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“This cffect is oe of Bem Harris! most closely guarded secrets. He's been sitting on this for over ten yeas, using it prvvately for the med aaporiant eoceauns only. itis Ben's very favounte trick of all tae because it eects all of his personal reqpairements lr the ikea fleet. Iyou are familiar with Ben's writings, you will know that be has always insisted tha the very strongest magical elferts appear to violabe natural fiw, As an example, “levitation” has always been one of the magician’s nnet paowertul effects because gravity appears to be controlled. Zoom certainly appears to vinkate the rw of nature. Farther 10 this, abe effect appears perfucmanoe. The object to be anmaated is 100% xa ea though ites cleverty gi se (beter tne headin reali, nen jaieay a el ane a oa way, Beetle pe A har cai | effect istaruper prowl It matters not if a testy spectator grals your hams or thr animated abject at amy pint during. performance Nothing will be discovered and you can instanthy pick up where you left off without any worries - isn't this just as it woukl bw if you had real auagical powers? These positive attributes inake Zoo the tle perfect magical denemstration of supposed peychokinetic powers Like all poce ins, this one is very sinaple, However, to meet all of the above criteria, Mr Hares has thowagh it all through in a thorough manner over the years. Whale nothing about Zou is eifficult, you do need to real these instructions very edosely in order to absorb the eietals. Don't just read the secret arid go-off into the sb without tally giving ths. a oor! work oat in petvate. Learn the subdbeties, understand the hws and whys before you take this into the public arena, Aplaving card is selerted! from the deck: ancl examined, The spectators are asked specifically to look foe “threads, enotors anne krapselisors” ~ srythineg Amon dep haa auremtions to Inarnself, rolls asks that his hanes be inspected ms sunpician The wh inapecter, Chive thie way, the former anno performer now waves his magical passes aver the tabledd card, He furrows bis brow as if arwenpainys w create 4 magical spell Alter a few moments of intense concentration, the card comes te file ard nave away from the : top. It shinimies along, sceranghy with ‘own_all the way into ane of the spectator's waiting hanes. Onee again, all may be examined sand then the effect repeated, This is one of these rare effects type of thread configured ity unig properties af the thread peopel the card foreard and away froan the hawel wile the spreciall configuration hides the thread Iboths before ane after ithe effect. This special set-up also makes i posable to get into and out of the performamnee in the nost nataral manner Please examine the enclosed] Zoam card. tis highly unlikely that you will find anything strange, lee aloe any thread, even thyogh yeu now kao it ‘exists, Layman ane fellow magicasns will alle fine vothing upon examination, place post before the corny at rach ent The rere thread is then trimmed away with a razor blacte ‘This thread is lwo Elastic Tivead, a very special ‘elastic thread available from your cradles. ‘Thesis the only theea that works correctly with this effect. ‘Yous have been supplied with some spare thread to make further Zoone cards once your original wears oot Ad the end af these instractiogs you will find detaiks on constructing Uhe card®, E:xact tenson and positionmng are vital, Fer sew theughs, let's b which consists of th ea look at the handling net pars: The Lecu-in, ‘The Peeformsarece ane The Lend-out. one oF two tricks with thee chosen card allowing spectators to handle the prepared-cand prior to commencing Zor. Ben's favourne method for the force is to construct 2% Zour Cards. These are all the red cards in the deck. Akternate these betwen the black cards, Now, have a spectator cut the deck, at any point, Climpse the bottom eard of the out off portion. [fit isa rect card, then say “tou!ve cut eo the (insert nanie of card) and then proceed, [fat asa thlack card, then refer te the still face-rowrn cart Tabled packet ax the chosen care This a bot of trouble to gw to but iffy regular clay ‘One the card is select sand roll ou In how to engage the thrend ina i by ft fosireed as Zoom

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