Comparison of Neutrophil CD64 Expression, Manual Myeloid Immaturity Counts, and Automated Hematology Analyzer Fla...

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Comparison of Neutrophil CD64 Expression,

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Article in Laboratory Hematology · February 2005

DOI: 10.1532/LH96.04077 · Source: PubMed


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Bruce H Davis
Trillium Diagnostics, LLC


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Laboratory Hematology 11:137-147

© 2005 Carden Jennings Publishing Co., Ltd.
doi: 10.1532/LH96.04077

Official Publication

Comparison of Neutrophil CD64 Expression, Manual

Myeloid Immaturity Counts, and Automated Hematology
Analyzer Flags as Indicators of Infection or Sepsis


Trillium Diagnostics, LLC, and Maine Medical Center Research Institute, Scarborough, Maine, USA
Received December 23, 2004; received in revised form January 30, 2005; accepted February 10, 2005

ABSTRACT positive predictive likelihood ratio, 1.58). Relative to the

other laboratory parameters, the neutrophil CD64 parame-
There is a clear need for improved indicators of infec- ter also provided the best separation of the 4 clinical
tion or sepsis to increase the sensitivity and specificity of groups. The findings indicate that neutrophil CD64
both diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. One of the expression as determined by quantitative flow cytometry is
effects of inflammatory cytokines on the innate immune an improved diagnostic indicator of infection/sepsis relative
response is the rapid up-regulation of CD64 expression on to current laboratory indicators of relative or absolute
the neutrophil membrane. We and others have hypothe- myeloid cell counts or hematology analyzer flagging algo-
sized that the measurement of neutrophil CD64 expression rithms. Lab Hematol. 2005;11:137-147.
might represent an improved diagnostic indicator of infec-
tion and sepsis. In this study we assessed the relative ability KEY WORDS: Inflammation · Sepsis · Infection ·
of flow cytometric neutrophil CD64 measurements, neu- Leukocyte differential · Laboratory
trophil counts, myeloid immaturity differential counts, and automation · Fc receptor · Sepsis
flagging on an automated hematology analyzer to correlate assay · Sepsis test · Neutrophil
with the presence of infection, as determined by a retro- activation · Immature granulocytes
spective clinical scoring system of infection or sepsis. A
total of 160 blood samples were randomly selected to
derive equal proportions of the 3 categories of flags on a INTRODUCTION
Coulter STKS blood counter that indicate the presence of a
myeloid left shift. The patients for these samples were Diagnostic laboratory indicators of a systemic acute
scored by retrospective chart review and placed into 4 inflammation response to infection or sepsis have shown lit-
groups on the basis of likelihood of infection, sepsis, or tle evolution in the past few decades despite a marked
severe tissue injury. Neutrophil CD64 expression demon- advance in the understanding of the molecular and cell biol-
strated a superior sensitivity (94.1%), specificity (84.9%), ogy of the effector myeloid cells and cytokines. The labora-
and positive predictive likelihood ratio (6.24), compared tory evaluation of patients with a suspected infection or an
with neutrophil counts (sensitivity, 79.4%; specificity, acute inflammatory disease process has remained a battery of
46.8%; positive predictive likelihood ratio, 1.49), band tests including a complete blood count with leukocyte differ-
counts (sensitivity, 87.5%; specificity, 43.5%; positive pre- ential counting, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate determi-
dictive likelihood ratio, 1.55), myeloid immaturity fraction nation, a C-reactive protein level measurement, and microbi-
(sensitivity, 94.6%; specificity, 84.5%; positive predictive ologic cultures. These laboratory tools have been available
likelihood ratio, 2.12), and flagging on an automated with minimal modification for more than the last 2 decades.
hematology analyzer (sensitivity, 94.1%; specificity, 40.5%; Additional laboratory tests with less specificity that show
changes during an active acute inflammatory response
Correspondence and reprint requests: Bruce H. Davis, MD, Maine include immune complex measurements, leukocyte alkaline
Medical Center Research Institute, 81 Research Dr, Scarborough, ME phosphatase enzyme cytochemical studies on neutrophils in
04074, USA (e-mail: blood smears, and the microscopical differential counting of

138 B. H. Davis and N. C. Bigelow

immature or “left-shifted” myeloid forms. Only the intro- flow cytometry, with the current laboratory evaluation of
duction of the measurement of procalcitonin levels as neutrophil counts and the presence of immature myeloid
another form of acute-phase reactant test with purported forms in the blood in the context of a retrospective clinical
greater specificity for bacterial infection than for viral infec- scoring system of infection or sepsis. A determination of the
tion can be touted as a new diagnostic test for the evaluation relationship between quantitative neutrophil CD64 measure-
of the patient with a suspected infection [1-9]. As of this ments and current laboratory hematology testing method-
writing, however, this test has not been cleared for in vitro ologies is felt to be a prerequisite for prospective clinical
diagnostic use in the United States, and it has not been uni- studies into the diagnostic utility of neutrophil CD64 meas-
versally accepted as an improved diagnostic assay of infection urement as a new diagnostic approach for inflammation in
[10-12]. The complete blood count and leukocyte differen- infection/sepsis. We report that although neutrophil CD64
tial with the associated band count or the myeloid left shift expression is correlated with flagging algorithms on a Coulter
of immaturity receive unjustified clinical use, particularly the STKS (Beckman Coulter, Hialeah, FL, USA) and with the
overreliance on the nonspecific, insensitive band counts [13- presence of increased proportions of bands and more imma-
19]. Hence, there remains a persistent need for an improved ture myeloid forms in blood as determined by manual differ-
diagnostic indicator of infection or sepsis, as well as for better ential counts, this correlation is imperfect, and we have
therapeutic monitors in the treatment of infection so that found neutrophil CD64 expression to be a superior diagnos-
antibiotic therapy might be less empiric. tic indicator of infection or sepsis.
Our studies have indicated that quantitative measure-
ment of neutrophil CD64 (high-affinity Fc receptor) METHODS AND MATERIALS
expression is a worthwhile candidate for evaluation as a
more sensitive and specific laboratory indicator of sepsis or Sample Selection
the presence of a systemic acute inflammatory response Laboratory personnel selected 160 blood samples from
[20-25]. Other groups have similarly reported on the asso- the routine clinical hematology laboratory at a 650-bed hos-
ciation between an elevation in neutrophil CD64 expres- pital (Harris Methodist Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas, USA)
sion and the presence of infection [26-36]. A change in to achieve an equal distribution between the groups defined
neutrophil CD64 expression is one of many activation- by the immature granulocyte/band (IG/band) flags on a
related antigenic changes manifested by neutrophils during Coulter STKS hematology blood counter using software ver-
the normal pathophysiologic acute inflammatory response. sion 1H (Beckman Coulter). The 3 categories were no flag
Neutrophil expression of CD64 is up-regulated under the (n = 50), the IG/band 1 flag (n = 55), and the IG/band 2
influence of inflammation-related cytokines such as inter- flag (n = 55). Sample selection was based purely on flagging
leukin 12, interferon γ, and granulocyte colony-stimulating algorithms with no regard for absolute neutrophil counts,
factor [22,37-50]. Up-regulation of CD64 in the presence of band percentages, or knowledge of individual clinical histo-
such cytokines or in response to infection is but one of ries. Samples were selected for subsequent flow cytometric
many changes that occur as part of neutrophil activation measurement of CD64, and measurements were performed
that have been elucidated in the last few decades. However, within 4 hours of the patient draw time. The study protocol
a change in neutrophil CD64 expression differs from the was reviewed and approved by the institutional human sub-
parallel changes of increased CD45RA expression [51], jects review board.
increased expression of CD11b/18 [52-57], and loss of
expression of CD16 [55,58-61], CD62L [53,62], and Clinical-Infection/Sepsis Score
CD66b [57] in that the normal baseline expression of A retrospective chart review of the patients was per-
neutrophil CD64 is negligible. Thus, CD64 appears formed at the conclusion of the study, with the reviewer
uniquely ideal as a surrogate marker of neutrophil activa- (B.H.D.) blinded to the neutrophil CD64 results during the
tion or a systemic acute inflammatory response because assessment of the hospital course. Patients were divided into
neutrophil CD64 expression goes from our normal refer- 4 groups on the basis of the medical history chart review
ence range of less than 2000 sites per cell and becomes and the degree or likelihood of a systemic acute inflamma-
up-regulated in a graded fashion, depending on the tory response as follows: group 0, no clinical or laboratory
intensity of cytokine stimulation [22,44,46,50]. Further- evidence of infection or inflammatory process; group 1,
more, the up-regulation of neutrophil CD64 expression clinical or laboratory evidence of localized infection or
appears to be of pathophysiologic significance because inflammatory process with no or low probability of a sys-
this form of Fc receptor has been shown to function in temic inflammatory response; group 2, clinical or laboratory
eliciting all of the neutrophil functional responses used in evidence of infection or inflammatory process of a extensive
antibacterial responses [22,45,46]. localized nature with an undocumented probability of elicit-
This study was designed to examine the correlation of ing a systemic inflammatory response; group 3, unequivocal
neutrophil CD64 expression, as measured by quantitative clinical or laboratory evidence of systemic sepsis, infection,
Neutrophil CD64, Manual Myeloid Immaturity Counts, and Hematology Analyzer Flags 139

or inflammatory process based on the identification of (MESF) units by means of QuickCal for Winlist (Verity
organisms by culture or smear visualization. The patients in Software House, Topsham, ME, USA). Neutrophil CD64
group 0 had no laboratory or clinical signs or symptoms expression in MESF units was corrected for any nonspecific
indicative of an infectious process or any evidence of an antibody binding by subtracting the values for isotype con-
inflammatory medicated disease process. The patients in trol antibody obtained by staining and flow cytometric
group 1 also had no evidence of a systemic process. Blood analysis of the controls in parallel with the test samples.
culture results were negative, and if infection or tissue injury
was found, it was a local infection, such as a laceration, cys- Leukocyte Differential Analysis
titis, otitis, myocardial infarct, or fractured ankle. Group 1 Complete blood counts and leukocyte 5-part differential
was quite heterogeneous, but the clinical and laboratory results were obtained with a Coulter STKS hematology
findings did not indicate any reason to conclude the pres- blood counter with software version 1H. Instrument
ence of a systemic inflammatory process. The patients in reagents and calibration were as recommended by the man-
group 2 had clinical findings to indicate a systemic response ufacturer. Instrument leukocyte flagging by the STKS soft-
to infection or tissue injury but, unlike those in group 3, ware results in the determination of the myeloid population
had no laboratory evidence of infection. Group 2 included as normal, IG/band 1, or IG/band 2. Microscopical leuko-
patients such as those with suspected ruptured diverticulitis cyte differential counts were performed by a single observer
or radiologic evidence of pneumonia, with cultures not (N.C.B.) on all specimens derived from 2 Wright-stained
reported as positive for infection, yet with a clinical decision blood smears and were based on a 400-cell count, as
to treat for infection having been made. The patients in detailed by CLSI/NCCLS document H20-A [63]. Mature
group 3 had both clinical evidence of a systemic process of neutrophils were separated from band forms according to
infection or sepsis and laboratory documentation of an the guidelines recommended by the College of American
infectious etiology. This group was the most definitive for Pathologists [64]. The immature myeloid fraction was cal-
the presence of infection, sepsis, or severe tissue injury. culated as the number of myeloid cells at the metamyelo-
cyte stage or younger (myelocyte or promyelocyte) divided
Quantitation of CD64 by the total number of myeloid cells (neutrophils, bands,
Leukocyte CD64 expression was measured as previously and immature forms).
described [20,23]. Briefly, 50 µL of whole blood or whole
blood diluted with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) to adjust Statistical Analysis
the leukocyte concentration to less than 2.5 × 109 cells/L was Linear regression analysis was performed with Microsoft
incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature with saturat- Excel software (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA,
ing amounts of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated USA). Paired and unpaired 2-tailed Student t tests were per-
anti-CD64 murine monoclonal antibody (Medarex, Annan- formed with Statview 5.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) to
dale, NJ, USA; now available from Trillium Diagnostics, determine correlations between measurements. Statistically
Scarborough, ME, USA) or isotype control murine antibody significant differences were defined at a P level of <.05.
followed by red blood cell lysis and fixation with the Coulter
Q-Prep system (Beckman Coulter). Samples then were RESULTS
washed once and resuspended with PBS containing 1%
bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemical Company, St. As in previous studies, clinical samples were found to have
Louis, MO, USA), pH 7.4, to a volume of 0.5 mL. Flow variable expression of neutrophil CD64 (range, 408-60,452
cytometric analysis was performed with a Cytoron Absolute MESF units), ranging from the normal or healthy low levels
flow cytometer (Ortho Biotech, Raritan, NJ, USA) to collect of <2500 MESF units to levels greater than those seen in
logarithmic green fluorescence and forward and logarithmic monocytes from healthy individuals. This variability in CD64
right-angle light scatter signals on a minimum of 20,000 expression demonstrates the significant in vivo ability of the
leukocytes. Interassay standardization and CD64 quantita- neutrophil to modulate expression of this Fc receptor. As was
tion was performed with Quantum 24 FITC calibration also observed in previous studies, the neutrophil population
beads (Flow Cytometry Standards Corporation, San Juan, in clinical samples demonstrated a near-Gaussian unimodal
PR, USA; now available through Bangs Laboratories, Indi- distribution of CD64 expression in flow cytometric analyses,
anapolis, IN, USA), which were analyzed at the start and fin- rather than the appearance of subpopulations of neutrophils
ish of each flow cytometric batch run and were used to stan- with different surface expression levels of the antigen.
dardize and calibrate the software used for the analysis of list Whether neutrophil CD64 expression was low as in the
mode files. Data analysis was performed with light scatter healthy state or was markedly increased as seen in individuals
gating to define the major leukocyte populations of lympho- with sepsis or a systemic acute inflammatory response, the cir-
cytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, with the CD64 intensity culating population of neutrophils in the blood was observed
quantified as FITC mean equivalent soluble fluorescence as a single cell cluster with regard to neutrophil CD64 expres-
140 B. H. Davis and N. C. Bigelow

forms (metamyelocyte stage or younger). Eosinophils express

low levels of CD64 and higher levels of endogenous autofluo-
rescence that overlap with or are slightly higher than the neu-
trophil expression levels in samples from healthy individuals,
but eosinophils may also become a lower-intensity population
distinct from the neutrophil population exhibiting up-regulation
of CD64. Compared with neutrophils, immature myeloid
cells constitutively express higher levels of CD64. The higher
CD64 expression of immature myeloid cells is down-regulated
or lost with normal maturation to the mature neutrophil
stage. Thus, the presence of immature myeloid forms in the
blood without neutrophil up-regulation may give a left-sided
skewness or tail to the myeloid population distribution of
CD64 expression.
The relationships of neutrophil CD64 expression to neu-
trophil counts, manual band differential counts, the immature
myeloid ratio, and blood counter flagging for immaturity are
summarized in Table 1 and Figures 2-6. Samples with an
abnormal immature myeloid fraction (>0.00) were identified
in all groups defined by the STKS flagging, but only the
IG/band 2 group had significantly more abnormal samples rel-
ative to the no flag group (P = .0167) or the IG/band 1 group
(P = .0279). As shown in Figure 2, there is no significant rela-
tionship between the neutrophil count and neutrophil CD64
expression. Relationships between increasing band counts, cir-
culating immature myeloid cells, and immaturity flagging, and
increased neutrophil CD64 expression were noted, although
the correlations were not strong (Figure 3). Neutrophil CD64
expression had a stronger correlation with the band percentage
(r = 0.539) than with the absolute band count (r = 0.270;
results not shown). Whereas there was less of a correlation
between neutrophil CD64 expression and the presence of cir-
culating immature myeloid forms (r = 0.169; Figure 3), only
FIGURE 1. Representative histograms of CD64 expression on 28% of the specimens had such cells noted in the microscopi-
lymphocytes (first peak), neutrophils (second peak), and cal differential count, and most of those counts had an imma-
monocytes (third peak) in blood samples with normal levels ture myeloid fraction of less than 0.02.
(top histogram) and elevated levels (bottom histogram).
Correlation of Laboratory Parameters to Clinical Status
Chart reviews of all 160 patients were performed, and
sion (Figure 1). The only circumstances in which myeloid clinical histories with regard to the episode approximate to
cells in the blood demonstrated a skewed unimodal or the blood sampling at the time of the laboratory studies were
bimodal distribution were in samples with a relative increase scored in a blinded fashion with regard to laboratory results
in eosinophils or with the presence of immature myeloid into 1 of 4 groups defined as follows: (1) score 0, no clinical

TABLE 1. Summary Statistics of the Neutrophil Parameters Collected in this Study Separated by the Blood Cell Counter Flags for Left Shift*

Blood Counter Flags Neutrophil Count, ×109/L Bands, % Band Count, ×109/L Neutrophil CD64, MESF Units

Normal (n = 50) 4.95 ± 2.0 (1.52-8.70) 10.46 ± 9.7 (1-55) 0.88 ± 0.88 (0.03-4.23) 2586 ± 1807 (804-10,761)
IG/Band 1 (n = 55) 10.78 ± 3.36 (2.43-20.77) 18.96 ± 14.06 (1-55) 2.58 ± 2.23 (0.7-9.38) 3983 ± 3268 (408-16,024)
IG/Band 2 (n = 55) 12.93 ± 7.2 (1.07-37.15) 2.21 ± 18.83 (3-69) 4.09 ± 3.78 (0.32-16.05) 11,472 ± 12,295 (1126-60,542)

*Data are expressed as the mean ± SD (range). MESF indicates mean equivalent soluble fluorescence; IG/Band, immature granulocyte/band.
Neutrophil CD64, Manual Myeloid Immaturity Counts, and Hematology Analyzer Flags 141

FIGURE 2. The relationship of absolute neutrophil (PMN)

count to neutrophil CD64 expression (top) and to the per- FIGURE 3. The relationship between neutrophil CD64
centage of band forms (bottom) shows no significant corre- expression and neutrophil band forms from a microscopical
lation or a weak correlation among the 160 blood samples leukocyte differential count shows a correlation when band
selected for this study. counts are expressed as a percentage of leukocytes (top), but
less of a correlation was observed with the presence of circu-
lating myeloid forms that were less mature (bottom).
indication of acute inflammation; (2) score 1, weak clinical
suspicion of localized infection or acute inflammatory
process; (3) score 2, moderate clinical evidence of infection sepsis score groups similarly showed significant differences in
and/or acute inflammation; and (4) score 3, definite clinical the various neutrophil quantitative and maturity parameters
indication of infection and/or severe tissue trauma, shock, or (Figure 5). Even the blood cell counter flagging categories
acute inflammatory process. The clinical-sepsis scoring showed a significant difference with regard to the clinical-
demonstrated varying degrees of correlation with the labora- sepsis scores or the presence of infection/sepsis (Figure 6).
tory indicators of infection, including the instrument results Yet, neutrophil CD64 expression gave the best separation
of immature myeloid cell flagging. between the clinical-sepsis score groups, particularly between
The mean clinical scores of the 3 STKS flagging algo- the groups with clinical evidence of infection and those with-
rithm groups differed significantly (P < .0001). The 3 flag- out findings of infection/sepsis.
ging groups also showed significant differences in the The results for laboratory parameters measured in this study,
percentages of band forms (Figure 4C), neutrophil counts when further segregated into normal or abnormal values,
(Figure 4B), and the quantities of CD64 expression in neu- showed varying degrees of diagnostic power in separating the
trophils (Figure 4A). The presence of circulating immature clinical-sepsis score groups. However, the neutrophil CD64
myeloid cells differed significantly among the IG/band flag- measurement showed the highest apparent specificity and sensi-
ging groups, but to a lesser degree (Figure 4D). The clinical- tivity with regard to separating the clinical-sepsis score groups.
142 B. H. Davis and N. C. Bigelow

FIGURE 4. Neutrophil CD64 expression levels (A), band counts (B), neutrophil counts (C), and the immature myeloid fraction (D)
all show significant differences between the various blood cell counter immature granulocyte/band (IG/band) flagging groups for
myeloid immaturity. CBC indicates complete blood count.

The relative diagnostic performances of the laboratory parame- response to a significant clinical process of infection or tissue
ters were determined in 2 ways. To determine the relative diag- injury. The expression of CD64 is highly correlated with the
nostic utility of each parameter in the most ideal conditions, we presence of infection [20,21,26-36]. Its regulation is con-
assessed the performance in the patients with clinical-infection/ trolled in a myeloid-specific fashion and influenced by the
sepsis scores of 0, 2, and 3 (Table 2) to allow elimination of the cytokines involved in the acute inflammatory response, such
variable clinical group with a score of 1. The second assessment as interleukin 12, interferon γ, and granulocyte colony-
was done with all samples. Even when the heterogeneous group stimulating factor [22,37-50]. The results of this study show
with score 1 was included in the diagnostic assessment (Table good correlation with flagging algorithms present on one
3), neutrophil CD64 expression still demonstrated clear superi- representative blood cell counter, moderate correlation with
ority with a sensitivity of 94.12%, a specificity of 84.92%, an the percentage of band and immature myeloid forms, and no
efficiency of 86.88%, and a positive likelihood ratio of 6.24. significant correlation with the neutrophil count. The corre-
Other parameters approached the sensitivity of neutrophil lation of neutrophil CD64 expression with the flagging algo-
CD64 expression, but all had much lower specificities, efficien- rithm was observed in this study with the use of only 1
cies, and likelihood ratios. model of blood cell counter by a single manufacturer, which
has now been superseded by newer versions of this instru-
DISCUSSION ment. However, similar correlations have also been observed
when neutrophil CD64 measurements were correlated with
Neutrophil CD64 expression is regulated in a fashion that the algorithm of a more contemporary blood counter instru-
seemingly parallels the degree of the acute inflammatory ment made by another manufacturer that used a different
Neutrophil CD64, Manual Myeloid Immaturity Counts, and Hematology Analyzer Flags 143

FIGURE 5. Clinical-infection/sepsis score groups show the most significant differences in neutrophil CD64 expression (A), but neu-
trophil counts (B) and morphologic assessment of a left shift by band counts (C) or by the immature myeloid fraction (D) also
show distinctions between the clinical groups.

technology to identify immature myeloid cells [65]. Hence, tory process and manifest a better sensitivity and specificity
an increase in neutrophil CD64 expression appears to paral- with regard to the detection of clinically meaningful acute
lel the appearance of immature myeloid forms or the “left inflammation. Our findings on band counts and neutrophil
shift” in the blood. Yet, the imperfect and variable correla- counts as indicators of infection do not differ significantly
tions to the results of standard laboratory studies by them- from the findings reported by many previous studies [13-
selves would seem to indicate that the measurement of 15,17-19], namely, that band counts, although showing some
CD64 expression is not simply a surrogate for existing labo- correlation with the presence of infection, are an imperfect
ratory tests for infection or sepsis currently available in most laboratory diagnostic parameter. This conclusion suggests that
hospital laboratories. the lack of correlation between CD64 expression and band
The results of this study seemingly suggest that all labora- and absolute neutrophil counts is simply the difference in
tory parameters are correlated with the presence of acute specificity between CD64 measurements and the other labo-
inflammation or infection but that they are not reporting the ratory parameters with regard to the correlation with an acute
same information. The correlation of laboratory parameters inflammatory response. Our interpretation is that these
with the clinical chart review results and the resulting sepsis results indicate that CD64 expression should be a more
scores indicates that neutrophil counts and immaturity indi- promising and meaningful parameter of the acute inflamma-
cators, such as band counts or flagging algorithms, do corre- tory response found in infection and sepsis.
late with the clinical condition, albeit imperfectly and with The lack of a single highly specific and sensitive labora-
good sensitivity but with relatively low specificity. The CD64 tory indicator of acute inflammation has resulted in the clini-
measurements in this study show a better correlation with cal use of several concurrent laboratory tests in routine prac-
clinical scoring for the presence of an infectious or inflamma- tice to rule in or rule out the presence of an infection or
144 B. H. Davis and N. C. Bigelow

as steroids and adrenergic agents) or the presence of myelo-

proliferative disorders, that can result in changes in these
laboratory parameters independent of the presence of infection
or acute inflammation. Myeloid cell CD64 up-regulation
appears to be a more specific and perhaps a more sensitive
avenue of laboratory quantitation, given that this up-regulation
appears to reflect a functional change in neutrophil activa-
tion under the influence of inflammation-related cytokines
and to result in an incremental improvement in neutrophil
cell function. For example, the use of interferon γ has shown
efficacy in clinical trials in patients with chronic granuloma-
tous disease despite little or no evidence of a correction of
the oxidative burst defect in most patients [67]. Interferon γ
administration in the treatment of chronic granulomatous
disease and in healthy individuals results in a detectable
increase in CD64 expression 4 to 6 hours following adminis-
tration, which leads to a demonstrable increase in cellular
FIGURE 6. The relationship between the blood cell counter functions, such as phagocytosis, that are mitigated through
immature granulocyte/band (IG/band) flagging and the Fc receptor mechanisms [20,22,45].
clinical-sepsis score showed significant differences between Other antigenic changes occurring with neutrophil acti-
the 3 flagging levels and the presence of infection/sepsis. vation, such as modulations in CD11b, CD18, CD16,
CD62L, and CD45RA expression, may also occur, but these
changes have relative disadvantages as useful laboratory
significant acute inflammatory response. Culture results are parameters compared with neutrophil CD64 expression.
often viewed as confirmatory but in practice are often not That all of these other antigenic expressions show significant
used in treatment decisions because of their relatively slow expression in healthy individuals, often with a moderate
turnaround times of up to 72 hours or more. Several investi- degree of heterogeneity, leads to questions of sensitivity.
gators have proposed varying algorithms to approach the pre- Additionally, the expression of some of these antigens, such
dictive value of the relatively insensitive tests of sedimenta- as CD11b, show changes that depend on specimen handling
tion rate, C-reactive protein level, and the presence of imma- factors that are independent of any disease state [53,68]. Fac-
ture leukocyte populations, but there is a clear need for tors that modulate such expression include specimen storage,
improved diagnostics in this area [66]. Perhaps the relative temperature, and centrifugation. Our studies to date have
specificity of these tests is not unexpected, given the number indicated that neutrophil CD64 expression is stable for at
of additional factors, such as concurrent drug therapy (such least 36 hours or longer in anticoagulated blood samples

TABLE 2. Performance Statistics of Diagnostic Parameters in Recognizing Infection/Sepsis with Disease Presence Defined by Infection/Sepsis
Scores 2 and 3 and Disease Absence Defined by Infection/Sepsis Score 0*

Neutrophil CD64 Immature

Expression Neutrophil Count CBC Analyzer Flag Band Percentage Myeloid Fraction
(>5000 MESF Units) (>7500 × 106/L) (IG/Band 1 or 2) (>10%) (>0.00)

Sensitivity 94.12% 79.41% 94.12% 87.50% 46.88%

Specificity 100.00% 94.59% 97.30% 89.19% 82.86%
PPV 100.00% 93.10% 96.97% 87.50% 71.43%
NPV 94.87% 83.33% 94.74% 89.19% 63.04%
Efficiency 97.18% 87.32% 95.77% 88.41% 65.67%
LR+ >100 14.69 34.82 8.09 2.73
LR– 0.06 0.22 0.06 0.14 0.64

*The positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (LR+), and negative likelihood ratio (LR–) show the neu-
trophil CD64 parameter to have the best diagnostic performance. CBC indicates complete blood count; IG/Band, immature granulocyte/band.
Neutrophil CD64, Manual Myeloid Immaturity Counts, and Hematology Analyzer Flags 145

TABLE 3. Performance Statistics of Diagnostic Parameters in Recognizing Infection/Sepsis with Disease Presence Defined by Infection/Sepsis
Scores 2 and 3 and Disease Absence Defined by Infection/Sepsis Scores 0 and 1*

CD64 Expression Neutrophil Count CBC Analyzer Flag Band Percentage Immature Myeloid
(>5000 MESF Units) (>7500 × 106/L) (IG/Band 1 or 2) (>10%) Fraction (>0.00)

Sensitivity 94.12% 79.41% 94.12% 87.50% 46.88%

Specificity 84.92% 46.83% 40.48% 43.48% 77.88%
PPV 62.75% 28.72% 29.91% 30.11% 37.50%
NPV 98.17% 89.39% 96.23% 92.59% 83.81%
Efficiency 86.88% 53.75% 51.88% 53.06% 71.03%
LR+ 6.24 1.49 1.58 1.55 2.12
LR– 0.07 0.44 0.15 0.29 0.68

*The positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (LR+), and the negative likelihood ratio (LR–) show the
neutrophil CD64 parameter to have the best diagnostic performance. CBC indicates complete blood count; IG/Band, immature granulocyte/band.

stored at room temperature; thus, this parameter is quite Cytometry Society in Charleston, South Carolina, in
amenable to clinical laboratory testing. Additional studies are August 1995. We gratefully acknowledge the skilled tech-
required to comprehend more fully the utility of neutrophil nical assistance of John Smith and Chris Black of Harris
CD64 expression as a potential diagnostic indicator of infec- Methodist Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas, and the secre-
tion or sepsis. tarial assistance of Janet Kumbier.
The results of this and other studies indicate a potential
for neutrophil CD64 expression as a more sensitive and spe- REFERENCES
cific indicator of clinical infectious conditions requiring ther-
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MESF units, which are now traceable to new National Insti- and sepsis. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998;46:348-351.
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