CEI Planet Fall 2015

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VOL. 28, NO. 4 | FALL 2015


As Time Passes, CEI Carries On

6 I n the opening of Dylan Thomas’s verbally

illustrative play “Under Milk Wood,” the
First Voice repeats, “Time passes. Listen.
to anyone who will listen why economic
liberty make us all better off. But we do not
stop there. We engage with policy makers,
Time passes.” Time has passed indeed. build coalitions, file Freedom of Information
IAIN MURRAY And I am out of time as leader of the Act disclosure requests, broadcast our mes-
Why Liberals Secretly Love Competitive Enterprise Institute. I was not sage near and far, and, when necessary,
Corporations the first and I will not be the last leader of sue to ensure our economic future remains
this merry band of warriors. And to whom- grounded in these timeless principles.
ever is next, whether wearing pants or The past decades have seen the unique
skirts (or both!) I say welcome and enjoy and powerful institution that is CEI grow
it. You inherit a genuinely unique group of into the major policy player it is today. It
thinkers and doers. has proved it can operate effectively, with
10 To put ideas into action, CEI has always
been more than “just a think tank.” We take
limited resources, and punch above its
weight. So keep on trucking, CEI. This too
BILL FREZZA a full-service approach to public policy— is just another season. Your next president
combining rigorous policy work with an will arrive already knowing what you are
New Zealand’s Free Market activist’s ability to market, educate, and capable of.
Triumph propagate our research findings and prin- —Lawson Bader
ciples. We are always willing to explain,

12 Wayne Crews’s Essay Recognized as Part of Atlas Network’s

2015 Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award
Lessons for Business Lead-
ers from the Near-Death and
collection of essays on
the economic chal-
What America’s Decline
in Economic Freedom Means for
Entrepreneurship and Prosperity

lenges facing the United

edited by Donald J. Boudreaux
A CEI Vice President for Policy Wayne
Crews contributed the essay, “One Nation,
Ungovernable? Confronting the Modern
Revival of America’s Railroads States, What America’s Regulatory State” to the book. In his
Decline in Economic chapter, Crews provides a roadmap for
Freedom Means for how to assess and rein in federal regulation
Fraser Institute
Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Entrepreneurship and by highlighting the tools available to policy

Prosperity, published by Canada’s Fraser makers to bring about regulatory reform.
Obamacare vs. Beer, Institute and edited by George Mason He also explains the consequences of too
by Michelle Minton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 University economics professor Donald much executive branch power. Capturing
Undermining Encryption, Boudreaux, has been named winner of the both data and analysis to provide a snap-
by Ryan Radia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Atlas Network’s 2015 Sir Antony Fisher shot of the ever-growing regulatory state,
Taxpayer-Funded Anti-BPA Activism Is the
International Memorial Award, which “rec- Crews offers practical steps to dial back
Real Danger, ognizes the organization that published America’s regulatory burden and restore
by Angela Logomasini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a book, magazine, report, monograph, constitutional constraints on government.
or study that, in the opinion of a panel of Atlas awarded the winning organization
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. . . . . . 14
external judges, has had demonstrable a $10,000 prize and recognized it at the
Media Mentions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 impact and made the greatest contribution Liberty Forum and Freedom Dinner in New
End Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 to public understanding of the free society.” York City, November 11-12, 2015.
CEI Looks Ahead to 2016
by Gregory Conko

F our years ago, I had the privilege—and the

daunting task—of searching for a new president
to lead CEI, when founder Fred Smith decided it was
unconstitutional power plant emissions rules. We
will continue to expose and push back against the
Obama administration’s lawless Operation Choke
time for him to step down. Our six-person search Point, which uses threats of harassment by bank
committee set out to find an intelligent and char- regulators to shut down legal but politically unpopu-
ismatic leader with a positive vision for defending lar businesses, such as small dollar lenders, pawn
individual liberty and free enterprise, and the focus shops, and gun dealers. We will continue to battle

to lead us toward achieving those goals. We pored the Transportation Security Administration’s intrusive
over scores of resumes, held dozens of interviews and ineffective airline passenger screening practices.
with many highly qualified candidates, and eventu- And in time, we expect our legal challenge to the
ally selected Lawson Bader as our unanimous choice constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection
to be the next CEI president. Bureau to land CEI back in the Supreme Court.
Following an organization’s founder as president We are working closely with House and Senate
is a formidable job. But Lawson rose to the chal- leaders from both political parties, and with state
lenge, and he proudly led CEI in some of its most and local government officials, on a raft of reform
important battles: fighting the Obama administra- measures to roll back aggressive regulatory poli-
tion’s energy rationing policies, the National Labor cies. In the current Congress alone, more than half a
Relations Board’s onerous employment rules, the dozen pieces of legislation to rein in the regulatory
Treasury Department and Securities and Exchange state and make federal agencies more accountable
Commission’s assault on America’s banking and to the American people incorporate ideas devel-
finance industries, and many other expansions of oped and promoted by CEI scholars. Our devoted
federal power. Under Lawson’s leadership, CEI took and capable staff will not rest until regulatory reform
our Obamacare legal challenge all the way to the proposals like these are enacted into law and we
Supreme Court. And Lawson laid out an ambitious succeed in our mission of removing government-
vision for a bigger, more effective CEI as we negoti- created barriers to free enterprise, innovation, and
ated, and recently completed, a successful merger prosperity.
with the Center for Class Action Fairness, a move In short, we at CEI have an ambitious agenda,
that will make CEI’s litigation program even more and we are eager to get on with the business of
effective. implementing it. In my 21 years at CEI, I have never
In November, we said a fond farewell to Lawson, before seen the organization more focused or more
as he rose to yet another challenge: replacing his eager to bring about positive change. Sure, we may
dear friend Whitney Ball as the head of DonorsTrust. have to look for a new president. But we won’t let
We, of course, will miss Lawson. But my colleagues that slow us down. We are determined to find a can-
and I are also eager to turn the page on a new didate who will challenge us to work even harder,
chapter in CEI’s future, as our work continues. And and who will lead CEI in many more of the important
we mean to be every bit as feisty and aggressive as battles to lift the heavy burden of government from
CEI has been for the past three decades. the shoulders of America’s consumers and producers.
We will continue to implement our strategic plan Stay tuned.
to derail implementation of the EPA’s destructive and

Publisher The CEI Planet is produced by the Competitive Enterprise

Lawson Bader Institute, a pro-market public interest group dedicated to
Editor free enterprise and limited government.
Marc Scribner
CEI is a non-partisan, non-profit organization incorporated in the
Editorial Director District of Columbia and is classified by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3)
Ph (202) 331-1010
Ivan G. Osorio charity. CEI relies upon contributions from foundations, corporations
Fax (202) 331-0640
info@cei.org Contributing Editor and individuals for its support. Articles may be reprinted provided
Keara Vickers they are attributed to CEI.
ISSN#: 1086-3036


CEI Merges with CCAF
by Ted Frank

O n October 1, the Competitive Enterprise Institute completed a merger

with the Center for Class Action Fairness (CCAF), a public interest law
firm, which I founded in 2009 to challenge abusive class action litigation
practices that harm consumers and shareholders.
The merger combines CEI’s and CCAF’s proven track records in promot-
ing free markets and challenging overregulation, creating a unique legal
program dedicated to protecting the rule of law and supporting economic
freedom, prosperity, and innovation.
Founded in 1984, CEI has grown into an effective advocate for free-
dom on a wide range of policy issues, including energy and environment,
business and finance, technology, telecommunications, and food and drug R.M.
regulation. CEI has long fought cronyism, rent-seeking, and other abuses of
government power.
Under the supervision of General Counsel Sam Kazman, CEI’s litiga-
tion program has a long history of success, including establishing major
new precedents for combating regulations that restrict consumer choice,
stifle innovation, and limit competition. From its constitutional chal-
lenges to Sarbanes-Oxley, the Big Tobacco Deal, and lethal federal fuel
economy standards, CEI continues to develop new approaches to fight Help the Competitive
overregulation. Enterprise Institute
CCAF has won tens of millions of dollars for consumers and sharehold-
ers in fighting class action abuse. This work fits right in with CEI’s mission.
carry on its work for
By winning some precedent-setting cases, we seek to drastically reduce generations by joining the
trial lawyers’ incentives for bringing abusive class action suits that yield no R.M. Freedman society.
real benefit to the plaintiffs on whose behalf they’re supposedly filed and
for structuring settlements in ways that benefit attorneys at the expense of
their clients. In 2013, CEI established the R.M. Freedman
For example, we won an important Sixth Circuit appeal in 2013 in the Society in honor of Robert M. Freedman,
case In re Dry Max Pampers Litig. The proposed class action settlement, a business owner from West Bloomfield,
over alleged defects in a new line of diapers, would have paid attorneys Michigan, who placed CEI in his estate
$2.7 million, while the plaintiffs only got the opportunity for a refund—if and, in 2009, sadly passed on and gave
they had not already received a refund and had retained the receipt and CEI its first legacy gift. We named the
bar code from a years-old purchase of diapers. CCAF’s successful objec- society in appreciation of his generosity.
tion led the trial lawyers to drop their meritless litigation and walk away Many of CEI’s extended family choose to
with nothing. include CEI in their estate plans through:
Moreover, the court established a precedent that attorneys should not • Bequests,
be the “primary beneficiary” of class action settlements, a principle we
have fought for since our founding and successfully applied to many other • Charitable Remainder Trusts,
cases. • Charitable Lead Trusts, or as a
Now the merger will give CCAF the freedom to take on many cases we • Life insurance beneficiary.
couldn’t have litigated otherwise, and we look forward to our renewed
focus. I will continue to lead the CCAF team and its pro bono advocacy If you make the decision to include CEI in
against unfair class action procedures and settlements. When plaintiff your estate plans, please reach out and let
classes receive tiny sums or worthless discount coupons while their attor- us know.
neys reap multi-million dollar windfalls, CCAF intervenes to fight for fair-
ness and against such exploitation.
While these sorts of decisions should be
undertaken with the help of an estate
Ted Frank (ted.frank@cei.org­­) is Director of CEI’s Center for Class Action planner, Lauren Avey and Al Canata of
Fairness. CEI can be a resource to you. You can
reach them anytime at 202-331-1010.


CEI’s John Berlau Speaks on the Future of Finance
CEI Senior Fellow John from entrepreneurs and government officials from around
Berlau recently spoke at the world on the growth of crowdfunding and peer-to-peer
three events where he got to lending. Berlau appeared on panel on U.S. regulation. As
interact with flesh-and-blood he noted, the equity crowdfunding liberalization provisions
innovators and entrepreneurs, of the Jumpstart our Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012 are a
learn about their revolutionary good first step, and are finally being implemented by the
new products and services and Securities and Exchange Commission. However, many rules
the frustrating regulations that remain too burdensome for entrepreneurs and investors,
get in their way. which calls for further deregulation in a JOBS Act 2.0.
Photo courtesy of Money 2020 Money20/20 is the world’s On November 18, the Financial Services Innovation
premier payments technology Coalition held a forum on Capitol Hill on the new online
exhibition. Held this year October 25-28 in Las Vegas, it options available to small business borrowers. As Berlau
featured technologies from mobile wallets to cryptocurrency noted, new online lending platforms provide better
to clothing embedded with “Internet of things” payment options for entrepreneurs than high-cost alternatives like
chips. Berlau spoke on the panel, “Dodd-Frank: Five Years financing a new business through credit cards (which many
Later.” He discussed the threat to innovation from Dodd- entrepreneurs, including Google’s founders, have done).
Frank and its spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Berlau pointed out that these lenders are already regulated
Bureau (though some audience members had some horror by numerous federal and state bodies, and cautioned about
stories of their own). new regulations that would shackle financial innovation that
The AltFi Global Regulatory Forum 2015, held on has proven beneficial to small entrepreneurs.
November 4 in Washington, D.C., featured perspectives

CEI’s Marc Scribner on the Future of Transportation

On November 6, CEI Fellow Marc Scribner presented respect to self-driving cars, and potential threats facing
at the Preserving the American Dream Conference in this emerging technology. Scholars from the Cato Institute,
Austin, Texas. The annual conference, organized by the Reason Foundation, Heritage Foundation, and other free
American Dream Coalition, focuses on transportation and market think tanks also spoke at the conference. Rep. Blake
land-use policy from a free market perspective. Scribner Farenthold (R-Tex.) delivered the keynote address.
discussed state legislative and regulatory activity with

CEI’s Ryan Radia Discusses the Future of Music

On December 8, CEI emerging technologies and new broadcasting platforms,
Associate Director of Technology outdated policies need to be reexamined.
Studies Ryan Radia participated Several panelists agreed that Congress should revisit the
in a panel discussion on Capitol existing disparity in how recording artists are paid based
Hill of U.S. copyright law as it on the type of medium. For instance, when a song is played
applies to the music industry, by either a radio station or through an online streaming
along with other policy experts service, both the songwriter and the recording artist are
and industry representatives. The paid a royalty, but different broadcasting media—terrestrial
panelists discussed options for updating laws in ways that radio, satellite radio, and online streaming—pay different
will benefit consumers and artists alike. In a keynote speech fees for the same content. As the panelists noted, Congress
to kick off the event, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) explained can promote innovation and creation in the music industry
why Congress should pay attention to this issue. With the by enacting laws that ensure musicians can charge market-
music industry changing rapidly as it seeks to adapt to based rates for their work.


Obamacare vs. Beer
sow confusion, Paul
BY MICHELLE MINTON Gatza, director of the
Brewers Association,

P resident Obama likes beer. He

drinks it, he brews it, and he’s been
named the presidential candidate
which represents smaller
brewers, told me. The
Alcohol and Tobacco
people would most like to have a drink Tax and Trade Bureau
with. However, his signature health (TTB) is the agency that
care law might change how we can normally handles regula-
enjoy a cold one when ordering at a tion of beer, including
restaurant. labeling, but the ACA
A little-known provision within the menu-labeling rules
Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) bring brewers under the
requires chain restaurants with 20 or authority of the U.S. Food
more locations to list calorie infor- and Drug Administration
mation for “standard menu items,” (FDA). “We would like to
including each available beer, by see a harmonization of
December 2016. Testing the nutritional the differences between
content of a single beer could cost as FDA and TTB in how they
much as $1,000, according to the Beer handle calories,” Gatza
Institute, a trade association represent- said.
ing brewers. The Brewers brewers can calculate the approximate
Very large brewers producing Association, along with a coalition of calories, carbs, sugars, etc., based on
millions of barrels of the same few other alcohol trade organizations, is the alcohol content of any particular
brands each year can easily absorb asking the FDA for clearer guidance beer. This would allow the Brewers
that cost. But smaller brewers with on the new rules. “The FDA allows an Association to create a database of
large selections could see costs quickly exact number of calories for menus and ranges for brewers to use for each beer
add up. And it isn’t just calories. Other menu boards when the calorie number style, without the need to go through
nutritional information, including total is on the label, but only allows round- costly nutritional testing for every beer
carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins, ing to the nearest 10-calorie increment they make. According to Gatza, “that
must be made available in writing upon if not,” said Gatza. This is different from would be a solution that wouldn’t
a customer’s request. the TTB’s requirement, which allows for expose the smallest brewers to large
That means many craft brewers will rounding to the nearest calorie incre- expense, tough decisions about
miss out on an important opportunity to ment. For example, if a restaurant has whether to stay in chains, or providing
grow their business. For a craft brewer, a beer with 167 calories, they have inaccurate information.”
getting a beer onto the menu of a to list it as having 170 under FDA’s Unless the FDA provides greater
major chain restaurant like TGI Fridays menu-labeling law. However, some flexibility within the new rules, all of
is a huge boost. However, it doesn’t brewers already have calories listed this may add up to increased risks and
make sense for them to test every elsewhere, using the TTB’s method of costs to small brewers. While consum-
variety of beer they make, spending rounding to the nearest calorie. While ers at chain restaurants will certainly
many thousands of dollars before they Gatza admits that the risk is minimal, see more information on their menu
even make it onto a chain restaurant’s there is “an opening for these multiple as a result of the new rule, but they
menu. Restaurants interested in carry- calorie counts for a specific beer and might also notice fewer options when it
ing a craft beer may not want to wait serving size to cause confusion and, comes to the selection of beer.
for testing to be done and will move on theoretically, exposure to a nuisance
to beers that already have nutritional suit,” he said.
information. The Brewers Association is hoping Michelle Minton
In addition to the cost and lost to work with the FDA to allow for (michelle.minton@cei.org) is a Fellow at
opportunity for smaller brewers, the “reasonable tolerances,” which func- CEI. A version of this article originally
ACA labeling requirement threatens tionally means allowing the numbers appeared at RealClearPolicy.
to exacerbate regulatory overlap and to fall within a certain range so that


Why Liberals Secretly Love Corporations
That’s the foundation of the corporate natural liberty,” where businesses were
BY IAIN MURRAY structure of owners, management, and small in scale and owners invested
workers. their personal assets into the venture

I f there is one bugbear that stands

as paramount for American pro-
gressives, it is the corporation.
For the past century, this structure
has been under attack by progressive
activists, who have long viewed corpo-
and freely contracted with other busi-
nesses and individuals for services.
This model lost out to the corporation
Corporations are viewed as amoral rations as ideological battlegrounds, because of the transaction costs related
at best, immoral at worst, exploitative with management arrayed against to identifying and contracting with
of their workers, dismissive of environ- workers. In fact, much of the Naderite other businesses to perform a service
mental or social concerns, and existing attack on corporations was based on for you. It was far easier, and more
purely in the name of profit. They are the idea that management did not act reliable, to directly employ someone
routinely blamed for the great reces- in the owners’ interest. to do the job, even when required to
sion, global warming, and income Ironically, the National Labor offer the protections imposed by law.
inequality. So why are progressives Relations Act and similar Depression- That’s why the corporation survived
and President Obama’s Department of era laws supported by progressives set for most of the last century despite the
Labor pursuing policies that will lead this structure in stone, in the name of increased costs of hiring.
to the creation of more and bigger cor- “protecting” workers against manage- Corporations also reduced transac-
porations? Because the political Left’s ment. Certain aspects of the employ- tion costs within their own organiza-
paymaster, organized labor, needs ment relationship were guaranteed by tions—and the prospect of internal
corporations to exist and thrive. government enforcement—including strife among workers—by devising
Corporations grew up because overtime, unemployment insurance, innovative new business arrangements.
entrepreneurs need to find investors paid time off, opportunity for union The franchising business model turned
to help finance their businesses. That representation, and other requirements many workers into potential owners.
in turn, requires them to keep transac- on employers. New management models turned other
tion costs low, which requires them to Before the modern corporation, workers into junior managers. The
hire employees rather than contract economies were characterized by “us versus them” model that created
for each individual routine transaction. what Adam Smith called “the system of labor strife broke down, and union


as exploitative, perhaps even more make franchising a much less attractive
so than a 1930s-era corporation, business model for companies seeking
The dues paid by because it deprives workers of New to expand.
Deal-era legal protections. In the end, this suite of regulatory
employees for union The Obama administration agrees. actions actually reinforces the old cor-
representation— In response, it is quietly working to
replace the long-established legal defi-
porate structure that was set in place
in the 1930s. The result is more large
which they may not nition of what makes an independent corporations based on an “us versus
contractor with a new one, announced them” paradigm that pits manage-
even want—makes by blog post over the summer. ment against workers—in other words,
Previously, workers who set their exactly the corporate structure the Left
large corporations own hours and had significant con- claims to hate.
a huge source of trol over the way they worked were
regarded as independent contractors,
There are two reasons why the Left
wants to see this structure continue.
funds for political free from the requirements of much
employment law. Now, however,
First, it gives government agencies
immense power over employment
campaigns. the Department of Labor (DOL) has conditions. Second, large corporations
lowered the bar for a test of employ- are easier to unionize than smaller
ment to simply getting a majority of companies. And the dues paid by
representation in the private sector your income from one source. So the employees for union representation—
plummeted. woman who drives passengers through which they may not even want—makes
However, in recent years the costs a ride-sharing app to earn some extra large corporations a huge source of
of contracting with another party have income while caring for a sick relative funds for political campaigns.
been coming down. Corporations is arguably no longer a contractor, but It is the small company and the
are being replaced by networks or an employee of the app firm. aspiring entrepreneur that will be most
platforms that enable two-sided mar- Meanwhile, the administration hurt the most by the administration’s
kets, where the purchaser of a service is also bent on reinforcing the old actions. If the administration persists, it
can buy it from a small-scale supplier management-worker divide. New DOL will end some magnificent opportuni-
rather than a large corporation. The overtime rules are likely to eliminate ties for innovation, cost reduction, and
most famous example is Uber, which huge swathes of junior-management consumer protection in the American
provides a network matching riders to positions, harming aspirational young economy (such as network apps’ feed-
drivers, without having to go through a workers, as employers cut back on or back mechanisms). And it will do so
taxicab firm. That’s why Uber, despite even eliminate overtime opportunities. by propping up its supposed biggest
having some corporate features, is a The National Labor Relations Board enemy, the 1930s-style corporation.
very different animal from a taxicab likely will rule soon that franchisor
company. companies are “joint employers” of
One might think that given the their franchisees’ workers, making them Iain Murray (iain.murray@cei.org) is Vice
Left’s hatred of corporations, progres- responsible for day-to-day matters like President for Strategy at CEI. A version
sives would cheer this development. individual workplace conditions and of this article originally appeared in
Not so. Instead, many view Uber working hours, a burden that would National Review.

Support I, Whiskey on Indiegogo

Campaign launching Monday, July 13th


Undermining Encryption
to find the identity of his sup-
BY RYAN RADIA plier. Instead, police may need
a passcode before they can

F or most Americans, communicat-

ing over the Internet has become
routine. We now correspond elec-
access information on the device.
A similar challenge exists on the
Internet, where a growing number
tronically with colleagues, loved ones, of “zero-knowledge” services host
friends, and even doctors on platforms encrypted data that cannot be
ranging from email to Snapchat. But decrypted without the user’s key.
criminals have followed us online, Federal Bureau of Investigation
and cyber attacks are reported almost Director James Comey is per-
daily. Efforts to safeguard our digital haps the nation’s leading critic of
data from bad actors can seem futile. encryption. In numerous speeches Aside from a handful of anecdotes,
Fortunately, technology can and hearings, he has argued that law-enforcement officials have shown
dramatically reduce the risks we when the police encounter encrypted scant empirical evidence that encryp-
face from hackers, identity thieves, data on a suspect’s smartphone or tion is meaningfully frustrating criminal
and even foreign spies. But some top online account, they often can’t get investigations. Even if encryption
government officials want to under- the information they need to prevent were to become a serious roadblock,
mine a crucial security technology: crimes or catch criminals. Therefore, there are alternatives to weakening
encryption. Comey has implored companies such encryption. For example, Congress
Encryption translates valuable as Apple and Google to design their could consider criminalizing a per-
information into seemingly meaning- platforms to ensure law enforcement son’s “willful refusal to comply with a
less gibberish that can be decrypted can access a user’s data even if she decryption order,” as law professor
only with a private key. E-commerce won’t divulge her passcode. Orin Kerr has suggested.
websites have long used encryption So far, major tech companies Thankfully, encryption sup-
to prevent criminals from swiping have resisted these demands—for porters have pushed back on this
their customers’ credit-card informa- good reason. Today, an encrypted issue with some degree of success.
tion as it travels between computers. iPhone or Android device is typically As The Washington Post recently
More recently, an encryption protocol accessible only with the user’s pass- reported, the Obama administra-
called HTTPS has taken off, making it code; neither the company behind the tion has declined to push for a law
much harder to snoop on our brows- platform nor the wireless carrier holds to force companies to decrypt user
ing habits. the key. Introduce a mechanism for law data—for now. Yet the administration
Encryption does more than protect enforcement to get around encryption, will continue its “conversations with
information as it traverses the Internet; however, and it’s all but certain that industry,” according to Comey—so
it protects it on the devices we use hackers, criminals, and spies will soon the prospect that officials will continue
every day. A typical smartphone now figure out how to exploit the same to strong-arm companies to weaken
contains powerful processors that can mechanism. their encryption behind closed doors
quickly encrypt and decrypt data. Instead of pressuring companies remains likely.
Losing a phone or laptop no longer to “voluntarily” redesign their devices Instead of imagining a worst-case
means worrying about who might and platforms, the administration scenario where criminals can wreak
misuse the private information stored should welcome the adoption of strong havoc with impunity, law enforcement
on it — assuming the device was prop- encryption—especially within govern- should use the myriad tools it already
erly encrypted, meaning users must ment agencies, many of which have yet possesses to investigate and prosecute
enter a passcode before each use. to encrypt sensitive files. Even a modest criminals. Meanwhile, the government
However, some government flaw can render a form of encryp- should leave encryption alone.
officials claim that encryption helps tion practically useless, as the Allies
criminals break the law with impunity. proved during World War II when
In a world of ubiquitous encryption, they cracked Nazi Germany’s Enigma Ryan Radia (ryan.radia@cei.org) is
the argument goes, police will no machine codes. Given the mounting Associate Director for Technology
longer be able to quickly search a cybersecurity threats we face, is this Studies at CEI. A version of this article
suspected drug dealer’s smartphone really a tradeoff worth making? originally appeared at RealClearPolicy.


Taxpayer-Funded Anti-BPA Activism Is the Real Danger
Treehugger is another example of one who stood to gain financially by exag-
BY ANGELA LOGOMASINI of these irrelevant rodent studies. gerating BPA risks in order to build
These studies continue to pour momentum for government support.

A larmist claims about the chemical

Bisphenol A (BPA) have reached
an absurd level. According to the
into the news cycle, thanks in part to
funding by the National Environmental
Institute Health Sciences, a division
In addition to wasting tax dollars,
this activist-driven research affects
markets and regulation. For example,
website Treehugger.com, a new study of the National Institutes of Health. Target, Walmart and other retailers
shows that exposure to BPA can make Between 2010 and 2012, NIEHS have introduced programs to pressure
humans lazy and eventually obese doled out at least $172 million on suppliers to phase out BPA and other
from lack of exercise. Such claims con- BPA research, according to a Citizens chemicals from consumer products.
tinue to populate the Internet thanks to Against Government Waste tally. Similarly, in 2104, Sen. Edward
taxpayer funded junk-science studies “The impetus” for this funding, Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Lois
about this chemical. according to NIEHS director Linda Capps (D-Calif.) introduced the Ban
BPA has been used safely for more Birnbaum, was a “workshop” involv- Poisonous Additives Act (S. 2572, H.R.
than five decades to make hard clear ing 38 “experts” in BPA science, 5033), which would ban BPA resins for
plastics (polycarbonate plastics) and sponsored by NIEHS, several other good packaging.
epoxy resins that line the inside of steel federal agencies, and the left-of-center Calls to ban or phase out BPA
and aluminum cans. There are no veri- group Commonweal. These research- ignore these products’ benefits. For
fied cases of anyone suffering ill effects ers met in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, example, steel cans were once lined
from BPA exposure from consumer in 2007, where they developed what with tin. But tin lining can corrode,
products, and numerous comprehen- has become known as the “Chapel compromising the packaging and
sive scientific reviews have found BPA Hill Consensus Statement,” which calls eventually letting in air and poten-
safe at current typical exposure levels. for more funding of BPA research. tially dangerous pathogens such as
For example, the U.S. Food and Birnbaum attended as an employee of Clostridium botulinum, which produces
Drug Administration concluded earlier the Environmental Protection Agency deadly toxins.
this year that “BPA is safe at the current before she was appointed to NIEHS in BPA resins solved this problem in
levels occurring in foods,” and the 2009. the 1960s, when it was used to coat
European Food Safety Authority “con- The meeting didn’t offer an objec- cans to prevent food contamination
cluded that BPA poses no health risk to tive review of the issue, but instead from bacteria and rust. This also helped
consumers of any age group (including brought together like-minded research- reduce food spoilage, while main-
unborn children, infants, and adoles- ers seeking to advance a political taining food flavor and quality and
cents) at current exposure levels.” agenda. One of those researchers, extending shelf life. Today, unless seri-
Yet activists keep an alarmist anti- Frederick vom Saal, has built his career ous dents perforate a seam and let in
BPA drumbeat alive by trumping up making a host of health claims about air, the risk of contamination in canned
small and often poorly designed stud- BPA using questionable techniques and foods is very low. In fact, during the
ies that allege potential health effects exaggerating the results. past 30 years, there have been no
based on questionable data. Many In fact, vom Saal, who was on the cases of foodborne illness outbreaks
of these studies simply report weak workshop’s organizing committee, has related to the failure of can packaging.
and largely meaningless associa- advocated for a BPA ban, and is on “a It’s time to differentiate between
tions—which do not demonstrate cause quest to get endocrine disrupters, such science and activist-funded agendas.
and effect—between BPA and various as BPA, out of daily use,” according We can learn from science, but will
health ailments. to a profile of him in a University of become victims of bad public policy
Other studies are based on dosing Missouri-affiliated newspaper. if we continue to allow government-
rodents with massive amounts of BPA— Perhaps not coincidentally, at funded activism.
levels that are not relevant to human least 21 of the Chapel Hill Consensus
exposures—to trigger health effects. contributors have worked on NIEHS-
Moreover, unlike rodents, humans funded studies addressing BPA risk, Angela Logomasini, Ph.D. (angela.
quickly metabolize BPA and pass it including vom Saal, who has coau- logomasini@cei.org) is a Senior Fellow at
out of the body before it can have any thored at least 14 such studies. There is CEI. A version of this article originally ap-
effects. The recent study highlighted by an apparent conflict of interest among peared in The Washington Examiner.
the Chapel Hill Consensus scientists


New Zealand’s Free Market Triumph

A mong stories of economic suc-

cess, New Zealand stands out.
Two decades ago, it dramatically
transformed itself from a welfare state
saddled with crushing public debt,
rampant inflation, and a closed and
moribund economy, to become one of
the freest, most prosperous, and open
countries in the world today. How did
they do it?
Our journey begins in 1981, when
economic crisis opened up a window
for dramatic change. Two individuals
stand out in the struggle for reform: Sir
Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson.
Though members of Parliament from
opposing parties, the two made
common cause, often against their
own party leaders, and dominated Under Muldoon’s leadership per- fearing financial collapse, consulted
New Zealand politics for years. Today, capita income dropped to the lowest with senior Labour Party opposition
Roger and Ruth are widely respected among all developed nations. leaders, most notably Roger Douglas,
elder statesmen, but I was able to track In the 1981 election, the National who was then finance minister-in-wait-
them down and pick their brains for a Party clung to its parliamentary ing, to frame an economic recovery
few hours. majority by one seat—won by Ruth platform.
Historically, the majority of New Richardson, then a political rookie. The 1984 elections were a disas-
Zealand’s trade had been with the Not long after she arrived, all hell ter for the National Party. The Labour
United Kingdom, but that ended broke loose. “I was the majority. Party, under leader David Lange,
after 1973, when the UK joined the And I went in with the reputation of swept into power, publicly pledged to
European Economic Community, the being a fiery free market advocate, Roger Douglas’s reform platform.
European Union’s predecessor. That so I was regarded as a nuisance The government immediately deval-
required the UK to abandon its favored from day one,” she said. “So I sat ued the propped-up currency, floated
trade relations, which dealt New in the front row of the caucus and I the New Zealand dollar, and removed
Zealand a terrible economic shock. looked Muldoon in the eye, and he all capital controls. The currency,
The political response was disastrous: said to me, ‘What have you come to priced at its real value, helped boost
increased protectionism, expanded Parliament to do, girlie?’ … I said, ‘I’ve agricultural exports. Farm subsidies
entitlement benefits, wage and price come to defeat inflation.’” were slashed, boosting productivity
controls, out-of-control deficit spend- New Zealand’s government and efficiency in agriculture.
ing, and lots of money printing by finances were completely opaque Roger launched an all-out assault
the central bank. New Zealand was and held under lock and key. Ruth on the bloated state sector, and
headed toward bankruptcy. demanded to see the country’s books, eventually privatized most state-owned
In 1975, Ruth Richardson’s giving Muldoon an ultimatum: “You enterprises. Top income tax rates,
National Party came to power, with show me the books or I don’t vote which had peaked at 66 percent, were
Robert Muldoon elected Prime Minister for you.” With his majority at stake, slashed down to 30 percent, roughly
in a landslide. Critics described his Muldoon caved. where they remain today.
campaign platform as a “denial of Still, despite Ruth’s best efforts, Ruth handily won reelection in her
economic reality accompanied by the situation kept spiraling down, district, despite her party’s defeat.
bribery of the voters.” His actions once with inflation peaking at 18 percent. She then used her position to egg
in office confirmed that assessment. Treasury and Reserve Bank officials, on Roger’s reforms, and set to work


monetary policy before an election to Ruth then introduced the first
create a temporary illusion of prosper- national budget in full compliance
H.L Mencken once ity. The Act directs the New Zealand with GAAP standards, a practice that
central bank to serve only one man- remains sacrosanct in New Zealand to
said: “Every election date: price stability—unlike the U.S. this day. No more lying with numbers,
is a sort of advance Federal Reserve, which serves the
con¬flicting mandates of price stability
no more obfuscation of long-term
liabilities, no more kicking the can
auction sale of and full employment. down the road.
Despite these accomplishments, The National Party won the 1993
stolen goods.” Roger Douglas and Prime Minister elections by one seat, putting Ruth right
David Lange set to fighting, and Roger back where she began her political
resigned his cabinet position. The journey. She helped pass the Fiscal
reforming her own party. “So, in the Labour Party’s poll ratings plummeted. Responsibility Act of 1994, which
first three years of Rogernomics, Roger Roger, worn out by the infighting, codified a set of transparent budgeting
pretty had a free run,” said Ruth. “I chose not to stand for reelection in protocols.
was virtually the only one in the caucus 1990. A few days after it passed
who was saying, ‘this is the right thing This handed the National Party an Parliament, Ruth resigned and left
to do.’” opening to push for more market-ori- political office forever, tired but proud
The economy began to show signs ented reforms, including deregulation of what she and Roger had accom-
of life, but still had a long way to go. of the labor market, public spending plished. “The idea was: As I was leav-
With the 1987 elections coming up, the cuts, and welfare reform. An electoral ing the kitchen, to bang up the rules
National Party fatally miscalculated landslide that put the National Party for fiscal cooking on the kitchen wall,
voter sentiment, believing most people in power gave it a clear mandate to so that anyone who would replace me
would rebel against Rogernomics. continue. would be subject to those disciplines.”
“Labour were reelected with an even Within six weeks of assuming her In 1994, New Zealand had the
greater majority than they had in new position as finance minister, Ruth highest rate of job growth in the OECD.
1984,” said Ruth. “That for us was the began slashing government spending. Twenty years have passed since
moment of truth.” Ruth moved up to But economic turnarounds take time, this political drama played itself out,
become opposition finance minister- so the government still had to borrow and the results speak for themselves.
in-waiting. Old guard National Party money in order to operate, even as the The 2014 Index of Economic Freedom
stalwarts who remained opponents of financial climate had darkened. ranks New Zealand fifth in the world,
reform were sacked. Facing a downgrade, she and her with ratings of 90 percent or higher for
But just as the National Party came colleagues traveled to New York for rule of law, freedom from corruption,
around to supporting more aggres- a meeting with Standard & Poor’s. “I business freedom, and labor freedom.
sive market reforms, Labour began to was basically facing them down and H.L Mencken once said: “Every
backslide. Yet, Roger still managed to saying, ‘How dare you downgrade election is a sort of advance auction
pass three major bills that cemented his a country that’s done a lot of reform sale of stolen goods.” It’s a trap nearly
legacy: the State Sector Act of 1988 already, a new government that’s every democracy has fallen into. New
and the Public Finance and Reserve taken the really tough calls?’” said Zealand could have easily ended up
Bank Acts of 1989. Ruth. “We got on the plane; we didn’t like Greece. Thanks to Roger Douglas,
The State Sector Act completely know what the result was … When we Ruth Richardson, and the wise people
reformed the civil service. All civil landed, we were advised we had a of people of New Zealand they
service employees were moved from single downgrade.” avoided that fate. The question now is:
job-for-life union contracts with senior- Emboldened by her success, Ruth Which path will we choose?
ity-based advancement to individual pushed on to reform the private labor
employment contracts and merit-based market. Her Employment Contracts Act
compensation and promotion. of 1991 ended government support Bill Frezza (bill.frezza@cei.org) is host
The Public Finance Act of 1989 for compulsory union membership of the RealClear Radio Hour (RCRH)
transitioned all government accounting and multi-employer labor agreements. and the author of “New Zealand’s
from an ad hoc cash accrual basis to Every worker and every employer was Far-Reaching Reforms: A Case Study on
the same generally accepted account- given the right to negotiate individual How to Save Democracy from Itself,”
ing principles (GAAP) required by employment contracts. Union member- published by the Antigua Forum. This
businesses. ship plummeted, with a concurrent article is based on RCRH’s 100th show.
Finally, the Reserve Bank Act of rise in productivity, flexibility, and
1989 ended the practice of goosing competitiveness.


Lessons for Business Leaders from the Near-
Death and Revival of America’s Railroads
of the emerging industries
BY FRED L. SMITH, JR. AND of the time. And, as Nobel
MARC SCRIBNER Laureate economist Ronald
As Nobel Laureate
Coase noted, that which policy economist Ronald Coase
B usiness executives deal with the
spiraling cost of complying with
government regulations every day.
makers do not understand will
often be attributed to anti-
consumer, anti-competitive
noted, that which policy
This burden has become so large and practices. Pro-regulation makers do not understand
pervasive that many have come to
accept it as inevitable. Business leaders
railroad executives, having
grown weary of “rate war”
will often be attributed
can’t imagine—and certainly don’t competition and their inabil- to anti-consumer, anti-
make plans for—a future when that ity to sustain private cartels,
burden is lifted. The history of the U.S. welcomed and harnessed this competitive practices.
railroad industry, however, suggests ignorance to push for inter-
that fighting to lift the weight of govern- ventions they believed would
ment restrictions is possible—and can benefit their firms. But as Henry Varnum railroad industry. In addition, during
be profitable. Poor, founder of the company that the early decades of the 20th century,
The heavy regulation that besets became Standard & Poor’s, warned at Congress significantly expanded the
America’s economy is a legacy of an 1886 Senate hearing: ICC’s regulatory jurisdiction to encom-
the Progressive era, when the view pass pipelines, telecommunications,
Our governments, state and motor carriers, and domestic water-
that civic-minded bureaucrats could national, have very little genius
effectively regulate our economy borne carriers.
or faculty for the supervision of Rail pricing strategies became
became dominant. Congress increas- railroads. They can provide that
ingly approached legislation as a way rigid over the following decades. The
reports be made which shall give ICC became more interested in setting
to set aspirational goals, while delegat- an adequate idea of the condition
ing the detailed edicts of policy to the prices to minimize competition between
of railroad companies and of the firms—and between transportation
executive branch. Independent agen- manner in which they are con-
cies—supposedly immune to political modes—than in policing alleged anti-
ducted; that done, public opinion competitive behavior. As a result, the
influence—accrued massive powers must do the rest.
to design and implement regulations, railroads went on to experience what
which have become the most important The nascent ICC was forced to rely became known in the industry as a
source of lawmaking in modern times. on rail industry leaders, as few at the century-long going out of business sale.
Progressives rode the populist wave newly created agency had any exper- By the 1970s, the railroads faced
that arose in response to the emergence tise in rail transport. This led to what left- imminent collapse. Much of the
of the nation’s first large, nationwide ist historian Gabriel Kolko and others Northeast’s rail network had been
firms, in order to push through an called “regulatory capture”—the notion nationalized following the bankrupt-
array of regulatory initiatives—railroad that regulations actually benefited the cies of the Penn Central and six other
regulation, then antitrust regulation. regulated firms, rather than consum- railroads—a fate that then seemed
Railroads were the first major sector of ers. Legislation in 1910 established likely for the rest of the nation’s private
the economy to experience this new the United States Commerce Court to rail system. Policy makers saw no other
federal intervention. In 1887, Congress adjudicate ICC disputes. However, the alternative than liberalization, driven
enacted the Interstate Commerce Act, Commerce Court was abolished only by an unusual confluence of economic
which created the Interstate Commerce three years later, after one of its judges and intellectual forces, including liber-
Commission (ICC), with broad support was impeached for accepting bribes alization in other industries.
from politicians from both major parties, from representatives from the railroads Deregulation efforts were already
as well as from a number of railroad and the coal industry. under way for airlines and truck-
industry executives. Following the Commerce Court’s ing, and there were even some early
However, few understood the com- dissolution, the ICC took a more steps in communications and banking.
plex pricing and operational policies aggressive approach to regulating the Future Treasury Secretary John Snow,


Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman approach to regulation and seek favoring an expanded role for govern-
Alfred Kahn, and others within the accommodation. For example, they ment have been more entrepreneurial,
bureaucracy sought to liberalize these may endorse one national regulator creating effective alliances between
industries. Yet, it was not until railroad as less burdensome than mul- moral-intellectual and economic forces.
executives lent their support to these tiple state regulators, even though For example, trial lawyers and environ-
efforts that deregulation become a competition among the states could mentalists work closely to advance their
reality. result in the less burdensome regula- common policy goals, as do unions
Those efforts led to Congress’ tors emerging as dominant. and consumerist groups. Such “Baptist
enactment of the Staggers Rail Act of Fatalism does little to encourage and Bootlegger” alliances address the
1980, which largely freed the railroads businesses from resisting overregula- reality that policy change in market
from ICC oversight and gave them the tion. It also doesn’t help in making democracies requires moral and intel-
freedom to introduce flexible rates. The the moral, intellectual, and economic lectual, as well as political and eco-
Act helped return America’s railroads case for competitive free markets. If nomic support.
to profitability by allowing them to the pervasive Progressive Zeitgeist is Railroads sought economic lib-
gain traffic back from other modes of to be resisted, it will take much more eralization after almost a century of
transportation, such as trucking. Those than rolling back a few regulations or struggling under an ever more restrictive
profits allowed private rail firms to making them somewhat more favorable regulatory regime that left them facing
renovate their deteriorated infrastruc- to certain firms and sectors. Current ruin. They succeeded in impressive
ture. That private network investment policies have resulted in a century of manner—a once-moribund industry
has totaled more than half a trillion ever more restrictive regulations and an recovered rapidly and is now again a
dollars since 1980. ever-increasing burden on the entrepre- vibrant part of the American economy.
The railroads’ experience provides neurial sector of the economy. The rail industry’s 11th-hour investment
valuable lessons for those seeking to Business surveys routinely recog- in promoting economic freedom may be
address the excesses of regulation. nize regulations as one of the most one of the most profitable investments
• Regulations create costs by deny- serious impediments to innovation of the last few decades. Shouldn’t more
ing firms the flexibility to operate and growth. Yet, to date, business American businesses explore similar
in a highly competitive world that leaders have mounted little serious investments in liberalization?
demands swift, creative responses to resistance. Instead, they often choose
emerging, unforeseen challenges. appeasement of their critics, much
like the railroads did in the late 19th Fred Smith (fred.smith@cei.org) is
• Alleged “market failures” tend to be founder of CEI and Director of CEI’s
less costly than government failures. century and the decades following.
While some might gain some short-term Center for Advancing Capitalism. Marc
Regulations, usually intended to Scribner (marc.scribner@cei.org) is a
address perceived market failures, benefits from such tweaking, businesses
in general find their wealth-creating Fellow at CEI. They are authors of the
all too often fail to live up to their new CEI study, Reviving Capitalism:
expected gains. Instead, they often capabilities limited.
In part, these failures illustrate the Lessons from the Near-Death and
increase costs while the benefits Rebirth of American Railroads.
rarely materialize. tendency of business to go it alone,
rarely reaching out to truly pro-market
• Businesses, like railroads a cen- activist and academic allies. Groups
tury ago, too often take a fatalistic

Realclear Radio offers listeners a

fresh perspective on political and
social issues of the day through
informative interviews and dis-
cussions. Brought to you by the
Competitive Enterprise Institute
and RealClearPolitics, and hosted
by CEI Fellow Bill Frezza.
Learn more at RealClearRadio.org.



CEI Prevails in Court President Obama

against Illegal TSA Missouri Right-to-Work Rejects Keystone XL
Body Scanner Policy Bill Vetoed Pipeline

For several years, CEI has been In September, legislators in Missouri In November, President Obama
attempting to force the Transportation had an opportunity to bring worker rejected the proposed Keystone XL
Security Administration (TSA) to freedom to their state. They passed pipeline, dealing a blow to economic
comply with federal law and a court an historic right-to-work law, which growth and commonsense environ-
order related to the agency’s unlawful would have reduced unions’ privilege mental policy. Myron Ebell, direc-
deployment of airport body scanners. and blunted their intimidation tac- tor of CEI’s Center for Energy and
In July, CEI filed suit in the U.S. Court tics against workers. Unfortunately, Environment, blasted the president for
of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit asking Governor Jay Nixon (D) vetoed the pandering to far-left environmental
the court to compel the agency to bill and an attempt to override Nixon’s activists. “President Obama’s deci-
produce a final rule governing the veto fell short. “In failing to override sion to deny the necessary permit for
use of the scanners. In October, the governor’s veto, Missouri lawmak- the Keystone XL Pipeline adds to his
the court sided with CEI. “We are ers lost a chance to make history and shameful record of policies to constrict
pleased the court agreed with our dealt a devastating blow to worker domestic energy production and raise
petition that the TSA has taken far freedom in favor of special interests energy prices for American consum-
too long to comply with the basic and Big Labor,” said CEI Policy ers,” said Ebell. “It comes after six
rulemaking process that all agencies Analyst Trey Kovacs. Kovacs previ- years of foot dragging by his adminis-
must follow,” said CEI Fellow Marc ously authored a study for CEI on tration designed to delay the pipeline
Scribner. “We look forward to exam- right-to-work in Missouri highlighting to death and just before the U.N.
ining the final rule to see how the TSA that not having a right-to-work law climate conference in Paris, where
considered the thousands of public from 1977 to 2012 led to an estimated the President hopes to cap his anti-
comments on how, why, and where $3,040 in lost per capita income, for affordable energy record by signing a
the TSA can use body scanners.” a total loss of $18.3 billion. new climate treaty. While his timing is
Members of Congress were outraged politically clever, the decision is con-
after a leaked inspector general trary to America’s economic interests
report in June found that the agency’s and harms our relations with Canada,
airport screening failed to detect our closest ally and largest trading
fake bombs and weapons brought partner.””
through by undercover auditors 96
percent of the time.


USA Today reports on the FAA’s The Huffington Post quotes The Wall Street
new drone regulations and the response by Myron Ebell, Journal cites
quotes CEI Fellow Marc Scribner Director of CEI’s Center for Director of
on the final rule. Energy and Environment, to the CEI’s Center for
Marc Scribner, a transportation “Wanted” posters targeting him, Class Action
expert at the Competitive Enterprise CEI senior fellow Chris Horner, Fairness Ted
Institute, an advocacy group for limited and other climate skeptics at the Frank on recent
government, said the FAA should have Paris Climate Conference. class action
allowed public notice and comment “The vilification of me and several settlements.
about the final rule for the registry, other climate realists during a meeting Litigator and
which will be published Tuesday in of tens of thousands of alarmists sug- class-action activist Ted Frank raised
the Federal Register. Ignoring those gests these alarmists are worried that similar concerns last year when he
requirements means government a handful of people speaking the truth objected to a settlement of allegations
officials “are practically demanding threatens the so-called consensus that that Gillette Co.’s Duracell unit misled
litigation,” Scribner said. global warming is a crisis,” Ebell said consumers about the battery life of a
–DECEMBER 14, in a statement. premium battery line.
USA Today —DECEMBER 7, While approving the settlement,
Huffington Post the federal trial court judge in Florida
Fox Business reports on Vice questioned the plaintiffs’ assertion that
President for Policy Wayne Pittsburgh’s Tribune-Review their request for a $5-plus million fee
Crews’s latest study on the interviews Senior Fellow John was more than reasonable. The law-
“regulatory dark matter” cre- Berlau on the dangers of the yers said it was only 10 percent of the
ated by federal agencies and its Department of Labor’s proposed estimated value of the settlement. “[T]
economic costs. “fiduciary rule.” he $50 million calculation is somewhat
The rules hit all levels of American Q: What damage do you believe illusory, because the parties never
life, health care, retirement, the work- the rule could cause? expected that Gillette would actually
place, education, and the Internet, A: The rule would severely restrict pay anything close to that amount,”
says Clyde Crews, Jr., a top researcher investment choices in savings plans wrote Judge Gregory A. Presnell.
and respected author with the liber- such as 401(k)s and IRAs, especially Mr. Frank told Law Blog that
tarian-leaning Competitive Enterprise for poor and middle-class investors, inflated estimates of settlement value
Institute, in his new report, “Mapping by forcing investment professionals are common in class actions and
Washington’s Lawlessness 2016.” to adhere to a one-size-fits all defini- help plaintiffs’ lawyers make their fee
According to Crews’s estimation tion of “best interest” for assets and requests “seem more reasonable.”
of the “regulatory dark matter,” the investment strategies. [If the rule goes He said he’s hoping the U.S. Supreme
federal government has published into effect,] predictions are that many Court will take up the issue, saying he
524,251 “public notices” describing brokers will stop serving households plans to ask the justices to review the
federal rules that affect the economy with less than $50,000 in assets. battery settlement, which was affirmed
in the Federal Register since 1994. —OCTOBER 30, by a federal appeals court.
Federal agencies issued 3,554 rules Tribune-Review —OCTOBER 22,
and regulations in 2014, versus the The Wall Street Journal
224 bills Congress passed and the
president signed into law last year.
“The average has been 26 rules for
every law over the past decade,”
Crews says.
Fox Business


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Police Bust Nonagenarians over Mahjong Game Falling Weather Balloon Device Prompts Bomb
In tiny Altamonte Springs, Florida, four women aged 87 Squad Response
to 95 were recently enjoying their weekly mahjong game In November, measurement equipment attached to a
in the Escondido Condominium clubhouse when police weather balloon fell to the ground in Philadelphia, prompt-
arrived to shut down the game, telling the women they were ing the city’s bomb squad to spring into action after the
engaged in illegal gambling. It is believed a “troublemaker” box struck a vehicle. According to Mitchell Gaines of the
resident tipped off the police. “This is ridiculous,” Zelda National Weather Service, a balloon carrying a radio-
King told the Heritage Florida Jewish News. “We haven’t sonde was launched in Virginia, but high winds caused it
played in the clubhouse for weeks! We have to go to each to drift over Philadelphia. Radiosondes measure a variety
other’s homes to play and not everyone lives in Escondido. of weather variables when they are carried high into the
It is an international game and we are being crucified!” But atmosphere by balloons. When they reach a certain altitude,
apparently there was no ordinance in Altamonte Springs the weather balloon pops, sending the radiosonde drifting
prohibiting mahjong for money in the first place. “Penny-ante to the ground below by an attached parachute. The devices
games” of up to $10 are not considered crimes. The ladies are labeled with a mailing address and instruct the finders
have a $4 limit. to return them to the weather service. Usually, this occurs in
rural areas where falling radiosondes are unlikely to immedi-
Robert Mugabe Awarded China’s Peace Prize ately alert anyone, let alone strike a car, home, or person
Dictator Robert Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe
with an iron fist for more than three decades, is notorious Providence’s Criminal Mayor Honored by Portrait
for widespread human rights violations against his political in City Hall
opponents, hyperinflation that led to Zimbabwean dollar Buddy Cianci is nationally known as one of America’s
bank note denominations of up to a $100 trillion, and most criminally inclined local politicians, rivaling the noto-
widespread poverty. In October, it was announced—to riety of Marion Barry, the late mayor of Washington, D.C.
widespread confusion—that Mugabe would be awarded In November, a large portrait of Cianci was unveiled
the Confucius Peace Prize, China’s answer to the Nobel in Providence City Hall. “It’s not the first time I’ve been
Peace Prize. The Confucius Prize was established in 2010 framed,” Cianci told a crowd of supporters at an event held
after the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, an in his honor. Despite his criminal convictions and many more
imprisoned Chinese dissident and literary critic. Mugabe ulti- allegations of corruption, Cianci enjoyed strong support
mately declined the prize, which included a cash award of among some segments of the public and officials in Rhode
500,000 renminbi (nearly $80,000), or 28 million revalued Island. He served 21 years as mayor, which came to an end
Zimbabwean dollars at the current exchange rate.. in 2002 when he began serving more than four years in
federal prison following a racketeering conviction. His first
term as mayor ended in 1984 after he pleaded no contest
to a felony assault charge after attacking a man with a fire-
place log, an ashtray, and a lit cigarette. He currently hosts
a popular daily radio show.


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