Engineers' Day: For India and Reconstructing India" Which Is The First of Its Kind

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Engineers are one who change over the hypothetical information of

fundamental sciences into real items and hence make our lives
simple. Specialists have adaptable personalities and help in filling
the hole between science, innovation and technology. Engineers
around the world contribute extraordinarily to the innovation and
industrial development so taking into note the world celebrate the
Engineer’s Day. While Russia celebrates it on December 22, Mexico
on July 1 and Italy on June 15, India has marked September 15 as
the National Engineer’s Day.

The Engineering Community across India is celebrating Engineers

Day on 15 September every year as a remarkable tribute to the
greatest Indian Engineer Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. He is held
in high regard as a pre-eminent engineer of India and had left many
of his beneficial contributions to the world.

A Bharat Ratna awardee, Visvesvaraya had studied Bachelor of Arts

(BA) from the University of Madras and pursued civil engineering at
College of Science in Pune. He later patented and installed an
irrigation system with water floodgates at the Khadakvasla reservoir
near Pune to raise the food supply level and storage to the highest
levels which was also installed at Gwalior’s Tigra Dam and Mysore’s
Krishnaraja Sagara.

According to the Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Visvesvaraya

was also called the “precursor of economic planning in India”. It
stated that he is best known for his discourse “Planned Economy
for India and Reconstructing India” which is the first of its kind
to describe the country’s planning efforts. One of the largest
universities of India Visveswaraya Technological University,
Belagavi also has been named in his honor and also the Govt. of
India honored him with Bharat Ratna.

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