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AE1401 - Avionics QB


o What is avionics?

o Explain the advantage of using avionics in civil aircraft.

o Explain the advantage of using avionics in military aircraft.

o Give the general advantage of Avionics over the conventional aircraft


o Define the usage of avionics in space systems.

o Give few examples of integrated avionics system used in weapon


o Give few examples of integrated avionics system used in civil airlines.

o Explain “illities” of Avionics system.

o Give various systems where the avionics used in aircrafts.

o Explain the steps involved in design of avionics system.

o Give few examples of Standards used in design of avionics system.

o What are digital computers?

o Give the need for standard documents in the design of avionics


o What is a volatile memory and give examples?

o Give the advantages of digitization.

o What are major drivers for avionics in civil transport aircraft?

o What is aliasing?

o Differentiate between volatile and non volatile memories.

o How are reliability and maintainability related to each other?

o What is microprocessor?

o Explain the usage of microprocessors in Avionics system.

o Explain the registers of microprocessor?

o What is Accumulator?

o Explain the types of memories?

o Explain the major components of microprocessor.

o What is fetching?

o Give few avionics architecture.

o Explain Federated architecture.

o Explain centralized architecture.

o How is federated architecture different from centralized


o Explain MIL-STD 1553B components?

o Explain the status word of MIL-STD 1553B.

o Explain the bus controller and Remote terminal of MIL-STD 1553B.

o Explain ARINC 429 standard.

o Explain ARINC 629 standard.

o Differentiate between Civil and military communication standards.

o Differentiate between ARINC 429 and ARINC 629.

o Differentiate between MIL and ARINC standard in terms of RT?

o Differentiate between MIL and ARINC standard in terms of BUS


o What is the need for two different speeds in ARINC 429 data bus?

o What is an auto pilot?

o What is brick walling or partitioning in avionics architecture?

o Define Glass cockpit.

o Define plasma panel.

o Differentiate LED & LCD.

o Explain CRT and its usage in aircraft displays.

o What is meant by DVI?

o What are MFD and its significance in Aircraft?

o Explain the advantage of HMD over MUD?

o Explain MFK and its usage.

o What is HOTAS?

o Explain HUD?

o What is usage of night vision goggles?

o Explain advantage of EL over Plasma display.

o Explain the need of communication system in airline.

o Explain Navigation.

o Explain the types of Navigation.

o Explain Dead reckoning type of navigation.

o What is INS?

o What are different types of INS?

o What is GPS?

o Explain about P and C/A codes.

o Compare INS and GPS.

o What is Flight control system?

o What is Actuator?

o Explain different types of actuator.

o What is FBW?

o What is FBL?

o Explain the advantage of FBW over conventional FCS.

o Explain FBW over FBL.

o What is strap down Navigation?

o What is FMS?

o What is meant by jammers in electronic warfare?

o Give the difference between ECCM and ECM.

o Explain RADAR.

o Explain Certification.

o Explain V & V

o Explain Reliability.

o Explain maintainability.

o Explain the steps of certification.

o Explain the document support for Certification.

o Explain Electronic warfare.

o Explain the advantage of GPS over conventional navigation.

o Explain the specific advantages of INS.

o Explain Gimbaled INS.


o Explain the need of avionics in Civil and military aircrafts.

o Explain few Integrated Avionics system and weapon system.
o What are the major design drivers for avionics system?
o Describe the various ‘illities’ in Avionics systems.
o With a neat block diagram explain the integration of different
avionics system.
o Explain clearly the top down design procedure that is adopted in
Avionics system
o design.
o List the factor on which Avionics design is evaluated and explain each
factor in
o brief.
o Explain the various layers of Avionics systems used in a typical
airplane with a neat sketch.
o Explain the design and technologies involved in avionics system and the
standards used for it.
o With a neat sketch explain 8085 microprocessor architecture in
o Draw the functional representation of ROM memory cell and explain
the concept underlying the ROM.
o Describe with a block schematic how a digital computer can be used to
measure analog signal
o Explain the interference of seven segment LED with the
microprocessor to display a binary data.
o Compare the memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O in
o Discuss the various avionics architecture in detail.
o Explain the ARINC 429 data bus in detail.
o Explain the ARINC 629 data bus in detail.
o Explain MIL STD 1553 B data bus in detail bring out clearly the bus
architecture, protocol, word ad message formats and coupling
o List the evolution of avionics architecture starting from first
generation to fourth generation.
o Describe in detail about one of the third generation Avionics
Architecture with block schematics.
o Compare and contrast the display technologies CRT,LED,LCD,EL and
plasma panel
o What are the various types of CRTs used in civil and military aircraft
and explain them in detail.
o a) Explain the basic principle of HUD and what are its limitations?
o How are they overcome in HMD?
o what are special features of DVI?
o a) Describe the layout of a cockpit.
o b) Describe voice recognition & speech synthesis technology.
o What is navigation system and explain the various types of navigation
with examples.
o Explain MFKs, HMD, HUD and HDD in detail.
o Describe a FBW flight control system and its characteristics and
redundancy concept in detail.
o Explain the operation of inertial navigation system and explain its two
types of construction.
o What is FBW explain its salient features with the block diagram in
comparison with the conventional flight control system.
o What is FBL and explain its salient features with block diagram in
comparison with FBW.
o a) what is the need for a communication system in aircraft?
o b) Explain one of the most modern reliable communication systems
used in aircraft with a block schematic.
o What is GPS and explain the working of it with codes of
communication used for locating the object.
o Explain in detail about Radar Electronic war fare and its salient
features and its usage.
o Explain Certification and explain the various steps involved in
certification of avionics system.

o What is Dead reckoning navigation system and explain any one type in
o Explain Conventional Flight control system and advantage of FBW to
overcome the disadvantage of Conventional FCS.

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