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Theory, Culture & Society

McKenzie Wark
Theory Culture Society 2006; 23; 320
DOI: 10.1177/026327640602300242

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320 Theory, Culture & Society 23(2–3)

collaborative filtering. We need a language in References

which to appraise the Google page rank algo-
rithm. An examination of the de-politicization of Arquilla, J. and D. Ronfeldt (2001) Networks and
algorithms will help. Netwars. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
A final ramification of protocological organiz- Bey, H. (2003) T.A.Z. New York: Autonomedia.
ation and control is that it mandates the creation Baran, P. (1964) On Distributed Communications.
of new models for political intervention. Networks, Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
rhizomes, ‘grass roots’ movements – these were all Deleuze, G. (1986) Foucault. Minneapolis, MN:
effective diagrams for political control under University of Minnesota Press.
modernity. But after the powers-that-be have Deleuze, G. (1990) Negotiations. New York:
migrated into the distributed network, thereby co- Columbia University Press.
opting the very tools of the former Left, new Deleuze, G. and F. Guattari (1987) A Thousand
models for political action are required. A new Plateaus. Minneapolis, MN: University of
exploit is necessary, one that is as asymmetrical in Minnesota Press.
relationship to distributed networks as the distrib- Foucault, M. (1978) The History of Sexuality, Vol.
uted network was to the power centers of 1. New York: Vintage.
modernity. In the meantime anti-protocological Foucault, M. (1997) Ethics: Subjectivity and
movements have emerged such as Hakim Bey’s Truth. New York: New Press.
model of the temporary autonomous zone (2003), Hall, E. (2000) Internet Core Protocols: The
or the Electronic Disturbance Theatre’s system of Definitive Guide. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.
online electronic swarming. And in the realm of the Shannon, C. and W. Weaver (1998) The
non-human, computer viruses and worms have Mathematical Theory of Communication.
innovated, perhaps totally haphazardly, a new Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
model of protocological infection and disruption Stevens, W.R. (1994) TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume
that takes advantage of the homogeneity of distrib- 1. New York: Addison-Wesley.
uted networks and their ability to propagate infor- Thacker, E. (2004) Biomedia. Minneapolis:
mation far and wide with ease. At the same time University of Minnesota Press.
hackers seek out logical exploits in software that Von Bertalanffy, L. (1976) General System
allow for inversions and modulations in the normal Theory. New York: George Braziller.
functionality of code. These techniques, if not fully Wiener, N. (1965) Cybernetics, or Control and
formed themselves, will provide a way forward for Communication in the Animal and the
understanding protocological control and counter- Machine. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
protocological practices.
Alexander R. Galloway is an assistant professor at
New York University. He is the author of Protocol:
How Control Exists After Decentralization (MIT
Press, 2004) and a founding member of the
software development group RSG.

McKenzie Wark

which at MIT were called ‘hacks’. The term hack

Keywords class, computing, ethics, infor-
migrated from this general student inventiveness
mation, intellectual property
to a more specific sense of creative invention with
given materials in the context of electrical engi-
neering, out of which computing as a distinct disci-

he figure of the ‘hacker’ is a new and pline was to grow.
distinctive one in the social history of the Not all computing at MIT or elsewhere quali-
late 20th century. The hacker probably first fied as ‘hacking’. It had distinct qualities. ‘To
emerged out of the electrical engineering labs at qualify as a hack, the feat must be imbued with
the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). innovation, style and technical virtuosity’ (Levy,
As on many campuses, MIT students had a 1994: 23). Hacking was at once an aesthetic and
tradition of creating attention seeking pranks – an ethic, in which cooperation among hackers
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Problematizing Global Knowledge – Network 321

was achieved through their mutual desire for social order, for the hacker is a figure that speaks
recognition, achieved via improvements or to the ideal of a kind of labor that finds its own
modifications to each other’s programming code. time, that sets its own goals, and that works on
As Richard Stallman, a legendary figure in hacker common property for the good of all. As Michael
culture, says: ‘It was a bit like the garden of Eden. Hardt and Antonio Negri argue, many of the new
It hadn’t occurred to us not to cooperate’ kinds of labor processes that emerged in the late
(Williams, 1992: 76). 20th century have a distinctively cooperative
The academic environment in which hacking element. ‘The central forms of productive cooper-
first emerged contributed greatly to the ethic of ation are no longer created by the capitalist as part
collaboration on shared goals via competition for of the project to organize labor but rather emerge
recognition. What was distinctive was the exten- from the productive energies of labor itself ’
sion of recognizably academic social processes into (Hardt and Negri, 2004: 113). The hacker is the
this new technical area. Hackers were, at the same embodiment of this self-organized labor.
time, largely indifferent to formal recognition The rise of the hacker meets an antithetical
within the academy or industry. The recognition of development in the rise of strict and extensive
one’s peers was what mattered. intellectual property law. At MIT, hackers worked
Early development of computing at MIT, freely on each other’s code, gave code to others
Stanford and elsewhere was heavily dependent on and did not secure their files – to do so would only
funding provided by the Pentagon, which offered invite others to circumvent the security. This
very broad support for basic computing research model of free, self-organized labor took place
in the 1950s and 1960s. This certainly contributed under very special conditions – in research labs
to the rather special culture of hacking. As the with large amounts of Pentagon funding. Yet it
Pentagon narrowed its research interests, and provided an ethic of working with information that
commercial computing industries grew, hacker spread far beyond this academic setting. The
culture came under pressure from administrative sharing of information became a hallmark of early
and commercial imperatives. It survived, for a Internet culture. This was perceived to be an
time, due to the high demand for scarce comput- obstacle to its development as a commodity by the
ing skills. new forms of business that wanted to invest in it.
Hacking persists as something of a governing The crackdown on hacker culture in its more
ideal in programming. A ‘hacker ethic’, with roots transgressive sense, and the containment of the
in early computing research experience, exists as hacker ethic in its more benign sense, are two parts
something like a craft sense of what programming of the process of the commodification of comput-
as a kind of labor ought to be. Hackers, who ‘want ing networks in the interests of restricting the free
to realize their passions’, present ‘a general social movement of information and the expansion of the
challenge’, but the realization of the value of this concept of information as private property. If an
challenge ‘will take time, like all great cultural early slogan of hacker culture has it that ‘infor-
changes’ (Himanen, 2001: 7, 18, 13). mation wants to be free’, it finds itself, to borrow
As computing became a pervasive force with from Rousseau, ‘everywhere in chains’ (Wark,
the rise of the Internet, ‘hacking’ developed a 2004: 126).
second meaning – it named the process of explor- With the rise of corporations based on comput-
ing computer networks. In many cases this was ing as labor and information as property, hacker
benign. The Internet was a new and not well- culture responded with new legal models within
understood phenomenon, and hackers in this sense which hacker culture might survive. These would
were explorers of this new terrain. However, once include the Free Software Movement, and its more
computer networks were conceived as a new form corporate offshoot, the Open Source Movement
of ‘property’, transgressions of these putative (Moody, 2001). The Creative Commons
property boundaries were quickly criminalized Movement seeks a broader platform for collabora-
(Sterling, 1993). A ‘moral panic’ ensued, in which tive labor with information (Lessig, 2004). Where
the hacker appeared as a new kind of folk devil, corporations dependent on information generally
recklessly invading networks, interrupting essen- seek policy solutions that turn copyrights and
tial services, stealing state secrets or credit card patents into absolute private property rights, the
numbers. In order to preserve the original meaning Creative Commons Movement extends the hacker
of the term hacker, those who exploit weaknesses ethic to all information, seeking forms of legal
in computer networks for criminal reasons are protection for collaborative labor.
sometimes referred to as ‘crackers’. More broadly still, the hacker may be the
Nevertheless, even the most benign, creative, symptom of a broader class struggle over infor-
ethical and aesthetic version of the idea of the mation, which pits those who produce it – hackers
‘hacker’ presents something of a challenge to the in the very broadest sense – against those who own

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322 Theory, Culture & Society 23(2–3)

the means of realizing its value – the corporations Moody, G. (2001) Rebel Code. Cambridge, MA:
whose value is increasingly defined not by tangible Perseus Publishing.
assets, but by portfolios of patents, copyrights and Sterling, B. (1993) The Hacker Crackdown. New
brands. Thus, the hacker may turn out to be a very York: Bantam.
important social category for understanding labor, Wark, M. (2004) A Hacker Manifesto.
the commodity and private property in the infor- Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
mation age. Williams, S. (1992) Free as in Freedom: Richard
Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software.
References Sebastapol, CA: O’Reilly.

Hardt, M. and A. Negri (2004) Multitude. New

York: Penguin Books.
Himanen, P. (2001) The Hacker Ethic and the McKenzie Wark is the author of A Hacker Mani-
Spirit of the Information Age. New York: festo (Harvard University Press, 2004), Virtual
Random House. Geography (Indiana University Press, 1994) and
Lessig, L. (2004) Free Culture. New York: Penguin. other works. He teaches at Eugene Lang College
Levy, S. (1994) Hackers: Heroes of the Computer and The New School for Social Research in New
Revolution. New York: Penguin. York City.

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