Year 2 Technologies Digital-Technologies Judging Standards Assessment-Pointers

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Assessment pointers validate teachers’ professional judgement when reporting against a

five-point scale. The pointers:

 are examples of evidence in relation to the achievement standard
 should be used with the annotated student work samples
JUDGING STANDARDS IN YEAR 2  exemplify what students may demonstrate rather than a checklist of everything they


At Standard, students use digital systems for a specific purpose making connections between software and hardware. They identify patterns within data to make simple
conclusions. Students select, present and use data using a variety of digital tools in an online environment.
In Digital Technologies, students explore design to meet needs or opportunities. They develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling
and/or sequenced steps. Students use components and given equipment to safely make solutions. They use simple criteria to evaluate the success of design processes and
solutions. Students work independently, or collaboratively, to organise information and ideas to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions.


The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates
excellent achievement of what high achievement of what satisfactory achievement of what limited achievement of what very low achievement of what
is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems Effectively uses digital systems Effectively uses digital systems Uses digital systems for a Omits making a connection Does not meet the requirements
for a specific purpose and for a specific purpose, making a specific purpose making a between the software and of a D grade.
describes the connection connection between the connection between the hardware when using digital
between the hardware and software and hardware. software and hardware. systems.
software (ACTDIK001) .

Representation of data Interprets and uses patterns Interprets and uses patterns Uses patterns within data to Attempts to use patterns within Does not meet the requirements
within data to make accurate within data to make conclusions. make simple conclusions. data to make simple of a D grade.
conclusions (ACTDIK002). conclusions.

2016/3478 [PDF 2016/27328] Published: 17 October, 2016

The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates
excellent achievement of what high achievement of what satisfactory achievement of what limited achievement of what very low achievement of what
is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and Selects, accurately presents and Selects, presents and uses Selects, presents and uses data, Presents incomplete or Does not meet the requirements
analysing data and uses relevant data, using a relevant data, using a variety of using a variety of digital tools in inaccurate data, using minimal of a D grade.
variety of digital tools in a safe, digital tools in a safe, online a safe, online environment. digital tools in a safe, online
Digital implementation online environment environment. environment.

Processes and production skills – Creating solutions by:

Investigating and Describes how to meet needs Identifies how to meet needs Explores design to meet needs Explores some simple ideas for Does not meet the requirements
defining and opportunities by exploring and opportunities by exploring or opportunities. design. of a D grade.
design (WATPPS11) . design.

Designing Develops, communicates and Develops, communicates and Develops, communicates and Develops and communicates Does not meet the requirements
clearly explains, in a variety of explains design ideas through discusses design ideas through simple design ideas, listing some of a D grade.
ways, detailed design ideas describing, drawing, modelling describing, drawing, modelling steps.
and/or logically sequenced steps and/or logically sequenced and/or sequenced steps.
(WATPPS12). steps.

Producing and Uses a range of components and Uses components and given Uses components and given Uses given components and Does not meet the requirements
implementing given equipment, and equipment, while following a equipment to safely make equipment to safely make a of a D grade.
consistently works safely, while plan, to safely make solutions. solutions. simple solution.
following a plan, to make
solutions (WATPPS13).

Evaluating Uses simple criteria to evaluate Uses simple criteria to evaluate Uses simple criteria to evaluate Provides a brief statement to Does not meet the requirements
the success of design processes the success of design processes the success of design processes evaluate a design process or of a D grade.
and solutions, explaining an and solutions, suggesting and solutions. solution.
improvement and/or possible possible change/s.
The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates
excellent achievement of what high achievement of what satisfactory achievement of what limited achievement of what very low achievement of what
is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level is expected for this year level

Collaborating and Consistently works Works independently, or Works independently, or Works independently, or Does not meet the requirements
managing independently, or collaboratively when required, collaboratively when required, collaboratively when required, of a D grade.
collaboratively when required, to organise relevant information to organise information and to organise some information
to organise relevant information and ideas to safely create and ideas to safely create and share and ideas to safely create
and ideas to safely create and share clearly sequenced steps sequenced steps for solutions. solutions.
share logically sequenced steps for solutions.
for solutions (WATPPS15).

© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2016

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