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* Project Director,, International Iron and Steel Institute, Brussels

** Vice-Head, Life Cycle Engineering Dept, IKP, Stuttgart University, Germany


The International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI – has initiated the
development of a comprehensive package of interactive e-learning resources for
undergraduate students and steel industry employees ( The
package will cover many aspects of steel production, steel applications, the underlying
scientific, metallurgical and engineering principles, and associated environmental issues.

IISI is developing a module on Sustainability, Steel and the Environment for This will provide users of this website with an understanding of the
complex interactions between economic, social and environmental issues that underpin
sustainability and will give them an awareness of the principles behind Life Cycle Thinking
and its derived tool Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the standard procedures that are
adopted when undertaking LCA.

Examples from the automotive, construction and steel industries will be provided. These will
enable the users to identify relevant environmental effects and the impacts of steel making
processes, products and applications. They will be able to understand and use the steps taken
in LCA studies - Goal and Scope definition, Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI), Life Cycle
Impact Assessment (LCIA) and Interpretation - by studying practical situations and scenarios
that are relevant to the steel industry and its supply chain. will give its users the understanding, tools, and confidence to use LCA in
their decision-making and it is intended that it will inspire them to make a personal
contribution to a sustainable world.


In response to growing concerns about the sustainability of ferrous metallurgy, the

International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) is creating an interactive website offering
comprehensive and highly interactive e-learning resources on steel technologies for students,
their teachers and employees in the steel industry supply chain – The motivations for include the declining
numbers of students studying the subject, the declining number of material science
departments at universities around the world and the retirement of professors and industrial
experts with a life time experience in steels. will cover all aspects of steel processing, products and applications and the
underlying scientific, engineering and metallurgical principles. The core of this free e-
learning resource will be an integrated series of process simulations, in which the learner
takes control of a virtual steel works and makes a variety of steel types from raw materials
and steel scrap to final product. The aim of IISI is to rekindle the students’ excitement about
steel and the prospects of challenging and rewarding careers in the steel industry. It will also
provide low cost in-house training and continuing professional development opportunities for
steel industry employees. It is envisaged that the website will be fully developed by 2008. has been selected as a finalist of the European Academic Software Award
(EASA) for 2004.

What currently provides

Currently three modules are available on the website, dealing with
secondary steelmaking and steel selection for automotive and construction markets.

In the secondary steelmaking exercise, the learner is presented with a ladle containing up to
250 tonnes of liquid steel at a temperature of over 1600°C. They are invited to refine this to
meet one of four specifications (a microalloyed construction grade, an ultra-low carbon steel
for car body panels, a low alloy engineering steel and a low sulphur linepipe grade). Each
specification requires a different composition and process route. The learner has to decide
what process route to adopt through the steel plant, that includes a ladle furnace, two
degassing facilities and a CaS-OB unit, Fig. 1. They have to decide what additions to make
and where and when to make them, how to remove certain elements such as carbon, oxygen,
sulphur and hydrogen and get the steel to the appropriate continuous casting machine at the
required temperature and time at the minimum cost.

To help the learner, a user manual and supplementary learning activities are available. These
cover the chemical reactions, kinetics and physical interactions between liquid metal, ionic
slags, refractories and the atmosphere, including decarburisation, deoxidation,
desulphurisation, dephosphorisation, inclusion formation and the physical and chemical
characteristics of slags, providing vivid examples of the practical application of
thermodynamics – a difficult subject for many students to grasp but essential for the effective
operation of a modern steelworks and the production of high quality steels.

Feedback is given at the end of the exercise including the costs incurred and a log showing the
temperature and composition changes during the simulation (Fig. 2).

Another module requires the student to operate in multi-disciplinary team with the objective
of selecting a suitable material (a high strength strip steel) to reduce the weight of a car door
panel by 25%, in order to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. This is based on the IISI
ULSAB AVC and ULSAC projects ( The student has to
consider alternative materials, design options, fabrication issues and corrosion protection.
Again, feedback is given on the weight and cost reduction and whether the door panel can be
satisfactorily manufactured (Fig. 3).

Both these exercises can be for private study and also as competitions between individuals or
teams of students, recent graduate recruits or even managers.

A recently completed module enables the student to study the different types of steels used in
the construction industry, the largest market for steel, identifying the major structural actions
and functional requirements and the product form, properties and compositions of the steels
used. Interactive exercises then allow the student to explore the difference between strength
and stiffness for different designs and loading conditions.

In a forthcoming module the student will be able to conduct on-line testing of strength and
toughness and to determine the modulus, yield and tensile strength and ductility and the
ductile-to-brittle impact transition temperature of different steels.

Sustainability, Steel and the Environment

Sustainability and sustainable development are at the heart of the IISI’s mission. Its aim is for
steel to be valued as a major foundation of our modern world – This means reducing the environmental footprint of the steel
products over their entire life cycle and working with customers to design better steel-based
products, maximizing the environmental and economic benefits to be derived from the
recyclability of steel at the end of the product’s life and using steel to construct houses,
schools, hospitals, factories, sports facilities, transport, domestic appliances, packaging and
the infrastructure for transport, energy and clean water and sanitation, etc. It means creating
secure highly skilled jobs in a technically advanced innovative industry and attracting and
retaining the best graduates into the industry and providing a healthy and safe work place.

To contribute to the achievement of this vision, a new module for is

currently being developed entitled “Sustainability, Steel and the Environment”. This will start
with an exploration of the many facets of sustainability. Students are asked to consider
whether a variety of social, economic and environmental issues are related to sustainability
and sustainable development. Armed with this information about the complex interactions
that contribute to sustainability, the student then discovers the major environmental impacts
of human activity, their causes and effects. This includes sections on global warming,
eutrophication, acidification, photochemical ozone creation, ozone depletion, resource
depletion and human toxicity. The car is used as a familiar product on which to illustrate these
phenomena, Fig. 4. The reasons why steel is the dominant metal in the world are examined
and explained.

The principles of Life Cycle thinking and cradle-to-grave concepts are then introduced and
explained, with examples from the steel and automotive industries, Fig. 5. Material and
energy input and output flows are studied interactively. The recyclability of steel is
highlighted as one its main attractions and contributions to sustainability.

The methodology for conducting Life Cycle Assessment studies, based on the ISO 14040
series, is then outlined. It starts with the definition of the goal and scope of the study,
including the definition of an appropriate functional unit and the system boundaries. These are
followed by a Life Cycle Inventory Analysis, gathering all the environmentally relevant
quantitative information of the system under examination. A Life Cycle Impact Assessment,
evaluating the system from the environment’s point of view is then undertaken and finally an
Interpretation of the findings is conducted. Examples of Assessments are offered from the
steel, automotive and construction sectors. The learner undertakes an analysis of selected
parameters of the system and their associated environmental impacts, Fig. 6. This relies
heavily on the intensive studies undertaken by IISI and its member companies and partners to
create a cradle-to gate life cycle inventory for the steel industry (1-3), details of which are
available from the Life Cycle Manager at IISI;

The role of the individual, either designer or consumer is revealed by allowing the learner to
explore the environmental consequences of using a high strength steel to reduce the weight of

a car and the effects of car sharing for traveling to work. To test the understanding gained in
this module, the learner is asked to identify the origins of selected outputs or emissions from
the steel plant. An exercise is then offered to enable the learner to compare the effects of
using scrap steel in the Electric Arc Furnace or the Basic Oxygen Furnace. The results may
not be exactly what they initially expected! The learner also studies the energy consumed and
emissions in manufacturing the materials and the construction of cars and buildings with that
consumed and emitted during their use, again with, perhaps, surprising results.

It is hoped that this resource will give the student and industry employee detailed awareness
of environmental issues and the inspiration and confidence to apply the life cycle concepts
and use Life Cycle Assessment tools and procedures in their personal and working lives and
hence make their contribution to a sustainable world.

Future Plans for

During 2004/5 several new modules and simulations are being added to the website. These include Electric Arc Furnace and Basic Oxygen Furnace
Steelmaking, Continuous Casting, Steel Properties and Strengthening Mechanisms,
Recrystallisation and Engineering Steels. More modules are to be added in the following two
years, dealing with the blast furnace, refractories, cold rolling and coatings, steels for
packaging and energy industries, stainless steels and more on environmental management in
the steel industry.

Another feature that is planned for is an on-line directory of teaching and
research expertise on steel technologies in academia and industry. This is aimed at facilitating
knowledge transfer, problem solving and finding research partners between steel industry and

Member companies of IISI will be able to promote training and career opportunities at, through links to their company websites, and case studies of successful
careers in the steel industry will be highlighted. Universities will also be able to advertise
research and training opportunities that are relevant to the steel industry.

Links to other relevant e-learning resources will also be provided.

Summary is an ambitious Internet e-learning project, which is intended to: -

• Sustain ferrous metallurgy knowledge in universities and in industry – putting the urge
back into metallurgy!
• Excite and inform students and their teachers about steel and provide practical steel–
related examples to illustrate the applications of scientific, metallurgical and
engineering principles.
• Stimulate students about the challenging and rewarding career opportunities in the
steel industry, by giving them an insight into what jobs in the industry are about.
• Demonstrate the on-going innovations in steel processing and steel product
developments to steel users and potential customers.
• Provide valuable in-service training and life-long learning for employees in the steel
industry supply chain at reduced cost.
• Facilitate research partnerships between academic and steel industry experts.

• Promote university courses and research opportunities in academia relevant to steel
• Demonstrate the commitment and contribution of the steel industry to a sustainable
world and to the knowledge economy.
• Stimulate students and employees to have the commitment and confidence to use Life
Cycle Assessment techniques to support their decision making in the personal and
professional lives.

Any feedback or offers of assistance and other contributions to the development of should be made to the Project Director -


1. World Steel Life Cycle Inventory, Methodology Report 1999-2000, IISI, 2002
2. Life Cycle Inventory study of the Ultralight Steel Auto Body – Advanced Vehicle
Concepts Vehicle Production System, V.M. Smith, G.A.Keoleian, R.L.Williams and
S.T.Chubbs, JSAE 20037117, SAE 2003-01-2838
3. A comparative environmental life cycle assessment of modern office buildings, K J Eaton
and A Amato, Steel Construction Institute, 1998


We should like to thank the International Iron and Steel Institute and its member companies
for their financial support and encouragement to create We are also
indebted to the industrial experts, Lionel Aboussouan (IISI), Toni Hemminki (Rautaruukki),
Colin Honess (Corus) and Iain Millar (Corus) who have assisted with the preparation of the
storyboard for this module and the MATTER team at the University of Liverpool for
converting this into a web-based e-learning resource.

Fig. 1: The Secondary Steelmaking Simulation

Fig.2: Feedback on the Temperature and Composition Changes during the Secondary
Steelmaking Simulation

Fig.3 Feedback at the end of the Car Door Weight Reduction Exercise

Dry and warm



Hydrocarbons Nitrogen oxides Hydrocarbons Nitrogen oxides


Stratosphere Ozone layer

15 – 30 km Absorption Absorption

Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential CFCs Nitrogen oxide


Ozone Depletion Potential

Reflec tion


th e

a ttm

m o
sp h

Global Warming Potential


Air pollution

Fig 4 Storyboard to Illustrate Environmental Effects


Waste water
NH4+ NO3-
Acidification Potential
Eutrophication Potential
Fig. 4 Storyboard to illustrate Environmental Impact

Raw Material Material
Extraction Processing Manufacturing Use End of Life

Recycle Remanufacture Reuse

Fig. 5: Storyboard to Illustrate Life Cycle Thinking

Scales Argon (Ar)

Coke Making Iron Scraps Sulphur (S)
Synthetic Slag Fluorspar (CaF2, fluorite)
Coke Recarbiding Agent Carbone Dioxide (CO2)
Petroleum Coke Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)
Calcium Carbide (CaC2) Refractories Liquified Petroleum Gas
Magnesium (Mg) Blast Furnace Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Casting Powder Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Manganese Ore (Mn, ore)
Dolomite (CaCO3-MgCO3, crude) Oil Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Hot Metal Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4)
Pig Iron Lime (CaO)
Waste Water
Waste Water
Electricity (G1) BOF STEEL Treatment Plant
Natural Gas MAKING Desulf. - Dephosph.- Desilic. Slags
Other Energies
Other Energies Desulphurisation
Steam Dephosphoration
Desiliconisation De-Dustings Hot Metal Treatment Dust
Compressors Compressed Air Waste Refractories
Sintered Iron Secondary BOF
Secondary Dedusting Coke Making
Moltered Iron Dust
Iron Ore Blast Furnace
Other BOF Gas BOF Gas Dust Other process stages
Coke Making COG Gas De-Dustings
(primary, dry) Flare
Blast Furnace BF Gas
Gas Wet Gas De-
Oxygen (O2) Dusting (tertiary) Cleaned Gas BOF Gas (1) Power Plant
Oxygen Making Basic Oxygen
Nitrogen (N2) Furnace
Aluminium External
Copper Electrodes Released Water
Scraps Decantation & Recirculated Water
Predecantation BOF Gas Fine Sludge
Ferro Manganese Purge Treatment
Metallic Additives
Ferro Boron Metallurgy BOF Gas Coarse Sludge
Ferro Calcium Light Fuel Oil
Ferro Chromium BOF Slag Processing BOF Slag
Ferro Molybdenium Ingot Casting BOF Dust
Ferro Niobium
Crylene (C20H33NO6S) Metallurgy Sludge
Ferro Phosphorous
Ferro Silicium Acetylene (C2H2) Metallurgy Dust
Ferro Titanium Continuous Casting Metallurgy Slag
Silico Manganese Sludge Clarification
Scales Continuous Casting Scales
Unspecified Untreated Water
Water Softening Softened Water Cutting Continuous Casting Sludge

Water Deionizing Deionized Water Air (a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2, fossil)
Emissions (a) Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Slabs-Blooms-Billets (a) Nitrous Oxides (N2O)
Ingots Steam Electricity (a) Particulates
(a) Sulphur Oxides (SOx as SO2)
(a) Nitrogen Oxid (NOx as NO2)
Hot Strip Mill
(a) Zinc (Zn)
Rod and Bar Rolling (a) Lead (Pb)
Section Rolling (a) VOC
Heavy Plate Rolling

Fig. 6: Storyboard for Material Flows in Basic Oxygen Furnace

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