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Hello Teacher and classmates:

In agreement with the activity 5, I send step 1. Warming Up: Answer a Survey on movies

The Best Films

1. What is the best film you’ve seen recently?

The best film I have seen recently is Embrace of the serpent

2. Who was starring in it?

Was starring by Nilbio Torres and Antonio Bolivar.

Horror Films

1. Do you enjoy horror movies?

I don’t like.

2. What is the scariest movie you have seen?

Exorcism of Emily Rose


1. Do you like to watch comedies?

Yes, I do like.

2. Who is the funniest actor?

Jim Carrey.

Actions films

1. Do you enjoy action films?

Yes, I do, but some are boring, because they are outside reality.

2. Is it OK for young kids to watch video on TV?

If they are educational video if otherwise not be right.

Movie going

1. How often do you go to the movies?

I go to the movies spontaneously, usually every 3 months or when in a good movie billboard.

2. Who do you usually go with?

I go with my boyfriend or my mother and my sister.

The worts films

1. What is the worst film you’ve seen recently?

The worst film I have seen recently is The conjuring 2.

2. Who was starring in it?

It was by Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson.

In agreement with the activity 5, I send step 2

I love watching movies. At the cinema. 1) on TV, or on my computer.I’m a big movie fan and love
2) Old the news my favorite movie stars. I like all kinds of movies-Hollywood blackbusters, black
and white movies 3) fifties , independent movies..They’re all good. Recently 4) I was watching
foreing movies.I like the films that come out of Bollywood- they’re very different. The first film I
saw at the movie theatre was Star Wars 5) it was made whit the special effects. Nowadays, so
many movies have such good computer graphics that we 6) forget that special the effects are. One
of my favorite ways of relaxing 7) is to rent latest DVD and sit on the sofa with a big bag of potato
chips. The sound has to be 8) up to the max and the lights have to be off.


Answer the following survey on movies and write and share your answers in the forum:

The Best Films

1. What is the best film you’ve seen recently

Mi. papa es un gato

2. Who was starring in it

Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Christopher Walken

Horror Films

1. Do you enjoy horror movies?

No, I don't like horror movies

2. What is the scariest movie you have seen?

The ring, and the last house on the left


1. Do you like to watch comedies?

Yes, I like watch comedies

2. Who is the funniest actor?

Adam Richard Sandler

Action Films

1. Do you enjoy action films

Yes, I like action Movie

2. Is it OK for Young kids to watch violence on TV

No this not well for young kids watch violence on TV

Movie Going

1. How often do you go to the movies?

I go the movies every two months

2. Who do you usually go with?

Usually I go with my friend and my children’s and husband

3. What was the last movie that you saw?

Mi. papa es un gato

The Worst Films

1. What is the worst film you’ve seen recently?

The saga of Crepúsculo

2. Who was starring in it?

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart


Listen to a man talking about his preferences on movies (likes, dislikes, etc.) and fill in the gaps.
Click here:

Write and share your answers in the forum.

Try listening at least 3 times and pay attention to pronunciation.

PASO 2: escuchar una grabación en un minuto sobre películas

Escuchar a un hombre hablando de sus preferencias en películas (gustos, disgustos, etc.) y llenar
los vacíos. Haga clic aquí:

Escribir y compartir sus respuestas en el foro.

Intente escuchar al menos 3 veces y prestar atención

. 5)

I love watching movies. At the cinema, 1) on TV or on my computer. I’m a big movie fan and
love 2) all the news of my favourite movie stars. I like all king of movies – Hollywood blockbusters,
black and white movies 3) from the fifty , independent movies… They’re all good. Recently 4) I've
got into watching foreign movies. I like the films that come out of Bollywood – they’re very
different. The first film I saw at the movie theatre was Star Wars 5) I was amazed the special
effects. Nowadays, so many movies have such good computer graphics that we 6) forget how
special the effects are. One of my favourite ways of relaxing 7) is to rent latest DVD and sit on the
sofa with a big bag of potato chips. The sound has to be 8) up to the max and the lights have to be


Write a short script for your recording.

· Talk about movies.

· Take into account the information you gave in step 1.

· Make comparisons among characters and movies.

· You can follow this guide to write your script

· Post it in the forum.

Escribir un guion corto para su grabación.

• Hablar de películas.

• Tener en cuenta la información que nos dio en el paso 1.

• Hacer comparaciones entre los personajes y las películas.

• Usted puede seguir esta guía para escribir su guión

The best film I’ve seen is Just Go with It Adam Sandler Was starring in it. I like movies like comedy
are very interesting. I go to the movies (frequency)every two months, with my family or with my
friend. The last movie I saw was mi papa es un gato and I like it because is very
educational I think that young kids should watch movies because can learn values. I don’t
remember the first film I saw at the movie theatre
The best film I’ve seen is mi papa es un gato. Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Christopher
Walken Was starring in it. I like movies like these, histories about the real life. I go to the movies
(frequency) every two months with my family and friends. The last movie I saw was big
Daddy and like it because the father teach things basic at your son. I think that young kids
should watch movies because can learn values. I don’t remember the first film I saw at the
movie theatre

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