Practica Project

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Buiatti - Timoteo

Trainees: Yamile Timoteo – Victoria Buiatti

Subject: Espacio a la práctica docente IV

Teacher: Mariel Rojo.

Let’s build a Time Machine.

 Contextualization:
The observations have been completed in order to get an overview about students’
knowledge, preferences, and students’ way of working and learning. Those observations
have been carried out in 4th year section B, Social Studies, Instituto Nuestra Señora del
Perpetuo Socorro.
First of all, we have observed that the teacher tries to motivate students by asking them
about everyday topics, such as the football World Cup, their daily lives, and their favourite
musicians. For this reason students are not afraid of making mistakes when they take part
in speaking activities. What is more, they do not seem to have difficulties in learning a
second language or following the teacher’s commands. However, teenagers get bored
easily when the activity or the topic is not interesting so they use their phones and talk to
their partners instead of paying attention to the teacher. As result, we have designed the
following project in order to get students’ attention through engaging tasks and teaching
resources. The main aim is to encourage them to use the language in communicative
situations. What is really important is the fact that the students have already got
knowledge about regular and irregular verbs, the past form of the verb to be, the
structures of past simple and present perfect simple tenses, and vocabulary about current
Finally, it is important to bear in mind that students make the effort to speak in English.
Therefore the project will be focused on developing their learning skills and creativity
through an energetic environment, so it is necessary to invite everyone to work and try
not to lose the purpose of the classes: The time machine will be decorated with pictures
and sentences that show the use of passive voice and reported speech.
 Educative purpose:
The educative purpose is focused on guiding students to use their previous knowledge and
new knowledge to use the second language as a communicative resource. For this reason
the general purpose is related to help them to speak in English according to what they
have already learnt and what they find easy to remember and express.
 Specific learning aims:
o To understand the difference between present and past form of passive voice.
o To communicate their preferences according to a real context.
o To provide information about current topics, such as food, technology and
o To communicate ideas by making use of the passive voice (Present and past forms)
and the reported speech.
Buiatti - Timoteo

 Linguistic exponents:
o Verb to be + past participle verb: Sugar is produced in San Miguel del Tucumán.
o Regular and Irregular verbs: exported, produced, spoken, written.
o Past form of verb to be + past participle: The Simpsons were created by Matt
o Reported speech: She said she went to Mar del Plata last week.
 Teaching strategies:
The teacher strategies are based on TBL and PBL in order to change the traditional way of
teaching and to allow students to take part in the learning process. In this case, students
will have the opportunity to guess what they are going to do and the teacher will guide
them to a main purpose. These kinds of strategies require didactic material which has to
catch students’ attention and facilitate the process of acquiring a new knowledge:
pictures, posters, flashcards, games, and role plays. Moreover, inviting students to work in
groups or in pairs is another feature which tries to break the traditional way of teaching in
order to create an cooperative atmosphere instead of encouraging competition among
students. However the topics are not presented directly to students but they should be
discovered through asking questions (PBL) and they should three steps: preparation, core
task and follow up. What is more, the intervention of the teacher becomes to “lose”
power little by little when students create their autonomy and start using their knowledge
about the second language: The main purpose of these strategies is related to achieving
students’ autonomy so that they will be able to learn on their own in the future without
requiring the presence of a teacher.
 Resources:
o Blackboard.
o Colored chalk.
o Pictures.
o Flashcards.
o Games.
o Worksheets.
o Posters.
o A “time machine” decorated by the students.
 Evaluation:
o What is going to be evaluated is:
-Participation and cooperation during activities.
-Comprehension of the topic.
o The way which is going to be evaluated:
- Oral and writing: writing sentences, asking questions, interviewing and giving
o The resources that are used in order to evaluate:
-Worksheets about the topics we are working with.
-A practical assignment.
- Flashcards with pictures.
Buiatti - Timoteo

-Power point presentations.

-The elaboration of different “Time Machines”
 Time: 12 lessons (12 hours)

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