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Drew Titus

292 Bridges Farm Road

Mooresville, NC 28115
3 January 2018

Dear Mr. Alburger,

Within my Pride Paper I plan on studying further into the topic of marketing. Having a job
within public relations(PR) is ideal for me due to my strong skills in communication and the
controlling of an image that the public has of a company and/or product. Though my passion lies
with PR studying the entirety of the marketing process is significantly more important due to the
fact that understanding your role in the process helps one understand both their significance and
how to properly execute their job

Considering I am now in the beginning stages of the process with only my sources collected, I
have a general idea for the layout of the paper. Towards the beginning there will be a lengthy
explanation of what marketing is as a whole and the role it plays within a business. Once the
introductory chunk of the paper is complete, it will move onto the “knitty gritty” portion
explaining the many pieces of the puzzle and certain common practices used in the workplace.
Wrapping up the paper will be a guide on how one shall learn from each marketing campaign
they are a part of and reflect upon their actions. My current hope is that the paper will flow very
easily and be a “comprehensive guide to the marketing profession.”

At the moment I have not acquired a mentor, but hope to gain one who has a focus in the PR
community. I have reached out to a number of people I have considered as mentors, those being
Barbara Dunkleman, a marketing lead at Rooster Teeth, and a few other less notable people. For
those that I have made contact with they are open to the idea, but seek more information that has
been promised by myself as I receive it. As for their role in my project, I am unsure what my
project will be so I cannot say with absolute certainty, but I am hopeful it will turn out well.,dx

I have read Pine Lake’s ethics guide and understand that plagarism, either intentional or
unintentional, will result in a zero on my paper.


Drew Titus

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