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PR yang sudah di Released dalam range Januari – September 2018

Access T-Code ME5A

Click Dynamic Selection , pada bagian Purchase Requisition, pilih Requisition Date

Click Multiple Selection

Pilih tab Select Ranges, inputkan lower limit dan upper limit

Click Execute
Field Name Description R/O/C Input from User Comments
Assigned Purchase Assigned Purchase O Tick Select the field if purchase
Requisitions Requisitions requisitions that have already been
assigned to a source of supply are to
be listed.

Also List Held PReqs Also List Held PReqs O Tick Specifies whether held purchase
requisitions are to be included in the
list display.
Closed Requisition Closed Requisition O Tick Select this field if you wish closed
purchase requisitions (no open
quantity left) to be shown on the list.
“Partly Ordered” “Partly Ordered” O Tick Specifies whether purchase
Requisition Requisition requisitions in respect of which only
part of the requested quantity has so
far been ordered are to be included
in the list display.
Released Requisition Released Requisition O Tick Specifies whether the list display is
Only Only also to include already-released
(approved) purchase requisitions.

Requisition for Overall Requisition for Overall O Tick If you set this indicator, the system
Release Release lists all purchase requisitions that
have to be released (approved) in
their entirety.

Requisition for Item- Requisition for Item- O Tick If you set this indicator, the system
Wise Release Wise Release lists purchase requisitions that item-
wise released.

Click Execute

2. PR yang masih Open belum menjadi PO

Access T-Code ME5A

Field Name Description R/O/C Input from User Comments

Assigned Purchase Assigned Purchase O Tick Select the field if purchase
Requisitions Requisitions requisitions that have already been
Field Name Description R/O/C Input from User Comments
assigned to a source of supply are
to be listed.

Also List Held PReqs Also List Held PReqs O Tick Specifies whether held purchase
requisitions are to be included in the
list display.
Released Requisition Released Requisition O Tick Specifies whether the list display is
Only Only also to include already-released
(approved) purchase requisitions.

Requisition for Overall Requisition for Overall O Tick If you set this indicator, the system
Release Release lists all purchase requisitions that
have to be released (approved) in
their entirety.

Requisition for Item- Requisition for Item- O Tick If you set this indicator, the system
Wise Release Wise Release lists purchase requisitions that item-
wise released.

Click Execute


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