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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IX

Jenjang : SMP/MTs Semester : 2 (dua)

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct 3. “Destiny is how you accept your

answer. womanhood and what you make of it.” What
is the underlined word refer to?
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 A. The woman’s responsible.
and 2. B. The Master’s explanation.
Kevin : Mom! Where are you? C. Destiny.
Mother : I’m in the backyard, Kevin. What’s up? D. Fate.
Kevin : Look, Mom! My article was published in 4. “Destiny is how you accept your
this teen magazine! Can you believe it? womanhood and what you make of it.”.
Mother : I can’t believe it! It’s yours! The underlined word can be best
1. What is the dialog about? replaced by ________.
A. Kevin who loves reading teen A. deny B. reply
magazines. C. miss D. receive
B. The publishing of Kevin’s article 5. What can you learn from the story?
in a teen magazine. A. We can change our destiny, but not our
C. A mother and her son. fate.
D. A boy who loves helping his mother B. We have to receive our destiny as it is.
in the backyard. C. Never complain what you’ve already
2. Where do you think the dialog happen? got.
A. At home. D. We have to help each other.
B. At school.
C. In an office. Read the text and answer questions 6 to 8.
D. In a publishing house. Once there were three trees on a hill in
the woods. They were discussing their hopes
Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5. and dreams when the first tree said, “Someday
To a woman who complained about her I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled
destiny, the Master said, “It is you who make your with gold, silver and precious gems. I could be
destiny.” decorated with intricate carving and everyone
“But surely I am not responsible for being would see the beauty.”
born a woman?” Then, the second tree said, “Someday
“Being born a woman isn’t destiny. That is I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and
fate. Destiny is how you accept your queens across the waters and sail to the corners
womanhood and what you make of it.” of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me
Source: March 12, 2010, Anthony de Mello, SJ, One Minute because of the strength of my hull.”
Wisdom <>
Finally, the third tree said, “I want to grow
to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest.
People will see me on top of the hill and look up
to my branches, and think of the heavens and

God and how close to them I am reaching. I will her Violetta, for her eyes reminded them of the
be the greatest tree of all time and people will color of violets.
always remember me.” Source : April 12, 2009
Source: March 12, 2010 <>
<> 9. What should the man in the story do to the
6. What is the purpose of the text? king?
A. To inform about three precious trees. A. Send their daughters to the palace to
B. To describe about three trees. become maids.
C. To entertain the readers. B. Give four basketfuls of fruit to the king.
D. To report about trees. C. Help the king in the palace.
D. Work in the king’s fields.
7. What happened to those trees?
A. Each of them had their own wish. 10. “Once upon a time, a peasant worked hard
B. The third tree was the most valuable one. to make a living from his land.”
C. They tried to show their power one to (Sentence 1)
another. The underlined word can be best replaced
D. They quarelled to be the most precious by ________.
tree. A. soldier B. farmer
C. maid D. cook
8. “Everyone will feel safe in me because of the
strength of my hull.” What does the 11. How was the king?
underlined word refer to? A. Wise. B. Tricky.
A. A treasure chest. C. Heartless. D. Selfish.
B. The second tree. 12. The peasan’t daughter was called Violetta
C. A mighty ship. by the folk because ________.
D. The highest and strongest tree in the A. she wore a violet dress
woods. B. she loved the color of violet
Read the text and answer questions 9 to 12. C. the color of her eyes was violets
D. she was as beautiful as the color of
Once upon a time, a peasant worked hard
to make a living from his land. Every year his
pear tree produced four basketfuls of fruit which Read the text and answer questions 13
had to be given to the king, a greedy ruler who and 14.
grew rich at the expense of the poor.
One year, part of the pear harvest went There’s a place in your heart
bad and the peasant was able to pick only three And I know that it is love
and a half baskets of fruit. The poor man was And this place could be much
beside himself with fear, for the king refused to Brighter than tomorrow.
take less than four basketfuls, and the peasant And if you really try
would be cruelly punished. You’ll find there’s no need to cry
All he could do was put his youngest In this place you’ll feel
daughter into one of the baskets and cover her There’s no hurt or sorrow.
with a layer of pears, so the basket looked full. There are ways to get there
The king’s servants took away the four baskets If you care enough for the living
without ever noticing the trick, and the little girl Make a little space, make a better place.
found herself all alone in the pantry, under the Source: March 12, 2010 <
pears. %20Jackson%20Lyrics/Heal%20The%20World
One day, the cook went into the pantry
and discovered her. Nobody could understand
where on earth she had come from, and not
knowing what to do with her, it was decided she
should become a maid in the castle. Folk called
13. “And if you really try” (line 5)

The synonym of the word ‘try’ is Read the text and answer questions 17
________. and 18.
A. attempt B. persuade
Monday, 09:10
C. choose D. decide
I was very happy today. Do you want to
14. The lyric mainly tells us about ________. know, my diary? It was because I went home
A. a better place to stay early. I There was no class, except a hoisting
B. someone’s wish flag ceremony. My teachers had important
C. a better future meeting downtown. That was what I knew.
D. love
17. The writer was happy because ________.
Read the text and answer questions 15 A. teachers had important meeting
and 16. downtown
In the beginning of the world, the B. she just attended the hoisting flag
Kangaroo tribe were very good hunters. They ceremony
moved from place to place hunting for food. C. she finally found her diary at home
When they came to a new place, they D. she went home early
would spend many days building new houses to
18. When did the writer write her diary?
live in. There was one man in the tribe who was
A. On Monday.
very clever and very lazy. Every time the tribe
B. At 10:09.
moved, he was angry because he did not want to
C. At noon
build another house. He decided to make a
D. In the afternoon.
house that he could carry on his back. When he
told the others, they laughed at him. For questions 19 and 20, arrange the
One night he left the tribe carrying his following words to make good sentences.
house on his back. As time went by, his house
19. before – had – there – studied –
got heavier and heavier. He tried to pull it off but 1 2 3 4
it was stuck. He began to get smaller and smaller
from the weight of the house until he could only your brother – Japanese – he – ever –
crawl along the ground. 5 6 7 8
Today he can be seen sliding along the worked – ?
9 10
ground looking for food with a large shell on his
back. A. 2–7–8–4–6–1–5–9–3–10
Source: Endang Nila P., Writing Bahan Ajar Diklat Guru B. 2–5–8–4–6–3–9–7–1–10
Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Tingkat Dasar, C. 2–5–8–4–6–1–7–9–3–10
Jakarta, Depdiknas Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan dasar D. 2–5–4–6–1–7–8–9–3–10
dan Menengah Pusat Pengembangan Penataran Guru
Bahasa, 2004. 20. whom – me – this morning – met – we –
1 2 3 4 5
15. The Kangaroo tribe moved from one place to
place because ________. yesterday – the girl – called
A. they were lazy 6 7 8
B. they searched for food A. 7–1–5–4–3–8–2–6
C. they wanted to find better houses B. 7–1–5–4–6–8–2–3
D. they had to build new houses in the new C. 7–1–5–6–8–4–2–3
place D. 7–1–8–4–5–2–6–3
16. At the end of the story, the very clever, but
B. Rewrite a story that you have ever read.
lazy, man changed into ________ .
A. a kangaroo B. a turtle
C. a snake D. a hare

Jawaban Review B

A. Pilihan Ganda pilihan jawaban (B) farmer (petani).
1. B. Percakapan itu menceritakan Kevin Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
yang mencari ibunya. Setelah bertemu, (A) artinya tentara, (C) artinya pelayan,
ia menjelaskan bahwa artikelnya dimuat dan (D) artinya tukang masak.
di majalah remaja. Ia dan ibunya sangat 11. D. Sifat raja dalam cerita tersebut
senang. Jadi, percakapan itu mencerita- adalah greedy yang artinya tamak. Hal
kan tentang dimuatnya artikel Kevin di ini disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir
majalah remaja. paragraf satu, ”. . . to the king, a gredy
2. A. Percakapan itu terjadi antara Kevin ruler who . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang
dengan ibunya. Pada saat itu, ibu Kevin artinya sama dengan kata tamak adalah
ada di halaman belakang (backyard). pilihan jawaban (D) selfish. Pilihan
Kesimpulannya, percakapan itu terjadi di jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya
rumah (at home). bijaksana, (B) artinya licik, dan
(C) artinya jahat.
3. C. Kata ’it’ menggantikan kata benda
tunggal yang telah disebutkan 12. C. Gadis itu disebut Violetta karena
sebelumnya, yaitu destiny. mata gadis itu berwarna violet (warna
lembayung). Hal ini sesuai dengan
4. D. Kata ’accept’ dan ’receive’ artinya
kalimat terakhir cerita tersebut, ”Folk
sama, yaitu menerima. Pilihan jawaban
called her Violetta, for her eyes
yang lain salah; (A) artinya menyangkal,
reminded them of the color of violets.”
(B) menjawab, dan (C) meleset.
yang artinya ”Orang-orang itu
5. A. Berdasarkan kalimat terakhir cerita menyebutnya Violetta karena matanya
tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa kita bisa mengingatkan mereka akan warna
mengubah nasib kita, tetapi kita tidak lembayung.”.
bisa mengubah takdir.
13. A. Kata ’try’ artinya mencoba.
6. C. Teks tersebut berbentuk narrative. Persamaan katanya adalah ’attempt’
Tujuan narrative adalah menghibur yang juga berarti mencoba. Pilihan
(to entertain) para pembacanya. jawaban yang lain salah; (B) artinya
7. A. Cerita itu mengisahkan tiga pohon membujuk,
yang masing-masing mempunyai (C) memilih, dan (D) artinya
harapan. Cerita itu diakhiri dengan memutuskan.
harapan pohon ketiga yang ingin menjadi 14. D. Inti lirik tersebut dituangkan pada
pohon tertinggi agar selalu diingat orang. baris kedua ”And I know that it is love.”
Jadi, cerita itu menjelaskan yang artinya ”Dan saya tahu bahwa itu
keinginan/harapan setiap pohon itu. cinta.”. Kemudian, baris-bari berikutnya
8. B. Kata ’me’ tersebut terdapat dalam adalah gagasan penjelas makna cinta.
kalimat harapan yang diucapkan oleh 15. B. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
pohon kedua. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang kedua paragraf pertama bacaan
tepat adalah (B). tersebut, ”They moved from one place
9. B. Pilihan jawaban (B) ini benar karena to place hunting for food.” yang artinya
sesuai dengan kalimat kedua ”Mereka berpindah dari satu tempat ke
paragraf satu, ”Every year his pear tree tempat lain untuk mencari makan.”.
produced four basketfuls of fruit which 16. B. Berdasarkan kalimat terakhir cerita
had to be given to the king, . . . .” yang yang artinya ”Sekarang ia dapat dilihat
artinya ”Setiap tahun pohon pirnya merayap di tanah mencari makan
menghasilkan empat keranjang buah dengan membawa tempurung besar di
yang harus diberikan kepada raja.”. punggungnya.”, disimpulkan bahwa laki-
laki yang sangat pintar tetapi malas itu
10. B. Kata ’peasant’ artinya petani. Pilihan berubah menjadi kura-kura. Ia selalu
jawaban yang artinya sama adalah

membawa rumahnya ketika mencari The entire family was filled with
makan. anticipation and excitement about their new life.
17. D. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat However, seven days before their departure, the
yang ditulis penulis dalam buku youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor
hariannya ”It was because I went home sewed up the boy but hung a yellow sheet on
early.” yang artinya ”Itu karena aku the Clarks’ front door. Because of the possibility
pulang awal.”. of rabies, they were being quarantined for
fourteen days.
18. A. Dalam buku harian itu tertulis
The family’s dreams were dashed. They
”Monday, 09:10.”. Itu artinya buku harian
would not be able to make the trip to America as
itu ditulis pada hari Senin, pukul 09.10,
they had planned. The father, filled with
bukan pukul 10.09 seperti pada pilihan
disappointment and anger, stomped to the dock
jawaban (B).
to watch the ship leave—without the Clark
19. C. Urutan kata yang tepat sehingga family. The father shed tears of disappointment
membentuk kalimat yang bermakna and cursed both his son and God for their
adalah (2) Apakah (5) kakakmu misfortune.
(8) pernah (4) belajar (6) bahasa Jepang Five days later, the tragic news spread
(1) sebelum (7) ia (9) bekerja (3) di sana throughout Scotland—the mighty Tittanic had
(10)?. sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk, taking
20. B. Urutan kata yang tepat sehingga hundreds of lives with it. The Clark family was to
membentuk kalimat yang bermakna have been on that ship, but because the son
adalah (7) Gadis (1) yang (5) kita had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind
(4) jumpai (6) kemarin (8) menelepon in Scotland.
(2) saya (3) tadi pagi. When Mr. Clark heard the news, he
hugged his son and thanked him for saving the
B. Esai family. He thanked God for saving their lives and
Contoh jawaban: turning what he had felt was a tragedy into
A Tragedy or a Blessing? a blessing.
Although we may not always understand,
Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family all things happen for a reason.
had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and Source: January 8, 2010
saved, making plans for their nine children and <>
themselves to travel the United States. It had
taken years, but they had finally saved enough
money and had got passports and reservations
for the whole family on a new liner to the United

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