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Assessment Rubric for

A1.1 Explores the ways in which people can contribute to family life.

Required Elements
(Family Tree with links to gifts The poster includes all required
All required elements are included Most of the required elements are
contributed to Family Life, Family elements as well as additional
on the poster. included on the poster.
Rules, Co-operation with Parents, information.
Family Celebrations
There are no grammatical mistakes There is a couple of grammatical There are several grammatical
on the poster. mistakes on the poster. mistakes on the poster.
All illustrations are related to the
Most illustrations are related to the Some illustrations relate to the
topic and make it easier to
Illustrations topic and make it easier to topic, without appropriate
understand with annotated and
understand with limited labelling. labelling.
detailed labelling.
Used some of the time well during
Used time well during class, Used most of the time well during
class, with limited focus on task
Use of Class Time focusing on the completion of task class, focusing on the task with few
and occasionally being distracted
and is not distracted by others. distractions by others.
by others.
The poster is to a high standard in The poster is to a good standard The poster is messy or very poorly
terms of design, layout, images, and is presentable though it may designed with limited spaces used
labelling, neatness and overall be a bit messy and lack elements and lacks colour and thoughtful
presentation of a good poster. presentation.

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