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Reasons why I wanted to quit smoking.

I was feeling lethargic, every day, feeling lethargic.

I had no energy.

You lose your sense of smell.

Things become less tasty as you destroy your tastebuds with the putrid but
addictive grey smoke, filling your lungs with tar and infusing your bloodstream
with what you really desire..


The bane of us all, the smokers.

I also started caring about the people around me, how my second hand smoke
effects them, how it makes everything smell, how it makes kissing licking
an ashtray. For non-smokers dating smokers, I now realise it must be hard.

I wanted to stop mainly because the smoking had become habitual, I realised it
had. It was no longer a pleasure, it was no longer something I did because I
wanted to, it was something I did because I did it, I needed to do it like clockwork.

 I would wake up - first thing pee, then cigarette.

 Before I sleep - last thing cigarette then brush teeth.
 Stuck in traffic - light up a cigarette.
 Stressed at work - light up a cigarette.
 Hungry but no time to eat - light up a cigarette to push back the hunger.
 After a meal - first thing is to light up a cigarette.
 After sex - light up a cigarette.
It becomes habit, smoking becomes associate with these things in your brain,
you no longer really want a cigarette or enjoy it, or truly desire it. But because
you did one of these things, you have to smoke, your brains tells you to smoke.


I didn’t want the cigarettes to be in control any more, I wanted to get the control

I wanted to be in control of what I did…not be controlled.

So, I decided to quit, and that my friends is what this site is all about.

Perhaps you can share your story, if you are a smoker why you want to quit, or if
you’ve quit, what feeling did you have that was so strong?

Maybe you or your partner got pregnant?

Maybe someone close to you got cancer?

Maybe you just realised you didn’t need it any more?

Maybe…any let us know, it’ll be interesting.

By: Quit Smoking | 11/30/05 | Anti-smoking - Quitting Info/Tips - The Fight! -

Tough Times | Trackback | Comments [RSS 2.0]
7 Responses to “Reasons why I wanted to quit smoking.” »»

I. chicomarino

Comment by chicomarino | 11/30/05 at 12:43 pm

Hey keep it up..sometimes it’s easy to forget the reasons why you quit..

And just fall back into it.

II. powershota10

Comment by powershota10 | 11/30/05 at 6:13 pm

you seemed to be really hooked on smoking. bravo to you for taking this step.
keep it up and good luck

III. Azmeen

Comment by Azmeen | 12/06/05 at 11:34 am

I’ve quit smoking twice in my life so far. But now I reverted to smoking yet again!

The first time around, I went cold turkey. I started on my 24th birthday. It lasted
for about 6 months.

Probably one reason I restarted was boredom. I quit a job I had for three years in
Singapore. I never regretted doing that, mind your… it probably was one of the
most meaningless job in the world in terms of employee appreciation. Everyone
was treated like emotionless drones.

I was browsing the papers for new jobs at a restaurant when the Marlboro calling
came back. The urge to buy a pack and light up was far too strong. This was my
first relapse.

After working for about a year, I attempted to quit smoking again. This time, I
used nicotine gums to assist me in kicking the habit. This only lasted for one

Strangely though, I’ve never been sick for more than two years now…

IV. QuitSpeed
Comment by QuitSpeed | 12/06/05 at 12:05 pm


Yeah this is my 3rd time, 3rd time lucky eh!

Other 2 times were 6 months and 12 months.

It’s easy to slip back into the habit sadly..I went cold turkey every time, I have
tried some other ways, but well they didn’t work out too well either!

Best of luck quitting next time, I’m sure the 3rd will come soon enough.

Perhaps we can discuss some tips

V. marco

Comment by marco | 07/04/06 at 9:56 pm

for me this article is deeply comes fr x-smoker. very detail and very similar to me
as i am was an heavy chain smoker before. FYI i’ve already quit smokin’ by using
my own technique. it is quiet strange but it is easier for me. plus i can still can
enjoy my last cigarete while quitting.

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I. Quit Smoking - Stop Now! » Blog Archive » How and Why to Quit

Pingback by Quit Smoking - Stop Now! » Blog Archive » How and Why to Quit
Smoking | 12/08/05 at 12:04 pm

[...] Nicotine, an integral part of cigarette, is an addictive substance. It also

becomes habitual, as I mentioned previously, you associate smoking with certain
things, so you keep smoking. [...]

II. How and Why to Quit Smoking »

Pingback by How and Why to Quit Smoking » | 02/21/06 at 4:08 pm

[...] Nicotine, an integral part of cigarette, is an addictive substance. It also
becomes habitual, as I mentioned previously, you associate smoking with certain
things, so you keep smoking. [...]

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