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1. Political Science – Systematic study of state and government.

2. Political – derived from the Greek word “POLIS” – meaning a city or the
sovereign state.
3. Science – comes from the Latin “SCIRE” – means to know.
a. It is the basic knowledge and understanding of the state and the
principles and ideals which underlie its organization and activities.
b. It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into
“body politic” or in a political community.
c. It deals with those relations among men and groups which are
subject to control by the state with the relations of men and groups
to the state itself and the relations of the state to other state.
5. History – is a study of the various facts of human life and is closely linked
with other social sciences which make a specific study of different facts of
human life.
a. Religious Stage – the government, its leaders and laws was
considered as divine or divinely inspired.
b. Metaphysical Stage – the state was considered as a human
institution and it is therefore absolute (cannot be changed).
c. Modern Stage – the state was deemed capable of being improved
by rulers and subjects according to certain principles and laws.
a. Aristotle:
i. Wrote “Politics”, the first systematic work on political affairs.
ii. Father of Political Science.
b. Niccolo Machiavelli
i. Wrote “The Prince”, a handbook for rulers in the art of
ii. Father of Modern Political Science.
c. Prof. Francis Lieber
i. Wrote “Manual of Political Ethics”; the first systematic treatise
in political science.
8. State - a group of people, more or less, numerous, permanently
occupying a definite portion of territory, independent of external control,
and possessing a government to which a great body of inhabitants render
habitual obedience.
a. People
i. Different meanings as used in the 1987 Constitution:
1. Inhabitants (sec. 2, Article III; sec. 1, Article XIII)
2. Citizens (secs. 1 & 4, Article II; sec. 7, Article III)
3. Electors (sec. 4, Article VII)
ii. As a requisite for Statehood, there should be an adequate
number of self-sufficiency and defense; both men and women
for perpetuity.
b. Territory
i. Sec. 1, Article 1 – The national territory comprises the
Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters
embraced therein, with all other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its
terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial
sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other
submarine areas.
c. Government
i. The agency or instrumentality, through which the will of the
State is formulated, expressed and realized.
ii. Our Constitution, however, requires our government to be
democratic and republican.
iii. Sec. 1, Article II: The Philippines is a democratic and
republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all
government authority emanates from them.
iv. Republican – It is one wherein all government authority
emanates from the people and is exercised by representatives
chosen by the people.
v. Democratic – This emphasizes that the Philippines has some
aspect of direct democracy such as initiative and referendum.
d. Sovereignty
i. The supreme and uncontrollable power innate in a State by
which the State is governed.
ii. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government
authority emanates from them, sec. 1, Article II.
a. State is a legal or juristic concept, while
b. Nation is an ethnic or racial concept.
c. Nasci = to be born indicates a relation of birth or origin and implies
a common race.
d. Thus, a nation may comprise several states, i.e. Egypt, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, etc. belong to the Arab State.
11. Citizenship – Legal or juristic. Can be changed or taken-back.
12. Nationality – Ethnic or racial. Absolute and innate.
a. Terrestrial – land
b. Fluvial – internal waters
c. Aerial Domains – aerospace
d. Marine – external waters both surface and sub-aquatic
14. DUTIES of the STATE:
a. Peace and Order
b. Political Harmony (Good Laws)
c. Social Justice
d. Economic Development
a. Divine Theory – the state is of divine origin, all political authority
emanates from God.
b. Social Contract Theory – this theory states that men agreed
among themselves to live under one civil society or body politic. A
person surrendered his natural liberty but gained in return the
protection and civil rights guaranteed by the governments.
c. Force Theory – the state has arisen through sheer force; a tribe
conquering other tribes to form a kingdom.
16. Public Administration – is the implementation of government policy and
also an academic discipline that studies this implementation and prepares
civil servants for working in the public service.

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