Bahasa Inggris

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The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

1. The text above tell us about ….

A. Welcoming guests
B. Magical night
C. Housewarming
D. Julie’s birthday

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To request the attendance of friends in Julie’s Party
B. To inform the reader about Julie and Mary new house.
C. To leave Baywind Country Club.
D. To honor Julie as she graduate from Grad School.

The following text is for questions 3 to 5.

3. What is the purpose the writer in writing the above text?

A. To announce parents the grand opening of MOE ISB.
B. To persuade parents to send their children to MOE ISB.
C. To invite parents for MOE ISB graduation party.
D. To share a brief and important information.

4. What will the students do if they are interested in joining MOE ISB?
A. Study free school text books. C. Submit the form improperly.
B. Downloading the form. D. Send the documents incompletely.

5. From the text, we learn that ...

A. Parents or guardians can assist their children for registration.
B. Many applicants study in School of Science and Technology.
C. The applicants can only submit the complete documents.
D. School of Science and Technology is a famous company in Singapore.
The following text is for questions 6 to 8.
6. To get the detailed information we should ....
A. involve in the festival
B. come to Jalan Burma
C. contact the artists
D. visit the website
7. What can we conclude from the text?
A. The festival is only about food and travelling.
C. There are a mix festival between Indonesia and Malaysia.
D. Penang State Tourism is seeking a handicraft maker.
8. How long the event will be held?
A. For 12 hours in 2 days.
B. For 24 hours in a row.
C. Only on midday local time.
D. During mid October 2013.

The following text is for questions 9 to 11.

9. The text tells us about ...

A. Steps of making egg salad.
B. Directions for omelet paprika.
C. Ingredients for egg sandwich.
D. The famous egg sandwich.

10. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Show direction to make egg salad.
B. Invite friends for Sandwich Party.
C. Promote the famous egg sandwich in town
D. Describe the vitamins contain in egg.

11. What we should do after boil water?

A. Remove it then cool and peel it directly.
B. Put and let eggs stand in it for at least 12 minutes.
C. Place eggs in saucepan with cold water
D. Chopped eggs in a bowl and serve with mayonnais.
The following text is for questions 12 to 14.

12. From the text, we learn that ...

A. He and his mom were rejected to enter the main gate.
B. Some people greet and welcome him in the reception.
C. There were many groups of students who knew the writer.
D. It was a mixed feeling for the writer at his first day.

13. Why does the writer write the text above?

A. The school building was cool and calm area in green area.
B. It was the unforgettable experience in his new school.
C. Parents must send their children to better school.
D. We need to introduce ourselves to enter the reception.

14. We can conclude from the text that ...

A. You can run away from the place you do not like.
B. The writer must have courage and strength to succeed.
C. The football team is succeeded and brings many prizes.
D. Teachers are trained students to be brave and strong.

The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

15. What does the text about?

A. Invitation
B. Announcement
C. Memo
D. Advertisement
The following text is for questions 15 and 16.
16. What is the text is written for?
A. Announcing the winter time.
B. Describing of sparkle time.
C. Informing the nutrient in Crystal Salt.
D. Promoting Diamond Crystal Salt.

The following text is for questions 17 to 19.

17. The text tells us about ...

A. announcement
B. invitation
C. letter
D. advertisement
18. What kind of information we get from the text?
A. Management and staff will be the committee of the event.
B. It was the last Annual Day Celebration.
C. The Annual Day celebration will be held on School.
D. The event requests the presence of parents and students.

19. Why the writer write the text above?

A. Staff and students will attend the event on Saturday.
B. Teacher can gain more knowledge from students.
C. The management is not requested for presence.
D. Staff will describe about a new school program.

20. Read the text below!

The text above offers ....
A. Hotel Facility
B. Shopping Area
C. City Center
D. Private Pool
The following text is for questions 21 to 23.

21. What information that we get from the above text?

A. Company realizes the importance of fax.
B. People know how to send a fax.
C. People can buy a fax machine in a shop.
D. We must install the fax program.

22. How does the online fax service work?

A. We need to have an internet connection.
B. People must take their documents.
C. You should dial the addressee number.
D. Employee can use the fax machine.

23. From the text, we know that fax is used for ....
A. rental
B. sharing
C. communicating
D. photography

24. Read the text below!

What can we conclude from the text?
A. Writer describes Jack as his adorable pet.
B. Most people keep birds and rabbits as their pet
C. Students describe their pets in front of class.
D. Dogs and cats are lovely animal at home.

25. Read the text below!

How many steps we need to process paper recycle?

A. Seven
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
The following text is for questions 26 to 28.

26. What did the writer realize during trekking?

A. Her first step was easy and relaxing.
B. There are many dangerous animals.
C. The weather was very hot and humid.
D. It was the toughest walks she ever did.

27. What did the writer meet on her way?

A. Wild orangutans.
B. Coconut trees.
C. Sumatran tigers.
D. Albino snakes.

28. How did the writer going back?

A. A ranger picked her up.
B. They were camping.
C. She did river tube.
D. She walked back.
The following text is for questions 29 to 31.

29. The text tells about ...

A. How to prepare a chicken soup.
B. How to cook garlic chicken.
C. How to grill a chicken.
D. How to cook fried chicken.

30. What should we do to coat the chicken?

A. Combine all ingredients in a plastic bag.
B. Mix all ingredient is a plastic bow.
C. Cover the chicken with egg.
D. Shake chicken and flour in the bag.

31. What can we learn from the text?

A. It explains about cooking steps in detail.
B. Parents need to guard their children.
C. Children can have a short practical cooking.
D. There are several ways to cook a chicken.

The following text is for questions 32 and 33.

32. What does paragraph 1 tell us about?

A. Nowadays, we can live in an apartment.
B. People can own an apartment in a city.
C. An apartment is mentioned as a living place.
D. It describes about the size of the building.

33. The writer describes his place vey detail in paragraph ....
A. four
B. one
C. two
D. three

The following text is for questions 34 to 36.

34. Based on the text, we can conclude that ...
A. People seek similarity between duplexes and fourplexes.
B. Nowadays, we can see many houses in town.
C. Writer compares row house with townhouse.
D. We know the description of a townhouse.

35. Why people call it “townhouse”?

A. Townhouse is designed in the top of building.
B. It describes a wide primary residence.
C. Townhouse has a line up building in a row.
D. The common area is located in countryside.

36. Nowadays, townhouse is located in ...

A. Developer main building and it is difficult to find the buyer.
B. The short land which causes the property prices are high.
C. A remote area where it is commonly called as an attached house.
D. A city center because new government rules limit property users.

37. Read the text below!

What can be concluded from the text above?

A. Lotus INC does not have any job vacancy at the moment.
B. Lotus INC apologizes because there is complaint from customer.
C. Peter Parker will work in Lotus INC on 7 January 2010.
D. James Matthews is an Operational Manager in Lotus INC.

The following text is for questions 38 and 39.

38. “Manik Angker was a spoiled
The underline word can be best replaced by ....
A. indulge
B. assist
C. help
D. improve

39. “The dragon aggred but they had to live different place.”
The underlined words mean that the dragon ... Sidi Mantra request.

A. deny
B. admit
C. reject
D. refuse

The following text is for questions 40 and 41.

40. “…. And your details will be included on all leaflets and programs
The underlined words have similar meaning with....
A. will be attached
B. might be left
C. will be forgotten
D. can be excluded

The following text is for questions 40 and 41.

40. The word as in “All donations are tax deductible, as we are a registered charity,” means ….

A. After
B. During
C. Because
D. whereas

The following text is for questions 42 to 45.

42. “She always asked Ni Timun Mas not to open the door while she worked The underlined word can
be best replaced by ....
A. whether
B. before
C. who
D. when

43. “Then Ni Timun Mas opened the door”.

The above sentence means ...
A. Ni Timuns Mas disagreed when her mother open the door.
B. Ni Timun Mas did not doubt to open door for her mother.
C. Her mother and Ni Timun Mas agreed to open the house.
D. I Lantang Hidung was not sure about the hidden secret.

44. “She would look for her daughter later in the morning

A. could go
B. had a plan
C. might be
D. must planing

45. “The dog bit the snake squeezed the giant”

The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
A. punched
B. swallowed
C. dragged
D. coiled
The following text is for questions 46 to 48.

46. ...
A. have flown
B. can fly
C. fly
D. flew

47. ...
A. the longest underwater tunnel
B. tunnel longest the underwater
C. longest the tunnel underwater
D. the underwater tunnel longest
48. ...
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
49. You ... take some pills for your headache.
A. might
B. will
C. should
D. could
50. If I ... her address, I ... her an invitation.
A. found would send
B. had found would have sent
C. find will send
D. find would send

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