event of leakage from will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art from the
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following detailed description together with the appended detail that is disclosed .Moreover, one of ordinary skill in the
drawings, in which like reference numerals are used to art will appreciate the use of the exemplary embodiments for
indicate like elements : their intended purposes and benefits in a number of alter
FIG . 1a depicts a perspective view of an applicator in native embodiments as required by specific design or other
accordance with an exemplary embodiment. 5 needs.
FIG . 1b depicts a perspective view of an applicator with With regard to the exemplary embodiments of the appli
an extended wand in accordance with an exemplary embodi- cator described herein , any part that fastens , mounts ,
ment. attaches, or connects any component to form the sprayer
FIG . 1c depicts a perspective view of an applicatorhaving shall not be limited to any particular type and is instead
a collapsed wand in accordance with an exemplary embodi- 10 intended to encompass all known and conventional fasteners
ment. like screws, nut and bolt connectors , threaded connectors,
FIG . 2a depicts a cross -sectional view of an applicator. snap rings, detent arrangements, clamps, rivets , toggles, etc .
FIG . 2b depicts a cross -sectional view of an applicator Fastening may also be accomplished by other known fit
nozzle . ments like leak - tight seals or sealing devices. Components
FIG . 2c depicts a cross -sectional view of an applicator 15 may also be connected by adhesives, glues, welding , ultra
having multiple conduits. sonic welding, and friction fitting or deformation . Ofcourse ,
FIG . 3a depicts a perspective view of an applicator and combinations of these fitment systems might be used .
applicator clip assembly . Unless otherwise specifically disclosed , materials for
FIG . 3b depicts a perspective view of an applicator clip . making components of the present invention may be
FIG . 4a depicts a container , in accordance with an exem - 20 selected from appropriate materials, such as metal, metal
plary embodiment. alloys , natural or manmade fibers , composites , vinyl, plas
FIG . 4b depicts a container, an applicator clip , and an tics , silicone , rubber , and so on . Any and all appropriate
applicator assembly. manufacturing or production methods, such as casting ,
These and other exemplary embodiments and advantages pressing, extruding , molding, or machining may be used to
will become apparent from the following detailed descrip - 25 construct the exemplary embodiments or their components .
tion, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings , Lastly, when describing exemplary embodiments of the
illustrating by way of example the principles of the various sprayer, any reference to front and back or rear, top and
exemplary embodiments . bottom , right and left, upper and lower, etc ., is intended for
the convenience of describing such embodiments only . Such
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 30 references do not limit the exemplary embodiments or its
components to any specific positional or spacial orientation .
The following description is intended to convey a thor Exemplary embodiments of the sprayer will now be
ough understanding of the embodiments by providing a described more fully with reference to the accompanying
number of specific embodiments and details involving an drawings, in which some, but not all , embodiments are
applicator with a collapsible wand . It is understood , how - 35 illustrated .
ever, that the invention is not limited to these specific With reference to FIGS . 1a - 4b , exemplary embodiments
embodiments and details , which are exemplary only. It is ofan applicator in accordance with the presentinvention are
further understood that one possessing ordinary skill in the shown . Each of the exemplary embodiments generally
art, in light of known devices, systems and methods, would includes a housing having a liquid input, a pump in fluid
appreciate the use of the invention for its intended purposes 40 connection with the liquid input, an electric motor for
and benefits in any number of alternative embodiments as driving the pump, and a power source for providing power
required on specific design or other need . to the electric motor ; a trigger in electronic communication
Terminology used for describing particular embodiments with the power source and the electric motor, wherein the
is not intended to limit the scope of an exemplary embodi trigger provides selective control over the pump ; a wand
ment. As used throughout this disclosure , the singular forms 45 hingedly connected to the housing , wherein the wand is
“ a ," " an ,” and “ the” include the plural, unless the context rotatable relative to the housing; a wand conduit in fluid
clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example , a reference to communication with the liquid input and the pump; and a
a “ conduit ” includes a plurality of conduits , or other equiva - nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid from the
lents or variations know to those skilled in the art. Further applicator, wherein the nozzle is in fluid communication
more , if in describing some embodiments or features per - 50 with the wand conduit, the pump, and the liquid input. Other
missive language ( e. g ., “may ” ) is used , that does not suggest embodiments , however, may include a rotating nozzle ,
that embodiments or features described using other language which may be further described herein , for providing a
( e . g ., " is ," " are ” ) are required . Unless defined otherwise , all variety of spray patterns. Another embodimentmay include
terms have the same commonly understood meaning that any suitable trigger mechanism for actuating a standard
one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention 55 pumping mechanism housed inside of the applicator. Each
belongs would expect them to have . of these parts generally referred to here will be described in
The accompanying figures and following description more detail below .
depict and describe exemplary embodiments of an applicator FIG . 1a illustrates an exemplary embodiment of an appli
for discharging liquid . As used throughout this description , cator 100 . It should be appreciated that all of the figures
the terms " applicator," " sprayer" or other like terms are 60 herein illustrate a simplified view of an exemplary applicator
meant to encompass a structure adapted to discharge , dis - 100 , and its components , and that applicator 100 may
pense , project, spray, etc ., liquid . In exemplary embodi- include additional elements that are not depicted . The appli
ments, the liquid to be discharged may be a fertilizer, a cator 100 may generally have a housing 105 with a grip
pesticide (e .g ., herbicide, insecticide , fungicide, etc .), or portion 110 and a trigger 120 . The applicator 100 may also
combinations thereof. It should be appreciated , however, 65 have a wand hinge 115 , a wand 125 and a nozzle 130 .
that the exemplary embodiments of the applicator described Generally , the applicator 100 may be configured such that a
throughout are not limited to any specific embodiment or user may grip the grip portion 110 of housing 105 while
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actuating the trigger 120 . The wand 125 may be coupled to wand 125 is folded to be proximate to and parallel with the
the housing 105 via wand hinge 115 , so that the wand 125 housing 105 . In other embodiments , the wand 125 may be
and nozzle 130 may be rotatable relative to the housing 105 , folded to be at any angle relative the housing 105 . The
the grip portion 110 , and the trigger 120 . configuration depicted in FIG . 1a may be desirable for a user
The grip portion 110 of housing 105 may be ergonomi- 5 that wishes to conserve space when storing the applicator
cally shaped to allow a user to comfortably grasp the 100 . Such a configuration may also provide benefits to a
applicator 100 . In an exemplary embodiment, the grip manufacturer, distributor or retailer, as the compact configu
portion 110 may include one or more ergonomic gripping ration minimizes space occupied by the applicator 100
pads or grooves (not shown ). The gripping pads or grooves during packaging , shipping , and on - shelf display. The wand
(not shown ) may be shaped to accommodate the natural 10 hinge 115 may be rotatable so that thewand 125 may extend
orientation of a user 's grip . In one embodiment, the gripping away from the housing 105 , depending upon a user's desired
pads or grooves (not shown ) may extend along the entire operating position .
grip area 110 in a substantially elongated shape . The grip . It should be understood that embodiments describing a
ping pads or grooves (not shown ) may have a varied length " wand hinge ” are exemplary only, and that in other exem
and width and may also be changed to conform to the 15 plary embodiments the wand 125 may be hingedly con
various designs of housing 105 and grip portion 110 . nected to the housing 105 . In other exemplary embodiments,
Moreover, the housing 105 may also include a liquid input the wand 125 may have hinge members (not shown ) inte
140 for coupling with a liquid conduit, such as liquid conduit grally molded onto it in order to facilitate motion relative to
260 depicted with reference to FIG . 2c . Liquid may enter the the housing 105 . In another exemplary embodiment, the
applicator 100 via liquid input 140 , where it may pass 20 housing 105 may have hinge member (not shown) integrally
through the various conduits , chambers , valves, and pumps molded onto it in order to facilitate motion relative to the
of the applicator 100 before being discharged via the liquid wand 125 . Those with skill in the art will understand that
outlet 135 of nozzle 130 . The nozzle 130 and liquid outlet there are many other ways to configure the wand 125 and the
135 may be configured to discharge liquid in any number of housing 105 in order to facilitate the above -described
ways according to any number of patterns. For example , the 25 motion of the wand 125 relative to the housing 105 .
nozzle 130 may spray liquid in a fan , jet, or shower pattern . FIG . 1b depicts an exemplary embodiment of an appli
In an exemplary embodiment, the nozzle 130 may be cator 100 with an extended wand 125 . In this exemplary
adjustable to permit a user to change the liquid spray embodiment, the wand hinge 115 has rotated 180 degrees
patterns by twisting or rotating the nozzle 130 . In other relative to the housing 105 , such that the wand 125 is fully
exemplary embodiments, the nozzle 130 may regulate the 30 extended . In this exemplary embodiment, the extended wand
spray flow , droplet size , and spray pattern of liquid as it is 125 provides a user with increased range when using the
discharged from the applicator 100 . The nozzle 130 may also applicator 100 to spray a liquid product, for example , a RTU
be adapted to discharge liquid in any number of spray liquid .
patterns, including stream jet pattern and full - cone pattern , FIG . 1c depicts an exemplary embodiment of an appli
depending upon user preference . It should be appreciated 35 cator 100 with a collapsed wand 125 . In this exemplary
that nozzle 130 may be configured in any number of ways embodiment, the wand hinge 115 has rotated so that the
to support any number of applications. wand 125 has collapsed to be proximate to and parallel with
Liquid input 140 may be located anywhere within the the housing 105 . In this exemplary embodiment, as dis
housing 105 and may be configured to couple with a liquid cussed above with regard to the exemplary embodiment of
conduit in any number of ways . For example, liquid input 40 FIG . 1a , the collapsed wand 125 provides a compact con
140 permanently house a liquid conduit. In another exem - figuration to enable more efficient shipping and storage of
plary embodiment, the liquid input 140 may be threaded so the applicator 100 . Of course , it should be appreciated that
that a threaded liquid conduit may be removably attached to FIGS . 16 and 1c depict only two ofany number of applicator
the liquid input 140 . Liquid input 140 may be removably configurations. The wand hinge 115 may be configured to
connected to a conduit in any appropriate matter, like 45 provide any degree ofrotation between the wand 125 and the
through threaded connectors , snap rings , detent arrange - housing 105 .
ments, etc . It should be appreciated that liquid input 140 may FIGS. 2a and 2c illustrate cross sectional views of appli
be configured in any number of ways to provide fluid cator 100 . Generally, the housing 105 may have any number
communication between applicator 100 and a liquid con - of internal components , including, but not limited to , power
tainer, such as liquid container 400 , described below with 50 source 205 ,motor 210 , pump 215 , and housing conduit 255 .
reference to FIG . 4 . Applicator 100 may also have a wand 125 having a wand
Trigger 120 may be located on the housing 105 . The conduit 225 . Housing conduit 255 and wand conduit 225
trigger 120 may provide a user with control over the may be fluidly connected via hinge conduit 220, which may
discharge of liquid from nozzle 130 . The location of the be housed within wand hinge 115 . In an exemplary embodi
trigger 120 and the grip portion 110 may be configured to 55 ment, housing conduit 255 , wand conduit 225 , and hinge
permit a user to grip the grip portion 110 and activate the conduit 220 may be configured to form one , continuous
trigger 120 with one hand. In other exemplary embodiments , conduit to provide fluid connection from liquid input 140 to
the trigger 120 may be ergonomically shaped or may include nozzle 130 . In another exemplary embodiment, housing
gripping pads or grooves to allow a user to easily and conduit 255 , wand conduit 225 and hinge conduit 220 may
comfortably actuate the trigger 120 when desired . When 60 be separate conduits that are fluidly connected . In one
actuated , the trigger 120 may be configured to control the exemplary embodiment, the housing conduit 255 , the wand
operation of various internal components of the applicator conduit 225 , and the hinge conduit 220 may be flexible
100 in order to affect the discharge of liquid from the nozzle tubes.
130. Exemplary configurations for such internal components Housing conduit 255 may be configured to provide fluid
are described below with regard to FIGS. 2a and 2c. 65 communication between liquid input 140 and pump 215 .
The wand hinge 115 may connect the wand 125 to the Housing conduit 255 may also provide a fluid connection
housing 105. FIG . 1a depicts an embodiment in which the between pump 215 and the remaining conduits of applicator
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100 . Housing conduit 255 and pump 215 may be configured 235 . In an exemplary embodiment, one or more of the
in any number of ways so that pump 215 may operate to plurality of second nozzle conduits 245 are configured to be
pump liquid from liquid input 140 , through the various in fluid communication with the first nozzle conduit 240. In
conduits of applicator 100 , to the nozzle 130 , where the other exemplary embodiments , the second outer portion 235
liquid may be discharged from the applicator 100 via the 5 may be rotatable relative to first outer portion 230 , such that
liquid outlet 135 . Those with skill in the art will understand the one or more of the plurality of second nozzle conduits
that any number of standard pumping mechanisms may be 245 are configured to be in selective fluid communication
employed to circulate the flow of liquid through the various with the first nozzle conduit 240, depending upon the
conduits of applicator 100 . Suitable pumps include centrifu
gal, vane , lobe, diaphragm , positive displacement, or rotary 10 rotationportion
of the second outer portion 235 relative to the first
gear pumps . While there are many different types of pumps outer 230 .
for pumping fluid from the liquid input 140 , a rotary gear having a housing aconduit
FIG . 2c depicts cross sectional view ofan applicator 100
pumpmay be effective due to its stable, non -pulsing motion , conduit 225 and a liquid 255 , a hinge conduit 220 , a wand
conduit 260. FIG . 2c also depicts
which ensures static flow during operation . Theternalpump gear
215 a liquid conduit cap 265 for coupling
may comprise either external gear pumps or internal gear 15
15 a liquid condui with a container, such
pumps. As is commonly understood in the art, the pump 215 as container 400 , which is described in more detail below
may use the meshing of gears to pump liquid , by displace with regard to FIG . 4a . It should be understood that FIGS.
ment, from a liquid source connected to the liquid input 140 . 2a and 2c depict exemplary embodiments of an applicator
In an exemplary embodiment, the liquid source may be 100 and that the various conduits of applicator 100 may be
container 400 , as described below with regard to FIG . 4a. It 20 configured in any number of ways to facilitate fluid com
should be understood , as previously mentioned , that the munication between the various components of applicator
applicator 100 is not limited to any particular type of pump 100 , as described in more detail above with regard to FIG .
mechanism . 2a .
As depicted in FIG . 2a , the applicator 100 may have a FIG . 3a depicts a perspective view of an applicator clip
pump 215 , which may be electronically coupled and driven 25 300 . The applicator clip 300 may have a clip portion 305 , a
by a motor 210 . Themotor 210 , in turn , may be powered by container attachment 310 , and a conduit guide 315 . The clip
power source 205 . The power source 205 may be a recharge portion 305 may be configured to receive an applicator , such
able battery, one -time disposable battery ( or batteries ), or as applicator 100 . Those with skill in the art will understand
battery pack . In an exemplary embodiment, the power that the clip portion 305 may be configured according to any
supply will be of sufficient voltage to adequately supply 30 number of corresponding configurations of an applicator. In
power to the internal electrical components of the motor 210 an exemplary embodiment, clip portion 305 is configured
and the pump 215 . The pump 215 may be actuated by the such that applicator 100 can be easily fastened and removed
trigger 120, which may be connected to the motor 210 . Once from applicator clip 300 by a user. The container attachment
activated , liquid may then enter the pump 215 after it flows 310 may be configured to couple with an appropriately
through the housing conduit 255 . The stream of liquid may 35 configured clip attachment, such as clip attachment 420
continue as long as the trigger 120 is depressed and the described below with reference to FIG . 4a. Moreover, the
motor 210 is driving the pump 215 . Release of the trigger conduit guide 315 may be configured to house a conduit that
120 ceases operation of themotor 210 , which , in turn , ceases fluidly connects an applicator, such as applicator 100 , to a
operation of the pump 215 . Therefore, as trigger 120 is container, such as container 400 , which is described in more
released , the flow of liquid through the various conduits of 40 detail below with reference to FIG . 4a .
applicator 100 ceases. FIG . 3b depicts an exemplary embodiment of an appli
When liquid product, for example, RTU liquid product, is cator 100 coupled to an applicator clip 300 . In addition to
dispensed — i.e ., when the pump 215 is activated by the clip portion 305 and conduit guide 315 , applicator clip 300
trigger 120 – RTU liquid is drawn from a container, such as may also include a clasp 320 . As depicted in FIG . 3b , the
container 400 described below with regard to FIG . 4 into the 45 clasp 320 may be configured to secure the applicator 100 to
liquid input 140 of the applicator 100 . The RTU liquid then the applicator clip 300 . Further, a user may remove the clasp
passes through the pump 215 , housing conduit 255 , hinge 320 in order to remove the applicator 100 from the appli
conduit 220 , wand conduit 225 , and the nozzle 130 before cator clip 300 . In another exemplary embodiment, the clasp
being discharged via liquid outlet 135 . When the trigger 120 320 may comprise a safety mechanism (not shown ) in order
is released , the pump ceases operation and the RTU liquid is 50 to prevent a child from removing the applicator 100 from the
no longer drawn from the container, ending the discharge of applicator clip 300 .
liquid via liquid outlet 135 . FIG . 4a depicts an exemplary embodiment of the con
FIG . 2b depicts a cross - sectional view of an exemplary tainer 400 for the applicator 100 (not shown ). As seen in
nozzle 130 . The nozzle 130 may have a first outer portion FIG . 4a , the container 400 may comprise a base 405 , a
230 and a second outer portion 235 . The second outer 55 cylindrical neck 425 , a handle 415 , a container opening 410 ,
portion 235 may be rotatable relative to first outer portion and a clip attachment 420 . A standard bottle cap (not shown )
230 and the rotation of the second outer portion 235 may may be configured to attach to the cylindrical neck 425 . The
provide a variety of spray patterns in which the liquid may standard bottle cap (not shown ) may have receiving grooves
be discharged via liquid outlet 135 . The nozzle 130 may also on its inside surface so that it can be threaded and secured
have a first nozzle conduit 240 and a plurality of second 60 onto the cylindrical neck 425 of the container 400 to seal the
nozzle conduits 245 . The first nozzle conduit 240 may be in contents of the container 400 . Overall, the container 400
fluid communication with the wand conduit 225 , second may define a hollow compartment to store liquid products ,
nozzle conduits 245 and the liquid outlet 135 .Moreover, the for example , RTU liquid products , such as fertilizers , her
first outer portion 230 may have an anchor portion 250, for
b icides, insecticides , fungicides, and combinations thereof.
mating with the wand 125 . 65 A typical container 400 may contain , for example , a gallon
The plurality of second nozzle conduits 245 may be of liquid product, but may also hold any other amount. The
formed in various configurations within second outer portion handle 415 may have a plurality of ergonomic recesses or
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raised grips spaced around the handle 415 . The container tainer is coupled to the housing by the liquid conduit
400 may further be translucent in order to monitor the RTU such that the container remains external to and separate
liquid levels. from the housing .
Referring now to both FIGS. 2c and 4a, the liquid conduit 2 . The applicator of claim 1, wherein the nozzle com
260 may be configured to have a liquid conduit cap 265, 5 prises:
which may be configured to fasten over the cylindrical neck a first nozzle portion having a first nozzle conduit; and
425 in order to provide fluid communication between the a second nozzle portion having several second nozzle
liquid in liquid container 400 and liquid conduit 260 . The conduits ;
liquid conduit cap 265 may be configured to seal the wherein the second nozzle portion is rotatable relative to
contents of container 400 , except for the liquid thatmay flow the first nozzle portion and wherein one or more of the
from the container 400 to the applicator 100 when the liquid several second nozzle conduits align with the first
conduit 260 and the liquid conduit cap 265 when the nozzle conduit depending upon a position of the second
container 400 is attached thereto . The container 400 may nozzle portion relative to the first nozzle portion .
also include a clip attachment 420 for providing an anchor 16. 3 . The applicator of claim 2 , wherein a configuration of
point for the clip assembly 300. the several second nozzle conduits creates a variety of liquid
FIG . 4b illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a clip spray patterns depending upon the position of the second
assembly 300 coupled to a container 400 . In the exemplary nozzle portion .
embodiment depicted in FIG . 4b. The applicator 100 is 4 . The applicator of claim 2 , wherein the second nozzle
secured within the clip assembly 300 . This exemplary con - 20 portion and the several second nozzle conduits are config
figuration is beneficial because it conserves space and pro - ured such that none of the several second nozzle conduits
vides efficiencies related to packaging, manufacturing, ship - align with the first nozzle conduit when the second nozzle
ping and storage . portion is rotated to a particular position relative to the first
In the preceding specification , various exemplary embodi nozzle portion .
ment have been described with reference to the accompa - 25 5 . The applicator of claim 2 , further comprising a single
nying drawings . It will, however, be evidence that various liquid outlet in fluid communication with the several second
modifications and changes may be made thereto , and addi- nozzle conduits for discharging liquid from the nozzle .
tional exemplary embodiments may be implemented , with - 6 . The applicator of claim 1 , wherein the wand is rotatable
out departing from the broader scope of the embodiments as via the wand hinge through an arc up to about 180 degrees
set forth in the claims that follow . The specification and 30 between the first position and the second position .
drawings are accordingly to be regarded in an illustrative 7 . The applicator of claim 1 , wherein the housing further
rather than restrictive sense . comprises a curved grip portion .
8 . The applicator of claim 1, wherein the housing and the
The invention claimed is : trigger are configured such that a user may grip the housing
1. An applicator configured to dispense liquid comprising: 35 and actuate the trigger with only one hand.
a housing, comprising : 9 . The applicator of claim 1, wherein the power source
a pump, comprises at least one battery.
an electric motor for driving the pump, 10 . The applicator of claim 1 , further comprising a clip
a power source for providing power to the electric coupled to the container, wherein the housing and the clip
motor, and 40 are configured to be removably attached to one another .
a flexible housing conduit in fluid communication with 11 . The applicator of claim 1 , wherein a plane , defined by
the pump" T ,; an arc through which the wand swings between the first
a trigger in electronic communication with the power position and the second position , intersects the housing .
source and the electric motor, wherein the trigger 12 . The applicator of claim 1 , wherein the pivot point of
provides manual selective control over the pump such 45 the wand hinge is located internal to the housing .
that when the trigger is depressed , the pump is actuated 13 . The applicator of claim 1 , further comprising a liquid
and when the trigger is released , the pump ceases conduit cap configured to be connected to the liquid conduit,
operation ; the liquid conduit cap for providing a sealing interface
a wand connected to the housing via a wand hinge that is between the container and the liquid conduit to facilitate
configured to allow the wand to be collapsed against 50 fluid communication between the container and the pump.
the housing in a first position and extended away from 14 . The applicator of claim 1, wherein the wand com
the housing in a second position , the wand hinge prises a wand conduit in fluid communication with the
comprises a hinge conduit engaging the flexible hous - pump.
ing conduit and that curves around a pivot point of the 15 . The applicator of claim 14 , wherein the flexible
wand hinge such that when the wand is collapsed 55 housing conduit provides fluid communication between the
against the housing in the first position , the hinge pump and the wand conduit.
conduit keeps the flexible housing conduit apart from 16 . The applicator of claim 14 , wherein the nozzle is in
the pivot point of the wand hinge ; fluid communication with the pump via the wand conduit,
a nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid from the hinge conduit, and the flexible housing conduit .
the applicator, wherein the nozzle is in fluid commu- 60 17 . The applicator of claim 16 , wherein the flexible
nication with the pump; and housing conduit, the wand conduit, and the hinge conduit
a liquid conduit having a proximal end in fluid commu- form a continuous conduit to provide the fluid communica
nication with the pump and a distal end that extends tion from the pump to the nozzle.
externally from the housing , the distal end is configured 18 . The applicator of claim 16 , wherein one of the wand
to connect to a container that is external to and separate 65 conduit and the hinge conduit comprises a flexible tube .
from the housing such that when the distal end of the 19 . The applicator of claim 1 , wherein the housing further
liquid conduit is connected to the container, the con comprises a liquid input; and
Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-1 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 20 of 21 PageID #:34

US 10 ,022 ,742 B2
wherein the pump is in fluid communication with the 26 . The system of claim 20, wherein the wand is rotatable
liquid conduit via the liquid input. via the wand hinge through an arc up to about 180 degrees
20 . A system for dispensing liquid comprising : between the first position and the second position .
a container containing a ready -to -use liquid product and 27 . The system of claim 20 , wherein the housing further
comprising a cylindrical neck and a container opening ; 5 comprises a curved grip portion .
and 28 . The system of claim 20 , further comprising a clip
a housing, comprising: coupled to the container, wherein the housing and the clip
a pump, are configured to be removably attached to one another.
an electric motor for driving the pump , 29. The system of claim 20 , wherein the wand comprises
a power source for providing power to the electric 10 a wand conduit in fluid communication with the pump; and
motor, and wherein the flexible housing conduit provides fluid com
a flexible housing conduit in fluid communication with munication between the pump and the wand conduit.
the pump; 30 . The system of claim 20 , wherein the wand comprises
a trigger in electronic communication with the power a wand conduit in fluid communication with the pump; and
source and the electric motor, wherein the trigger 15 wherein the nozzle is in fluid communication with the
provides manual selective control over the pump such pump via the wand conduit, the hinge conduit, and the
that when the trigger is depressed , the pump is actuated flexible housing conduit.
and when the trigger is released , the pump ceases 31 . The system of claim 30 , wherein the flexible housing
operation ; conduit, the wand conduit, and the hinge conduit form a
a wand connected to the housing via a wand hinge that is 20 continuous conduit to provide the fluid communication from
configured to allow the wand to be collapsed against the pump to the nozzle .
the housing in a first position and extended away from 32 . The system of claim 30 , wherein one of the wand
the housing in a second position , the wand hinge conduit and the hinge conduit comprises a flexible tube .
comprises a hinge conduit engaging the flexible hous- 33 . The system of claim 20, wherein the housing further
ing conduit and that curves around a pivot point of the 25 comprises a liquid input; and
wand hinge such that when the wand is collapsed wherein the pump is in fluid communication with the
against the housing in the first position , the hinge liquid conduit via the liquid input.
conduit keeps the flexible housing conduit apart from 34 . A system for dispensing liquid comprising :
the pivot point of the wand hinge ; a container containing a ready -to - use liquid product and
a nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid from 30 comprising a cylindrical neck and a container opening ;
the system , wherein the nozzle is in fluid communica and
tion with the pump ; and a housing, comprising:
a liquid conduit having a proximal end in fluid commu a pump,
nication with the pump and a distal end that extends an electric motor for driving the pump,
externally from the housing and connects to the con - 35 a power source for providing power to the electric
tainer via a liquid conduit cap such that when the distal motor, and
end of the liquid conduit is connected to the container, a flexible housing conduit in fluid communication with
the container is coupled to the housing by the liquid the pump ;
conduit such that the container remains external to and a trigger in electronic communication with the power
separate from the housing ; 40 source and the electric motor , wherein the trigger
wherein the liquid conduit cap providing a sealing inter provides manual selective control over the pump such
face between the container opening and the liquid that when the trigger is depressed , the pump is actuated
conduit to facilitate fluid communication between the and when the trigger is released , the pump ceases
container opening and the pump. operation ;
21 . The system of claim 20 , wherein the ready -to - use 45 a wand connected to the housing via a wand hinge , the
liquid product comprises one of a fertilizer or pesticide . wand comprising a wand conduit;
22 . The system of claim 20 , wherein the nozzle com the wand hinge is configured to allow the wand to be
prises : collapsed against the housing in a first position and
a first nozzle portion having a first nozzle conduit ; and extended away from the housing in a second position ,
a second nozzle portion having several second nozzle 50 the wand hinge comprises a hinge conduit that engages
conduits ; and is in fluid communication with the flexible housing
wherein the second nozzle portion is rotatable relative to conduit and the wand conduit, the hinge conduit curves
the first nozzle portion and wherein one or more of the around a pivot point of the wand hinge such that when
several second nozzle conduits align with the first the wand is collapsed against the housing in the first
nozzle conduit depending upon a position of the second 55 position , the hinge conduit keeps the flexible housing
nozzle portion relative to the first nozzle portion . conduit apart from the pivot point of the wand hinge ;
23 . The system of claim 22 , wherein the second nozzle a nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid from
portion and the several second nozzle conduits are config the system , wherein the nozzle is in fluid communica
ured such that none of the several second nozzle conduits tion with the wand conduit; and
align with the first nozzle conduit when the second nozzle 60 a liquid conduit having a proximal end in fluid commu
portion is rotated to a particular position relative to the first nication with the pump and a distal end that extends
nozzle portion . externally from the housing and connects to the con
24 . The system of claim 22, further comprising a single tainer via a liquid conduit cap such thatwhen the distal
liquid outlet in fluid communication with the several second end of the liquid conduit is connected to the container,
nozzle conduits for discharging liquid from the nozzle . 65 the container is coupled to the housing by the liquid
25 . The system of claim 20 , wherein the pivot point of the conduit such that the container remains external to and
wand hinge is located internal to the housing . separate from the housing ;
Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-1 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 21 of 21 PageID #:35

US 10 ,022,742 B2
13 14
wherein the liquid conduit cap providing a sealing inter configured to connect to a container that is external to
face between the container opening and the liquid and separate from the housing .
conduit to facilitate fluid communication between the 40 . The applicator of claim 39, wherein the nozzle com
container opening and the pump. prises:
35 . The system of claim 34 , wherein the wand is rotatable 5 a first nozzle portion having a first nozzle conduit; and
via the wand hinge through an arc up to about 180 degrees a second nozzle portion having several second nozzle
between the first position and the second position . conduits ;
36 . The system of claim 34 , wherein the pivot point of the wherein the second nozzle portion is rotatable relative to
wand hinge is located internal to the housing . the first nozzle portion and wherein one or more of the
37 . The system of claim 34 , wherein the nozzle is in fluid 10 several second nozzle conduits align with the first
communication with the pump via the wand conduit, the nozzle conduit depending upon a position of the second
hinge conduit, and the flexible housing conduit.
38 . The system of claim 37 , wherein the flexible housing nozzle portion relative to the first nozzle portion .
41 . The applicator of claim 40 , wherein the second nozzle
conduit , the wand conduit , and the hinge conduit form a 15 portion
po suchandthat
continuous conduit to provide the fluid communication from 15 ured the several second nozzle conduits are config
none of the several second nozzle conduits
the pump to the nozzle . align with the first nozzle conduit when the second nozzle
39 . An applicator configured to dispense a liquid com portion is rotated to a particular position relative to the first
prising : nozzle portion .
a housing comprising :
a pump, 42. The applicator of claim 40, further comprising a single
an electric motor for driving the pump, liquid outlet in fluid communication with the several second
a power source for providing power to the electric nozzle conduits for discharging liquid from the nozzle .
motor, and 43 . The applicator of claim 39 , wherein the wand is
rotatable via the wand hinge through an arc up to about 180
a flexible housing conduit in fluid communication with 05 degrees between the first position and the second position.
the pump; 44. The applicator of claim 39 , wherein the housing
a trigger in electronic communication with the power further comprises a curved grip portion .
source and the electric motor, wherein the trigger
provides manual selective control over the pump such the45wand
. The applicator of claim 39 , wherein the pivot point of
hinge is located internal to the housing .
that when the trigger is depressed , the pump is actuated 46 . The applicator of claim 39 , wherein the wand com
and when the trigger is released , the pump ceases 30 prises a wand conduit in fluid communication with the
operation ; pump.
a wand connected to the housing via a wand hinge that is
configured to allow the wand to be collapsed against housing 47 . The applicator of claim 46 , wherein the flexible
the housing in a first position and extended from 25 pump andconduit
away hinge provides fluid communication between the
the housing in aa second
second position
position , the
the wand
wand hinge 35 pump an the wand conduit.
48 . The applicator of claim 46 , wherein the nozzle is in
comprises a hinge conduit engaging the flexible hous
ing conduit and that curves around a pivot point of the the fluid communication with the pump via the wand conduit ,
wand hinge such that when the wand is collapsed hinge conduit, and the flexible housing conduit .
against the housing in the first position , the hinge 49 . The applicator of claim 48 , wherein the flexible
conduit keeps the flexible housing conduit apart from 40 housing conduit, the wand conduit, and the hinge conduit
form a continuous conduit to provide the fluid communica
the pivot point of the wand hinge;
a nozzle coupled to the wand for discharging liquid from tion from the pump to the nozzle.
the applicator, wherein the nozzle is in fluid commu conduit 50. The applicator of claim 48 , wherein one of the wand
nication with the pump; and and the hinge conduit comprises a flexible tube.
51. The applicator of claim 39 , wherein the housing
a liquid conduit having a proximal end and a distal end, 45 further
at least a portion of the proximal end of the liquid comprises a liquid input; and
conduit is within the housing and is in fluid commu wherein the pump is in fluid communication with the
nication with the pump, the distal end of the liquid liquid conduit via the liquid input.
conduit extends externally from the housing and is * * * *

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Plaintiff, Judge

U.S. PATENT NO. D670,982

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-2 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 2 of 10 PageID #:37

(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D670,982 S

G00dwin et al. (45) Date of Patent: . Nov. 20, 2012
(54) APPLICATOR 2,248,701 A 7, 1941 Fowler
2,293,390 A 8/1942 Hengesback
(75) Inventors: Randy M. Goodwin, Grove City, OH 35A, A E. St.
(US); Paul Havlovitz, Dublin, OH (US); 56 A 3: SEle
Ryan R. Berger, Columbus, OH (US); 2.460,545 A 2/1949 Spreng
Paul Hsu, Lewis Center, OH (US); 2,485,723 A 10/1949 Fitzgerald
Michael T. Kopczewski, Grove City, OH 2,536,361 A 1/1951 Flanders
(US); Timothy Michael Martin, 336 A 3 WHC
Westerville, OH (US); Jay E. Perkins, 2,603388 A 7, 1952 Bryant
Pickerington, OH (US) 2,647,798 A 8/1953 Ballard
- Continued
(73) Assignee: SMG Brands, Inc., Wilmington, DE (Continued)
(**) Term: 14 Years EP O 591 601 9, 1992
(21) Appl. No. 29/386,483
(22) Filed: Mar. 1, 2011 International Search Report
p for International Patent Application
pp No.
(51) LOC (9) Cl. .................................................. 08-01 PCT/US2009/069396 mailed Mar. 1, 2010.
52) U.S. Cl. ............................................................ D8/2
(52) (Continued)
(58) Field of Classification Search ...... D8/2: D23/224,
D23/225; 239/302,308,316,310,318, 525, Pri Exami Sherv1 L,
239/542, 602 rimary Examiner-Sheryl Lane -- - -
See application file for complete search history. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Hunton & William LLP
(56) References Cited (57) CLAM
The ornamental design for an applicator, as shown and
241.307 A 5, 1881 Corwin DESCRIPTION
260,829 A 7/1882 Bradley
337,268 A 3/1886 Keedy
557,987 A 4, 1896 Frank FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an applicator.
813,254 A 2/1906 Sweeney FIG. 2 is a front elevation view thereof.
1.264,503 A 4, 1918 Griffin FIG. 3 is a rear elevation view thereof.
1456,408 A 5, 1923 Scherer FIG. 4 is a side elevation view thereof.
1,521,831 A 1/1925 OlvawitSZ
1,544,503 A 6/1925 Wayne FIG. 5 is an opposite side elevation view thereof.
1,595,231 A 8/1926 Dryer FIG. 6 is a top plan view thereof; and,
1,631,951 A 6, 1927 McAnsh FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view thereof.
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2,050,522 A 8, 1936 Evans et al. of the claimed design.
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Plaintiff, Judge

U.S. PATENT NO. D736,577

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-3 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 2 of 10 PageID #:47

(12) G00dwin
UnitedetStates Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D736,577 S
al. (45) Date of Patent: . Aug. 18, 2015
(54) APPLICATOR 557,987 A 4, 1896 Frank
813,254 A 2/1906 Sweeney
(71) Applicant: OMS Investments, Inc., Los Angeles, 1.264,503 A 4, 1918 Griffin
1456,408 A 5, 1923 Scherer
CA (US) 1,521,831 A 1/1925 OlvawitSZ
1,544,503 A 6/1925 Wayne
(72) Inventors: Randy M. Goodwin, Grove City, OH 1,595,231 A 8/1926 Dryer
(US); Paul Havlovitz, Dublin, OH (US); 1,631,951 A 6, 1927 McAnsh
Ryan R Berger, Columbus, OH (US); 1912,759 A 6, 1933 Clark
Paul Hsu, Lewis Center, OH (US); (Continued)
Michael T. Kopczewski, Grove City, OH
(US); Timothy Michael Martin, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Westerville, OH (US); Jay F. Perkins, EP O 591 601 9, 1992
Pickerington, OH (US) EP O 677 401 10, 1995
(73) Assignee: OMS Investments, Inc., Los Angeles, (Continued)
(**) Term: 14 Years International Search Report for International Patent Application No.
PCT/US2009/069396 mailed Mar. 1, 2010.
(21) Appl. No.: 29/475,913 (Continued)
(22) Filed: Dec. 9, 2013
Primary Examiner — Sheryl Lane
Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Hunton & Williams LLP
(63) Continuation of application No. 29/433.244, filed on (57) CLAM
Sep. 27, 2012, now abandoned, which is a continuation The ornamental design for an applicator, as shown and
of application No. 29/386,483, filed on Mar. 1, 2011, described.
now Pat. No. Des. 670,982.
(51) LOC (10) Cl. ................................................ 08-01 DESCRIPTION
(52) U.S. C.
USPC ............................................... D8/2; D23/223 FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an applicator.
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 2 is a front elevation view thereof.
USPC ............... D8/2; D23/224, 225; 239/302,308, FIG. 3 is a rear elevation view thereof.
239/316,310,318, 525,542, 602 FIG. 4 is a side elevation view thereof.
See application file for complete search history. FIG. 5 is an opposite side elevation view thereof.
FIG. 6 is a top plan view thereof; and,
(56) References Cited FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view thereof.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The broken line showing of the applicator is included for the
purpose of illustrating portions of the article and forms no part
241.307 A 5, 1881 Corwin of the claimed design.
260,829 A 7/1882 Bradley
337,268 A 3/1886 Keedy 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets

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Plaintiff, Judge

U.S. PATENT NO. D797,529

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-4 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 2 of 10 PageID #:57

(12) Goodwin
United etStates
Design Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US D797 ,529 S
* * Sep . 19 , 2017
(45) Date of Patent:
(54 ) APPLICATOR (56 ) References Cited
(71) Applicant: OMS Investments , Inc., Los Angeles , U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS
CA (US) 241, 307 A 5 / 1881 Corwin
260 , 829 A 7 / 1882 Beadley
(72 ) Inventors: Randy M . Goodwin , Grove City , OH 337 , 268 A 3 / 1886 Keedy
(US); Paul Havlovitz , Dublin , OH 557 , 987 A 4 / 1896 Frank
(US ); Ryan R . Berger , Columbus, OH 813 ,254 A 2 / 1906 Sweeney
(US ); Paul Hsu , Lewis Center, OH (Continued )
(US ); Michael T. Kopczewski, Grove
Martin , Westerville , OH (US ); Jay F .
Perkins, Pickerington , OH (US) EP 0591601 A1 6 / 1996
EP 0798158 A2 10 /1997
( 73 ) Assignee : OMS Investments , Inc., Los Angeles, (Continued )
(* * ) Term : 15 Years International Search Report for International Patent Application No.
(21) Appl. No.: 29 /591,145 PCT/US2009/069396 , dated Mar. 1, 2010 .
(22 ) Filed : Jan . 17, 2017 (Continued )
Primary Examiner — Sheryl Lane
Related U .S . Application Data (74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Ulmer & Berne LLP
(63 ) Continuation of application No. 29 /532 ,941, filed on (57 ) CLAIM
Jul. 13 , 2015 , now Pat . No. Des. 779,898 , which is a The ornamental design for an applicator, as shown and
continuation of application No. 29 /475 ,913 , filed on described .
Dec. 9 , 2013 , now Pat. No. Des . 736 ,577 , which is a DESCRIPTION
continuation of application No. 29 /433 ,244 , filed on
Sep . 27 , 2012 , now abandoned , which is a FIG . 1 is a perspective view of an applicator.
continuation of application No. 29 /386 ,483 , filed on
Mar. 1 , 2011 , now Pat. No. Des . 670,982 . FIG . 2 is a front elevation view thereof.
FIG . 3 is a rear elevation view thereof.
(51) LOC (10 ) CI. .... ........ ... 08 -01 FIG . 4 is a side elevation view thereof.
(52 ) U .S . CI. FIG . 5 is an opposite side elevation view thereof.
USPC ........... ..... .... 18 / 2 FIG . 6 is a top plan view thereof; and ,
(58 ) Field of Classification Search FIG . 7 is a bottom plan view thereof.
USPC . ... D8/2; D23 /224 , 225 ; 239/ 302 , 308 , 316 , The broken line showings of the applicator are included for
239/310 , 318 , 525 , 542 , 602 the purpose of illustrating portions of the article and form no
CPC .......... B05B 7 / 2421; B05B 9 /01; B05B 1 /00 ; part of the claimed design .
E03C 1 /046 ; A01G 25 /023
See application file for complete search history. 1 Claim , 6 Drawing Sheets

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Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-4 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 9 of 10 PageID #:64

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Plaintiff, Judge


Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-5 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 2 of 5 PageID #:67
John F. Bennett
DIRECT 513.698.5152
DIRECT FAX 513.698.5153

December 15, 2017


H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company

c/o CT Corp System Inc., Statutory Agent
1010 Dale St N
St Paul, MN 55117–5603

Re: Infringement of ScottsMiracle-Gro Patents

Dear Sir or Madam:

Ulmer & Berne LLP represents OMS Investments Inc. ("ScottsMiracle-Gro") in

various matters, including certain intellectual property-related matters.

ScottsMiracle-Gro is the owner of U.S. Patent Nos. D670,982, D736,577,

D779,898, and D797,529, copies of which are enclosed. ScottsMiracle-Gro is also the
owner of pending utility patent application No. 15/828,079.

Generally, the patents relate to wand applicators. Below are exemplary figures
from each of the four patents:





U.S. Patent No. D670,982 U.S. Patent No. D736,577


600 Vine Street FIRM 513.698.5000 FAX 513.698.5001

Suite 2800
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2409

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-5 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 3 of 5 PageID #:68

H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company

December 15, 2017
Page 2 of 4

U.S. Patent No. D779,898 U.S. Patent No. D797,529

ScottsMiracle-Gro has learned that Central Garden & Pet Company ("Central
Garden") sells applicators that are the same or substantially the same as ScottsMiracle-
Gro's patented designs. These products of Central Garden include at least the
"Eliminator Weed and Grass Killer Ready-To-Use Liquid Trigger with Wand," pictured

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-5 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 4 of 5 PageID #:69

H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company

December 15, 2017
Page 3 of 4

We understand that H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company ("Hudson")

manufactures at least the infringing wand applicator of these products. Such
manufacture and sale therefore constitutes infringement of ScottsMiracle-Gro's patents.

ScottsMiracle-Gro takes its patents very seriously, and it will take any and all
necessary steps to prevent infringement. By close of business December 29, 2017,
please provide the following:

1. Written confirmation that Hudson has stopped importing into the United
States and stopped making, offering for sale, selling, distributing, and marketing to
persons in the United States the applicator wand of the "Eliminator Weed and Grass
Killer Ready-To-Use Liquid Trigger with Wand" and all other applicators that are the
same or substantially the same as ScottsMiracle-Gro's patented designs (the "Infringing

2. A written statement detailing Hudson's importation into the United States

and sales to persons in the United States of the Infringing Products, including the
quantities that Hudson sold, the revenue that Hudson received, and Hudson's total
profit; and

3. Written confirmation that Hudson will hold all remaining inventory of the
Infringing Products pending resolution of this matter and that Hudson will preserve all
documents and information (both electronic and hardcopy) relating to ScottsMiracle-
Gro's patents and Hudson's importation, manufacture, marketing, and sales of the
Infringing Products.

Once we have received the above information, ScottsMiracle-Gro would be

willing to discuss an amicable resolution of this matter. If we do not receive the
foregoing within the specified time, however, ScottsMiracle-Gro is prepared to authorize
this firm to pursue any and all appropriate legal action.

Please note that, should ScottsMiracle-Gro be required to file suit, Hudson's

continued infringement constitutes willful infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 284, entitling
ScottsMiracle-Gro to treble damages. In addition, ScottsMiracle-Gro will seek its
reasonable attorneys' fees under 35 U.S.C. § 285 in connection with any such litigation.

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-5 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 5 of 5 PageID #:70

H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company

December 15, 2017
Page 4 of 4

This letter is written without prejudice to any of ScottsMiracle-Gro's other rights

and claims under applicable federal or state law, all of which are hereby expressly

Very truly yours,

John F. Bennett


cc: Robert J Kosinski, CEO

500 N Michigan Ave #2300
Chicago, IL 60611

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 1 of 10 PageID #:71




Plaintiff, Judge


Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 2 of 10 PageID #:72
John F. Bennett
DIRECT 513.698.5152
DIRECT FAX 513.698.5153

August 14, 2018


Richard M. LaBarge, Esq.

Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
233 South Wacker Drive
6300 Willis Tower
Chicago, IL 60606-6357

Re: Infringement of ScottsMiracle-Gro Patents

Dear Mr. LaBarge:

We have reviewed your email in response to our letter to Hudson of December

15, 2017, regarding its infringement of ScottsMiracle-Gro patents.

As an initial matter, we respectfully disagree with your conclusion regarding

Hudson's infringement related to the wand applicator (the "Accused Wand Applicator").
As is clear from the images in my letter, an ordinary observer would conclude that the
Accused Wand Applicator design is substantially the same as the patented designs of at
least U.S. Patent Nos. D670,980 and D797,529.

In addition, U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742, owned by ScottsMiracle-Gro (the "'742

patent"), has recently issued. And Hudson's Accused Wand Applicator likewise
infringes at least one claim of that utility patent. Enclosed are copies of the '742 patent
and an initial infringement review, identifying, on a limitation-by-limitation basis,
Hudson's infringement of exemplary claim 1 of the patent.

We thus request—again—that Hudson provide the following:

CLEVELAND 1. Written confirmation that Hudson has stopped importing into the United
States and stopped making, offering for sale, selling, distributing, and marketing to
persons in the United States the Accused Wand Applicator of the "Eliminator Weed and
CINCINNATI Grass Killer Ready-To-Use Liquid Trigger with Wand" and all other applicators that are
the same or substantially the same as ScottsMiracle-Gro's patented wand applicators
(the "Infringing Products");

2. A written statement detailing Hudson's importation into the United States

ULMER.COM and sales to persons in the United States of the Infringing Products, including the
quantities that Hudson sold, the revenue that Hudson received, and Hudson's total
profit; and

600 Vine Street FIRM 513.698.5000 FAX 513.698.5001

Suite 2800
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2409

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 3 of 10 PageID #:73

Richard M. LaBarge, Esq.

August 14, 2018
Page 2 of 2

3. Written confirmation that Hudson will hold all remaining inventory of the
Infringing Products pending resolution of this matter and that Hudson will preserve all
documents and information (both electronic and hardcopy) relating to ScottsMiracle-
Gro's patents and Hudson's importation, manufacture, marketing, and sales of the
Infringing Products.

If we do not receive the foregoing by August 31, 2018, ScottsMiracle-Gro has

authorized this firm to file suit against Hudson for patent infringement.

This letter is written without prejudice to any of ScottsMiracle-Gro's other rights

and claims under applicable federal or state law, all of which are hereby expressly

Very truly yours,

John F. Bennett


Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 4 of 10 PageID #:74

Hudson Initial Infringement Analysis

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 5 of 10 PageID #:75

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742: Exemplary Claim 1

1. An applicator configured to
dispense liquid comprising:
a housing, comprising:
an electric motor for driving the
a power source for providing
power to the electric motor, and

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 6 of 10 PageID #:76

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742: Exemplary Claim 1

a flexible housing conduit in fluid
communication with the pump;
a trigger in electronic
communication with the power
source and the electric motor,
wherein the trigger provides
manual selective control over the
pump such that when the trigger
is depressed, the pump is
actuated and when the trigger is
released, the pump ceases

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 7 of 10 PageID #:77

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742: Exemplary Claim 1

a wand connected to the housing
via a wand hinge that is
configured to allow the wand to
be collapsed against the housing
in a first position and extended
away from the housing in a
second position,

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 8 of 10 PageID #:78

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742: Exemplary Claim 1

the wand hinge comprises a
hinge conduit engaging the
flexible housing conduit and that
curves around a pivot point of the
wand hinge such that when the
wand is collapsed against the
housing in the first position, the
hinge conduit keeps the flexible
housing conduit apart from the
pivot point of the wand hinge;

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 9 of 10 PageID #:79

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742: Exemplary Claim 1

a nozzle coupled to the wand for
discharging liquid from the
applicator, wherein the nozzle is
in fluid communication with the
pump; and

Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 10 of 10 PageID #:80

U.S. Patent No. 10,022,742: Exemplary Claim 1

a liquid conduit having a proximal
end in fluid communication with
the pump and a distal end that
extends externally from the
housing, the distal end is
configured to connect to a
container that is external to and
separate from the housing such
that when the distal end of the
liquid conduit is connected to the
container, the container is
coupled to the housing by the
liquid conduit such that the
container remains external to and
separate from the housing.
Case: 1:18-cv-06451 Document #: 1-7 Filed: 09/21/18 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:81
The ILND 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose
of initiating the civil docket sheet. (See instructions on next page of this form.)

(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Los Angeles, CA County of Residence of First Listed Defendant
(Except in U.S. plaintiff cases) (In U.S. plaintiff cases only)
Note: In land condemnation cases, use the location of the tract of land involved.

(c) Attorneys (firm name, address, and telephone number) Attorneys (if known)
Ulmer & Berne LLP - 500 W. Madison Street, Suite 3600
(312) 658-6570

(Check one box, only for plaintiff and one box for defendant.)
1 U.S. Government ■ 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government not a party) Citizen of This State 1 1 Incorporated or Principal Place 4 4
of Business in This State

2 U.S. Government 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State 2 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 5 5
Defendant (Indicate citizenship of parties in Item III.) of Business in Another State

Citizen or Subject of a 3 3 Foreign Nation 6 6

Foreign Country
IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Check one box, only.)
110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY 10 Motions to Vacate Sentence 710 Fair Labor Standards Act 375 False Claims Act
120 Marine 310 Airplane 365 Personal Injury - +DEHDV&RUSXV 720 Labor/Management Relations 376 Qui Tam (31 USC 3729 (a))
130 Miller Act 315 Airplane Product Product Liability 530 General  740 Railway Labor Act 400 State Reapportionment
140 Negotiable Instrument Liability 367 Health Care/ 535 Death Penalty 751 Family and Medical 410 Antitrust
150 Recovery of Overpayment 320 Assault, Libel & Slander Pharmaceutical  540 Mandamus & Other Leave Act 430 Banks and Banking
& Enforcement of Judgment 330 Federal Employers’ Personal Injury 550 Civil Rights 790 Other Labor Litigation 450 Commerce
151 Medicare Act Liability Product Liability 555 Prison Condition 791 Employee Retirement 460 Deportation
152 Recovery of Defaulted Student 340 Marine 368 Asbestos Personal Injury 560 Civil Detainee – Conditions Income Security Act 470 Racketeer Influenced and
Loans (Excludes Veterans) 345 Marine Product Liability Product Liability of &RQILQHPHQW Corrupt Organizations
153 Recovery of Veteran’s Benefits 350 Motor Vehicle 480 Consumer Credit
160 Stockholders’ Suits 355 Motor Vehicle PERSONAL PROPERTY PROPERTY RIGHTS 490 Cable/Sat TV
190 Other Contract Product Liability 370 Other Fraud 820 Copyrights 850 Securities/Commodities/
195 Contract Product Liability 360 Other Personal Injury 371 Truth in Lending 830 Patent Exchange
196 Franchise 362 Personal Injury - 380 Other Personal 835 Patent – Abbreviated 890 Other Statutory Actions
Medical Malpractice Property Damage New Drug Application 891 Agricultural Acts
385 Property Damage 840 Trademark 893 Environmental Matters
Product Liability 895 Freedom of Information Act
896 Arbitration
210 Land Condemnation 440 Other Civil Rights 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 625 Drug Related Seizure 861 HIA (1395ff) Act/Review or Appeal of
220 Foreclosure 441 Voting 423 Withdrawal 28 USC 157 of Property 21 USC 881 862 Black Lung (923) Agency Decision
230 Rent Lease & Ejectment 442 Employment 690 Other 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) 950 Constitutionality of
240 Torts to Land 443 Housing/ 864 SSID Title XVI State Statutes
245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations IMMIGRATION 865 RSI (405(g))
290 All Other Real Property 445 Amer. w/Disabilities - 462 Naturalization $SSOLFDWLRQ
Employment +DEHDV&RUSXV
446 Amer. w/Disabilities - FEDERAL TAXES
Other 2WKHU,PPLJUDQW 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff
448 Education $FWLRQV or Defendant)
871 IRS—Third Party
26 USC 7609

V. ORIGIN (Check one box, only.)

■ 1 Original 2 Removed from 3 Remanded from 4 Reinstated or 5 Transferred from 6 Multidistrict 8 Multidistrict
Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened Another District Litigation Litigation
(specify) Direct File
VI. CAUSE OF ACTION (Enter U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing and VII. Previous Bankruptcy Matters (For nature of suit 422 and 423, enter the case number and
write a brief statement of cause.) judge for any associated bankruptcy matter previously adjudicated by a judge of this Court. Use a separate
attachment if necessary.)
Patent Infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 271 et seq.
VIII. REQUESTED IN Check if this is a class action Xnder 5ule DEMAND $ > 75,001.00 Check Yes only if demanded in complaint.
COMPLAINT: Damages, Injunction  23, F.R.CV.P. JURY DEMAND: Yes No
IX. RELATED CASE(S) (See instructions)
IF ANY Judge &DVHNumber
Date Signature of attorney of record
9/21/2018 /s/ Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

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