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ChBE 2120, Numerical Methods, Paravastu Section, Fall 2018
Quiz 1
1) (5 points) The following function is meant to test whether or not a list of numbers contains only zeros, but
Anant screwed it up. The input list L is assumed to contain at least one number. Correct the mistakes in this
MATLAB function.
function [ ZeroList ] = TestIfZeroList( L )
%Input: L is a list of numbers of any length greater than or equal to 1.
%Output: ZeroList will be 1 if L contains only zeros and 0 otherwise.
if L(1) ~= 0 %~= means NOT EQUAL

ZeroList = 1;
elseif length(L) > 2
ZeroList = TestIfZeroList(L(2:end));
ZeroList = 1;

2) (5 points) There is a simpler way to accomplish what TestIfZeroList does in Problem 1 above. Write a new function
to accomplish the task in the following 3 steps:
Step 1: Square every number in L. The resultant list can only contain positive numbers and zeros.
Step 2: Add up every number in this new list. To do this, you may use MATLAB’s built-in “sum”
Step 3: If the resultant sum is greater than 0, then there must have been at least one nonzero element in L.
Implement Steps 1-3, starting with the function header below.

function [ ZeroList ] = TestIfZeroList( L )

%Input: L is a list of numbers of any length greater than 1.
%Output: ZeroList will be 1 if L contains only zeros and 0 otherwise.
squared L L
if sunksquared O
Zerolist 0
3. (5 points) What is the output to the following function call, for the (incorrect) function BisectionMethod below? Note
that by default MATLAB’s sin function works in radians, not degrees.
>> [xllist, xulist] = BisectionMethod(@(x)sin(x), 3, 3)

function [ xllist, xulist] = BisectionMethod ( f, xl, xu)

3 3
xllist = 1:0.5:2;
Xl list I 1.5 z
xulist = 1:2;
for i = 1:2 xulist112
xr = (xu+xl)/2; Xr xr 3 3
if f(xl)*f(xr) < 0
xu = xr; false false
elseif f(xl)*f(xr) > 0

xl = xr;
xu = xr;
xl = xr;
xulist(i) = xu; Xulist
3 2 Xul 3 3
xllist(i) = xl;
end xllist 31.5 23 1 3

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