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Subject: English Theme: World of stories Class: Year 2


Reading Learning standards: Time: 10.20-

11.20 a.m.
Understand a variety of linear Reading
and non-linear print and digital 3.2.2
texts by using appropriate Understand specific
reading strategies information and details of
simple sentences.

i) Reread a word, phrase or
sentence to understand meaning
Moral Values: Cross Curriculum Relation: Date:10th
Mastery Learning September

Knowledge: HOTs: Creative and innovative. Day: Thursday

Knowing about simple action verbs
after the previous lesson.

Learning Objectives Success Criteria:

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able
to: a) The students will be able to write at least
a) Make sentences from the words given by 3 out of 5 sentences for the words given
the teacher by the teacher.
Main Concept / Vocabulary Teaching Aids: pictures, worksheets,
Action verbs whiteboard

Teaching Framework Rationale / Impact / Reflection

Startup Activity 1. The teacher will do a revision of Rationale: Attracting students’
(5 minutes) what is learnt during the attention before teaching. Revising
previous lessons. the things learnt from the previous
2. The teacher asks the students lesson.
to spell the words taught in the
previous lesson. Teaching Aids:
Masks and whiteboard
Main Activity  Presentation (15 minutes) Rationale: The teacher models
1. The teacher will teach the the reading.
vocabulary content in the
reading material. Teaching Aids: masks and
2. The teacher will read the whiteboard
sentence first before asking the
students to read.
3. Sentence, by sentence the
teacher reads the reading text
before asking the students to

 Practice (15 minutes) Rationale: The teacher gives

1. The students are asked to read guidance to the students for
the text together again. writing sentences
2. They are given reading
comprehension exercises to Teaching Aids: Masks and
complete. whiteboard
3. They will need to answer 5
 Production (20 minutes) Rationale: Students practice the
1. The teacher will write 5 new skill on their own.
words learnt in the lesson. Teaching Aids: exercise book and
2. The teacher will ask the masks
students to make sentences
using the words.
Closure Concluding the lesson. Rationale: The teacher can
Lesson recap. summarise the lesson and helps
the students to remember longer.

Pupils Follow- Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

up Activity The teacher will The teacher give the The teacher asks the
gives the students a students short story to students to read short
simple reading read with simple story with
comprehension worksheets. comprehension
exercises. exercises.

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