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Date : ……………………………………

Subject : Application for the replacement of faulty Refrigerator on behalf of Mr.XYZ.


I ABC son of XYZ , resident of 232 PARA X want to replace our Refrigerator on behalf of my father , as he
is on duty and will not be able to replace by himself.

XYZ is a consumer of PQR with consumer number 4770 since 27-September-2050 .

LPG regulator no. …………………………. Is not working properly because of that it leaks gas which can be
very dangerous . So, kindly replace this faulty gas regulator with a new one , For this I have attached all
required documents along with this application. Kindly process our request, We will be very thankful .

Yours Truly


On behalf of Mr. XYZ


Customer signature …………………………………

Applicant Signature…………………………………..

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