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15 April 2016

Ms. Sarah Bernardo

624 Leonardo Perez Street
Bustos, Bulacan

Re: Engagement Proposal for Declaration

of Nullity of Marriage under Article 36,
Family Code of the Philippines

DearMs. Bernardo,

We confirm our willingness to render legal service to handle your

declaration of marriage case against your husband, under the following
terms and conditions:

1. Scope of Services - All legal services contemplated by law in

connection with your desire to have your legal marriage with your
husband Herbert Tolentino declared void and annulled in contemplation
of Section 36 of the Family Law, with its corresponding implications.

The legal services contemplated by this Engagement Agreement

(the "Agreement") are the following: (i) the preparation of pleadings and
court appearances for presentation of evidence and/or oral arguments
before the appropriate Regional Trial Court until promulgation of
judgment therein or termination thereof, (ii) attendance at negotiations
and other meetings, and (iii) all other legal services in connection with the
foregoing. An appeal, however, of a judgment to, or the filing of a
separate action with a higher court, should one be filed, shall be the
subject of a separate agreement.

2. Lawyers In Charge- Our Atty. Iris L. Bonifacio will be the

lawyer primarily in charge to work on your case. Other members of the
Firm will be tasked to assist as the need arises.

3. Professional Fees - Based on our consideration of the limited

information provided us, and assuming that there are no further
developments or information which would cause us to vary our
preliminary opinion and that nothing out of the ordinary is encountered in
the course of completing this matter, our service shall be provided in
consideration of the following:

A. An acceptance fee of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY

THOUSAND PESOS upon signing hereof by way of acceptance
fee, deemed earned upon signing hereof, inclusive of fees for legal
research, preparation of the petition or any other appropriate
pleading, handling of discovery proceedings, gathering of evidence,
and overall preparation for the court proceeding.
B. Variable Stage Billing after the presentation of the
following witnesses namely:
a. Petitioner;
b. Psychiatrist or psychologist who shall testify on the
finding of psychological incapacity of either of the parties
under Article 36 of the Family Code;
• In cases for declaration of nullity of marriage,
either party needs to present an expert witness
(psychiatrist) to help the court determine the root of
the psychological incapacity. This is subject to an
additional expense for the report submitted and
psychiatrist's or psychologist's testimony in court.
c. Witness of petitioner who shall testify on the
courtship, marriage, separation, and current relationship of
the parties;
d. collaborating witness, if needed.
after termination of petitioner's evidence;
after submission of the Petitioner's Memorandum;
upon issuance by the court of its Decision in the case;
F. An appearance fee of TEN THOUSAND PESOS
(Pl0,000.00) for every court hearing/meeting attended with or for
the petitioner's case.
G. Transportation expense to Bustos, Bulacan for

H. We reserve the right to charge you additional fees

pursuant to 5. below depending on the developments or the results
obtained in relation to the legal services to be provided.
I. Other documentary needs for Ms. Bernardo's financial
welfare and for her children's educational, medical, financial needs
shall be billed separately.

4. Deposit for Out-of-Pocket Expenses - All out-of-pocket

expenses that may be incurred in connection with the subject matter
hereof such as transportation, photocopying, representation and all other
incidental expenses shall be charged to your account and billed monthly.
To facilitate payment for such expenses, we require a deposit of
TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (P20,000.00) payable upon signing
hereof together with the acceptance fee, which deposit shall be
replenished by you upon presentation of the monthly billing. No expense
in excess of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (PS,000.00) shall be incurred
without your prior approval.

5. Responsibility Premium: We reserve the right to assess you

a responsibility premium as the circumstances subsequently developing
may warrant. The extent of the responsibility premium, which we will
charge, in addition to our fixed rate, will is determined by such factors as
difficulty of work, the urgency with which the matter must be attended to,
the importance and complexity of the subject matter, the benefits to you,
the results obtained, and other relevant factors. The responsibility
premium will be subject to negotiation and confirmation at the appropriate

6. Conflict of Interest: The rules of legal ethics prohibit acceptance

of engagements involving the prosecution or defense of interest's
adversary to those of another client, without the consent of the latter,
where there has been previous representation of such client in respect of
the same set of facts or events. In certain instances, the interest may not be
readily discernible at the time a specific engagement from a client is
accepted; accordingly, the right to withdraw from this agreement should
such conflict of interest develop or become apparent is reserved.

7. Responsibilities of the Client: To help us represent your interests

effectively, you agree as follows:

(i) At our request, to provide and help us obtain all information

that is necessary for the purpose of the engagement as well as
to inform us about any new developments or information on
the matter of this engagement such as new factual
developments, notices received or other similar

(ii) To make yourself available for any meetings, interviews or

other events that we may require, if so requested and to
immediately inform us when you change your residence or
your job, telephone number, or other electronic means of
communication, or such other circumstances that would
otherwise make it difficult for us to communicate with you;

(iii) To carefully consider our advice before making any major


(iv) To respond to our communications and settle our bills as

soon as reasonably possible

8. Responsibilities: Our Firm will perform the legal services called

for under this letter-agreement, keep you informed of the progress and
developments of the case, respond promptly to your inquiries and
communications, and otherwise perform all our obligations and
responsibilities under this letter-agreement promptly and in good faith.

9. Termination: This engagement agreement shall be subject to

termination by either party u13on fifteen (15) days prior written notice,
without prejudice to any accrued and outstanding professional fees and
out-of-pocket expenses owing to us.

Should you find the foregoing terms acceptable, kindly signify your
conformity on the space provided for below, return a duly signed copy of
this letter to the undersigned together with the acceptance fee, and deposit
for expenses. Upon receipt of such copy with your conformity, this letter
shall constitute the agreement between us with regard to the above­

Thank you.

Very truly yours,








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