Sample Letter of Resignation For Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Member

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Sample letter of resignation for tenured or

tenure-track faculty member

This letter should be addressed to the Chair of the tenure home department with a copy
the head of any other unit in which the faculty member holds a joint appointment

Prof. ____________, Chair

Department of ________________
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Dear Dr. _______________

I, Professor ________________ of the Department of ___________ voluntarily resign

from my continuous appointment [or simply "appointment" for an untenured faculty
member] as a member of the academic-administrative staff of the University of Nebraska
and hereby retire [leave out reference to retirement if inappropriate] from University
service effective at the close of business on the ____ day of ___________ [normally be
the end of either the fall or spring semester].

[The faculty member can add any other comments he or she wishes in subsequent


(name of faculty member)

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