7-Lcg,%$K) : As XTQJK

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210 Ch.

5 Mott Insulators

process, accompanied by flipping the spin at the intermediate site:

Finally, let us discuss the contributions arising from i[S, 3t,0],which

are of order t 2 / U . It is immediately clear that the pair-term vanishes
and that cannot contribute at all. As for the remaining
threesite contributions, let us take the example of the initial configu-
ration on which [%lU, Xtqjk] 3t;,ij%,+jk can act:
i j

This three-site process which is active even at n = 1, produces an Od
pair at next-to-nearest neighbour distance. Other three-site processes
need an intermediate empty site to achieve the same. Thus we learned
that the canonical transformation eliminated X t 7-l; from the original
Hamiltonian at the price of generating new mixing terms which still
connect the low-energy subspace (lower Hubbard subband) to the high-
energy states. However, these mixing terms are of order t 2 / U , i.e., in the
sense of a t/U-expansion one order smaller than the terms eliminated.
Even these higher-order mixing terms can be got rid of, if we are taking
the trouble to go one step further in the expansion of S:

s = --Ui (7-Q - N,) + s(2) (5.40)

where S(') is of the order ( t / U ) 2 .We need not specify the form of S ( 2 ) ;
it is enough to know that the operator equation
i[S(2),31U] = --[?it
- 'tl;,'tl;1 (5.41)

does have a solution [157]. Then, to order t 2 / U , the effective Hamilto-

nian is the t - J model given in (5.36),including the three-site terms
(5.37) and (5.39).

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