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HASS: Geography marking rubric

Students name:

Criteria Poor Developing Good Notes

Demonstrates an
understanding of the
cardinal directions.
Demonstrates an
understanding of the
world map.

Knows and can briefly

describe what a continent
Can identify and describe
a natural feature.
Can identify and describe
a constructed feature.
Can identify and describe
a managed feature.
Demonstrates an
understanding of how to
look after each of these
Uses observation to
describe change in
natural, constructed and
managed features.
Demonstrate an
understanding of the
location of different
places (retail, police,
recreation etc).

Additional notes:

Teacher signature:

Australian Curriculum Links: HASS

The natural, managed and constructed features of places, their location, how they change and how they can
be cared for (ACHASSK031)
Activities in the local place and reasons for their location (ACHASSK033)

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