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Sofutions to the Problems 195

An analogous result is obtained with farther-neighbour hoppings along the

main axes. This generalization is interesting because it offers an example of
an analytically simple DOS for a non-bipartite lattice: (4.89) does not show
either electron-hole symmetry, or the perfect nesting property (7.49).
Problem 4.7. Denoting the unit vectors of the D-dimensional simple cubic
lattice by ei (i = 1,...,D),the D-dimensional fcc lattice is defined in the
following manner: the nearest neighbours of a site can be reached by the
vectors fei f e j , where i # j , The coordination number is z = 2D(D - 1).
Our solution follows 12961 and [152].Analogously to (4.73),we immediately
E(k) = - * &(k)
+ (2t2 - t1)€,(2k) - Dti , (4.94)
where esc(k) is the DOS of the D-dimensional simple cubic lattice. The second
term drops out if t 2 = t 1 / 2 , and we find the generalization of (4.75)


In the present case, the consistent scaling is t 1 = &/& + &/O. Recalling

(4.56),we find that in the limit D + 00


The DOS falls off in the characteristic Gaussian manner at high energies, but
(like in the D = 3 case) it has an inverse square root divergency at the lower
band edge e = -&/a. The finite lower cut-off makes the physics of the
D = 00 fcc lattice Substantially different from that of the infinite dimensional
simple cubic lattice (see Sec. 8.4).
Though we used the assumption t 2 = $112 in our reaaoning, it is easy to
see that the D = 00 result (4.96)must be true for any t1-t~model, as long as
t& remains finite. Namely, the second-neighbour hopping involves only 2D

neighbours, and thus its contribution vanishes if t 2 rv l/D (remember that we
would need t 2 l / f i to keep this contribution finite).
Problem 4.8. Our derivation of the DOS of the infinite-dimensionaldiamond
lattice closely follows [346].Let us mume that for D - 1, we found a set of
D vectors eiD-'),...*etL)-')
D which point from a site to its nearest neighbours,
l 1 5 i < j 5 D - 1. In the next step, this
satisfying eiD-')-e jlD-l)= a ~ ) - for
allows us to construct the D 1 D-dimensional unit vectors

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