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Personal Address Fasagem Pav ¢c0, 18 67113190 nanindeva, PA brandon carmichael @ teambrazi org vow teambrazilorg { Sending Church Victory Baptist Church Pastor Daniel Milroy albianny @ ‘ww shalbion 07g Sending Agency Baptist Hid Misions PO Box 308011 Cleveland, OH 44130-8011 info@ ‘www bmm.o1g Praise the Lord For: ~ Baby #2 ~ Great VBS in July "New people at church who are interested in membership Pray For: ~ Baby #2 = Current counseling ministries = Our upcoming furlough in No- vember = On-going weekly teaching tres, both in the seminary and at the church September, 2018 Dear Praying Friends and Family, ‘Another semester is upon us, busy as usual. Adding to the business of this semester is the fact that we are preparing for our first furlough. We will be spending three months in the States, from November through January. We are looking forward to seeing many of you again. If we're not going to catch you for this fur ough, hopefully next year! This semester Brandon is teaching two courses: Biblical Theology of the Prophetic Books and Exegetical Method We are very encouraged at haw Gad is cantinuing to provide and grow the Rible College. Last month we finished remodeling a classroom. The classroom we have been using for class is actually the office of our co-worker, Rubens. A partner church in New York provided! much of the resources necessary for the remodel, and a business-owner here in Belém purchased tables for the classroom, Please be in prayer for our module project out in the city of Santarém. We mentioned in our last letter ur plans to teach classes there all through the month of July. In early summer we received word that the students were not going to be able to get the necessary time off from work, etc. to take classes the whole month, Rubens has already purchased his tickets, so he went and taught classes for two weeks for those ‘who could make it. Please pray for that ministry as we re-evaluate our strategy and approach to meet the needs there, “Things are going well at our church as well In luly we had our VAS, which brouight hetween 15-70 kids each day. This month began our Bible club. Some of the children from VBS have come and have even showed up at Sunday Schoo! Please be praying for this outreach. Also, in our last prayer letter we men- tioned as a praise some new folks who are interested in membership. Between us and our co-worker, we ‘are currently doing discipleship with three families to prepare them for membership. Itis thing to see so many folks growing in their faithfulness to Christ and the local church, Please pray fora young man, named ance, wth winom Brandon has ben doing an evangelistic Bible study. Ii that he would un: derstand his need to appropriate the q 4 #] Gospel for himself ‘ ‘And finally, in some of the biggest news ‘we have to share: WE ARE EXPECTING "42" We are anticipating the arrival of another litle gid in late February of 2019. Please keep mommy and the baby in your prayers. Emily has been juggling her many responsiblties on top of the tiredness of preanancy. Thank you all for your prayers and for keeping up with our ministry. You are in our prayers! i Pant fn ee

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