The Khazars

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Jewish opponents of the Khazar theory of the origins of Eastern European Jewry have developed a rather standard defense to the Khazar Jew thesis.
Since they cannot deny the Khazar influence outright, they seek to minimize it. Thus, they invariably argue that only the Khazar aristocracy
adopted Judaism, not the Khazar masses. Since only a handful of Khazars converted, the Khazar contribution to the Jewish genetic gene pool is only
minimal. Jews are therefore not the descendants of the Khazar Empire. It should be obvious on the face of it that this argument is ethnically
motivated and in defiance of many facts. Jews know full well that any provable descent from the Khazars would undermine their occupation of Arab
Palestine. Thus, downplaying the real Khazar contribution to their gene pool is an essential political stratagem.

The Arab and other chroniclers who visited the Khazar Empire were generally consistent in their descriptions of a mass Khazar conversion to
Judaism. These Arab eyewitnesses over many decades time had no reason to lie about the extent of the Khazar conversion to Judaism, unlike self-
interested present day Jews who have every such motivation. The strongest arguments of all are demographics and physical appearance. Many
thousands of Jews reside in what used to be the heartland of the old Khazar Empire in south Russia and western Ukraine/Eastern Poland where the
Khazars migrated after the break up of their empire. These Jews typically display Mongoloid faces with reddish hair grafted onto white skin. These
were precisely the physical characteristics of the Khazars recorded by the ancient chroniclers. It would defy both logic and common sense to think
that these correlations are coincidental. There is much else to be said on the subject. Many of the medieval Turkic tribes of the Eurasian plains have
survived to the present day. The Bulgars, in both modern day Bulgaria and their Volga homeland have survived. The Magyars, who entered Europe
in the 9th century A.D., became the Hungarian nation. Many other examples could be cited. How is it that all these ancient peoples can be
identified in their modern incarnations but the extremely powerful tribe which ruled them all, the Khazars, supposedly disappeared into the mists
of time? By far the more believable explanation, given the vast profusion of Mongoloid Jews in Russia, is Khazar derivation.

Opponents of the Khazar theory make much of highly selective genetic testing that they claim decisively refutes the Khazar Jew theory. But there
are many problems with this approach. In the first place, no one has applied genetic testing to groups whose identity is known. Suppose that a
genetic test were to show that the Hungarians were not genetically related to the Magyars although in fact they are? Or suppose that a genetic test
showed that the Bulgarians had no connection to the Volga Bulgars, the tribe from whom they split? Would the genetic tests then be considered
reliable? Genetic tests are only as reliable as their data and their comparison points. Current genetic testing has not yet tested actual Khazar bones.
The genetic composition of the actual Khazar population remains unknown. It is well-established that Middle Eastern Jews migrated to Khazaria
and interbred with the Khazars. The Khazars also interbred with their subject Slavic tribes. Thus, the genetic picture is extremely complicated.
Despite these difficulties there are suggestions of Khazar genes in the Eastern European Jewish population. Haplotypes, or genetic markers on
chromosomes, give a clue. One such is the “Q” haplotype typically found in the Eurasian plains. Another is the “K” haplotype which is not typical of
the Middle East. Still another is the R1A1 haplotype, again typical of Central Asia. It is worth remembering that no one knows for certain how many
genetic types or subtypes existed within the Khazar population or what percentage of Khazars fell into which group. Finally, it is entirely possible
that entire Slavic tribes converted to Judaism in obeisance to the Khazars. The extreme complexity of all these factors makes any conclusion based
on genetics alone tentative in the extreme.

Archaeological and coin discoveries also offer convincing evidence of the Khazar conversion to Judaism. Excavations of Khazar burial mounds from
the ninth century A.D. show a marked change from earlier burial mounds. The shamanistic amulets of earlier burials are replaced with Torah scrolls
and other religious artifacts. This would seem to indicate a definite change in religion in the Khazar population. Jewish coins minted by the Khazars
have been found as far north as Sweden with the inscription: “Moses is the messenger of God”. This essay earlier alluded to the political motivations
of present day Jews in denying the Khazar connection. One factor in particular bears on this lack of credibility. The Jews, as Holocaust revisionists
have demonstrated, are provably lying about six million of their kind being killed in fictional “gas chambers”. How believable then, are these same
Jews when they attempt to minimize the real influence of the Khazars on their genes? That is a question which the informed reader shall have to
decide for himself.

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