Simple Machines: Load Distance. Effort Distance. Effort and The Load

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1.   A machine is an instrument used to overcome a larger load with less

effort or force.

2.   Simple machines include:

      (a)   lever           (d)   wheel and axle
      (b)   wedge        (e)   screw
      (c)   pulley         (f)    inclined plane  

3.   Several simple machines are combined together to form a complex

machine. The examples of complex machines are cars, airplanes, food
processes and tractors.

4.   A lever consists of:

      (a)   A piece of bar which is free to turn about a fixed point or fulcrum.
      (b)   An effort is the force applied to overcome another force or the load.    
Types of Levers
5.   A simple lever is shown in the Figure above.
First class lever

      (a)   The perpendicular distance of the load from the fulcrum is called
load distance.
      (b)   The perpendicular distance of the effort from the fulcrum is called     
effort distance. 1.   The first class lever is indicated by the fulcrum placed between the
effort and the load.
6.   Levers are called force magnifiers because they magnify the amount of
a force. 2.   The effort and load act in opposite directions from the fulcrum.

3.   When the distance of effort from the fulcrum, a small force is used to
move a large load.
3.   The turning effect of the effort increases when the distance of effort
from the fulcrum is greater
      than the distance of load from the fulcrum.

4.   A large force is produced to overcome a large load.


4.   When the distance of load from the fulcrum is greater than the distance
of effort from the fulcrum,
      a large force is used to move a small load.



Third class lever



     1.   In the third class lever, the effort is between the fulcrum and the load.
Second class lever
2.   The load moves a longer distance, but the effort moves a shorter
1.   In the second class lever, the load is between the fulcrum and the effort. distance.

2.   The load acts in opposite direction with the effort. 3.   A large force is applied to move a small load.
4.   A small movement produces a large movement.       (a)   The amount of force used
      (b)   The perpendicular distance


The moment of a Force
1.   When someone uses a bottle opener to open a bottle cap, some force is 6.   The direction of the turning effect determines whether the moment of a
applied on the bottle opener. force is a clockwise or anti-clockwise moment.
2.   The moment of a force is the turning effect used when some force is
applied to open the bottle cap.


Applications of the lever principle

3.   It is easier to open the bottle cap by holding the can opener at the end of 1.   Figure above shows a balanced see-saw. John who is 50 kg sits 3 m
the handle as shown in away from the fulcrum. Adam who is 30 kg sits 5 m away from the fulcrum.
      the Diagram above (b) because the turning effect is greater.

4.   The turning effect depends on:


1.   An invention is the making of new machines, engines, tools or other

useful objects that no one else has thought of before or it can be an
improvement on something that has been produced by someone else.

     2.   Since ancient days, people have invented many types of machines and
      If John moves 1.5m away from the fulcrum, how far from the tools to make their work easier.
fulcrum should Adam sits to keep the see-saw in balance?
      Solution 3.   In ancient Egypt, shaduf was used to transfer water from one place
      John's weight x John distance from the fulcrum = Adam's weight x to another and to irrigate farm lands.
Adam's distance from the fulcrum (y)

2.   Calculate the amount of effort required to keep the following lever in



      Load x load distance      
      = Effort (E) x effort distance. 4.   We should be grateful and appreciate the inventions done by scientists
to make our work easier and our lives more comfortable.

5.   Modern life demands sophisticated and efficient machines to carry out

complex tasks.
6.   Modern tractors were invented to replace animals to plough farms and
to harvest crops.

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