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B.M, BbICOLKHH, A.II, TOPHH JIEBIOTHAA QJHUMKJIONE TNA 110 PYCCKHM IWIALUIKAM Tomi Cueremer ¢ 1.¢3-b4 Jleéror Kocak Mockna 2004 aK 74 bk 75.582 Buscoucit BLM., Fopun AT. B52 Me6iorwan sumaKaoneren ne tmanncan. ‘Toot I Cnet ¢ Leib4 febwt Kocae / BM. Busconnal, ATL Pope. sBOCTOK-H3]1AT», 2004, — 304 ¢, Mi wecicp BM thacocont ascep copra eo ms, Hames ‘sim W HSNATAN ATT Popes, aocacaasian epeuaanpoein Ach «KOCaKH Yyronmum tot pio Gonee 42 nooperiracixa nape ton. TB pafore wat maraaow Kocax | Copreaa= axtwmum yHacreonst axe Memynagevanu rpuccuctsrep HA. Munces aaj coun,» Hore Sar x eae cero A. Boron H. Borgen, B. Joiwesoa, ©, Karon, A Cann M. Cacmsoa, A Posm, A. Hepaumeiee pyre. Jhon psarpon minke 1 pgp ate Aamopes Grodan 2a acess modiepoery HM Apocoss, 4 B. Eopot EB, on di Rendaipont, Bil. Pecmanerses sO Spaces KOCAK KMACCMYECKMA L.ch4 fg5 2.2f4 gf6 3.bc3 beS Abas ghd. Nocae 21x xo08 nowammcact ‘OCHORIAR NONE XapaRTEpHOR ain jeSiora «Kocwn, KoropAalt MMeMNOH aNreparype Hoaywer ‘oGpaioe HuSBAMe KaaccHTe- ‘exoro, B sapwcipsocru oF xoz08 Geaux um seprix paceuorpam ‘mieeTi cutcren paswurit: I Succ ‘hg?, U1. S.cdd fg, TIL S.chd fe, TV, Saabd, V, S.cb2 w VI. Sigs. (Cuerema I: S.cd4 hg7 |, KOTOR nocae 7...fe5, Gyaer paceworpe- a » O6parwoM Kocaxe. Tp ovwere epmuax 7...fgS rps esommTex wo #TOOM ciCTE- Me, ROTOpAK paccMOTpeHa Rca. B noxmuen, wobpaxcinott na JANArpaMMe, PaccMoTpHs BOCeML PRUMCONI mapuauToR cnc ayiowest nopaaKe: I Big’, I ‘SifeS (HL. 8.fe5) hf 9:e:25 abs, TV. 9...de5, V. 9...gh6, VIL 3 9g, VIL 9...feS 10.gh6 cb6, ‘VIL. 10,..R66. Bapuanr 8... fe be, Ha 9dc¥? pemmer crannapr- vas xondienanen: 9..hg8 10.8h6 cbf I ace dch2x, Mlocne 9.be3 y Hopunrx werupe mpononxenit: 1. 9,062, I. 9.04, ML 9.916 WIV. 9.6. Hposo.raeune I: 9...cb62 1Waaze7 d:h6, ig3, LLed4. Mxoxo L.cb4? bas I2de3 (12.gh2 ares 13d:b4 (96 IAbaS fe5 15.ab6 edd 16.0:c5 sexx) 12...gf6 13.ed2. (130d eed Mabtb2 fe 1S.cb2 of 1hbe3 abés —I7-gh2— fg5x) 13...fg7! Medd ee3 © warp men. I1...e¢3 I2d:b4 baS, Eom 12.,.cd4 Tee bit 14.baS! sf, 10 15.cb2! fwuo ne 1S.ed2 fgS 16.de3 de3 H7.abt, kax yeaxano 6 paGome AC. Yepnonmugra, AT. Topuus, BM. Biacoyxooo «lle- Grom aKocaxs %. I (oaiee ok, % Ts) co: conincolt na H. Kynepiea wa Tax xox nocse TSbeS debt [9.aret credyem 19.06, Beane mouioit uzpott pune: ‘Bade3 fe? 23.ba3 ed6 24d bas 2Sd:b6 ace? 26abA cbt 27.baS eS 2Bredd gied 29.d:b6 ed2=]$ fea [5..fe5 pewacm Wabt ged 17.beS a:b WBaceSx: na 15.feS 16.0d? fo W2bed d:b2 Barc! edt (18, fe? W9de3x) 19.ch2 fg? 20.de3 de3 Bhbrdd deS 22.d:b6 ased 23,705 fld Mab c:aT 2.ereSx). 1646 eS 17.02 hes 18.be3 d4b2 19.a3¢1 ¢ muserpannoft no compvelt y Gemux. T3ed2 asc} Md:bd gf 1S.ed2 fe5 16.de3. Tipomrpumser 16gh2? we-1a 16,..e04 17.bas eS 18.f2b4 dex i6..fg7. — Konesno, ne To..ed4? 17.ecc5 fgT mouny I8igh2 gf6 19.fg5 b:t4 2.cdd ead 21.gg7, w Gene pierre savor. i7baS odd 1ercS did? 19.4208 del 20.5 gf6 21.646, ¥ Geamx snawieremnoe ripenmy= meer, Hponasxenme II: 9...0d4 10.c:¢5 hgS LLL:h6 dh, UUpesauxyupie nome Lcbt fs 2ght gf6.3.bc3 beS dibaS ghd S.cdd ing] 6db6 oc} Tab? bal BlhgS fe Shes). 4 A2ed4. Ec 12de3, 10 12..hg3 13.84 cbt IaceS ebb 1Sac? d-2 16.c3 belt, wy wep ax necKomxD ayHRE, Mocne 12cb2_ gf6 13.de3 (I3.bed bd Maes cb6 15.a:c7 db? 16.de3 bedded fe5 18.ed? efx) 13_cb 14.ace5 bg3 1S.fh4 ché 16.27 J-f2 I7e:g3 bef y sepmax neGommice npe- mayutectEo. B napmim A. Toosmara — H. Bencamer, 1965 r., namme Gut- 10; 18.¢d4 ab 19.653 baS 20.gh2 ed6 21deS dbs 2aceS tes 2hgS fed U.c86 exT 25.916 cd6 26.97 deS 27.hg3, u meas Heyaosnersopuremno 12.ef8 wy-aa 12.26. Hanpastep: 13.de3 cbt 14a cb6 1Sacc7 cb? Ica ab6x. 12,..c2€3 L3.d:64 cA6 Led, Ecan 14fg3 bf? I5e-g3, 10 15...gf6 16.feS fhd4 17.ab4 heft 18S d:b6 19.a:g3 © mpewny- ceTBow epimx, 14...g06 1S.dc3 feS 16g3 hsf2 17.e:g3 ab6 18.a:c7 d:b6! © Gonee nepenextuanolt urpolt y epuanx. Tiparosmcemme HIE: 9.366 ‘Mipemanyame sous: Vcbt fps 2ight gF6 3.hc3 beS dbus ghd Sct ge3 16.662, 1o 16...de5 17.02 ef4 18.be3 fe5 19.403 fed 2.c:el hgS 21.cd2 git © mpm hg? Grdbé acS 7.ab? ha? Bg} fe5 Mepto panwoit mrpoit. be3). 10.chd fg5 1.de3 eff 120d. Throxo 12.004 exc3 13.b:d2 fg7 14.ab6 ccaS 1Sdc3 de7 Wedd cb6 17.cd2 abs 18.dc3_ bed? 19.e:c3 baS 24:66 accS 21 cit cb4 22me7 fe8 23deS de7 2A.cdd Bed 25.deS (25.cd6 €3c5 26.0:{8 ab4x) 25..ab4 26.033 et? 27.ab4 dex. 20203 1d? s B apron Hi. Toxyeapon ~ B. Mima, 1998 r,, mocagaonano: ‘2de3 fg3 edd ec} 2d.bid2 gh? 25.de3 gf6 26.c14 ub6 27.ub4 de? 28.fp5 fe5 29.gh6 ef H0.ed2 ed4 31.de3 hg} 32e:a7 get 3B.beS ep3? (33.66! 3d.a:e7 eg3=) S4hg7 Ch8 35ab8 ght 346.boe5 hg3 37.ea 1x. Hexoppexrva xcepraa nian: 14.gf4? eg3! (nocie H4...g7e3 IS fudd y Cemex necosso ay we. Tsaxo, nanpuswep, 15..hg5? W6.de5 de? I7.cd8! eed Wab6 aS 19.ef2 ced 2W.gh2 aed 2Lhf8 dibb 22.0:c5 edb 23.c:95 Aj6 WfeS feS Beg oft 26.gf2t) 15.cd4 gh? (15...deS? HideS cb6 I7.a:c? dat# Hates de3 I9ib:d2 gh2 2.abs oft 2LbeS feS 22.cb6 aic5 23.edd), W6de3 de? 17.cd2 eS 18.de3 14.24. Moawio urpars 14...ef4 15.g:e5 £b2 16.be5 ibd Haat gf 18.e:g8 hil 19.ab2 feS 20.be3 hgS 21.abd gf, 1, Hiwarnox — A. Xpueron, 1995 r, 1S.e:eS ch6 16.a:e7 d:b2 17.baS bal. Ha 17.,..hg5? nocine- ayet ISab+ bal 19.cb2 ad 2W.beS dib6 2ae?, w Gente BUMEpUBAIOT, ‘R.abd eft 19.g:08 dsf6 20.be5 H4.cd4 e3 © pannoil urpol, Pasnernenne II: 13...fe7 (Hipewsaymme soma: lech tus gf 3.be3 beS Aba ghet Sica hy? 6alb6 acS Jab? ba? Bg? fe be3 5 Webs FyS Ude3 ef Ped co3 13.2). M4.gh2 eb6, Ben 14...ab6, 10 ISed$ ee} 16.fe3 edd 17.be5 bd 18aa7 feS 19db4 ght Weel eS (20,.ef6 2beS db Parc fed 23,f:dd e:c3 Meb6=) 21, mamay 16ba5 beS 7.cbd pf 18.ab6 fe3 19.d:f4 [25 20.b:d8 gel 2U.beS bf? 22.e-g3 gib6 Z.daSx. H6.be5. Moxno 16.de3 ab6 Ved4t © panusism nomeoacio- ‘opm. 16...de7. Tlocne —16...be7 17.de3 cb6 TR.ed4! stepiiiie Mo- ‘yt dopcmpopars — mirusio: 18,..g4 19.ef2 fg8! 20.6 b:b2 ZLaccl fe3 22.fd4 h:f2 23.0: ghd Bde} erg5 25.cd2 hi 26.e;g1 ab6 27.hg3 de7=, Amazes rpocemeficrepa A. Doscua, Wades eh6 IKedt bas 19.fe3 (nsf 20.e:g1 c panenicrnom. Mlance nomeommno: 20...0ft ‘21 gf? fe3 22.fg3 ef 23.gf4 ge} ‘2heig3 abd 2SiccaS ed? 26.63 ed 27.c:g5 biid2=. Pagnernsenne Il I4.azcT dsb6t 13...006 1S.baS. Homax 15.cb2? nan 15.gh2? meaury 15...deSx. Ana 15dc3? mocaeayer 15g I6ex$ bb? © Gomume pe worymecraom ¥ sepasex. 18..fe7 16.a:e7 debi I7.ab4 ¢ HeHCeTEAORANHOR —_TpHMEpHO anol urpoi. ‘Bo mpmm B. Amos — B. Myponica, 1997 1, aamame Gui 0: 17...ab6 18.ba5 gf 19.a:¢7 fh2 20.cd8 ed6 21d'gS b:f6. 22.de3 ba? heS 24 bad ef 2S.ed2 feS 26.cd6 ght 27.4:16 deS 2Rf-dd fg3 29.deS gel ‘W.cfb hg 31.407 gf2 32.g:03 bgt 33.008 gal 34.daS=. Paspernacnne Sg (ipsmaryuone scm: Leb eS 2.gf4 lb 3.3 beS d.baS ght Sic Ng] G.db6 ac Tab ba Sig fe5 S.be3 gf6 f_5 11.dc3 ef 12.084 03 13.42).

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