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The original documents are located in Box 3, folder “O-R (IV-FF), Project

MOCKINGBIRD - Telephone Tap of Newspaper Columnists” of the U.S. President’s

Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities within the United States Files at
the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
Copyright Notice
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of
photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United
States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections.
Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public
domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to
remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid
copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. David w. Belin
Conrnission on CIA Activities
Within the United States

This folder relates in part to question #4

in your letter of 30 January 1975.

E. H. Knoche
Assistant to the Director, CIA
Folder: Project MXKINGBIRD . ,,

E.O. H. " (as arntncfad) SEC 8.3
MR# O?-t;l.;2·111
12 Feb 1975
C NI L:/c tt!1.J 7/ 't /t 0 COATE)

Digitized from Box 3 of the U.S. President’s Commission on

Central Intelligence Agency Activities within the United States Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- ~-- . /8
' ..



Project MOCKI~GB!RD, a telephone tap

in 1963 of the · h o~ es an d of f i ce c f ·
· Iden l and Iden 2·
syndicated news columnis·ts who se
columns appear in 'the . Iden 3
BACKGROUND According to an undated and unsigned
meltlorandum .(Tab 1) in the P:roj.ect. ·--.
MOCKINGBIRD file, routine review of
the daily syndicated column of Iden 2 .and
Iden 1 in early 1962 developed indications ·
that classified information, sometimes
codeword material, was being utilized as
the basis for a percentage of their
columns, and al tho'ugh much . 'o f the in·
formation in the columns. ~a~ g~rpied,
it was apparent that key points were
frequently direct quotes from classified
reports and summaries of recent vintage.
(While there are no copies of the columns

. .-
available in ' the file, there are memo-
randa referring to some of the articles
in {uestion • . These memoranda are attached
as Tab 2). . .
APPROVAL (-Tab 1) referred to above under Background
indicates that the Dire~tor of Security received
~ 'l'equirement from the DCI in March 1962 to
._attempt, through apprqpriate investigative
activity, to determine if possible the identities
-of th~· source or sources of the classified
0 :'t':


information to the newsmen; the DCI was requested

J:~ undertake the operation by Attorney General
Ke_nnedy, :who was conce:rned by the revelations
of clas sifie<i; ~nformation in the press. Surveillance
::was ~i scounted J>ecause of the high risk factor
and it was recolnmended to the DCI that tel~phone ~o\lld be .productive. According to the
(Jab l~ n_ie~or_a.ndum, tJ:i.e DCI a.pp.roved the
.teleph9ne qi~:mitori_ng of of the newsmen's
homes and the office which they shared jointly.
(Knowledge of the activity, beyond a limited
nu:mber of Office of Security personnel, was

..• .,
¢ ......•. "

iirnited in the Agency to the DCI, DDCI, and

EXecutive Dii:-ector-Comptroller.)

RESPONSIBILITY: According to (Tab 1) , the Office of

Security had the responsibility for
carrying out the operation. While the
Office · of ·Security, through the Director
of Security, · :received a re-quirement· ·from·
· the DC.I to attempt through inves·tigative. ·
a·c tivi ty to determine the identities of
the source or sources of information to
the ..two .newsmen~· . the Office .of Secµrity
recommended to the .ncr and received his
approval to conduct telephone monitoring
of the newsmen. There is no indication
in the file relative to reporting arrange- .
ments, however, a former Office of Security ·
employee familiar with the project and .
now assi~ned to another Agency component
C Iden 4 . .) , advis.~d, on 8 January
1g75 that the project reporting and
direction was carried out verbally.
THE OPERATION : According to (Tab 1), the operation .began
in March 1962 and was discontinued in mid-
June 1962 to coincide with the retirement
of the D/OS. These times are at variance
with l~_h.,ous ed in the Office of the
Chief,l____jwhich indicate that the opera-
tion began on 12 March 1963 and ended on
17 June 1963. As previously indicated,
the telephones of the· homes and the joint-
ly shared office of the newsmen were tapped •
. There is no indication in the file or logs
as to the location of the listening post
and equipment. Coverage, according to the
logs, was 24 hours a day.
RESULTS According to {Tab 1), Project .MOCKINGBIRD
was extremely productive in developing
sources of data, both cla·ssified and un-
classified, to the newsmen. These sources
are listed in (Tab 1) and (Tab 3). It is
not clear from the record whether all of

these sources were identified through
the telephone tap. A detailed analysis
of the surveillance logs might, however,
resolve this question. The files con-
tain transcripts of the telephone taps
but there is no indication of any formal
reports, attributable to the transcripts,
being prepared for forwarding to higher
f. authority, with the possible exception
of the attached (Tab 4) memoranda.
MOCKINGBIRD was not successful in identi·
fying the s the news-
men in CIA

TERMfNATION According to (Tab l), the operation was ...

terminated to coincide with the retire-
ment of the Director of Security. N6 ·
final financial accounting of ti~e and
cost appears in the files.
THOSE WITTING A .list of those witting of the operation
is attached (Tab 5).
COMMENTS (1) According to . Iden 5 ,° O~
the (Tab 1) memorandum was prepared by
Iden 4 who was assigned to
OS at the time of the project .
. (2). According to Iden 5 , Iden 4
stated the operation, from inception to
completion, was handled verbally.
(3) (Tab 6), a memorandum dated 30 March
1964 from Robert L. Bannerman, Director
of Security, to the Director of Central
Intelligence through the Deputy Director
for Support, concerning Iden 1
· at.t ributes certain information to a
confidential source, indicating interest
in Iden 1 at those levels.
( 4) While it is· not clear whether all
the contacts listed were developed vis


. . .. ·--·-·-------- - - - - - -
the telephone taps, a superficial review
of the transcripts does include records
of conversations with senior White House'
and Congressional persons including
Iden 6 ~ , Sample is
attached (Tab 7).

. - ·,_ '·"'

A J..



1.0. 'i2£J5S (as am;;;r:det::') SECU
t,:n ti _o 1- 1*"if:..!!-;}
SUBJECT: Project Mockingbird
·Uv ~"',.._t<t~'t}f.. t},,t~"3 .,L~l-f'?l!.£,~
Routine :review of the daily syndicated column of newsmen Iden 1
and Iden 2 in early 1962 developed indications that classified infor_µiation,
sometimes code word material, was being utilized as the basis for a high per-
centage of their columns. Although much of the information contained in the
columns was rbled, it was apparent that key points were frequently direct
quotes from classified reports and summaries of recent vintage.

The Director of Security received a requirement from the DC! in March

1962 to attempt through appropriate investigative activity to determine, if
possible, the identities oft.lie source or sources of classified information to
the two newsmen. Surveillance was discounted because of the high risk facto::-,
and it was recommended to the DCI that telephonic monitoring would be the
most productive. In addition, certain investigation limited to discreet che
of records sources was recommended. With approval of the DCI, around the
_clock telephone monitoring was conducted of telephone lines to each of the
newsmen's homes and to fae office which they shared jointly.

was continued until mid-l:.1:!:!13}_25)?._, __cl.t ~hlch time the tele-
phonic c;overage was dis continued to coincide with the retirement of the Dire cto::·
of Security. Knowledge of the activity, beyond a limited few in the Office of
Secul"ity directly involved in processing the acquired data, is indicated as being
. . to
~-. ilie
. DCI, the DDCI, . the Executive
. . Director-Comntroller
. .:. .....
. . fae .
General CoWlsel. Subsequently the DCI advised that he had briefed the Attorney
General, the Secretary of Defense and the Director of the Defense Intelligence
Agency. Regular briefings of the DCI were conducted by the Director of curity
throughout the tunure of the ope ration.

Information Developed:
Project Mockingbird was extremely productive in developing sources of
data, both classified and unclassified, to the two newsmen, as a result of a
daily telephone conversation the two men would conduct after the senior mem-
ber of the team, Iden 1 ~ would complete the re-write of raw
data left for him in the office by Iden 2 It became apparent that Iden 2
acquired most of the sensitive data, and t:..1-iat he acquired it in highly accurate
form. The obvious garbling of the data occurred in the re-write by Iden 1.
At first it was believed that the rbling was a by-product of Iden s regu-
lar state of intoxication; however, later it became apparent that the garbling
was used to disguise the source.


The newsmen 1 s sources were wide- ranging, and much of the information
provided to them by these sources never saw print. In a number of cases
the writers specifically noted tha.t such-and- such an item could not be used
in any form it could be directly attributed to the source.

During its short tenure, MOCKINGBIRD established the ide~tities of

a significant number of sources and "cooperative" individuals. lvfuch of
this information was of a partisan political nature or was in the nature
of seeking a "plug. 11 This type of information was not transcribed, but
the sources were recorded for reference purposes:--fn those cases of
direct interest to the purpose of MOCKINGBIRD, i.e. national defense
information, it was possible in many cases to establish a specific iden-
tity of the source providing the information. In other cases, it was pos-
sible to establish only a general, non- specific, identification of source, "my friends over in Navy, 11 11 he works right .in their office, rr etc.
Because of the frequent compromise of sources by the newsmen, either
by name or essential elements which could lead to identification of an
individual, it becarne apparent that over an extended period of time most,
_if not all, such sources could be identified. {As noted earlier, it was de-
citj.ed to terminate MOCKINGBIRD with the retirement of the Director of
Security, rather than to continue the activity for a more desirable period
of time.)

Sources of information of all sorts used by . Iden l and Iden 2 can

be generalized as follows:

The Speaker of the House

1vfombers of the Senate and House of Representatives
Cong:;:essional Staff members
Members of the News Media
Employees and staff members of the White House, the Department
of State, the Department of Defense, the Agency for International
Development, the Department of Justice, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration and the Central Intelligence Agency
Staff members of the Office of the Vice President
The Republican and Democratic National Committees
Retired Federal officers and officials
Miscellaneous others, ranging from a union official to a prie/st

There .:~ppeared to be a fairly clear division of source types between ,,

Iden l and Iden 2 , which might be generalized as follows:
a. Iden 1 appeared to have most of his contacts among former
Army associates ( Iden 8 and Iden 9 , for example)
and old New Deal personalities, { Iden 10
, for example).

b. Iden 2 .• by far the most active of the two men, had the remai
contacts. Monitors of MOCKINGBIRD were frequently amazed at the
sheer bulk of information Iden 2would acquire in the course of a day.
Most of the highly classified information mentioned as such in the
conversations is directly attributable to Iden 2' s sources. Iden 2
made frequent reference to his close association i.vith i Iden 11
~, ar;\i~ir: OFl~.. discussion;:h his White House so•.irce
promised a niden 12" in exchange r a report he sub-
sequently received from \Vhite House records. {Iden 2had taken
a leave of absence from ., the column the previous year to assist
in an unsuccessful political bid of Iden 13 .}

MOCKINGBIRD was not successful during its three months of operation in

identifying Iden l's . and Iden 2' s source or sources in this Agency. The prin-
ciple source of concern, Mr. "X 11 , appeared to be in the Office of National
Estimates. A blind memo regarding him, including references to his written
comments on certain National Estimates and statements he is supposed to
n1ade, was shown by the Director of Security to Mr. She::man Kent. Mr. Kent
was not aware of MOCKINGBIRD as the source. Mr. Kent subsequently ad-
-vised the Director of Security that he was unable to identify flMr. X 11 from the
. information provided.

·---------------·---·-------· ---
on.·e-·significant factor developed by MOCKINGBIRD was the ability of the
newsmen to obtain '\Varnings OT guidance regarding possible threats to their
acti vi ties. For example:

a. In mid- March 1962, Iden 2 advised Iden 1 that they were

under investigation by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations as a re-
sult of their accurate overflight stories. According to Iden the Secretary
of Defense had directed the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency to
conduct an investigation of the newsmen in an attempt to develop their sources.
The Director of DIA subsequently held a meeting with OSI ng the pro-
posed conduct of the investigation. A "friend 11 of Iden 2 1 s was in a
Pentagon office when a participant of the meeting was discuss
personnel. Because there were too many people present at the tin1e, the
11 friend 11 was unable to obtain full details. Subsequently, the Hfriendu was
able to obtain further details. (General roll had discussed such an ih-
vestigation with the DCI a week or so r. He was not told, at the time,
of MOCKINGBIRD, but it was suggested that he initiate no investigative action.
When the foregoing information was obtained, he \Vas immediately briefed on
MOCKINGBIRD and shown the transcr of the pertainent conversc.:ttions.
General Carroll isted that he had red to the DCI's instruction and that
the meeting desc ed by Iden 2 had not taken place.)

b. fo May 1962, Iden l indi that he had rece b<!en vi:Sitt?d

by a man from , an old A rm y £ri end, n Iden 59. 11
The apparent tenor of


of the meeting dealt with "pot shots u being taken at the DCI and the DCI' s
concern that the Administration was planning to "unload him or l<.ick hio
upstairs. rt In a subsequent conversation, Iden 2 advised Iden l
that he {Iden :). had been cautioned to be a little care.ful in what he said to
"Iden Iden 14 , he said, is very close to another per son
in CIA, with loyalty like that to Mr. McCone. Iden 2indicated that his
source had· advised that Iden _ had 11 a cou9le of meetings rr 'vi th this
other, unnamed, person "this week, rr and that Iden 14 1 s ~ visits to
Iden l nmay be both friendly and a surveillance job. rt (1 Iden l4
was not a'l.vare of MOCKINGBIRD, but was cooperating v.rith the Director
of Security because of the mutuaL.concern at Iden 1 1 s and Iden 2 1 s classi-
fied revelations. He, indeed, had met "\vi th the Director of Security both
prior to and after. his visit to Iden 1 ) Iden 2 s source of this informa-
tion was never identified.

Attachment l is a list of contacts and sources of Iden 1 . and Iden 2

Those indicated by an asterisk provided information to them, ranging from
incidental political data to sensitive military information. Parenthetical
numbers indicate a specific report in the attached MOCKINGBIRD notebook.
Those for which no number appears are those persons identified in other
conversations. These latter conversations were not transcribed becausi:;
they did not deal directly ·with the inforrnation leakage of concern.
Attach'11ent 2 is a "Bigot List" for project MOCKINGBIRDQ


List of contacts and sources of Iden 1 and Iden 2 located

in Tab 1 of Project file.


BIGOT LIST for Project MOCKINGBIRD located under Tab l

in Project file.
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Iden 17 Iden 18 ··-



~-- .·.

... -- .,

.· . -::.

--- -~

FROM: Iden l9 ·.

R ~?!..AC::S FOR t.11 ~.&-of (.O}

WHIOi :.i..\'I' S£ USC:!>.
-- ·-


. - ... .
.. - - ~·.-~
~ -- · ·:_ ... i'.:ll-

' ·.

stra..~ CT= S3.ll~nt Facf.3 Ccr.c~-r:l~g !l!l A.1.-ticle by Iden l I

Iden 2 . .Elltitled "' "Iden 20 "
· .. ' A~~...&;g in the Iden 21 on
23 Novellll:ar 1961 · -----------
·. ,.
-· --..~~=··-.-
. <: ·. ·. ·.f: .·:- -· .:- . . :".·_-;- .:··r ~~ :·:-:- ~:'. :..~: ~ ~-::-..
. .:··.~··.·_,·.
. ·~· ~ :·:·. . :1::· .:-:
-· - ........
"··.. :·
_r. . d._e_n_ 22_ _ _ _-L=---..,--:-------~____JI . . :.. -.
1. On 71 Dac~ber 1S81 Iden 22 ad'Vis.ed that . .Iden 2j
_ _ had cWed hl=l reg:ttding tb!"
I~.~n 2arlicle c!. 2§ No1e~ber 1§or:md e.x;>l"sss.ed concs:::-n ov-er ~
cont:ent.s cl tl:ba a..."'"1.lcl$. Iden 2~ also mentioned.tb.:l.t Iden 2 .
was ilia ~ of :re:-~ri.:a: w~ -;;Cold '"Rl'ita 3Jljthi:ag L'"l o:rt:er to sell an
article and a.dC-~ ~ Iden 2 . ?'23 a tn2nci' o:i Iden ll and ···
an :FSI :m:L!l•. In reg2.l'd to Iden 23' s reiar~n.~ to the :FBI,
..... .:·:.·.... Iden 2 2 e.:rnhiMd tlmt it "WaS not cl=ar ·whether or not Iden 2 had a
.. .
..:...-. fr!e·n d in tha :FBI o:- a trte.nd who had W'Or.ked :for FEl. . , the
_,.__... .·. .. ..--
-,. -~__~·~..........

_:.. -~·

· : 2. rd.en 22 · · continued fl:ia± Iden 23 indic:ibd he 'S'aS going

·· - to discuss th~ article w:it!l Iden 2 .. .. .
. - -.·
:.. . . .
·. ... · 3.. Latsr on the sai:ia date ' Iden 2~.. · conb.ct2d Mr. '.Sannar!r''\':"'
._. and advised that Iden 23 · h:l.d c.oni:acted·..+.:den. 2 .and that Iden 2
., .. .. -.lndcated Cu± his scurc.s -w:13 someone ill CIA ;;;ho :faels that th& policy
·. · · of.~ Ag1J:cy be shi!tad too~ 'Which would not b3 ll.n.rn.i-ul to
. U. S. int.2:r2st3. Iden 2 ~d that he. bad ma.~rial for ~e new
~cle5, llal:lely: · •
··• ~ ~. "' ~ ·
..~ : ..._',...:!" ...

~~ The·~~ncy contrlbu~ m~y to a .u.- s. politic~~:: .. ·

campalo"ll to
\ .
~ieat a
- .. : . :~ -...
~ ,..
b. Iden 22 '~s
trip to Outsr Mongolia.

c. Ther~
oieraUon iinancsd Gwen La.ttl.J:nc:s' s

are twelve within C!A.•

1... ·

~"hen Iden 23 · : sbowsd Iden ..2____ co¢es oi B~dio Moscow's -piay::ack

on his (~~en 2 ': ~) article, Iden 2 apyaared sb~k~n.

DEClASSIAED w/ portions exemptad

£0. 1~SO (" ... SEC
MR 01-1¢;;!±
/-'A~· v1110
. .
4• . _ ;I:den 23 ls a !riand of P?'$,nt Kennedy
- ax:d _
Iden 25 ' .
Iden 26· · ,.. ;~I ; .:·: , :,-• I ~· ~den 27. '· 1._·________,

· t. ! ·en s re~i::i~r 1961) lrevie...nd snbjaet n....-ti~l~"? the

and a.dvia.ed tha! the iigu.-e CJi ,Id~n, 2a • , ___ n~rted by :: Iden 2
•.. and Iden l; was close to ths ,cun-o...llt A~ncy b.1dget. · ·
...'· :-:-·~r~,:~:. >:·;. . <~~:·~~ ·..:...:-:· ...:·:.. : . . . . .
. :::.: · to Iden 27 20 ~"Piss o! a cla.ssliled booklat
Showing the budget br'Sakrlo";m
. . . ·.. ware prepared
and cil:3U-iblted :?.S !Oilo7T5:
..... . . ~

: Copy 41 ··~·. · ~:· ~ca of the Comptroller/

.· '.• .

. ··~; . I~
.::;. ~ ~. ••
I ... • • • w -

· ··,/·· ·- . :: · Office of the Comptrollsr/ ·

. .. . .. ;·· .. . · ... Iden l.5 .
.: .......
. •. . ..
.. .
.~· -~:..

. . ... :: :· ~-- ~----c. .~~_..:f

. .....3_ _ _ _ _!:""""o~~L~--~- :' ..··.::.~·-~~' ......
. ...· -·: ~
. ...
... . .
. . DD/S ·.
.. ·.. ~.. ... -. ·· ~
Copy §5 :DCI
·. ...

, r
·- '... ·. .: ·:.. - ..
: Copy ft . '··. .:: . ·,. '.DDCl .
. . .·· . . .. ~·
. ·-: .. . ...• .. ·, ..
Copy #'1 ·.: ~ .:_. . -. ·: .'· Vl~ Records
' r

·. .·..-.. :-·
.. .... ·' . . .. . ~-~ ~ :-·· : ;.;-:::.:.i '
.. .. ,.~ .. ~· ·- ... ';.

..:.: _ ·.0
Copy ~8 - ·" DD/P
Copy i9 =·no/.I
Copy ilO Gener.U Ccunsel

.::.. ·
- ~ ' · ··.··.

. •.
e ·~

.- •,

·2 . CC!Jies cl tbJ bt::dggt bcomt ';¥"ere~ :a:rail:ilile

to a g=oup ci t1::.s Ecusa Apprcpriation3 Colll.Z!litt.~.h~ 7hicil
was brie:fsd rscent...7 en A:ga~cy b.:~at .t::.atb:rs ::u:d C:JT,;;y ~11 -:n3
·. ntab..ed ty ~ Cn.?n.!'.nitts~. ™3 gl"C1l-p i:rlnc!.ed 3eprssenbdtes

Caruicn, n,..t3bon, ~' :Ford, Taber, :Ul.d C!ark-1n-Ch2xga · ...
Crosby. .... ·.... ·. ..~ ..
·.. .... o
. ... 'i: ..
0~ o• ",;•~o ......-·~·~·... ·:·I .. o

3. Iden 26 re~d th3i an<J~r brle.ilr..g on .Age:cey l:ndget ·

m:dt~T3 was gi~n t'=.e Sa?i.,t.9 Armed Services Co!:1!nltue en 21
Augtt.3t 1981. l:irlelizg Wa:J cy Mr. Dulles ar:d ~
at"..enee.Q also by !dens 29-33.
. Corn""iti~e me.::ibel"3 kc.c~
to ba 1n a.~dance wer~ Senators Richard B., .Jo"hn Ster.nis, · ··
and L~..,e~tt 5.1)~- Also bl at+..sneanee, eut not a co.m..:::citL~
mem~r, ™ Senatrir ~Ilka ~brsileld, Senate :Majority Laa.des. Other
· th."'3 E~D:l~ A.r:::.2d ..82!7i:;!Z.:l C.,rn~irt~~,..:?~~:na.t.or:¥3tf"o.:n ·-
........ -...,.~;> Er"T-7
.. .,
F • ~.]..&. ....
J • t.# _:.,.~· ~
J " E707''::.
. • . ~-1
~ •• ,
Cl3 ir ..;':!.ollg "'•L
.... le ., ...-. • .A;l.~.n-~en, l::1 Y."::1...-. ·"· ".......ncn, .:!u ...-~ ...... ...,. J:j:J~ , · · ·
~ ... _. 1 . . ~;::-- ----~~~d

StJl~s :Brieges, Mar'g2.l'st C~a s.e S!nith,, :Fra.nci.s C:ise, Pl"e3cott Bas~,.
J. Glenn Beall.. · ·. ·. ~.'· , _. _ .. ·:·.-..
Ii. • • r••
.. .- .
.. • •

. . -4;. As an aid in -pr-s.ell~"l"g the briefu:.g on. the budgat,

·. copfas cf the buegei: boollit id.enti.~ied ~Y'~ we:re gi'7~n to those ~!l:lto:l."'.s
· present and coll.;cted at tha etmclnsion cl ths hrlaftng. 'n!is 'W':lS
' : . recor....a<; :llld eoyies o! fte 1::-"'·'"'"Se:ipt and the "b:ar-rlcut -wars Ob~jn~d
L-om t~ Ciiics o:i the Comptolle:r. lt i:s belleyed that C09lzs 12 fuc--:µ
20 -;vere utiliz~d Ior this ~a~; howe'Var, no ~cillc record a:dsts
wblcn would coniinn this. A l'eTI.ew oi th~ trm:i.scrlpt and ci. L'le hand-
out disclos~s that the .i\gency eudget is referred to in: nu.mercu.s!'
and while the spec-'..iic iigurg Ci Iden 28 13 not msnticnad, tha ~:; -
jority oi the ii;-.:ires cib!d ill the Iden 28 series, i.e.~ rden 34
.. and Iden 35 ..
. .. .
:·· ... ....


. . "
Unsigned Memor~ndum

This is a memo containing an analysis of Iden l/Iden 2's article

entitled Iden 20 which appeared in Iden 21 on 29 November 1961 •. It
presents the article line by line, and gives the Agency's eva.:tuation
of the information contained therein. It is located under Tab 2 in
the Project file. ...

~--·~<>·•-'- •• ·.
.. ,-
6 November 1961
. ···..··· '.- .4 ... - .. ·
. . -- ·. ·•· ....
ME..i.\AORANDUM FOR: Chie£, . Security_ Research Staff_
. '

• " · •• I

. '

·• l. Iden 11~ 1tdvised that Iden 1 .at the present

.. ·..... .

. tilne is occupied on
som.e other bu.siness and it appears that Iden 2
is doing the news column. This is ±n:$pecific :refare:::ice to
the one that was picked up in ~-number of newspapers on ZS
October 19 61 entitled 11 Iden 37
The source of this i:a!orination is Iden 38

_J-·.. ..
rr.2~~ ~" · -:
. . :-.. ; .. ~-. ·,. ··.'· .
.._ ~--"- .. ---·- - ·?, Th 0 Iden 39 fa zepol:t.e..d ~o_have picked up
.·th.e-: Iden l/Iden 2 column and ran an item on that.

3 •. About :the same dat~, 25. October there was. a new~

item. in one 0£ the Iden l/Iden 2 colwnns concerning the
es tim.ate on !den 40

.r--- - ---1 .
Acting Director oi Securit-<.r
I 0
DECLASSIFIED ,_~·! r.;nr,ior1s ex~nptad
e.o. 12es:;; ..._ • • sr:c 3.~i
Ma ::! .£1::.B~.i.. !!- ..,_
( C1!J_ ~ . Zl&/ /10


- ...·.. ~

str.6.J'"ECT: .Articles by ·Iden 1 and. Iden 2

--~ .
1. In ref'erenc:~ to the recent articles e.ttac~i:Jg. Iden 22
in the Iden 2 Colt::m., Iden 22 related the follcnrl.:ig. Iden 23
... is a perso!!.e.l f'rier:d of Iden 22
Iden 23 . ta.:!.1'.ed. "to . Iden 2 ~ Iden 2 indicated that his scu..,-ce
va.s int.err..:al in CL.!i... ('!}ill.en Iden '1;4_ talked to Iden 23, it ap:peared.
that Iden 23 iw"a.5 u::der tb.e itrp:::-ession that th.a sou::-ce r:tl.ght be r i tb.i..::l.
CIA, 'Which lra.S not nearly as positive as the reaction received by Iaen 22
) . ...

2. It is f'ur""'...her stated. that the i:ndividua.l. i'eel.s the

Af!,ency is 'beill,g il::prcye:rl.y ~ero.ted, and. that se!i!e of its a.ctiv:i.ties
e.:i:e datigerou.s to the •· Iden 2 in:f'or.:::ed Iden 23 tb.e.t he has
.. :material.. for three ne-; columns as follo-ws :
C _:.
. (1) That t!ie Ager.f!y contributed.; to a
.. ·:-.~. .llol j ti'"'~· t:'!i'Ta" zn_t~f~.~.t "'· G'r~.;p:e.s~'--· ..... ,'"' :·· . '

·- ·.:-:.,~·:.."-:. ·~-:
-:_·~ ··':"· 7'.. .._ .-

{2) 'l'ha.t Iden 2~ 1 s C@era.tion financed· the

trip or Ot~n Lc.itti:more to Cute: Mongol.ia.
(3) That there are C~st wit'h.i:c, ·cu.
3. mien Iden il.ita.1.ked to Iden 23 , he suggested that Iden 2 cct0.e ·
to see Iden 14and/or ?ii.~. 1·~cCqie, al:d :r.;::.a.'ce k:no-.,.-n the i.dentiti$s of'
the alleged t-.;elve C~s'!; in CIA. Iden l4d.cubt.s t~t. t:cis ~ll
occur. Fu--the:r, "'men Ideri 23 'talked. to Iden 2 rege.rCi~ the re;:.. ...
cent e.rlicle on Iden 22 ·, he s;,.CW9diden 2 the ccr;rJ of t1l9
repea.tin.;Iden 2' s in'f'on:ation to Europe 1t.iere thetJ 'P' ""Y on. the
:f'!.ng cf' the Soc:ial.isi; :move:ce:c:ts. . Iden 23 e:na.ea.~rored to CC!!:"i'e:'J
that Iden 2was doing disserilice to this G0'7erz:::er:.t am the Inte11-> gence ,
~.Reportedly this shook.Iden 2 up a bi.t.
. .......... ...........

~·r .. ... -
.. e ...

4. Iden 14 bs a mJI:l"oer of letta!'s ad.dressed to l•t'. !·~cCc:.e

i'rom the West Ccast i:cdi ca.ti:ig tb.2..t t~ey are accepti~ Iden 2 1 s
e.:rt:!.cJ.:s as tb.e tr.ita and a=e reactiIJg to t:ie e:t'f'~ct t'het Mr.
McCc:::.e is cl.e~ 1..."? t!l~;r. T!le i:!:rca.ct of t'l:.;? a....-t'!.cles is
t.'ia.t they represe::.t e. true state o'f e..""!~1rs ..

.. .
•' ...._, ·.
·- I I
Deputy: Di~ecto:::- or Securit"IJ

... .' • -, ~ I

·1 : . ,t

·.:• ..
7:; .
. ···~"
••. ·'" .. ·~'-- 4 ~.;' •• :.'r;';.•:,;.:: "·;:'.'.(; ,.,,·::::· \?;·~ ·;r: .•:.:.~8~~0~
r '•
. • . "c
." ·_..

. · .. .. '

.. . '

. . .. ,..
. ,.
·- ...
. ....
.. ..... :.......-. .....

.. ..... ... .,.. ...
.: ;

C!Ji.0~ '•

· 2.9 December 1961
' ......
1't!EM0.Rft..J.'i°DUM FOR.. TEE RECORD

SUBJ:ECT:. Article by Iden l and. Iden 2

.: ·' .. ;,'

·:.,. · 1. ·There is. atta'ched a thermofa."" of. the ·Z9 November 196'1
.. article by Iden l and Iden 2 entitled 11 • Iden 20
i". It should be: noted that there· a::-e
handwritten comments beside the diffe-i-ent pa.~a.graphs in this article
. which were by M:i:. McCone indicating hia knowledge o:r state-
ments concerning these items.
.~ :
':. ~·

2. Of significance herein a:re the statements or reactions

o:f M:r. McCone to programs, factors, etc. occurring within. the
r:=-· In some instances l\t!r. McCcne ha.s made statements which.
-are reflected in. substance in the article. In other paragraphs there
· ........,.c·:.""..a.J.:e.....statements w.hi.~!l:Jic..Cl;;nutJ.\l.b~le~.c9mpletely wrong o:r
erroneous. L"l other instances Mr. lvieCone indicates tr..a.t he had no
~ow.ledge C?f. t~~ i:r;iat~er and obvious~y could not _ha~e _a. re~~ticm_

3. In para.graph' (1) Mr. McCone has cautiously expressed

. an opinion which might be construed as the subst:an.ce for this paragraph.

4. Para.graph (Z) is labeled' as completely wrong.. · . ·.- _.: . .

. . . ""·.;.-:,.

Paragraph (3) nexpressed surprise a.t support 0£ some
items but not conferences - --12 to 15 persons heard my {:'?) musings 11 •·
Iden 14 _ will con.fer with Mr. McCone upon his return from the
West Coast in. an effort. to obtain the identity of the lZ to lS persons.

6. Paragraphs (4) and (5) are labeled er:roneous.

7. Paragraphs (6), (7), and (8) labeled all new--no prior

knowledge •

. . ·~ DECLASSIRED w/ ~loos exemp\Wfe

~'. EO. 12950 {as c.·n~\.iec:i) S~-0 3.1
MRI ~7-1.;u,· 11"4-
C!..tA · ~ 7/tt/ra . ._.
-~Ql;D /Oljt{{f.
·. ...e·
- ..
8. Paragraphs (9), {10), {11). (lZ), and (13) entitled
Iden 42 Cl

·. 9. Frorn. the comments noted bY"M~. J....kCone it would appear

that there is some substance to these paragraphs as set fo::-th. i:n.. fa=
Iden l/Iden 2 . · . .

l 0. IA. con:>ide::-ing the above a.nd the subs ta.nee of previous

articles by Iden 1 and Iden2it 'W'ould appea::r that a source bas bee11. ·
developed by Iden 2 ( "' Iden 43 - } which
source bas cur:reat a.nd past bowledge of internal CIA events and
·activities. Some of t!le items appearix:xg io. these colwnns clearly
· show a knowledge 0£ detailed facl:s not generally known. · T!:U.s would
indicate quite possibly thatiden 2.ha.s a cnrrent source within CL.\..
Apropos o.f pa.:ragraphs (6). (7), and (8) above, which 1-tir. :McCone
indicated no knowledge of, it might be the source~ playing a. cleaver
game., is endeavoring to bring to M:r. McCon.e 1 s and pu.blic a.ttac.tion
these facts or statements through the medium of this column with the
possible belie·:£ or s11pposition that sorne form of inquiry into these ·
matters would be made. by Mr. McCon.e •.

*'. . - .•• -· - - l J :The ~bove light of all previous

. Iden 2 articles refe~ing to the
. . ......

•. "'1'

Deputy ·Director of Security

.- ...

IJia..-\SStAED w/ ~ ...,..
.! E.O. 1295s cas -·:-n ed) sec s.a •
SECRE~· .• MR t ~:J:l,fl:z.; • "f

I e. ~.·. '· .. ...
- . •. '
--e -~--
1 C1A ~ 7/!f10 : ..,. :


";.·.._......r: a. ...
- .. ·..
.. .....·~
. , .., . ~~ ... .....·~ ..
.~·~ ~
.......... ~~-
. ·:
;:·.· .. ::· : : .
·--'-:·-:-· M::::MORA.NDUM ro.a: Dil'~ctor
. . Intelllaen<:i:t .".~
o! Cent.-al
c=J -.,-
::: ,

Slra.Tl:CT ·. · · : .• ·;~en-'i;~~:. 2 .AU;~tlc~ A~t

1 • . Thi.a. xnemc::-andu::::4.b
!o=· ...hl.!!on ·onl7. . ...··.·.··· ·
.:.. . .. ' ..· ~

·- . z. It w-aa originally alleged byiden 2 a:dlden 1 th.a.; they ha.d ·. ·.

. ·~ ~ -. • • ·~."· • - . .h _ • • :' • •• . . . . . .'._ : • • ~.. . . • • ··:. "' . . . .: : . : . • ...-~:, • •• • -:.;~ ··-~. ~:: -::.:~::.r~ .:~::·
... ·.;· .
!u%1liiihed to u..e· Jf:aI the J:l.3.::le.:s of eight alleged Com.munist.3 in . .-· _
:- .. - 1:.
.. "" . :... ~;"~<~.. - ·:.; •.:·:· ·-.·:;· ;, '• 'r.:;.. ' •• ' •"'· \ "fr .. ~·: .'· • . .. .- / . •: .;· - • ::..: :. _ .....·.: ~ .:......

CL\. w~ ·cor.b::'t~~!"'t.h~ · n1 ·and they stati:d ~t ~·Y W !lo ."·. :·-

•• .... · h

.. . ..~ :.. ~ :"-'.~··.. ". . ..:. .:..··.; :. ..... _":;'·~·-- ;;.. ·... ' -
... .... -- -.
\~ '•
! . .. "";".

.. .:~
• I · · - · ..... ~ record o! a:ny each liata. The ~l wa.a t?le:c. requ~at~d to __ ,_ ..__ . :·.. . ::·
. . . .... -.:..:'t.-~-:.·.
ccmtut ·raen land rq.en 2 ·.and to o~tam the na.=es 0£ the eight :, .:.. . ·. ::
·. 1 •

• • • • .. •

. . ~
• - • , ...

.... ·· ' ;':1 .... . :.· ·~.·~;llo·~~i:· .

· ',, .. alleged per so~ and the. basis for ~e allegations. . :·. .: .~ :. .. :..._~ .. ~. :·· --
.. • , .. :. . ... ... . .. ·, .. :1, •• . ,•. . -: : ..,:· ~-1. ~-:.-a.-:·:·:·:~·:~.;.!~· ......
3~ · Iden l~diden 2 were contacted a:id stated th.:tt a.!te:r hav;._;g :-_· -· .
~(:_.:~·~_'.;·:"· : . :·:~~~t:~.~~i~ ~~~al ·s~~~~ they W d~~~l~d ifil~:~~~~·-::.~~P-~-\:~ ".:,;·~ >
....•. -.·.--: -- - ..
'-· : ---'-:---- ·- ·- --- ..·.. ... •·. - ··.:·:,·· .. .:

. ~. ' ... - ' . _· ~e~ . ~ha<o! r· .. . '. ~ to wait and ~-e& wh~~ ~-~~~~-; ~~ ~:~..~~ ..~ :.
.., . . regardi!lg him.. . .· ~- -:~- -:.:;..'.~:::·:~~~;F~;~~::~;~j:;·:.~:i:_· ~:> :. ~· =· . •
'i. . ... • -·· . ~

4• .
..•, . ~..._--'====================================~=========:======================:;. . .. : ...........

.:- . .:. : ·:~ .....

... -,,-·
- .... .

... · ...

. ·.. -: ..~
..;:-' .
.- ·••. . .:.·.!· '·

,.• -.•. .

~~· .-

;':"; -.




~--- ..

~. '

- z. . .
.. .... ~"';"'·-·• ·:. - ···· •·•r ·-r--:----·....... : ·•-

..... ' .. . . ·.. '
- ;.. ~~

--. '- ·~~ .. ~ .·...... .,

.•, 'I'··- ... _ ... ---


·. . _... _.
~- :-: -..··.:..-: .

-~ ..-.. ··- ..

'iL I:c.v~su:i"a.tion b ~.lng ccnd:icte-d ·to. deter=ine the possible.. ~ . ··

'• .:..~~:~ oi th~,~~~~,;,,s t~ i:den l.,.dide~· 2 re;~:m~a-~~-
~:· :-:: . ... . .. : . J•
he has a. number o! ene:miss bi :.. ·':~.·~ '." ·

..·........ . ..·.
•'• :·
:- ; :
<II.. • -:._:!:: ~ ol •
.,,., r. .. .
. ...;-..•/; ' . .· ~.
.· ~ .,.. •·.
.. -~ ; ':'· :.~-
··'· ;:·
. ····· .,, . ~

. ~·.:· :' .
'· ·.·.. ,.

.: ...... ·....•
\ ..


., .·
·· · .·
-... .
~=: .
. ... .·.....

26 F~bru.ary 1962
.. -.. -·


SU.B.J.ECT: Iden 2
. •' ..
. ~ '. .-...
··· ~ ,,·:· .· ...

.l •: ·I
had requested Iden 49 of ,
that the FBI contact Iden 2 to obtain from him the identity · ·.
of bi::r informant or the names of the persons alleged to be .witbbi the CIA.. 'Iden 49 , on 12 February 1962
advised that the Bu::reau will contact Iden 2 this regard. m
Z. As background for the above, it "!as reported that
Iden. 2 .had the Dames of 12. persons in CL~ who are reported
to be Communists. Iden l4 · c;ontacted Iden 2 and
·(.-; , asked him. for the identity of the t'Nelv~ persons. Iden 2 advised
... ::-..... ~ .. , ····-- _ tq~t he h_ed ti;.~ mme s of eight ;n1c}l pe~.:'-S:W.~_not .twelve and that
-r" he could not release these until he checked wie::. his in.formant.
'~- · · iater, Iden 14 called Iden 2again and Iden 2aa.vised that
his informant did not approve tbe release of the I!arnes or even
.·.· one na.zne iu that he distrusted ClA. Ideri 2advised that hi~ in-
formant had k::::i.o-wn these to _the'• FBI and the

HCUA. A chec..1<. of both the FBI and the HCUA failed to reveal
that any person had come forward with iD!orma.tion. perta:i!lizlg
to eight CommlJiitlsts. within CIA. In light. of the negative
findings, I made an official reque3t of the FBI tG il:J.t.::rview
Iden. 2 : to obtain these names.

DECLA88Flto w/ portior'9 ~ .I
E.O. 12958 (as ..mended) SEC U
MRi 01-1.ui 1tt-
£!.IA ~
:4 zltill> .
Deputy Director of ·security
-~-- leJdC):/fV


The next document in file, an analysis of allegations made by

Idens 1 and 2, adds little if anything to this report and is

omitted for the sake of brev"'.ity. It is located under Tab 2 in

Project file.

. ·- --· .. ---·---··-·- . -·-·----------------~----~-

The next document in , an analysis of allegations made by

Idens 1 and 2, adds little if anything to this and is

omitted for the sake of brevJ.ty. It is located under Tab 2 in

Project file.


All Known Contacts of Iden 1/Iden 2. This list is in Project


Ill 1i:fi58 (n er~:,,.,·~r':• ·} ~.a

' ~7d!/..;l..; "'~'
~~1._,_1.J.J&.~.J/f/J.1,r:i. ·- '''·---
"'-~-.. J~~~~ r~~ -~L~2 !1}~ -

··~ i
0 ..
3 November 1964

MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security

, White House

The possibility exists that Iden 50
, 'White House, might be the source of some of the
classified information appearing from time to time in the column
(title of column) , written by Iden l and Iden 2

2. A confidential source has advised that during the Spring of

1963, he learned that Iden 50 , then a clerk in the White
House .Iden 51 l , had provided Iden 2 , one of the writers of
the· (title of column) , with information from White House files.

3. Source stated that as he recalls it, Iden 2was most interested

in obtaining a transcript of a talk given on foreign policy at Columbia
University by Theodore Sorensen. Iden 2was unsuccessful in attempts
to obtain a copy from Sorensen's office and other sources. Iden 2 was
aware that Sorensen planned to publish the talk in a series of syndicated
articles and it was Iden 2' s desire to publish the information in his
column before Sorensen's articles came out.

4. Atiden 2' s request, Iden 50 checked the White House

files and found only one copy oi the Sorensen presentation. He sub-
sequently delivered the desired information to Iden 2' sh.ome .

5. Source stated thatiden 2 and Iden 50 are close friends.

Iden 50' s home is Iden 52
and Iden 2ives nearby. Source also indicated that Iden 50 ' s wife had
jokingly stated at one time that if Iden 50 kept all the papers he brought
home from the White House, the home would look like the White House
trash room.
f.0.12950 (as arn::md::!) ~~ 3.8

MR{J 9,1-!f?:t.-,lk ~.
vlk\- -rl'lllt,
-~OD ,1ty(,t10
6, Source stated that he had read about the concern over White
House security in the papers~and that he felt obligated to report tJ:-J.s
information. Source declined to clarify his relationship or interest
in Iden 50 and Iden 2 any futher. He also indicated very strongly that
he would not be available for further interviews regarding this matter.

Iden 54
Acting Deputy Director of Security



·' ·
·... .. .
·~· •.. . ..... .·

SUBJECT: Iden. 50
1 ••

~- ..
This Agency is in possession oi information from a sout"ce
' - of known reliability which indicates that as of 2.0 May 1963
-~ .. ·..
Iden 2 and Iden l · '. , co-authors 0£ the then
.• · syndicated {title of colU!Dn) h:id an informant in the White
• • t. House who waa pas.sing fue:n material !.or. publication•

According to oui zource Ql'l.e of the items passed to Iden 2

was the text oi a speech delive1·cd by Theodore Soren3on :t.t
Columbia University. Iden 2 cla.imed that Sorenson planned. to -µse

" the text of the speech !or at least hvo newspaper columns to be
:. . "' printed in the near f"u.tur~ by the 'Washington Star and other news-
papers. Both.Iden 2andiden l planned to "scoop" Sorenson by
... : publishing ti1e same information in ~eir syndicated column in
.. ·",. ' ..

adva·n co of its public use by Sorenson•

' ·:
.., Our source advised that Iden 2' sinform.ant in the White House.,
.: ', • ' • •
after several attempts, \Vns able to secure a copy of the Sorenson
speech and passed it to Ide~ 2on the e\•ening o! 22 May 1963. Ou+,
source does no - ............"..,.. 1~,.. i.vhether the text in w ·,,. _ ....
appeared in. the Iden
~: the onlv local

·-·Iden 3
co ur.nn 01 tc ::l 1.
!01· edito1·ial o:r policy :::ea.sons. . ... ~

This ii;; the only de!initive l!'!a.k of information from t.."i.e ·white
House 0£ which our sourc:c had knowledge, however, he believes tha.~
the inforrn<l.nt m;iy have also pa.ase<liden2 matcda.l known. only as

18;,L-\&SIREO w/ . tion exemptmd

EO. 120SS -· :l.. j c:c 3.3
i : ~z-1.:1.-.· • ii«... ·
e114 vUv _,,, /10
~...., .
e .
"' ...
...... ...., . .· '
' ..
.. :· - : . . .. ~·:
... ... ·... ". ·.~ ·.· ·. ~· .... ·-...

r ·•.· .

" the ·"Rostow paper3 11 • Our source could not locate any-of this
inCorir..ation iniden J/Iden 2 colu.~~s but gathered from discussions
between .:(d.e_n2 and Iden 1. uta.t the information ha.d been published
. •. ' a.nd that Mr; Rostow wa.s furious ilbout it•
·.,··A:.>.=·_. . .
: : ..~ ..... :..,,· ...
: -~··· ;.t: .. : · ·· ·According to our source, the in!ormant in the White House
. .. ·. ·~ ~.... .. was . Iden 50 · . . who in May o.f 1963 was a clerk
l -.:-...
.. :::··.. :
..· ... .. in: the Vfhitc House Iden .51-.. A credit inquiry made in l 962 was
: --~~· ·.~....· ··~.
. reviewed by this Agency and confirmed his employment by the
:. -·-~·._:;}li~. ~ ;: : : White House at that time. Re·cent discreet inquiries -reveal that
he is currently employed in the . .Id~I1 ..9.0
. .. . ..
· .. · .,
·.;·.· •,•.
.·:.:· ... ·r-
.... · ·. i.~ ......... L
~,: .. ·.. . ....
c • ,,. ..... • • .
.. ·.....
· ·
~<.:. ~f~"· ...;;h..:.;~:.:·· -.a.dd;i.;:u:~~:i:.~~p.toVlded by our source ..
· ··.~.... ·· ...·. · relates to a conversation he ove:-hcard between I.den 2 and Iden 61
. .·:.:~.\:. . , . .:!· in connectio:::i v.'1th the Sorenson tc>~t.. Iden 61
told!den 2 tha.t she hoped her husb.,.nd had not brought the text into
their home ~nd she had thrown it out. She went on to sa.y that,
"Oh. if I kept all he brought home, it would look like the trash

. .
·-;-· ..
room o! the White House. "
·..· . :·._
. ;, . I•
·. •.
:: :
NOTE: In 1968, Iden 2 ·and 'ld.eri, a.nd Iden i.a.dded retired
UPI reporter, Iden 62 to his team. producing a renamed
(title of column) Iden glaunched his own column !or the
· ·Iden 63 at tb~t· ti~e•
.. .... :
.... .. .

. [l

-.. e
DECLA881FIF-') .. , . - ..
E.O. 12S5cl (as c.. • • •• •
ll t>?·J~~i #48
£'_A ~·, Z('f/tO ,
~- JtJ/.:lt1/IO
SUBJECT: Iden 50 ~--

A confidential source of known reliability, on ZO Ma.y 1963, advised

that at 1350 hours that date, columnist Iden 2 briefed Iden l
1, his co-a.uthor o.f the (t~tle of column) syndicated column, 4,,-¥'
his efforts to obtain material from the White rouse.

According t~formant,Iden 2 told Iden· 1 that he was attempting

to obtain the tex~of a presentation 'deUvered at Colwnbia Unive:rsity by
Theodore Sorenson of the Presidential staff. Iden 2 . indicated that Sorenson
contemplated using the text of the presentation for at least two newspaper
columns to be printed in the near future by the Wa.shin~ton Star and oL"ler
newspapers. · Iden 2indica.ted that he would like to put the text into the (title
of colt1mn) pl:ior to the appearance of the same information in the Sorenson
colwzms •. ·· Iden 1. indicated he would be deli.ghted to "jwnp the gunn on
Sorenson, and send the colwnn out as a 1'.veekend special!; 11 That would ma~e
..a ,-,._
hell__ of a good story,"
' .
he told Iden 2 ....,___
• ,,_':""'-_ ..

Iden 2 explained to Iden 1 that "this friend of mine who 1 s right down.
there, n had called Sorenson's office on two occasions for a. copy o.f the speech,
but had been told that the only copies of it are a.t Columbia University. Iden 2
indicated that he believed this to be a"dodge, 11 because o.f the contemplated
publication of the Sorenson speeches in newspaper form.
Iden 2 indicated that his s ource had told Sorenson 1 s office. ~~~~~~~~

and So:renson~s office agreed to send a c:opy to
the source.
Id~n ·2 indicated he had spoken to his source about the matter over the
.weekend. and that his source would check on it that day and advise Iden 2
that evening.

The foregoing exchange explained a conversation previously n~ted by

the informant .:-. 11 l 7 May, 1963, Informant advised that on 17 May 1963,
Iden 2 had a conversation with Iden 61 , who resided at
"'.men 52 .• Iden 2 asked Iden 61 ii
Iden 50 wa.~· at home, and Id.en 61 re ~-ponded that he. was not. She
indicat"?d that Iden 5owas a.ta Bingo session. Iden 2 told Iden 6l to
· tell Iden 50 that Iden 2 has "Iden 12, . ·if he.'s got a Sorenson speech. rr
Iden 61 replied tha.t she guessed it was worth it, a.nd asked _if Iden 2_ · ,
was referring to any particular speech.".'Iden 2 ~eplied that he \Vas interes ted
in the one a t Columbia University.

......,.....:·""""'::·i::;t~-'CCl'!~o;:,,....;;::.:.,.~-..... ·-·· · .._ ·· • ....- • .......... _.. · ·· ··

Iden 61 indicated she recalled the speech, noting thoi!l-t Iden 50 had
been ca.rrying one around in the car, on the front seat, but did net know what
Iden 50 ·had done with it. She indicated that she hoped 50 had not Iden:
brought it into the house and she ha.d accidentally thrown it out. She
told Iden _~, "OP,. if I kept all he brought home, it would look like the
trash room of the White House. n ·

. Iden 6i_ _ a.greed to look about the house for the speech. but
_·_r~.e~ --~· indicated it would not be necessary. The conversation then changed .
to church activities in which they shared a common interest. As they
·were conclutHilg the conversation 0£ church matte?'s, Iden 2 told Iden 61
to re~·~d Iden 50 . . . that1 the offer stands. 11 She again indicated her
concern that she had accidentally thrown it out, and indicated that if such
had been t_he ca,s.e_, Iden 5ocould get another one. She asked Iden 2 if he needed
the speech text "tonight. 11 Iden g_replied that he didn't, and thil-t "I~e got
plenty of••• I was just going through my notes here, remembered that I
had mentioned this here and I was ••• " The conversation then renewed on
church activities. with~9.en 2 explaining about his contacts with Catholic
officials on Cardinal Mind:z:enty and the lack of a firm position and all the
confusion he had encountered. Iden 2 concluded the discussion with the
.statement, "Well, you teli' Iden 50- that., ·With all these errors in the church,
~at least gotta keep up on Sorenson. 11 • I~en ~l . .. replied, ttAlright,

you keep him straightened out and somebody else can straighten the church
out.,. ·

According to the informant, .the next related conversation took place

on 22 May 1963 at about 2230 hours. Iden .50 asked Iden 2 · if Iden 2
was still up. Whe.niden ..~. indicated he was,I~en ~O indicated that be nr•u
over in a couple of minutes ••• I've got that thing for you." He then indi-
cated that Iden 6lwished to talk with Iden 2 · and tha.t he would leave for
.. Iden 2'shouse whlieiden 2 and Iden '61 'ivere talking.The conversation between
Iden 6J. ·a~d Iden ·2~ dealt with a. Story being wrft~en- by
Ideri2 concerning an "inside 11
memo about prepa.:ration of the Pope's statement on Peace. The conversation
concluded with no further reference to the Sorenson speech text.

. TThe reference to · ' "Iden 12 11 • : • • ·· according to the in!orrnant.

deals withideil 2 s clos~ relationshlp to .

Iden ll
As background, the informant advised that Ide.r.2 had earlier used the text of
another Sorenson speech in laun'chi~g an attack on Sorenson. Informant inC.i-
cated that Sorenson subsequently used the first speech in basically unedited
form in a series published on foreign policy in the Washington· Sta:r. Based
on wo:r:d count and the number of articles published~Iden 2 believed that
Sorenson would use the text of the second speech in another series of fort!-1-
coming articles on U.S. foreign policy, and desired _to "scoop 11 So!enson ~ith
the latter's own material. Informant gained the impression that Iden 50 w~.s...

.. - - ·- - - -
.. . ..


also a. possible source for Iden 2 ~f the earlier Sorenson speech and for Wha.t
Iden 1 _and Id.en Z - referr'!d to as the 11 Rostow papers .·n Informant
could not locate any published· (Title of column) ·column dealing with. this
topic, but gathered from discussions between Iden l. · and Iden 2 the
information had been published and tha.t Mr. Rostow was angered by it. I


-~-- ·-·--·-------------------------... -


.· .~

. ..

Z4 May 1963


1. This morning Iden 2 and Iden 1 were discuss~ng
Iden 14 1 s visit as of yesterday. Iden 2 stated that he had
called his "contact" who informed him to watch out that Iden 14
could be a "plant. t1 Iden 14 had indicated that he was gcing to visit
them a number of times. He had inquired as to where they were
gettizg their information on Cuba. Iden 2 indicated that Iden 53
also was sceptical of Iden 14

2";-Iden 1 statad tha:t-he-would call Iden_14 next week

and ask him why Castro had been allowed to remain in power so

Iden 54


Those witting of Project MOCKINGBIRD. This list is in the

Project file.

I .
Tab 6
11. -· .
.... .·.._·.
,,_- 1

. ' .
• - ... -..· : .

30 Mazch 1964

. ·'
MEMOA.ANDU1.1 FOR: Director oi Central Intelligenc:e

THROUCiH: Depllty Director 1o-z.Support

SUBJECT:. -- -Iden 1

1. Thia memorandum is fur in:f'ornution onlv.

2. A confidential source baa advised that in the paat

Iden 1 '• Jle"W"Bpaper columnist, was in !requent contact
with Iden 55 ·, newly appoint~d Ideri 56 •

3. So~ce ! advised that Id!=!n 57 .-

. a member o! the ata.£! oi the then Vice President, was al$O in
.contact with Iden 1

cc: DD/S

DeclMs~Rro -
I!.(). 1~..50 ".:l c"::~lld~ ·&'5C ~
MA .1
, cua 4PW
tJ !::.!..1'.2..,-
711 J,-o
•B '

-::, ' • .,
·. :
~ ~""I··
! . ...
'l . ,
~ ; 1 ~\
.......... :.J ,; •
~ ••' _... ..:

,~ ......
~ 1', Tab 7

Excerpts from surveillance logs supporting friendship of Iden 1/

Iden 2 with idens 55, 38, and 6. These are located in the Project


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