Vitamin C Extraction

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Experimental Procedure

1. Prepare the Juice Samples

a) Measure out 25.00 ml of each juice sample using a volumetric pipet and transfer it into
two separate Erlenmeyer flasks.

b) Place the Erlenmeyer flasks onto a hot plate and place a thermometer in each flask. Heat
the flasks to a temperature of _______ 0 c.

c) After the temperature is reached, remove the flasks from the hot plate and put them into
an ice bath until the temperature falls to about 350 c. Thereafter, remove the flask from
the ice bath and leave it on the counter to cool to room temperature.

2. Prepare a Standard Solution of Potassium Iodate:

a) Weigh ___________ g of potassium iodate by differences using the top loading balance:

Mass of Weigh Boat + Potassium Iodate (record all d.p.) =

- Transfer potassium iodate to beaker and then weigh the empty boat.

Mass of Empty Weigh Boat (record all d.p.) =

b) Add 100 ml deionized water to the sample stir until all the potassium iodate dissolves.

c) Rinse 1000 ml volumetric flask and funnel with deionized water to ensure they are clean.

d) Transfer solution into the volumetric flask. Remember to rinse the beaker, stirring rod and
funnel with deionized water several times to ensure all washings are transferred.

e) Fill the volumetric flask with deionized water almost close to the 1000 ml mark.

f ) Stopper the flask and invert it several times.

g) Read the meniscus again and use a dropper to add water until the bottom of the
meniscus lines up with the mark. Mix slightly again.

Concentration of Potassium Iodate Solution:

moles =

moles × 1000
concentration =
Page 1
3. Prepare the Burette

a) Put funnel on the burette.

b) Rinse the burette with the potassium iodate solution.

c) Fill the burette with potassium iodate.

4. Prepare the Juice Sample for Titration

a) Add 5 mL of KI solution into each Erlenmeyer flask before the titration.

b) Also add 4mL of 2M HCl solution into each flask before the titration.

c) Add 3 ml of starch solution into each flask before the titration.

d) Place the flask onto the magnetic stirrer and add a stirring chip into it.

5. Carry out the Titration

Juice 1
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial Buret Reading

Final Buret Reading

Volume of KIO3

Average Volume of KIO3

Juice 2
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial Buret Reading

Final Buret Reading

Volume of KIO3

Average Volume of KIO3

Juice 3
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial Buret Reading
Final Buret Reading

Volume of KIO3

Average Volume of KIO3

Page 2

1. Find the average volume of potassium iodate used.

2. From the mass of potassium iodate used, calculate the moles of potassium iodate.
moles =
3. Find the concentration of the potassium iodate solution using:

moles × 1000
concentration =

4. Find the moles of potassium iodate that reacted:

moles = concentration × average volume

5. Use the mole ratio 1 mole of potassium iodate to 3 moles of ascorbic acid to calculate the
moles of ascorbic acid in the sample.

moles = 3 × moles of potassium iodate

6. Use the moles of ascorbic acid to find the mass of ascorbic acid in 25.00 ml of the juice

mass = moles × 176.124

7. Use this to find the mass of ascorbic acid per litre of juice.
mass per litre = mass × 40

Page 3

Mass of Weigh Boat + Potassium Iodate (g)

Mass of Empty Weigh Boat (g)

Mass of Potassium Iodate (g)

Concentration of Potassium Iodate Solution (mol dm-3)

Titration Results

Juice 1 Temperature:
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial Buret Reading / cm3
Final Buret Reading / cm3

Volume of KIO3 / cm3

Average Volume of KIO3 / cm3

Concentration of Vitamin C / g dm-3

Juice 2 Temperature:
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial Buret Reading / cm3

Final Buret Reading / cm3

Volume of KIO3 / cm3

Average Volume of KIO3 / cm3

Concentration of Vitamin C / g dm-3

Juice 3 Temperature:
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial Buret Reading / cm3

Final Buret Reading / cm3

Volume of KIO3 / cm3

Average Volume of KIO3 / cm3

Concentration of Vitamin C / g dm-3

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