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Media Studies Number 086

Applying Feminism
The aims of this Factsheet are to: • The third wave of feminism began in the 1980s and continues to
• give a historical overview of the different types of feminism the present day. Since laws are now supposed to ensure equality
• outline the ideas of three feminists who have written about the for women in the areas the second wave feminist were concerned
media, namely Mulvey, Wolf and Kilbourne about, third wave feminists are concerned with negative
• offer a feminist analysis of a contemporary media form stereotypes of women, their right to control their own sexuality
(including how they dress) and reproductive issues such as
Introduction to Feminism abortion and the availability of contraception. The most recent
Feminism can be broadly defined as the desire example of third wave feminism can be seen in the SlutWalk
for, and support of, a woman’s right to be treated movement.
as a man’s equal in the social, economic and
political worlds. It is important to remember that SlutWalks originated in April 2011 and are a feminist response
most feminists do not consider women to be to the suggestion by a Canadian police officer that a female rape
‘better’ than men but rather feel that patriarchy, victim’s choice of clothing encouraged her attacker. Michael
or male dominance in a society, is a hindrance to Sanguinetti suggested “women should avoid dressing like sluts”.
women receiving the same treatment and benefits Those who take part in the SlutWalks march, either in their regular
as men. It is also important to remember that clothing or dressed as ‘sluts’, often with banners proclaiming
men can be feminists too since feminism is about (http://en.wikipedia feminist statements.
desiring and supporting equality for women. .org/wiki/Feminism)
Feminism is often associated with the 1960s / 70s as this is when the
public became more aware of many feminist writers and social policies
and laws began to change to ensure more equality for women. (
However, feminist ideas have been around for much longer. wiki/Slutwalk)

The origins of feminism

• The first wave of feminism came about in the early 1900s and
was concerned with creating equality between men and women.
It was based upon A Vindication of the Rights of Women by
Mary Wollstonecraft, which was written in 1792. First wave Exam Hint:- Background content is useful to help you
feminist focused on legal inequalities such as voting rights and understand the theory but it should not simply be regurgitated
property ownership and their cause was brought to public in the exam. If you wish to use feminist ideas, make sure you
apply them to a media text or form. Use the analyses of music
attention through the suffragette movement.
video and Nicki Minaj further on as a guide on how to use
• The second wave of feminism is mostly associated with the feminist approaches.
Women’s Liberation Movement, which started in the 1960s. Now
that women had equal voting rights in America and the United There are many different forms of contemporary feminism, reflecting
Kingdom, feminists were interested in ensuring equality the many different types of women in the world and the range of
elsewhere in women’s lives, such as the workplace and family. issues that affect them. Some feminists are concerned only with the
In addition, some second wave feminists were concerned with impact of patriarchy whilst others also see class and ethnicity as
the impact of pornography on women since the mass media was important issues.
becoming a bigger part of people’s lives.

Type of feminism Description

Radical Feminism This type of feminism sees the cause of women’s oppression as men. It assumes that men deliberately exploit women as
this benefits them. One of the main aims of this theory is to address concerns over violence against women, especially in
sexual relationships.
Liberal Feminism This type of feminism is mainly concerned with gender socialisation in order to show that gender roles are not biologically
determined. The main aim of this type of feminism is to change the ways children are socialised into stereotypical gender
roles and to attempt to change social policy to improve the position of women within the family.
Marxist-Feminism This feminist approach looks at women’s oppression in relation to capitalism and the class system. One of the aims of
this type of feminism is to look at the role of domestic labour within capitalism, namely that women work in the home for
‘free’, and the role women play in producing the next generation of the labour force.
Black Feminism This approach is primarily concerned with black and Asian women’s experiences of oppression and exploitation. It
combines ideas about capitalism, patriarchy and anti-racism.
Postmodern Feminism This type of feminism is associated with third wave feminists. It acknowledges the diversity amongst women and
encourages individual women to find feminist ideas that combine with their own experiences of life to create a brand of
feminism suitable for them.

086. Applying Feminism Media Studies

Suffragettes and Suffragists

The difference between radical and liberal feminists can be seen in the historical example of suffragettes and suffragists. Both were
women’s groups interested in extending women’s rights in the late 19th and early 20th centuries but they had very different ways of
expressing and achieving their aims.

Liberal feminists - suffragists Radical feminists - suffragettes

The National Union of Women’s Some women felt that the
Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) was NUWSS were not making
formed in 1897 to unite several enough progress quickly
existing women’s groups who enough so they formed a
wanted the vote for women. They breakaway group called the
wanted to expand rights for all Women’s Social and Political
women and tried to achieve their Union. They believed
goals through moderate, peaceful strongly in what they were
and lawful means. They presented fighting for and were not
reasoned arguments at public afraid to use violent,
meetings and used petitions to raise confrontational and often
public awareness of their plight. illegal means to achieve their
aims. They wanted the same
( rights as men and their chosen way to reach this goal was
0_0_320_439.jpg) through ‘deeds not words’, most famously chaining
themselves to the railings outside Downing Street and the
houses of Parliament. (

Feminism and the Media

The male gaze is still evident
Since the second wave, feminists have been interested in the role
in contemporary Hollywood
the mass media plays in oppressing women or hindering their pursuit
films, such as Transformers
of equality. Some feminists are concerned with the ways in which
(2007). Megan Fox is
women are represented in the media and the effect these portrayals
portrayed in a highly
may have on the women themselves as well as men’s attitudes
sexualised way for men in the
towards women. There are many feminists who have written about
the mass media but this Factsheet will focus on Laura Mulvey’s
views of classic Hollywood cinema, Jean Kilbourne’s analysis of
advertising and Naomi Wolf’s discussion of the expectation for
women to be beautiful. ExxY/s1600/megan-fox-transformers.jpg)

Laura Mulvey’s analysis of classic Hollywood film- Mulvey’s ideas have been criticised by some who claim that the
making notion of a male gaze suggests that female viewers cannot derive
Laura Mulvey wrote Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema in any pleasure from watching Hollywood films. Critics claim that
1975 and it is probably the most well-known and most often used women can enjoy watching films from a male perspective and Mulvey
piece of feminist writing for Media Studies students. Mulvey does not take into account the complex variety of ways in which
posited that the cinematography of classic Hollywood films audiences consume and enjoy films.
objectifies women; the camera ‘looks’ at women as if were a male
and the woman is a desirable sexual object. She called this the male Jean Kilbourne’s analysis of advertising
gaze and suggested that women are either viewed in a ‘voyeuristic’ Jean Kilbourne started analysing the representations of women in
way, which makes them ‘whores’, or in a ‘fetishistic’ way, making advertising in 1979 with the documentary Killing Us Softly:
them ‘madonnas’ or virgins. Mulvey thought the only way to alter Advertising’s Image of Women. Since then she has updated the
the representations of women in film was to completely change the documentary three times, most recently with Killing Us Softly 4 in
cinematography of films by creating a new avant-garde style of 2010. (You can see extracts from this documentary on the Media
feminist film-making Education Foundation website.) As well as offering a feminist
reading of advertising, Kilbourne was also one of the first media
theorists to advocate media literacy as a means of preventing
The Outlaw, made in 1943, is
problems she saw as being caused by the mass media, such as
an example of Mulvey’s male
eating disorders and addictions.
gaze. Jane Russell is filmed
for the sexual gratification of
Much of what Kilbourne discusses in the Killing Us Softly
male viewers.
documentaries is the notion that advertising is selling more than
( w w w. b l e e d i n g c o o l . c o m / w p - products; it is also selling ideas of what it is to be ‘normal’ in our
content/uploads//2011/02/jane- society. She claims that the advertising industry makes a women’s
appearance the most important thing about her.

086. Applying Feminism Media Studies

Women feel they must strive for perfection but feel guilty and Feminism and Music Videos
ashamed when they cannot achieve the absolute flawlessness they The representation of women in R&B and hip-hop videos has been
are being told is ‘normal’. Kilbourne uses several examples of how an area of contentious debate for feminists in recent years. Many
images in advertising are manipulated to make the women in the feminists have looked at the lyrics and images used in these musical
adverts appear perfect. For example, images of Jessica Alba used in genres and there has been disagreement about whether the women
a Campari advertising campaign were heavily edited to reduce the portrayed are victims of patriarchal oppression or empowered female
size of her waist, hips and thighs whilst maintaining the size of her role models.
Writing on, a website aimed at a black audience
and covering news, opinions, politics and culture, writer Akotot
Ofori-Atta discusses some of the more provocative rap songs about
(http://hollywooddame. women that have caused widespread offence amongst feminists,
com/2008/12/08/jessica-alba- such as the 1992 Dr Dre song Bitches Ain’t Shit which refers to
photoshop-before-and-after-photos/ women as “hoes and tricks”, both slang terms for prostitutes. She
photoshopped-jessica-alba1-before- goes on to mention the controversy around Tip-Drill by Nelly, the
and-after/) title itself being a colloquialism for an ugly girl with an attractive
body. In the video, Nelly is seen to swipe a credit card between the
buttocks of a female dancer wearing a bikini, suggesting she is can
be paid to be ‘used’. Whilst the video’s co-producer, Harold Hardee,
claimed the video was “not really reality”, feminist media theorists
such as Sut Jhally believe that the representations of women in
Naomi Wolf’s The Beauty Myth music videos can have an impact on the behaviours of people in
Wolf’s ideas in The Beauty Myth (1991) follow on from Kilbourne’s real life. For example, in his documentary Dreamworlds 3: Desire,
analysis of representations of women in advertising. Wolf claims Sex and Power in Music Video, Jhally refers to the Puerto Rican
that the notion of ‘beauty’ is entirely socially constructed and Pride Day on July 11, 2000 in Central Park, New York where
patriarchal. By this she means that men in a given society create celebrations descended into chaos as men sprayed drinks over
rules of what is considered beautiful in women but this alters from passing women and ripped off their clothes. Jhally juxtaposes the
culture to culture. For example, for Western women, blond hair, a images from the real life events with footage from hip-hop videos,
slim figure and flawless skin are considered beautiful but in which show very similar events taking place but, as Jhally points
Mauritania, West Africa, women are seen as beautiful if they are out, the women in real life are not enjoying the experience. (Extracts
obese and have stretch marks. In the introduction to The Beauty from the documentary can be viewed on the Media Education
Myth, Wolf states: “The more legal and material hindrances women Foundation website.)
have broken through, the more strictly and heavily and cruelly images
Nelly’s video for Tip-Drill caused controversy due to its
of female beauty have come to weigh upon us. During the past
disrespectful treatment of women.
decade, women breached the power structure; meanwhile, eating
disorders rose exponentially and cosmetic surgery became the
fastest-growing specialty. More women have more money and power
and scope and legal recognition than we have ever had before; but
in terms of how we feel about ourselves physically, we may actually (image captured from Tip-Drill
music video)
be worse off than our unliberated grandmothers.” Wolf believes
that, even though women have achieved more equality in terms of
voting rights and regulations in the work place, male dominated
society continues to oppress women by making them focus to such
a great extent on how they look and whether they are ‘beautiful’.

Exam Hint:- If you are going to use the ideas of Mulvey,

Kilbourne or Wolf, make sure you apply them yourself to your Scenes reminiscent of a music video were seen during Puerto Rican
own choice of texts. Many of the examples these theorists used
Pride Day in New York’s Central Park.
are out-of-date now so you will need to ensure you have
contemporary examples to support your points.

Find an example of a print advert that
portrays a woman, such as the one below,
and carry out a feminist analysis. Is there
evidence of Kilbourne and Wolf ’s ideas
that women are told they must be flawless
and perfectly beautiful? Do you think the
image has been manipulated to make the
woman look more stereotypically
attractive? How might the advert make
women feel about themselves and about
other women? (
files/news/keira_knightley_chanel_ad_2009.jpg) (image captured from Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex and Power in Music Video)

086. Applying Feminism Media Studies

It is not just male artists who feminists have seen as portraying Case Study – Nicki Minaj
women in a negative way. One woman, who uses the name The female rapper Nicki Minaj is a good example of
NineteenPercent on her YouTube channel, offers a feminist analysis ‘respectability politics’ and shows how a female hip-hop artist
of Beyonce’s Who Runs the World (Girls), which she points out is has divided opinion over what it is to be a feminist in
factually incorrect. She says the message in the song only serves to contemporary hip-hop. For example, Gwendolyn D. Pough
distract young girls from real issues of female oppression that mean claims that simply by being hip-hop artists, women like Lil’ Kim
they do not, and currently cannot, ‘run the world’. For example, and Nicki Minaj are disrupting the male dominated genre.
NineteenPercent asks Beyonce how girls can ‘run the world’ when However, alternative views claim that the overtly sexualised
95% of recorded domestic abuse victims in American are female and style of Lil’ Kim and Minaj actually panders to male fantasy and
American women are paid, on average, 78% of what men earn. does little for women’s equality. Writing on the feminist blog
Gender Across Borders, Menda Francois says of female rappers:
”female rappers’ feminist leanings are often severely undermined
by their own pseudo-masculinity”, by which she means female
rappers are trying to be like male rappers. This can be seen in
Minaj’s song Stupid Hoes, which refers to women who have
criticized her using the same negative terms that male rappers
have previously used to refer to women.
Minaj has caused such volume of debate since she combines
notions of femininity that are usually seen as separate, namely
the virgin and the whore. For example, much of Minaj’s look is
The video for Beyonce’s Who Runs the World (Girls) can be viewed childish and doll-like and her movements and facial expressions
at: in her videos can be seen as emphasizing this. She has even been
represented as a Barbie doll, in a sealed box complete with
accessories, to promote her free mixtape download Barbie World
released in January 2010. In addition, Mattel made a limited edition
Nicki Minaj Barbie doll in December 2011 to auction for charity.
Nicki Minaj often portrays Mattel made a Minaj Barbie
herself as doll-like. doll in December 2011.

NineteenPercent’s feminist response Who Runs the World (Lies)

can be viewed at:
( (
Activity 2010-12/1292509059_nicki- images/855/barbb.jpg/)
Choose a music video and analyse the representations of women minaj.jpg)
in the song lyrics and the video imagery. Are they derogatory However, juxtaposed with this is Minaj’s style of rapping which
towards women? Is the gender of the artists relevant to the is explicit and sexually provocative. She uses profanity and
messages about women that are evident? Can you offer a insults in much the same way that mainstream, male gangster
feminist reading of the song? rappers do which is at odds with her Barbie doll persona. This
combination of masculine and feminine traits is expressed by
Other feminists are less concerned with what male hip-hop artists Minaj in her song Roman’s Revenge, which starts with the line “I
are saying about women and believe the focus should be on female am not Jasmine, I am Aladdin”, referring to the characters in
artists working within the music industry. For example, Joan Morgan, Disney’s animated children’s film Aladdin, and rejecting the idea
who refers to herself as a ‘hip-hop feminist’, believes that feminists that, despite her appearance, she is a ‘Disney princess’.
should not be spending time analysing lyrics and finding sexism Some feminists would claim that Minaj is undermining herself
within them because that has been done too many times before and and other women by using imagery usually associated with
everyone knows it is there. She believes it is more important for female oppression and by becoming masculine to succeed in a
feminists to focus on ‘respectability politics’ by which she means male dominated industry. For example, the Barbie imagery
the ways that women, especially black women, are kept from freely emphasises appearance over all else and the use of terms like
expressing their sexuality by notions of what is decent and ‘bitch’ and ‘hoe’ replicate unacceptable male behaviours.
respectable. However, postmodern feminists would claim that Minaj is
combining elements of her personality to create her own brand
Acknowledgements: This Media Studies Factsheet was researched and written by Helen
of feminism. She enjoys the femininity associated with dressing
McDonald. Curriculum Press, Bank House, 105 King Street, Wellington, TF1 1NU. Media up in a ‘girlie’ way but has a tough and aggressive side to her
Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their too. Postmodern feminism would support this approach as Minaj
school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior
is being the women she wants to be with no apologies to either
permission of the publisher. ISSN 1351-5136 men or women.

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