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Patol Limited

Fire-protection guidelines for :

Conveyors transporting coal
Conveyor systems in general have a fire risk due to external events and equipment
failure. However the flammable nature of coal including the ability of some types to self
ignite introduces an exceptional hazard requiring special consideration.

Recognizing this, Patol Limited has recommended a set of practices for safely
preventing, detecting, and extinguishing fires on coal conveyors.

P atol Limited has developed

recommended fire prevention
practices and guidelines for
conveyor systems that transport coal.
The guidelines defined here are not
equipment specific, and are limited to
conveyor belt transport mechanisms.
Physical layouts of coal-handling
plants vary significantly and
considerations of storage in bunkers
and silos is addressed in a separate
The guidelines are not comprehensive
as their purpose is to recommend the Housekeeping means limiting dust available and when installed provide
general practices necessary rather than accumulation, preventing spills and greatly reduced labour costs.
comprise a detailed operating conducting effective regular clean up. For optimum results these piped
procedure or engineering specification. For example, float dust should be installations should be combined with
These guidelines provide information contained within transfer points, and Automatic Fire Suppression /
about two principal areas: spillage from belts must be minimized. Extinguishing Media.

♦ Fire prevention Conveyors should never be stopped Plants that have installed this form of
and allowed to stand with an un- integrated Fire & Cleansing hydraulic
♦ Automatic fire detection & discharged load for an extended period. water-spray system, and operate it on a
suppression daily basis, report being satisfied with
The accumulation of coal below a
the performance.
FIRE PREVENTION conveyor provides fire fuel and can
Some types of coal have the ability to even result in spontaneous ignition.
self combust under certain conditions. Float dust either in the air or settled on
One of the worst of these is Powder static fixtures can, in certain
River Basin (PRB) coal which can self circumstances, form part of the fuel
ignite even in very small quantities and mix for explosions.
in very short time periods. Routine ‘clean up’ activity should form
Even with less volatile coal types part of the Plant Operating Procedure.
measures that reduce the possibitity of As a minimum dust and spillage built
fire occurance are by far the most up around rollers and bearings must be
economic. removed to prevent ignition from
Expenditure on both ‘preventative “stalled” hot rollers.
design’ and ‘additional operational For volatile coals such as PRB, daily
procedures’ provides the most effective wash-down of conveyor housings and
use of financial resource. transfer towers is recommended.
These actions can be considered to be Fixed wash-down systems, designed
Coal accumulation at a conveyor tail
‘Good Housekeeping’. for 100% coverage, are commercially

Coal Conveyor Fire Protection 13 August 2009 Issue - 3 Page 1

FIRE DETECTION Many different types of fire detector at a height of 1.0m to 1.5m (3ft-5ft).
have been tried for conveyors. These Normally this is achieved by the use of
Despite the most stringent measures to
attempts, some going back many years, a steel catenary support wire to which
prevent fires, even the best managed
include:- the LHD is affixed .
sites can experience fire events from
♦ Collective reflectors (thermo- Ideally LHD "runs" should also be
time to time.
couple hoods) sited at the conveyor sides such as to
The faster that these are detected and ♦ Ionization & optical point smoke detect fire heated air ‘spilling’ upwards
addressed (extinguished) the lesser will detectors around the belt edges from events
be the cost due to plant damage and ♦ Point Heat Detectors occurring on the underside. The
down time. ♦ Point Flame Detectors detector is mounted above the return
A fire condition within a conveyor ♦ Obscuration detectors employing roller (belt) on each side.
system may be considered to be :- infra-red beams
♦ A "static" fire - On a stationary ♦ Pneumatic detectors with fusible L.H.D.
conveyor belt, or within the bulbs
1.0m - 1.5m
conveyor mechanism / housing. In every case, experience has shown
that these devices are either unsuited to
♦ A "moving" hazard - Hot or the environment producing unwanted
burning coal imported onto a alarms due to dust or fog, or are so
traveling conveyor belt. insensitive that a fire can propagate
It has been established that each of the and cover many metres of the length of
above requires a different form of fire the static conveyor before they are Return Roller
detection to provide a reliable fast operated.
Cross section of conveyor.
responding and trouble free system. The true solution has been determined
It is the object of this guideline note to to be Linear Heat Detection. (LHD) However, experience has shown LHD
indicate general solutions. However, it when installed in this location can be
should be emphasized that any specific LINEAR HEAT DETECTION prone to damage from rigorous
installation/site/plant must be cleaning regimes and maintenance
Stainless Steel Armour
addressed individually in order to activity such as roller changes.
obtain the correctly engineered system. Each specific conveyor arrangement
must be considered in order to
Static Conveyor Fire determine the optimum mounting
UL Approved Detector
In the conveyor structure any coal method. The mechanical arrangement
which falls from the moving belt, or an Typical arrangement for Electrical - Digital LHD of some conveyor truss work can
accumulation of settled coal dust, is a provide a suitable mounting without
potential hazard. LHD takes a number of forms, the further protection such as slotted steel
three principal ones being :- trunking or LHDC Armour.
A mechanical fault in the bearing of a
roller, or the friction between a seized ♦ Electrical - Analogue The LHD must always be mounted by
clips or spacers, such as to be in the air
roller and the belt, will result in a build ♦ Electrical - Digital flow. It must not be directly mounted
up of heat which can be sufficient to
ignite the belt, when the belt stops. ♦ Optical - Analogue to steelwork which would act as a heat
In all of these cases the LHD sink and retard response.
The introduction of coal makes a fire
comprises a robust ‘Cable’ that will In some cases, especially with
highly probable.
‘Annunciate’ an alarm if any portion of knowledge of site operating
the LHD experiences an abnormal procedures, it may be deemed that
temperature. LHD side runs are not practical.
Being a sealed ’Cable/Wire’ the LHD Enclosed conveyors should have extra
is not prone to the water & dust detection at ceiling height to detect
problems that cause conventional dust ignition on cable trays, pipes etc
smoke / heat / beam detectors to be located above the conveyors. With a
ineffective in the rigorous environment pitched roof enclosure LHD should be
of a coal conveyor housing/enclosure. located near the apex.
Whilst each supplier of LHD will have
their own recommendations regarding LHD
location and mounting of the detector,
all types respond to heat. Tests have
been carried out to determine the
optimum location for the LHD. CONVEYOR CONVEYOR
To protect the upper side of the
conveyor itself a detector "run" should WALKWAY
be installed above the centre of the belt
Cross section of dual conveyor housing

Coal Conveyor Fire Protection 13 August 2009 Issue - 3 Page 2

It must be appreciated that LHD is only A great variety of infra-red detectors
recommended for detecting fires on a are available for fire protection.
stationary conveyor belt or within the However, whilst all do monitor for
housing. ‘infra-red’ emissions they have very
Fires on belts, which can be moving at different uses and operational
up to 6m/s (20ft/s), can not transfer performances. It is essential that the
sufficient heat energy during the rapid correct type is employed.
transit to make LHD effective. (see Infra-red monitors fall into four
following) principal categories :-
♦ Thermal Imaging Systems
Imported Fires On Moving Belts This equipment employs an infra-red
LHD & Catenary Wire Support A number of years ago research was camera and produces a thermal
Courtesy : Patol Limited. conducted such as to find the ideal image (photograph) which may be
"moving" belt fire detector. This being either directly observed or computer
undertaken when it became obvious analysed for anomalies. Thermal
Fire Zoning & Extinguishing
that systems existing at that time, imaging is a very useful tool for
The design of the fire detection system employing thermocouples and heat monitoring static bunkers and silos;
must take into account the level of detectors in “heat collecting hoods” however, it is not usually practical
alarm definition required to provide were unable to detect anything other for conveyors, as imaging scan times
personnel with adequate indication of than a very large fire. are too slow for fast moving belts.
event location.
The reason why these methods can not ♦ Spark Detectors
Some LHD equipment types provide detect small fires moving at speeds of These are designed to detect sparks
‘Distance Monitoring & Display” units up to 6m/s (20ft/s) is that they rely and very small visibly glowing
which indicate the exact length into the upon convected and radiated heat. embers. These types monitor for
LHD installation that the initiating ‘fire Insufficient heat energy can be short IR wave lengths that are at or
event’ has occurred. transferred, even to the very low near the solar band and are mainly
Normally each conveyor is sub-divided thermal mass of the thermocouples, to intended for installation in ducts
into fire zones. Automatic initiation of produce reliable results. where there is a zero level of
Water Spray extinguishing by the LHD The solution is to monitor for infra-red ambient lighting. These types are not
(if this has been implemented) is likely “black body” emissions, as opposed to solar blind and the IR filters (e.g. 0.4
to be the defining factor regarding zone imparted thermal changes. to 1.6 microns) do not permit
size due to :- detection of IR emissions from
Infra-red emissions occur for all
♦Hydraulic limitations related to water materials. The wave length spectrum relatively low temperature
delivery. (Pump & pipe sizing) and intensity of this IR depends on the abnormalities such as pre-ignited
♦The nature and efficiency of the material’s temperature, and for solid coal.
water spray delivery. bodies such as coal is determined by ♦ Flame Detectors
the Laws of Physics formulated by Many of these types monitor for the
♦Consideration of the “clean up”
Planck, Stefan, Boltzmann & Wien. peak IR emissions, associated with
activity needed after a conveyor
loaded with coal has been deluged. Planck’s Law defines the spectrum and specific gases, that occur during
Coal slurry handling problems must level of IR emissions for a ‘black combustion. These emission spectra
be minimized. body’ at any given temperature. are not the same as for “black body”

Response Tests - Suppression 10000

As an indication of relative Visible
performance between water spray INFRA-RED
operation that is initiated solely by self 1000 °C EMMISSIONS
activating sprinklers, and that 1000 1832 °F
electrically initiated from LHD, tests
have shown :- 350 °C
LHD located above a conveyor at 1.0m 662 °F
(3ft) height responded within 2
minutes to a small coal fire with a 150 °C
surface area of approx. 0.1 sq m. (1 sq 302 °F
A conventional sprinkler bulb took
over 12 minutes to respond. 50 °C
When combined with an "electrically
actuated" sprinkler system, LHD 1
provides the optimum rapid response 0.1 1 10 100
protection system. Wavelength Microns

Coal Conveyor Fire Protection 13 August 2009 Issue - 3 Page 3

radiators as defined by Planck. E.g. Detectors must be blind to “visible
for C02 formation a peak occurs at radiation” from both local illumination
4.3 microns which may be compared units and reflected sun light.
with specific narrow bands where It is not a requirement that detectors
little emission occurs. Other types should be immune from being directly
filter shorter wavelengths, similar to pointed at the Sun; it being a massive
spark detectors (e.g. 0.7 to 2.7 IR energy source.
microns), and apply analysis to
Obviously the detector should anyway
detect “flame flicker”. These
be directed at the conveyor for best Typical Control Equipment
techniques monitor for volatile fluids
performance. (See following) Series 5000 Monitors and PSU
and gases after “flash point” and are
not suited for close range monitoring Patol Limited - Reading UK
of moving bulk materials such as Installation Performance
As these “stop zones” will be remote
coal when on conveyor belts. The Detector when mounted above the from the coal plant control room, they
♦ IR Black Body Emission Detectors conveyor at a height of between 1.0 could be monitored by CCTV
These employ IR filters that select and 1.5 metres (3ft - 5ft), should be cameras.*
longer wavelengths and are “blind” able to cover the full width of the belt
* If it is opted to always automatically
to the visible spectrum. They can with its optical system.
initiate water spray from the IR
detect both the high energy The response of the detector depends Detection equipment then CCTV is un-
emissions from very hot / glowing upon the size and surface temperature necessary.
embers, and those from abnormal but of the object. Typically an alarm must
In addition to the arrangements
relatively low temperature bulk coal be given if an object of area 0.025 sq m
described above for belt “loading”
transiting the monitored belt area. (40 sq inches) at a temperature of
points, an IR Detector should be
It is this type of detector that is 140ºC to 190ºC (280ºF to 380ºF)
installed just prior to the conveyor
best suited to Coal Conveyor passes beneath the detector at a speed
system discharge to silos or hoppers.
monitoring. of up to 6m/s (20 ft/s).
The detector must be located sufficient
The system must also detect glowing
distance back from conveyor end in
coals of 30mm diameter (1 sq inch in
order to be able stop the detected
area) and less.
“hazard” within a water spray zone and
Detector Location before discharge of the belt.
The infrared detector should be In the case of very long conveyors due
mounted at the loading end of each consideration should be taken of the
conveyor such that on detecting a fire fact that abnormal heat can be aided to
the belt could be stopped:- develop into ignition by the movement
♦ Where the fire would be within a of the coal in air and therefore it may
water spray deluge curtain. be prudent to install additional
intermediate IR detection units.
♦ Before the conveyor can discharge
the fire to another belt or silo, etc. Special Considerations
5011 Black Body IR Sensor Coal conveyor tunnels and housings
Conveyor Fire & Heat Detector are an extremely dusty environment.
Patol Limited - Reading, UK I R D e te c to r s e mp lo ye d mu s t
DETECTOR accommodate “air cleansing” for
optical lenses.
Response Summary
The same consideration applies to
Coal is a good thermal insulator and CCTV cameras and there will be an
therefore buried hot/burning coals will WATER CURTAIN economy in sharing a clean air supply.
raise the belt load surface temperature
by a relatively small amount. Similarly, All equipment must be able to
coal in its pre-ignition cycle has an The Infra-red Detector is configured to withstand the rigors of “housekeeping
abnormal but relatively low automatically stop the conveyor and hose-down” arrangements.
temperature. raise an alarm.
At this stage the water spray can be For further information contact :-
Whilst some detectors may be able to
respond to burning coal (550ºC to
initiated :-
Patol Limited
1000ºC / 1000ºF to 1800ºF ), the ♦ Automatically by the IR Detector. Rectory Road,
correct type of black body monitor will ♦ Manually, after an operator has Padworth Common,
also respond to an abnormal but non- observed the belt. Berkshire, RG7 4JD, UK
ignited conveyor load (100ºC to Tel :+44(0)1189 701701
♦ Automatically after a time delay, if
200ºC / 200ºF to 400ºF ). Spark, Ember Fax:+44(0)1189 701700
not overridden by the operator.
& Flame detectors will not respond to Email :
the latter condition. ♦ Automatically by LHD detection. Web :

Coal Conveyor Fire Protection 13 August 2009 Issue - 3 Page 4

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