The Elder Scrolls IV

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion cheat for Xbox 360: 10

Minute Grand Champion

10 Minute Grand Champion
Before getting started you need about 6000 gold. Go to the Imperial City Market distict. Then
head into the staff shop.
Purchase the staff of Apothesis. Now use your Duplication cheat and Duplicate some soul gems. I
would suggest Lesser Soul Gems or greater.
Now head into the Arena Bloodworks. With this weapon you can usually kill your oponents with
One shot (some of them are more like the Current Grand champion).
As soon as you kill your opponent run down collect your reward and then head back up and kill
some more.
Do this over and over. I complete the arena in less then One Cyrodil Day.

Blade, Blunt, Marksman, Destruction, and Hand to Hand Training

Go to Periyte's shrine, the one with the circle of "unconscious" people, and use a weapon to hit
them and get them all by the rocks.
Then have a lot of cheap weapons (for whatever skill you want to get up) and some repair
hammers. Get near one of the people and start hacking/slashing/blasting/punching/shooting
you can change the channel and watch something else. Check back every once in a while and
repair your weapons or whatever.
After your skills go up fast travel/ride to an inn/house (there is an inn along the river to the west
of the shrine) and sleep and level up (sometimes you can gain like 3 levels, to check either sleep
again after you level up or just look for the level up symbol to the right of your compass while
This is a great way to gain levels because the people will never die and you can't get in trouble.
Warning: if you do the actual quest for the shrine the people will be alive and will die if you
attack them!

Easy Alchemy Level Up

You need mortar and pestle. Do this in a place indoors (homes, stores, etc).
You have to be patient. You also have to know the duplication glitch.
Get any two foods, for example apple and pear. Then use the duplication glitch on both of the
Try to make at least 200 of each. Keep picking them up even if you are over encumbered, now
use use mortar and pestle and keep making potions no matter what cause they make.
As you make them your alchemy skill will go up, when you are done all you have to do is drop
the potions and if you want, do it all over again.
Easy Alchemy Leveling
First what you want to do is get rid of the patch that stops the dupe glitch.
Go to the right system blade on the dashboard, click on memory, press Y the press X, X, LB,
RB, X, X.
Then go to Oblivion and don't update.
Find a herb that increases/restores your intelligence. Dupe it about 200 times.
Then start eating it. After eating about 20 your level goes up.
Dupe the item again when your low on it.
This trick can take a while but it is really easy.

Note: Be careful when removing the game update, we will not be responsible!

Easy Level up Hand-to-Hand, Blunt, Blade, and Destruction Spells

cheat: Go to Peryite Shrine located on Silverfish River, northwest of the first R in river.

Don't do his mission instead just hit his worshippers with your hands, axes or warhammers, blades, or
destruction spells. They wont fight back.

Easy Heavy, Light and Block Skill

First go to Anvil and look at the center, then go right next to the armor shop.

The first house you see is a "Crazy Rat Lady". You have to go there around 1-9pm or else you
will have to break in.

Once you get into the house don't go up the stairs, but go to the basement.

Once down there, there are about 4-6 rats, so take out your weapon and hit each rat (so you don't
kill them).

Then go sit in a corner and they will attack you. You just need to heal yourself every 20 minutes
or so!
Easy Mercantile Skill
First power level any skill. The easiest is sneak. Don't go to sleep and level up!

Once your skill is at 100 look for a mercantile trainer.

Basic: Foroch at the Gottshaw Inn southwest of Kvatch. Mach-Na(Owns a store with her name)
in Cheydinhal.
Medium-level: Margarte (Involved in Fighters Guild). Seed-Neeus who owns Northern Goods
and Trade in Chorrol.
Master: Palonirya who runs Divine Elegance in the Imperial City (you need 10,000 septims for
her to agree to train you).
After you find a trainer, train with them 5 times. Then sleep to level up and go back and train 5
times again. And just repeat.

If your Mercantile doesn't reach 100 then power level another skill and do this over.

You may need to use a duplication glitch to earn money

. But there are plenty of methods on this site already =).

Easy Skill Leveling

Go to Leyamin and go to Rosentia Gallenus's house.

There will be four Scamps following her around, pick which skill you want to level up, but
always be in sneak.

Go around the back of one of the Scamps so they cant see you and attack it, this way you can
level up your sneak and another skill, I recommend training all the skills I said.

Note: if you are low level bring some healing potions because the Scamps will attack you back.
And be careful not to hit the women or she will attack you and the guards will come after you.

Easy Speechcraft
Just go to any random person and persuade them.
When the mini game

pops up just hit down and A and up and A and left to right over and over again and you can very
easily get your skill up.
Even Faster Acrobatics Training
Go to Bravil and walk across the bridge, turn left past the "Archer's Paradox".

There will be a corner on the wooden stairs where you can jump faster than anywhere else
(because you bump your head without delay).

Good Shielding or Invincibility

You Must Reach level 15 or 20 and go into an Oblivion Gate and Reach the Sigil Stone, it
should be medium powered stones.
To get the right enchanted Sigil stone, save it before you grab it.
So your aim is to get (shield 25%, reverse attack 25%, fire, water, elemental spell reverse or
whatever, aim for reversal stones.
Then do the duplicate cheat on the Sigil stone (this will slow the game down for about a minute
if you do not collect all the stones rolling away.
They will go invisible after a while, so probably do it in a room (less furniture the better).
Then enchant 4 items you can equip with clothing, e.g. rings armour etc.
4 x 25% voila! 100% or more shielding, do this with any of the elementals

Infinite Fortify Attributes

Become champion of the Arena and challenge Agronak, the Grand Champion. A.K.A. The Grey
Prince. Talk to Ysabel about the rules and you will learn that you have to loot Agronak's corpse
and take his Raiment of Valor and present it to her to recieve your own.
If/when you defeat the half-orc, take his Raiment and equip it, then leave the arena. Talk to
Ysabel and she will present you with your own Raiment BUT you keep all the attributes from
the old Raiment permanently.
Then you have whatever bonuses you gain from your own Raiment.
The only downside to this is not keeping the weightless Raiment...
Instant Kill Weapon
You're going to need a couple of things for this: Access to the arcane university, a common level
soul gem, and you must know a drain health

I found that the item duplication cheat is handy after this because the weapon only has 16 uses.
Go to the altar of enchanting, pick any weapon and select the drain health. You can put the
magnitude to 100 for 1 second, so theoretically their health will start regenerating straight away,
but by also putting fire/shock/frost damage on the weapon, (even just 1 point would be enough)
you essentially in that one blow drain their health to death so they can't recover.
This isn't even expensive so make a couple of back up if you want.
So now go forward and behold as the entire of Tamriel and Oblivion trembles in awe of your
weapon of instant death (ironically the weapon is only worth around 600 gold).
I found it most effective on the Katana that the blades use, mainly because it's quick and a bit
longer than other weapons, so if used right you never get hit.

Invisibility Tip
To be completely invisible, take 5 items that you can wear (e.g. amulet, rings, clothes, etc.) and
enchant each item with a grand soul gem in the Arcane University Chironasium.
You need at least one chameleon spell learned (and of course access to the arcane) for you to
enchant your items.
Each time you enchant it will give you 20% invisibility; so wear all 5 items and you'll be 100%
When you're wearing all your items it's a constant effect and you can steal, kill, etc without any
Warning: Don't enchant your weapons with Chameleon, it will only make the person you are
fighting invisible.
Keep the Staff of Everscamp and Enchant
Go to Leyawin and ask a someone about rumors. They should say something dealing with
Rosentia Gallenus.
Go to her house and when you enter you should see some scamps, don't kill them they'll
respawn quickly anyway.
Talk to her and she will explain what is happening. You should start a quest called "Whom Gods
Annoy" and receive a Staff of Everscamp and need to drop the Staff of Everscamp.
Kill one of the everscamps in the shrine room, go to loot his body, and place the staff on his
A message will come up telling you to return to Rosentia Gallenus and tell her what happened.
Now loot the body of the scamp and take back the Staff of Everscamp. Your quest is to take it to
shrine in a cave and drop it there.
Once you reach the cave kill a scamp and put the staff in the scamp's inventory. If you drop the
staff the game will not allow you to pick it back up.
After you put the staff in the scamp's inventory, exit the inventory and that part of the quest
should be done.
Once it's done loot the scamps body for the staff. The scamps should no longer follow you, but
you can keep the staff.
Just go to any alter of enchanting and enchant the staff with your favorite effect.
Make Lots of Money with Vampire Cure Quest
First you have to do the vampire cure quest which involves a lot of running around (Hint: one of
the grand soul gems is in the trapdoor on her fireplace).
Once you've done this quest go to the Count of Skingrad and when you talk to him it says
'reward', he gives you 500 gold.
Just keep asking for the reward and he will keep giving you gold.
I made 725,000 gold and bought every house and waepon I wanted
When you have the Siren of deception quest (go to the fighters guild in Anvil and talk to
everyone), continue the quest until your at Gweden Farm.
Wait until the girls attack you, then kill them and loot them.
On one of them there's a dagger called Witsplinter that drains intelligence.

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