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In a world where technological advancements are almost as fast as the blink of an eye,

it is inevitable that the demand for electricity and energy consumption rises along. As

societies continue to advance and the standards of the humans continue to ascend, it seems

that the search for new and continuous sources of energy have become essential for everyone

as the society’s economy depended heavily on the power that runs the factories and plants for

the products to move.

A perfect example for this is the Philippines’ Region 4A, CALABARZON. The

economic success of this region, for instance, mostly rests upon the presence of factories and

several companies that utilize power sources aside from the agricultural production of the

region. The Philippine Statistics Authority reported that in 2013, the share of the region to the

Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the country amounts to 17.4%. Figure 1 (see

Appendix A) shows that this share coming from the industrial sector of the region. (2013


This is not surprising, given the industrial economic zones that can be found in the

region itself. One of its provinces, Laguna, harnesses the most power in the region, as it is

one of the major business hubs of the country. Dubbed as the “Detroit and Silicon Valley of

the Philippines,” it is home to eighteen industrial parks – the largest concentration in the

country, consisting mostly of semiconductor manufacturers and major automotive assembly

lines (Inquirer). Meanwhile, Cavite also houses an important economic zone. The other

remaining provinces in the region’s need for energy come heavily from the agricultural

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In a report submitted by the Department of Energy, the industrial sector’s energy

requirements of the region continue to rise, as there seems to be a continuous addition of

prospects as well as a desire to improve production and sales. As of 2006, the sector

consumes as much as 5.75 MTOE (million tons of energy), with the manufacturing industry

consuming 95% of it while the remaining 5% is distributed among the mining and

construction industries. But by the studies, the demand grows exponentially at an average of

4.3% every year, with petroleum comprising the greatest demand for fuel source. This, in

turn, will push the country’s overall energy requirement to rise up by 3.8% at the end of the

year (Salire 7). Mathematically, the industry sector is expected to be using as much as 8

MTOE in 2015.

But one must note that it is not only the industrial sector that has a great demand for

energy. According to statistics, 96% of the Philippine households in the urban setting have

access to electricity, as compared to the rural setting that only has 65% rate. Annually, the

country uses an estimate of 586 KWH (kilowatt-hours), and the increasing demand for energy

consumption had the Philippines utilizing an equivalent of 310,000 kilotons of crude oil in

2007 alone (Ahmad et al. 510).

However, it is also undeniable that the price of traditional sources we get our energy

from like fossil fuels, coal, and crude oil in the world market is not stable, giving these non-

renewable sources the economic disadvantage for industrial factories, as well as the

environmental disadvantages these resources are bringing. Moreover, these resources have

limited potential and with the current demand for these in the world market accelerate its

depletion, rendering them unavailable in the near future.

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The Need of CALABARZON for Tidal Energy

In an article posted by Interaskyon, the Philippines’ 4th region, CALABARZON,

contains the highest concentration of semiconductor manufacturers and automotive

industries. This makes the region among the highest consumers of electricity in the industrial

sector of the country. (

Currently, a large part of the region, Luzon for this matter, is dependent on the

Malampaya Natural Gas Platform for energy source. The said platform generates as much as

2,700 megawatts of energy. With much energy generated, it supplies 40 to 45% of Luzon’s

overall electricity demand, including the household, industrial, and agricultural aggregate of

the region. (Overview of Malampaya)

However, there has been no consistency in the distribution of energy. Still, there are

instances by which the energy produced by the platform does not meet the demands of the

different sectors, causing power outages in the country. Just this October of 2014, the

Department of Energy’s Undersecretary Raul B. Aguilos warned in a press conference that

the department has forecasted a three to four hour power outage in Luzon during the summer

of 2015. This is due to the scheduled maintenance shutdown of the Malampaya Natural Gas

Platform. (

But the problem is that the issues regarding the electricity generation capacity of

Luzon overall branches out extensively that it is insufficient to resolve these problems at

once. World Bank explores four main predicaments with relation to power shortages. “First,

existing generation units are aging and exhibit reliability issues, as seen in their high outage
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rates. Second, the inadequacy of contingency and operating reserve capacities are becoming

more apparent. Third, additional generation capacity is expected to come online later rather

than sooner, and start-up risks can further delay operations. Finally, the international natural

gas market is currently inaccessible, because of the lack of liquefied natural gas import

terminals. This means that investments in gas-fired generation, which is the cheapest option

in terms of capacity cost per installed megawatt, are more difficult.” (World Bank 40)

Therefore, there is always a need for humans to continuously search for new

alternative sources of energy to continuously sustain the supply and demand cycle in the

market. Given the location of the region, one of the viable renewable sources of energy that

has still to be tapped is the sea, particularly the tides that sleep beneath the waters.
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Tidal Energy: The Basics, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Tidal energy is a kind of renewable energy harnessed from the power of the ocean’s

current, or tides. This kind of technology is something that is new – it dates back to as early

as the Middle Ages where the people have always depended on the sea not only for trading

and navigation but also for resources and energy supply. This is evident in the tide mills that

date back to the 8th century built on the Spanish, French, and British coasts. Farmers built tide

mills on dam-like ponds to act as catch basin for the inflow and outflow of water from the

sluices to the water wheels. However, in these times, tidal energy is only harnessed to provide

mechanical energy. It has only been in recent years that it has been discovered as a potential

source for the generation of electricity.

Figure 2 (see Appendix A) shows how tides work. Tides, as explained by physics, is

the regular rise and fall of water level on the ocean’s surface as dictated by the gravitational

pull of both the sun and the moon on Earth, with the latter having more influence over the

movement of the tides due to its proximity in relation to Earth about an approximation of 2.2

times greater the gravitational pull of the sun (Boyle et al. 398). In most coastlines around the

world, there are two kinds of tides that move twice 24 hours in a day. These are the ebb tides

and the flow tides, with which the difference between the two should be at least 15 feet so

that a coastline can be tapped as possible location for a tidal power facility (Mongillo 105).

The motion of the tides makes tidal power a good source of electricity, as the

phenomenon of the boundless shift of tides is inevitable and foreseeable. With the constant

lunar and solar gravitational forces surrounding the earth, the sea level changes intermittently,

creating the tides. This phenomenon, despite the variance in the intensity of forces and the
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local geographical features, generates a large amount of kinetic energy enough to generate


There are different tidal power technologies that can be built on potential locations

depending on the nature of the area. One of these technologies, the tidal barrage, is a dam

typically used to convert tidal energy into electricity by generating it from water pushed to

turbines. When there is enough difference in the level of water on the opposite sides, the

gates are opened to permit passage of water through the turbines in order to run the generator

(Fan 6). These tidal barrages designed to generate energy from tide shifts utilizes turbine

positioned on the water passages. Given that tides possess energy, the conversion between

potential to kinetic energy occurs when, due to the divergent water, levels between barrages

water from the higher level passes through the turbines at a higher speed. This rotational

kinetic energy of the blades is what creates the electricity.

Another technology, tidal fences, is cheaper to install than tidal barrages. Consisting

of individual, vertical turbines mounted on a fence called caisson, this technology works by

blocking channels to force water through them. Although it can still disrupt the marine life

and shipping industries, this technology bears significantly less impact on the environment,

as it does not require flooding unlike tidal barrages (Fan 7). However, the tidal currents must

achieve a speed of six to nine miles per hour in order to spin the generator blades (Mongillo


Meanwhile, tidal turbines are so far the most convenient to set-up, as these wind

turbine-looking technology is installed in locations where tidal flow is strong. Arrayed in

rows underwater, Fan advises, “The turbines function best where coastal currents run at
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between 3.6 and 4.9 knots (4 and 5.5 mph). In currents of that speed, a 15-meter (49.2 feet)

diameter tidal turbine can generate as much energy as a 60-meter (197 feet) diameter wind

turbine. Ideal locations for tidal turbine farms are close to shore in water depths of 20-30

meters (65.5-98.5 feet).” (Fan 7)

While it may be true that tidal energy could be a great potential for a renewable

energy, it should also be noted that the costs involved in developing it requires high initial

expenses. The difficulty in funding its development is one of the main hindrances for the

development of this energy source. As the US Department of Energy Efficiency and

Renewable Energy states, “It does not cost much to operate tidal power plants, but their

construction costs are high, which lengthens payback periods. As a result, the cost per

kilowatt-hour of tidal power is not competitive with conventional fossil fuel power” (Tidal

Energy Basics). However, this effect is almost negated by the longevity of tidal power plants,

which, according to studies, runs for at least 75 to 100 years compared to 35 years of a

conventional power plant. Definitely, tidal power plants have long life spans and has low

maintenance cost, thus reducing the price by which people can access its energy and making

it cost-competitive.

In relation, it should also be noted that the expenses incurred for the development of

one tidal power plant would quickly be recovered. This gives us one of the major advantages

of tidal energy, which lies on economic efficiency. When looked at over the project, however,

the costs associated with it is appealing in the sense that since barrages run on tidal power,

fuel is not needed, provided the consistency in the rise and fall patterns (Maehlum). In

addition, since tidal energy is renewable, no other production factors are needed (e.g.

extracting fossil fuels, mining coals). Since the density of water is greater than that of air by a
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thousand times, tidal energy would be considered more powerful than wind energy.

Calculations reveal that power can be produced as low as 1 m/s. (Tidal Power - The Benefits)

Aside from that, Lunar Energy, a United Kingdom-based company, states, “the

environmental/economic case for harnessing tidal power is clearly intimately linked to the

necessity to control the development of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere. This coupled with the decline in UK indigenous energy supplies make a strong

economic case for the profitable development of a thriving marine renewable sector within

the energy industry. (Tidal Power - The Benefits)

It must also be put into consideration that tidal energy systems offer the same sorts of

environmental benefits that have been shown in the other types of renewable energy. Among

of these are restricted fish migration, silt build-up and fish kills caused by turbines.

According to the US Department of Energy, the negative effects of tidal power plants could

be seen in dam estuaries that could affect actual migration, and silt build-ups, which could

affect the local ecosystems in the area. Also, tidal lagoons may also disrupt aquatic migration.

The recently improved turbines may be the least environmentally threatening among the

kinds of tidal energy generators since turbines do not impede on migratory paths. (Tidal

Energy Basics)

However, while it may be true that there are environmental impacts, it is still minimal.

These lagoons can be constructed with natural materials like rock that appears as low

breakwater (sea wall) at low tide and be submerged at high tides. It acts like a natural

environment with animals swimming around it along with other smaller organisms. Large
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predators are unlikely to enter the lagoon so fish will thrive in the area alongside the flocking

of birds. (Sugar)

Aside from that, the environmental impacts brought about by the generation of tidal

energy is minimal compared to other energy sources, as it is only focused on the area itself

and not the whole world like that of fossil fuels. As Energy Consumer states, “Tidal energy

projects involving dams would involve about the same aesthetic concerns as other dams. But

many of the systems that are natural tidal currents will be largely hidden from view. Natural

current driven tidal generators can be built into the structure of existing bridges. These

generators will involve virtually no aesthetic problems. And, the fact that tidal energy use will

extremely be limited means that any aesthetic concerns will also be limited.”

Let us not also forget the basic fact that tidal energy is a renewable resource and thus

is free of charge, and that it produces no pollution unlike fossil fuels that emit greenhouse

gases and other wastes. An environmental article also stated that it does not cause noise

pollution, nor have much effect on the seabed. In fact, protects a large stretch of coastline

against damage from high storm tides.

Currently, there are existing power plants harnessing tidal energy in different

countries in the world. The La Rance tidal facility in France is the first tidal power plant built

and is still fully operational as of today. Located on the estuary of the Rance River and

completed on 1966, this 2,400-foot long tidal barrage produces as much as 240 megawatts of

power (Mongillo 109). Since the success of the first tidal power plant, other countries have

also taken their move towards harnessing tidal energy as a source of their energy.
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Canada was the next to set up a successful tidal power plant. Located in the Bay of

Fundy, the Annapolis Tidal Generation facility produces 30 gigawatts of power every year

(Boyle et al. 400), much larger than that of France’s facility. It is said to provide enough

power to supply 100,000 households with electricity (Mongillo 110). In Asia, China has also

constructed its largest tidal power station, the Jingxia Power Station, with a generating

capacity of 500 kilowatt-hours.

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CALABARZON = Tidal Energy?

Given all the basics and the issues about tidal energy, there still lies the big question:

is there a possibility for CALABARZON to run solely on tidal energy?

“In almost every type of power plant, water is major hidden cost. Water cools the

blistering system of thermal plants and allows hydroelectric turbines to churn. It brings

biofuel crops from the ground and geothermal energy from the depths of the Earth. Our

power sources would be impotent without water” (IEEE Spectrum).

Being an archipelago, this is one of the main advantages of the Philippines. Its

geographical location, being a group of islands on the Pacific, makes it feasible to harness

energy from the strong currents of the tides from the waters that surround it. According to

IEEE statistics, the Philippines has 5.4 million liters of renewable freshwater per capita, 0.45

metric tons of total primary energy per capita, 85% population access to clean water, and

86% access population access to electricity (IEEE Spectrum). Given CALABARZON’s

geographical location, indeed it is feasible to harness energy from the strong currents of the

tides from the waters that surround it.

One particular site nearby CALABARZON is marked by the Philippine Department

of Energy as one of the potential sites for harnessing tidal energy for the country. Figure 3

(see Appendix A) shows the Verde Strait, located between the Lubang Island and Calatagan,

Batangas. In this particular study, there were six marked locations in the Verde Strait as

shown in Figure 4 with A, B, C, and D being the four places where tidal currents are

particularly strong while E and F are otherwise.

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In this particular strait, the depth-average current velocity of the area reaches as much

as 1.8 m/s. Based on a month of observation and computation, the study reveals that the total

energy density of the strait has aggregated to approximately 271.9 kilowatt-hours per square

meter (Abundo et al. 2) From this, one can safely assume that based on the results, the strait

alone has an annual total energy density of 32,628 killowatt-hours per square meter or

approximately 3.26 megawatt-hours per square meter, making it a real potential site for

harnessing tidal energy.

Therefore the question has been answered: CALABARZON has the potential to

harness the potential energy of the tides around it. However, there are still doubts about it

replacing the whole source of power electricity in the region given the current technology and

minimal research involving Verde Passage itself.

It is unquestionable that generating tidal energy from the strait would not only be

convenient, but it would also be economically advantageous not only for CALABARZON

but also for nearby regions and provinces in Luzon and Visayas. That would also mean

cutting fossil fuel consumption and cutting on energy expenses. However, there aren’t any

measures taken by the government into utilizing and researching upon alternative energy

sources. So far, autonomous universities in the Philippines are doing the research on

alternative and renewable energy. For construction of tidal power plants to be made possible,

the government should involve itself in the research of such alongside with the academe.

Aside from that, the high initial costs would give a justification for the leaders to halt

the plans of developing or constructing one, for it is a plain fact that the region’s economy is

not sufficient to provide funds for the development of a tidal plant. It must be put into mind
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that the expenses involved in developing tidal energy are initially high, but if the government

would give it a try to invest, the expenses incurred would surely be recovered in a matter of


Environmentally speaking, the construction of a tidal power plant would also be met

by oppositions from different groups. the Verde Passage is a well-known marine biodeiversity

site. As mentioned earlier, building a tidal power plant could affect the marine life of the area

and the citizens who depend on the sea’s resources for livelihood and production.

The use of tidal energy from the waters could allow a region, or better a country, to be

self-sufficient in term of energy; however, several factors should be able to develop one. Who

knows, in the certain future, CALABARZON might finally be able to benefit from the vast

waters surrounding its islands; however, more research and studies are still needed to fully

discover its benefits.

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Mongillo, John. "Wind Energy, Oceanic Energy, and Hydropower ." Mongillo, John. A
Student Guide to Energy. Vol. 3. California: Greenwood, 2011. 5 vols. 103-113.
EPA Staff. Energy Efficiency Reference for Environmental Reviewers. March 2010. 18
January 2014 <
Fan, Zou. "Tidal Power Energy: Renewable Energy in Future." 2010. Exergy . 18 Jan 2014
Tidal Energy Basics. 16 Aug 2013. 18 Jan 2014
Maehlum, Mathias Aarre. Tidal Energy Pros and Cons. 5 May 2013. 18 Jan 2014
Tidal Power - The Benefits. 18 Jan 2014 <>.
Sugar, James. Tidal Energy. 18 Jan 2015
2013 Gross Regional Domestic Product Highlights. 31 Jul 2014. 18 Jan 2015
"Laguna Emerges as Major Economic Hub." Philippine Daily Inquirer (2000): B17.
Boyle, Fergal, Fergal O Rourke and Anthony Reynolds. "Tidal Energy Update 2009."
Applied Energy (2009): 398-409.
"Water vs. Energy." IEEE Spectrum (2010): 18 - 35.
Ahmad, S.A., et al. "Renewable energy in five South East Asian countries: Review on
electricity consumption and economic growth." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
(2014): 506 - 514.
Abundo, Michael L. S., et al. "Energy Potential Metric for Rapid Macro-level Resource
Assessment of Tidal In-Stream Energy in the Philippines." Environment and Electrical
Engineering (EEEIC) (2011): 1, 4, 8-11. PNoy assures electronics assemblers of ample electricity come summer . 28
Oct 2014. 18 Jan 2015 <
Overview of Malampaya. 25 April 2014. 18 Jan 2015 <>.
World Bank. "Philippine Economic Update: Making Growth Work for the Poor." January
2015. World Bank .
Salire, Salvador Jr. M. "Energy Demand Situation and Outlook in the Philippines: 2005-
2014." 1 Oct 2007. National Statistics Coordination Board. 18 Jan 2014
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Figure 1


retrieved from:

Figure 2

How Tides Work

retrieved from:

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Figure 3

Verde Strait’s Location

retrieved from:

Figure 4

Potential Sites Where Tidal Currents are High and Low

retrieved from: Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC)

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